Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Oct 13, 1999



Well, people wanted a Scott story, so here it is! Now for the usual shtick....

This story is fiction and not based on real life. Bob Moffatt and Zac Hanson are not currently living together. At least, not to my knowledge. Until such time as either or both of them come out, please assume that both are totally hetero and turned on by chicks, like 90% of the population.

As for Scott...Well, he's probably not gay, but until we know for sure, don't assume anything.

Repeat, this is a work of fiction!

Bob and Zac: Scotty engages the engines

Part 1:

"I think that guy over there likes you, Scotty." Bob Moffatt joked.

"Oh, shut up!" Scott Moffatt said, turning slightly to look discreetly over at the guy that his brother indicated, "He probably recognizes me and wants my autograph or something."

Zac Hanson swallowed down his mouthful of hamburger and giggled, "Not the way he's looking at you, Scott!"

"I think it's love." Bob commented.

"Would you two just leave me alone? I'm not looking for anybody right now, anyway." Scott exclaimed.

"Oh, why not?" Bob replied, "The fans know about Zac and I and our popularity has almost doubled since I came out and told them!"

"That's pure coincidence, Bob." Scott replied, unaffected, as he took a sip of his drink and gathered up his notes, "Besides, I just don't think I'm ready to come out and tell people yet. You two are together and that's fine, but I'd like to think about it some more, before I come out and tell everybody."

Bob stood up and followed Scott to the trash, where they tossed away their trays, "Come on, Scott. At least be open to people who might be interested in you!"

Scott snorted in laughter and said, "I am open! Do you realize how many gays there are out there, who'd love to be with me? Almost half of my fan mail comes from guys. It just isn't that easy, though! I'd love to find a guy, but I...well, we don't have time for relationships right now."

Bob shrugged, "There's always time to fall in love. I mean, just to see what it's like."

When they got back to the table, Zac stood up and walked over to them, "So, where are we headed right now?"

Scott loaded the papers into a knapsack and said, "Well, we just got into Ottawa this morning, so we still have to prepare for our concert at the Corel Centre this evening and make the final arrangements at the hotel."

"I thought Dave and Clint were handling that." Bob commented.

Scott laughed, "Yeah, but who trusts those two?"

Zac and Bob laughed along with him, and the three of them made their way out of the McDonald's.

Once outside, Scott turned to the two other boys and said, "You know, we could probably cover a lot more ground if we split up. Why don't I go down and make the concert arrangements and you two head back and make sure the hotel is cool."

"Aye Captain!" Zac joked, with a false salute. With that, he took Bob's hand and the two boys headed off down the road, in the direction of the Catskills Inn.

Scott watched them go with some jealousy. It wasn't fair that those two should be so in love and he had nobody. Ever since he admitted to himself that he made fun of Bob, because he was trying to deny his own homosexuality, he had so desired the love that his brother seemed to share with the fourteen-year-old pop star. Bob had been bugging him for the last four months, since that faithful day in Montreal, to find someone, but he wasn't quite sure how to approach a guy for that purpose. On this cold, November day in Ottawa, Ontario, Scott burned with desire for love.

Heading off down the street, he gazed around at all the guys who passed him on the sidewalk. Some of them were actually quite cute looking. There was one boy in particular, looking about fifteen, who even smiled at him through the woolen scarf around his neck. His bright blue eyes sparkled in the lightly falling snow and his pink lips parted as condensed breath spouted from his mouth like a smokestack.

"Nice day." The boy said.

Scott was taken aback by the sweetness of the boy's voice, and all he could respond was, "Yeah."

With that, the two passed each other with a slight nod. Scott slowed and turned slightly, watching the boy walk off through the growing mist of snowflakes. "Geez..." He said aloud as he pulled his coat tighter against his body, "So cute...."

His thoughts were so distracted by the image of that adorable, bundled-up boy, that before he knew it, he was at the corner of Edgeworth Avenue and right in front of the Corel Centre. Clearing his head, the sixteen-year-old guitarist walked up the concrete path and pushed open the doors of the stadium.

The air was quite heated, so Scott let his jacket hang open as he stood at the main entrance and looked around for where to go. Just as his eyes fell upon a sign that read `Administrative Offices Right', he jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Turning around, he saw a boy standing behind him. The boy was smiling and he said, "You're Scott Moffatt, right? From that band that's in town?"

Scott nodded and said simply, "Yeah."

The boy laughed and said, "Is that all you can say?"

It suddenly occurred to Scott that this was the same boy that he had fancied back on the street. His scarf was undone, and his hat was off, revealing long brown hair down the the collar of his jacket. He had the same blue eyes and luscious lips, though.

A smile passed across the pop star's face and he said, "No...You just caught me by surprise, that's all. Say, weren't you headed in the opposite direction?"

The boy nodded, "Yeah, I was headed home from school, but after I saw you, I thought that you looked familiar, so I followed you as quietly as I could."

" did?" Scott stuttered, afraid that the boy might have heard the thing that he said after he'd first seen him.

The boy smiled again - Scott was already totally in love with that smile - and said, "Yeah, but I wasn't stalking you or nothing. I was just trying to see if I was right. It's so cool that I was!"

"So?" Scott asked, trying to act indifferent, but coming off more like he was expecting something else.

The boy shrugged and zipped back up his coat, "So, I guess I'll be going now. It was cool meeting you, Scott Moffatt."

"Wait!" Scott called, as the boy turned to leave.

The boy turned around, "Yeah?"

Scott couldn't help but blush a bit and stick his hands in his pockets as he asked, "Umm...Would you like, like, an autograph or something?"

The boy smiled again, melting Scott's heart, but shook his head, "Thanks, but I really don't put much stock in someone's name on a piece of paper."

Scott began to grow frustrated. "Why did all those gay guys on TV make it look so easy?!" He thought to himself, as the boy shrugged and began walking away again. He wished Bob and Zac were here. Lately, his little brother and his lover had turned into king faggots, and they'd know what to do.

"Wait!" Scott shouted again.

The boy turned and laughed putting his hat back on over his beautiful long hair, "Listen, Scott...I mean, it was great meeting you and all, but I really gotta get home or my mom will kill me."

Scott swallowed and asked, "Are you coming to the concert tonight?"

The boy smiled and said, "I wish I could, but I got loads of homework and, besides, the concert's been almost sold out for weeks, and the only seats left are in super nosebleed."

Scott's heart skipped a beat; He actually wanted to come!

"Well," Scott replied, "I could get you great seats, if you wanted."

"Oh really?" The boy responded, arms akimbo, "How much will it cost me?"

Scott paused for a second and thought about how he was going to respond, then, trying to play it casual, said, "How's twenty bucks?"

The boy stood there and stared at Scott for a few seconds, before shaking his head and saying, "Like I said, I got a sh...uhh...a lot of homework. I really have to be going, though, but thanks..."

"Okay, fine." Scott interrupted, "you can get in for free."

"I can!...I mean...I really don't have time." The boy started to say.

Scott smiled and said, "Come on! You can do your homework later!"

The boy began to smile again slightly and asked, "Why do you want me there so bad?"

Scott paused and tried to think of a good answer that wouldn't sound totally gay.

"Scott Moffatt?" came a voice from behind him.

Scott turned to regard a man wearing a business suit standing behind him. His attention diverted from the young boy, he replied, "Yeah. What?"

The man extended his hand and said, "Hey there, I'm Joe Jonasson, the event coordinator for the Corel Centre. You boys are still on for tonight at five-thirty, right?"

Scott nodded, "Yeah, just have everything set up for us by four-ish."

"Sure thing, Scott. Thanks for stopping by to confirm." Joe replied, before turning and walking away, giving the boy in front of Scott a slight nod.

Scott turned back toward the beautiful boy, and saw his big blue eyes still looking eager for a response from Scott.

"Listen, " Scott said, "I gotta get back to my brothers, but if you want to show up at the concert tonight, that'd be really cool. Just tell the guys out front that Scotty said that you're an honoured guest, and give them this..."

Scott reached around his neck and pulled off one of his necklaces. Reaching forward, he handed the silver-beaded chain to the boy. The boy slowly reached out and took the necklace from Scott. He stared at it in his hands for a few seconds, then said, "Well...what if I can't come?"

Scott was already on his way out of the stadium, and he called back without turning, "If you can't come, then just keep it!"

Before the boy could respond, Scott was already out the door and running down the icy street. His cheeks glowed red from more than just the November frost, and he laughed out loud as he relived the last few minutes. He hadn't actually asked a guy out, but he'd invited him as an `honoured guest' to the concert. Surely he thought that Scott was being just a bit too forward?

When he'd been running for several minutes, he finally stopped and turned around. The kid wasn't following him.

"Great." Scott thought to himself, as he stopped to catch his breath, "Now, I don't have to worry about...."

It was only then that Scott remembered that he hadn't gotten the kid's name. His smile turned to a sulking frown as he slowly walked back toward the hotel, his heart full of defeat. The kid would probably not show up, because he probably thought Scott was some weirdo. Plus the fact that he didn't even ask what his name was.

"I'm such a jackass!" Scott thought to himself as he shuffled through the thin layer of snow on the sidewalk, "I knew I wasn't ready to start asking out guys!"


Part 2:

"Well, I did it." Scott announced, as he walked into the hotel room and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Did what?" Clint asked, gazing at Scott as he untied his shoes and tossed them across the room.

Scott paused and then smiled and said, "I finally asked a guy out...sort of."

Clint nodded and then, turning toward the next bed, laughed and called, "Bob! You got a customer!"

Bob shoved Zac's arm off him and sat up, "I heard."

Turning toward Bob, Scott said, "Well, I hope you're happy! I made a total ass of myself!"

"What happened?" Zac exclaimed, sitting up and pulling his jogging pants off the floor, then putting them on.

"Yeah," Bob added, "don't leave out any details!"

Scott told them about everything. The boy who was following him, the conversation they'd had and their parting words.

When Scott breathlessly finished, Bob turned to Zac and giggled, "Was I ever that obvious?"

Zac shook his head, "Never, sweetie."

"You mean, I was obvious?" Scott cut in.

Bob and Zac exchanged a quick kiss, before Bob turned to Scott and shrugged, "Wasn't that your intention?"

Scott began to shake his head, but stopped himself as he thought about that. Finally, he shrugged and said, "Well, do you really think he knows?"

Zac laughed, "From what you're telling us, he'd have to be a total retard, not to know!"

Scott sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. "What am I going to do?" Scott groaned.

Bob sat down beside his brother and put his hand on Scott's shoulder, saying, "It'll be okay, bro. Maybe he won't even show up, and, even if he does, just go with it! It's kinda like getting a needle..."

"Yeah, first it starts with a prick..." Zac interrupted, smiling.

"Shut up!" Bob responded, then turned back to the forlorn Scott and said, "Just go with your gut, Scott, okay?"

Scott looked up and smiled, "Yeah, okay."

The remainder of the afternoon went very quickly, as Scott's thoughts were distracted by the organization of the event that evening. When the four brothers finally arrived at the Corel Centre that evening, the boy was the furthest thing from Scott's mind.

They entered the VIP area quickly and were quickly shown where their dressing rooms were and the location of extra instruments, in case they required them. From there, the employee of the stadium suggested that they come to the stage and observe the placement of the instruments.

Scott turned to the rest of his siblings and declared, "Why don't you three get ready and Zac and I will go take care of the stage placement?"

Zac and Bob looked at each other with questioning glances, then shrugged and, exchanging a quick peck, Bob walked off with Clint and Dave to the dressing room area, whilst Zac followed Scott toward the stage.

"Zac," Scott inquired, as they headed down the hallway, "did you know that Bob loved you, when you first met him?"

"Ah, so there was a reason for getting me all alone!" Zac quipped slyly, before responding, "I had a small suspicion, but I wasn't really sure at all."

"Well, when was the first time that you realized it?" Scott asked.

"Simple." Zac replied, "Bob told me so."

Scott nodded, "Oh. Well, when did you first realize that you loved him?"

"The very first time," Zac replied, "was when he drove away in the taxi, back in Vancouver. I stood there and watched him go, and I can't remember ever feeling so sad. I knew then that I really cared about him."

The two boys made their way out onto the stage and silently observed the placement of the instruments. Scott was looking over his guitar, when he suddenly looked up and said, "I just don't know, Zac! I mean, I'd like to tell him, but I don't know how!"

Zac was about to reply, when they heard someone clear their throat at the back of the aisle. Both boys turned quickly to see a boy standing there.

"Hey, you're not allowed here right now! The concert doesn't start for another hour!" Scott exclaimed.

"I know, I'm really sorry!" The boy replied, "I just really didn't feel right giving this to some strange guard...."

As he spoke, he held up a glittering object. Scott immediately recognized his necklace and his heart rose into his throat. Gasping back a breath, he replied, "Oh...Oh, hey...ummm...."

"Josh." The boy responded, smiling and tossing his head back, causing his long brown hair to cascade around his face, "I'm really sorry, Scott. I'll go and wait with the others, if you'd like..."

"Here's your chance..." Zac whispered to Scott, before walking back and examining Bob's drum set.

"No, wait..." Scott called to the boy, "Come here for a sec."

The boy smiled and made his way down the aisle, toward Scott....


Next: Chapter 8: Bob and Zac 3 4

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