
Published on Jun 10, 2006


Bobby 4

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

Mark turned out to be a good friend and an even better sex partner. It wasn't love but it was damn good sex.

Life on our street changed after the attack. The pattern was for the hoodlums to return to the neighborhood for several times until they had used up the likely victims. Our neighborhood was awash in widows and single elderly women. Conrad was frantic. He was an elderly man, but he was naturally aggressive and protective. He was personally offended that the attack had occurred in his block.

We became his deputies and he found some other men in the neighborhood to help him in the day time. With Conrad's connections in the Police department, he got the low down on the gang. The Police assumed that it wasn't a single gang, but several. There was an original group and two copy cats. "It's possible that the original gang had set up branches, I guess," Conrad admitted. "But the original gang didn't use force much and never assaulted their victims. The group that got us was vicious. Most burglars don't like force if they can manage it and rarely go after an occupied house."

"Could they have recruited a psychopath?" I asked. "By accident, maybe?"

"I guess that's possible, but it would be out of character and dangerous," Conrad explained. "Apparently the original gang had been operating for several years, but the police thought it was just your basic burglary ring. When the attacks turned violent, the Police began to take it seriously. I hate to say it, but the crime rate is high. The Police tend to concentrate on violent crime, not on penny ante burglaries for the family silver and jewelry."

"I bet the widow women didn't see it as minor," Bobby observed. "These women are alone. They don't have anyone to protect them."

"These guys aren't interested in a fair fight," Conrad said.

"If I catch one, they won't get a fair fight from me!" Bobby exclaimed. "The guys I saw coming froM Mrs. Simpson's house didn't look that big to me. I'm sorry I didn't let Baskervill get them."

"I thought Baskervill was a friendly dog," I said. "He sure seems to have standards."

"I've been thinking about that," Conrad said. "My guess is, Baskervill is the only one who can actually identify them. I bet that hound knows exactly what they smell like." Baskervill was sitting next to Conrad and looked up knowingly as he heard his name.

Conrad recruited several neighbors to help in his neighbor hood watch group. George and Newton made up what Conrad called the Geezer Squad. George was a sixty-year-old florist. He was gay as a goose, but was friendly with several of the little old ladies. I didn't have much hope for him in a pinch, but he was genuinely concerned about his friends and wanted to help. Newton was a retired railroad man, he was almost seventy, but looked quite distinguished. He was tall and massive. Newton was a widower.

There were several younger men. Jorge was a new resident. He, his wife and five kids lived in a small house. Jorge was a drywaller and worked non stop to feed his wife and kids. Jorge was short and very muscular. He was very macho and he joined us because a man had to defend his woman. The last recruit was Johnny. He was the grandson of one of the residents who moved in with his Grandmother. Johnny was a good-for-nothing redneck, but with shoulder length hair and a Fu Manchu he looked scary.

We rotated patrolling the neighborhood. Bobby and I were the most regular, and the other men rotated. Johnny had a big German Shepherd, named Brunhilda, who looked fierce. Baskervill, who was horse hung and every inch a male, loved his new companion.

George brought his French Poodle, FeeFee. Baskervill liked her too. Baskervill liked everyone. Brunhilda didn't know he existed, other than when Baskervill had his nose at her ass every time he could. Fee Fee loved him.

It was three weeks later when I was walking the dog with George and FeeFee. Bobby was having dinner with some friends. Baskervill got a scent and became agitated. Baskervill was all business and he was pulling me down the street. He pulled me to an alley behind the houses and then went crazy. About mid block I saw a figure slipping behind a garage.

"Call the police!" I told George. "I can see something." George had a cell phone. Bassets are low slung, but they are big dogs. He barked in his deep bass and bolted, pulling the leash from my hands. He raced down the street. He went as fast as he could, but that wasn't very fast.

Whoever was in the alley began to run. I was about 40 feet behind Baskervill. FeeFee broke away from George and was in pursuit. Baskervill had almost caught him, when I saw he had a baseball bat. "He has a bat!" I screamed. That was stupid, since Baskervill obviously didn't know what a bat was. The man swung it at the dog and gave the animal a blow. Baskervill collapsed on the pavement. The man raced away, with FeeFee in hot pursuit.

I should have chased him, but I could hear sirens in the distance. I didn't want to have an up close and personal relationship with the bat, so I stopped to help Baskervill. He was still breathing. George joined me and took care of the dog and I went after the man, the sirens were really close now and I felt bolder. A second later there were police cruisers everywhere.

There was a massive search of the neighborhood, but they didn't find the man. We found the rear door of Mrs. Wilson's house broken in and Mrs. Wilson hiding in her locked bathroom. The man had almost made it in. It had been a close call.

Baskervill was stunned, but not seriously hurt. FeeFee returned a quarter hour later covered in blood. Poor George was hysterical. There was a vet helping Baskervill and he examined FeeFee. The poodle was unhurt. The blood was the purps. Somewhere in the deepest ancestry of the poodle there was a fierce hunter.

The detective in charge was elated. "It's a DNA banquet," he exclaimed. The detective had to take FeeFee to the lab to get samples. The detective didn't take George. George was still hysterical, but the dog was cool.

I carried Baskervill to Conrad and then took George home to give him a beer. He was a wreck. When I got him in the house, I realized he was covered in blood.

"If Lizzy sees this, she'll die," George whined. He rented his apartment from Lizzy, a rather frail and delicate elderly women. George looked like something the cat had dragged in after eating the good parts.

"Give me your clothes and I throw them in the washer," I said. "Take a shower and she'll never know the difference." I took his clothes to the washer and sent him into my room. As a construction worker I was use to getting bad stains out of clothes. I had stain removers and gave the blood stain a good scrubbing.

When I got back to my bedroom, George was drying off and talking with Bobby, who had returned. George had calmed down and was giving Bobby the details of the night's adventures. George was an old queen, but he was in good shape and well hung. Uncut, he had a six inch long organ framed by low hanging balls. His balls were huge.

The doorbell rang. I answered it. There was a huge, hulking man there. "Is George here? I heard he was in mugging?" he asked. I must have looked shocked. The man was huge. "I'm Grady. George is a friend of mine."

"He's here," I said. "Come in."

He came in and saw George. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I heard the dog was hurt?" From the way Grady spoke, I could tell he and George were really close.

"Everything's fine, I'm okay and FeeFee is in better shape than me," George said. "FeeFee is a hero. She chased the slime ball and got him."

"What happened to your clothes?" Grady asked.

"George laughed gave Grady a full explanation of what had happened. Now that he had calmed down, Georges explanations were clearheaded and presented without a dramatic flourish. Grady wore working clothes, with his name embroidered on his shirt pocket with the logo of the Firestone Tire Company. He was covered in grime, but I knew the clothes had been clean that morning. He must have been 6-6 or 6-7 and more than 300 pounds. I offered him a beer and we all sat down.

I noticed Bobby was looking at Grady. Glancing at Grady, I saw he noticed Bobby's attention. He turned slightly toward Bobby and scratched his balls. This rearranged his equipment so it would show better. Bobby smiled. I called the Police Station to see how FeeFee was doing. They were going to keep the dog overnight. The dog was asleep. FeeFee had been the center of attention at the station. The cops thought an attack Poodle was funny. She had done all of her tricks for several hours then collapsed asleep. They were going to take her to the groomed before they brought her back. The laundry was done.

I gave the good news to George with his clothes. Grady took him home. I went to take a shower before bed. When I got out of the shower, Grady was back.

He was in the living room talking with Bobby. Bobby was in his under shorts. He had been getting ready for bed. "Grady dropped his wallet when he was here," Bobby explained. I was wearing a robe and it fell open.

"Hot damn!" Grady said. "There's some nice scenery in this house."

"You like?" Bobby asked.

"George told me you boys are members of the fraternity," Grady said. "I hate to sound like a horny old bear, but shit, I'm a horny old bear."

"Are you a fucker or a sucker?" Bobby asked.

"For you I can do just about anything," Grady replied. "I like solo play, but I've got no problem with a threesome either." He glanced at me.

"Let's go to my bedroom and get comfortable," I suggested. Grady stripped as we walked down the corridor.

"Could I take a quick shower?" he asked. "It was a long hot day at work." I said sure. Grady dropped his shorts and went into the bath. Grady was built like Bluto, with a massive torso and upper body, and somewhat short legs. His back and ass were covered in the thick coat of hair. Bobby followed Grady into the bath. Grady reminded me of a massive, silver back gorilla.

When they emerged from the shower, Bobby was hard and Grady was half hard. I think Grady was only half hard because his cock was so large it took a while to get erect. The organ was as massive he was. I guessed it was seven inches long but the diameter of a beer can. It was a massive cylinder of man meat. He was uncut, and the skin was tightly stretched around the bulbous head.

I must have been staring at it. "It ain't pretty, but it's quite a specimen, ain't it?" Grady asked. "Bobby told me you are into big ones." I didn't want to admit it, but it had an appeal.

"I think there's room for two," Bobby said. He was right about that. We shared Grady's cock. It was a crude looking and massive, but it responded to every lick. Grady was a twitcher. Once he was fully erect, the edge of the cock head, where the gland connected to the foreskin was particularly sensitive.

I guessed Grady was interested in Bobby, but he was even handed. We went to my bedroom and Grady sucked me as Bobby worked on his cock. I leak precum and Grady seemed to like that. When we traded positions and I was at Grady's cock, he had a good flow too. The three of us built up a good head of steam. Bobby surprised me when he started licking my ass. He had never done that before and it gave me quite a rush.

Grady watched Bobby rim me. "Are you rimming him, or just getting him lubed?" he asked. "Do you think he can take it?"

"I'm pretty sure he can," Bobby said. He worked a spit-covered finger into my ass. Bobby was a quiet kid, but he was a keen observer. I think he knew what I wanted more than I did sometime. It was hard for me to admit how much I liked getting fucked, but Bobby knew. I had been brought up in a strict Methodist home, and I still was embarrassed about my sexual tastes. Bobby was brought up in a trailer park and accepted sex as a part of life. Bobby thought my taste for getting fucked was an asset.

"Usually it takes a lot more than slobber for my cock to slip in easily," Grady observed in an off hand manner. Bobby reached over to the side table beside the bed and took a tube of lubricant from the top drawer.

"I guess you boys aren't virgins," Grady said. He took the tube and coated his cock, then he squirted some into me ass. He worked a finger into my hole to spread it. "I like men who have some experience. He wiggled his finger and found my prostate. He pressed hard and I moaned. With his other hand he stroked my cock. I was rock hard. Bobby got my legs and held them so my ass was wide open. Grady positioned his cock at my hole and pressed lightly. He wasn't trying to get in. He was just testing my sphincter muscles.

"I hope you don't mind. I know it's late, but I like to take my time," he said as he bounced his massive cock head at my ass. Grady seemed to know what I wanted. He didn't need to ask. My ass was beginning to stretch. Bobby squirted more lubricant on his cock.

There was a bottle of poppers in the drawer with the lube. Bobby opened it and gave me a good sniff. I wanted his cock, but not as much as my ass wanted it. It was as if I had pressed a garage door opener. My ass opened wide and invited Grady into my ass. My ass swallowed his cock. Grady was good about it. He pushed gently and the entire organ went deep.

I was winded at first and then I was confused. There were so many sensations coming at me so fast, I couldn't get my head on straight. When my mind cleared, I realized I wouldn't mind if I spent the rest of my life impaled on Grady's cock. He began to thrust, slowly at first, then faster. I don't know what happened for the next ten minutes, but when it was over Grady's hairy torso was coated in my cum. The stuff ran down his chest and dripped onto me.

Grady bent over me and kissed me. We were cemented together by my cum. He got up quickly, flipped me over and then fucked me doggy style. As he did this, Grady jerked and moaned. At first I thought he was shooting, but then I realized Bobby had rear ended him. I was still skewered on his cock. Grady was still pumping me as Bobby pumped him. We did this for a minute or two, then Grady popped.

His whole body shook as he shot his man seed deep into my ass. I could feel him spasmming as each ejaculation squirted into my ass. We pulled apart. As we did Bobby let loose and sprayed us with his sperm. Bobby shot long ribbons of seed.

I closed my eyes for a second and woke up at seven the next morning. I was afraid I was late for work, but realized it was Saturday. All was well. I got up and found Grady and Bobby sleeping in Bobby's room. I showered and cleaned off the dry sperm covering my body.

The sound of the shower must have woken Grady. He peaked into the shower. "I spent the night," he said. "I hope you don't mind?"

Turning the shower off, I got out. "Not a problem," I said.

"Did I trespass?" he asked.

"We're buddies, not lovers," I said. "Are you in trouble with George?"

Grady laughed. "Hell no! We're just friends and sex buddies. We help each other out. Nothing serious."

"That might be a good way to describe Bobby and me."

"You may have noticed, Bobby turns me on big time," Grady said. "He so pretty, I wasn't sure he'd give me a second look." He looked at me for a few seconds. "To tell you the truth, you don't turn me on big time, but I think I just had the best sex I've ever had when I was fucking you. I'm no novice at this and it was great."

Bobby peeked in the bathroom door. "Are you doing something fun, or just chatting?" he asked. "Have you all recharged from last night?" I looked down and saw Grady was getting hard again. Breakfast would be a little late this morning.

Next: Chapter 5

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