Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Jul 13, 1999



Okay, same deal. This is a story concocted from my own mind and is not based on any factual event. Bob's and Zac's sexual preference and sexual activities are unknown to me and I'm not insinuating anything. I'm also not insinuating that Zac is unhappy being in his band and, even though it would be a fantastic career move for him, thinking of joining up with the Moffatts.

The last two chapters are coming at ya!


Chapter "cinq"

That morning, Scott had made all the arrangements with his parents and Zac had called his family and, much to their shock, told them the situation. Frank Moffatt and Walker Hanson, as well as Taylor and Isaac, were all on the way there for that afternoon. It was quite an interesting situation that they were now faced with.

Should they make reservations for a brunch or should they reserve a conference room and order down coffee and cake? Should food even be involved?

It was unknown what their respective fathers might have to say about the situation, but both Bob and Zac regretted not coming out to their parents earlier. It would have made this situation much less awkward.

In Zac's case, he probably would have been forced to undergo some sort of religious cleansing before being simply told that he was way too young to know what his truly wanted. However, Zac's conversation with his father had not gone very well at all. It's never easy for an almost thirteen-year-old boy to call his father and say, "Hi dad, I just called to tell you that I'm gay. Oh, and I also want to leave the band and and join the one that my fifteen-year-old boyfriend is in."

Zac had hung up the phone, already in tears, and had immediately rushed in Bob's arms. Bob had squeezed Zac tightly and had repeatedly kissed his head, telling him that everything was going to be all right. Scott was going to object to that display of affection, but, for some strange reason, he hadn't felt like it. What made it even more awkward, was that today was October 22nd; Zac's fourteenth birthday. He was sure that, regardless of the outcome, this was one birthday that he was never going to forget.

In the end, they had gone with the conference room with coffee, and they spent the remaining hours until the meeting, pacing around the room.

In the last fifteen minutes before their decent to the conference room, knowing that this might be their last time together, Bob and Zac sat on Bob's bed and held each other, crying quietly and softly whispering reassurances and words of love. Clint watched them with pity, as he knew what the probable outcome was going to be. Beyond simple twin sympathy pains, Clint felt genuinely affected by the love that his brother felt.

"How is it possible that two people, after spending so little time together, can be so close?" Clint thought to himself, as he stood off in the corner and watched them hugging and kissing.

Gazing around the room, he saw Dave sitting on the bed and watching TV, while Scott sat by the window and plucked at his guitar. Walking over, he exclaimed, "How can you two sit there, when Bob is in so much pain?"

Dave gazed up and shrugged, "What do you want us to do? He brought this on himself and now dad is going to talk some reason into him."

"Tell me something..." Clint said, "if Zac were a girl, would you feel the same way?"

Scott put down his guitar and cut off Dave, "We wouldn't, because Bob is a guy and guys are supposed to like girls, not other guys!"

"I'm not talking to you!" Clint barked, turning toward Scott, "I'm aware of how you feel and I think you're being a real jackass! He's your brother, man! Why are you being so cruel? Can't you see he's hurting?!"

"Look..." Scott said, standing up and facing Clint, "I know you feel you have some sort of subconscious bond with Bob, but face facts, Clint! It isn't just any guy that Bob...well, that Bob likes. It's Zachary Hanson, man! He's from another band and he has his own agenda to deal with! His brothers need him or else their band can't work! People like Hanson...a lot! You have to understand that Bob is not thinking clearly. If he were, he'd know that, by doing what he wants to do, he's breaking apart a group of superstars that the public love, simply because of his own needs. He's being selfish, Clint, and so is Zac! If you really want to help them, then help them to realize this!"

Clint shook his head, "He's not being selfish, Scott! He's following his heart, which is what I've always loved about Bob! He's doing something because it makes him happy! Sometimes, Scott, we have to put aside the good of the many, in order to pursue the good of the one. Bob has never wanted anything so much in his whole life! You saw how sad he was for all those months; how reserved and depressed! He was heartbroken and, when he's around Zac, he's all smiles! Zac may be young, but I think he knows what he wants, too. He's a smart kid, that Hanson boy, and if he wants something, he'll take it and if he doesn't, he'll be the first to tell you. Scott...he wants Bob and Bob wants Zac. They'd want each other whether they were famous or not! Why can't you just put aside your prejudices and accept that they are truly in love?! Bob is your brother, for God's sake!"

Scott crossed his arms across his chest, "Prejudiced or not, we can't side with tearing apart the Hanson band, simply because Bob and Zac want to be together! Also, what would it do for our band if word got out that Bob was touring with his gay lover? What would..."

"Scott, forget about the fucking bands for ten seconds and just look at them!" Clint yelled, cutting off his brother.

Both Scott and Dave looked over toward Bob's bed. Bob and Zac sat on the bed, crying in each other's arms. Bob's hand stroked over Zac's long blond hair, matted to his face with tears, as he whispered softly to him and brushed his lips against Zac's lips and chin. Zac's tear-streaked face, with his expressive brown puppydog eyes, showed extreme misery as he whispered back at Bob. His arm was clutched around Bob's waist and held Bob tightly, so he was almost sitting in Zac's lap. His other hand held Bob's free hand in a tight grip, as if he thought that if he held tight enough, nobody could ever seperate them.

Scott and Dave stared at them for more than the ten seconds asked of them. Clint thought he saw a look of pity on Scott's face, before he turned and said softly, "Come on, guys...It's time."

Clint nodded and stood up, as Scott walked over to the door and got on his shoes. Dave turned to Clint briefly, before going over to get his shoes, and said, "They really do look cute together."

Clint nodded and, looking over at the two boys, said, "Come on, Bob...Zac...We have to go now."

Bob and Zac looked up and sniffled. Bob nodded and said, "O...okay." and he and Zac stood up, still holding hands, and walked with Clint over to the door.

After getting their shoes on, the five boys began their walk downstairs. Bob and Zac trailed behind, walking very slowly though not holding hands anymore. Clint lagged back and walked beside them.

"So, how do you feel?" Clint asked, though he regretted it immediately.

Bob looked up at him and, on the verge of tears again, shook his head, "I don't know what to do. They're going to tell us that we can't be together and I can't take that. I can't live without Zac anymore."

"What if we just tell them that we're staying together and that's all there is to it?" Zac asked, sniffling.

Clint shrugged, "I don't know how they're going to react, but I know that this is a really serious thing. I'm behind you guys, though. You two deserve to be together."

Bob smiled slightly and said, "Thanks so much, bro. I love you."

Clint smiled too and patted Bob on the back, "Just think positive, okay?"

"We'll try." Zac said.

Clint and, looking at Zac, said, "So, you'd really be willing to leave Hanson, just to be with Bob?"

Zac nodded, "Bob means more to be than any dumb band. The band stank to begin with and we just got lucky with all the fans. Besides, Taylor and Isaac always shoved me into the background. It's time I got away from my brothers and went out and met new people. Bob and you really care about my feelings and I like that. I want to be with you guys."

Clint put his hand on Zac's shoulder and squeezed it, "You're a good kid, Zac. We'd love to have you with us."

They soon reached the elevator and decended down to the ground floor to join Dave and Scott in the conference room.

Slowly, they walked down the hallway of the lobby, until they stood by the large double doors of "Conference Room A."

Clint turned to Bob and Zac and said, "You ready?"

They both nodded slowly and Bob took Zac's hand again and held it in his own.

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" Clint inquired.

Bob shrugged, "They know we're gay. They know we're in love. Why bother hiding?"

Clint nodded, "Okay...It's up to you."

Taking a deep breath, Clint pulled open one of the doors and he, Bob and Zac stepped through.

As they entered, they saw Scott and Dave already seated there and also at the table, were Frank Moffatt and Walker, Taylor and Isaac Hanson. Everybody stood up as they entered and looked at them. Zac's eyes avoided his father and brother's gaze as he, Bob and Clint made their way over to the three spare chairs.

"Hello boys," Frank Moffatt said in a neutral, yet somewhat cold, voice, "please sit down. I believe we have a matter to discuss."

Chapter "six"

An hour later, the meeting was still going on in full force.

"So, what you're trying to say, Zac, is that you no longer want to be part of the band, because you want to be with your...boyfriend, correct?" Walker Hanson said, his fist supporting his chin.

Zac nodded, "Yeah."

"And how long have you wanted this for?" Isaac cut in.

"Wanted what for? Wanted to leave the band, or wanted to be with Bob?"

With a slight smile, Walker responded with, "Both or either, it doesn't really matter."

"Well," Zac said, "I've wanted to leave the band for a while, but I've wanted to be with Bob since I first fell in love with him."

There were assorted snickers from those gathered there, with the exceptions of Bob, Zac, Clint and Scott.

"So, you think you love with Bob?" Walked said ryely.

"No!" Zac said for the third time since this meeting started, "I know that I love Bob and I know that I'm gay! Stop asking me these things!"

"Zackie..." Taylor said as calmly as he could, "Hanson is getting ready to go on a major world tour now. We need you, buddy! We can sort out how you feel afterwards."

Zac lay back in his chair and held Bob's hand tightly, then, as steadfastly as he could, said, "Well, you can do the tour without me, because I'm staying with Bob!"

Walker shot up from his chair. "Dammit Zac!" He bellowed, "What the hell is wrong with you?! You're a fourteen year old kid! You're confused and I can understand that; I was confused too when I was your age. But, you can't just run off with some kid who you barely know and who you think you're in love with! You're not gay, Zac! You're too young to know what the hell you are or what you want!"

Walker stopped and took a deep breath, he slowly sat back down and said slowly, "You have fun with your brothers, don't you, Zac? Why not just stay with them and with this band you have going on, for a few more years? Then, you can think about what you want and where you want to be in life, okay?"

Zac swallowed back his tears and said, "I'm not going, dad. You can't make me!"

Walker nodded, "I can make you and if you keep pushing me, I will make you!"

"Whether you believe or not," Zac said, with tears streaming anew down his flushed cheeks, "I love Bob and I'm proud to say that I'm gay! Not only does Bob treat me like I want to be treated, but him and his brothers are a successful band! People like them, dad! Millions of people!"

"People like you guys too!" Walker countered.

Zac retorted, "Oh please! Hanson is a joke and it's always been a joke! Mad TV made fun of us! David Letterman made fun of us! Jay Leno made fun of us! Mad Magazine and Cracked both made fun of us! Howard Stern makes fun of us all the time! There are hundreds of Hanson Hater pages all over the internet! They boo'ed us at the World Series and they boo'ed us the Women's Soccer Cup! For years to come, people will always remember Hanson as the biggest joke in the music industry...I mean, what the fuck is an Mmmbop anyway? We sucked, dad! We sucked like no band has ever sucked before! The only people that liked us, were little bitch girls and other people who wouldn't know good music if it bit them on the ass!"

Everybody in the conference room was totally shocked at what was just said; the Hanson's especially.

"How dare you say that!" Isaac yelled, "You were as much a part of the band as Taylor and I are! If we sucked, it was because of you, too!"

"Uh uh!" Zac responded, "You two never let me do anything, so I had to go out of my way to liven things up!"

"You acted like a total jackass!" Taylor replied

"Excuse me, guys!" Frank cut in, "I think we're getting a bit off topic here. What we're trying to figure out, is..."

"There's nothing left to figure out, Frank!" Walker interuppted, "I'm taking Zac home right now, before your son ruins him any furthur!"

"Excuse me?!" Frank replied in shock, getting to his feet, "How did Bob ruin Zac?"

"Zac was a good christian until he ran into your boy! He never even looked at another male in a sinful way!"

"Maybe if you paid more attention to your kids instead of worrying about your stupid bible laws, you'd see that poor Zac was being neglected!"

Walker took a threatening step forward, "Are you calling me a bad father?! Sir, I know for a fact that you live in the great state of Tennessee and their churches would brand you as a heretic if they heard you speak like that to me, never mind that you are harbouring a gay child and actually agree with it!"

Frank Moffatt smiled, "My good Mr. Hanson, I may live in Tennessee, but I'm a full blood Canadian and in the great province of British Columbia, our churches accept and welcome homosexuality and always preach that family is the most important thing, moreso than even the church itself. Furthurmore, us Canadians always get a special joy out of deporting people like you, so when you're in my country, Mr. Hanson, you'll respect my rules!"

Walker and Frank argued back and forth, and meanwhile, the boys sat at the table in total disbelief at what this had escalated into.

Bob leaned across the table and said to Taylor and Isaac, "Listen you guys...I'm not a bad guy, and I can't help the way that I am. I just really love Zac..."

Isaac shrugged and smiled, "I always sort of suspected something since that time that you came into our room with Zac with no shirt on. I understand how you must be feeling, but Zac is a young boy...He's smart and everything, but he sometimes does crazy stuff. He's just going through a bad bout of puberty now...He'll be fine tommorow."

"No he won't." Scott piped up.

"Why not?" Taylor asked, "he'll eventually just find some girl when he's older and he'll move on with his life."

Scott shook his head, "I thought that too, but despite all the shit that I've put Bob through, since Zac arrived, they've both defied everything, just so they could hug or kiss each other. You should have seen them before the meeting today...They were crying in each other's arms. Taylor, I don't think age comes into this...Zac is still a young kid, but I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and let the two guys be together. Maybe they'll get sick of each other after a while and things can go back to normal."

"Or maybe they'll stay together. What will we do then? What will happen to the band?" Taylor asked.

Scott looked at Clint and then back at Taylor and said, "My brother showed me today, that sometimes we have to think about the guy of the band members rather than the good of the band. I'm not a big fan of my brother being gay, but I want him to be happy and he really seems to be miserable when he's not around Zac."

Isaac nodded, "Zac was miserable too, since that visit to Vancouver. He just wasn't his usual self and we couldn't figure out why. Maybe we have been less than attentive to Zac's needs, but he always seemed different than Taylor and I. I guess we know why now."

Taylor shrugged and, looking at Zac, said, "Listen, Zackie...Are you really sure that you want this? I mean, do you him?"

Zac nodded emphatically, beginning to cry, "More than anything. Please believe me, you guys!"

Scott looked over at Dave, "What do you think?"

Dave smiled, "It's weird, but...they seem like they belong together."

Bob looked over at his brothers and Zac's, "Listen...I love Zac. I may be a kid, but I know what love is and when I'm around Zac, I feel like there's nobody else in the world that matters. I know how stupid and inconvienient this is for all of you and I really don't know how it's going to work out. Still, I'm willing to put everything on the line if Zac and I can be together. I'll quit the band! I'll move into a cave with him, somewhere! I know it's hard for all you guys to accept, because you don't feel the same way about guys as I do..."

Scott smiled, "That's not entirely true, Bob."

All his brothers stared at him. Clint said, "Scott? You What about all the girls? All the insults?"

Scott shrugged, "Fear. I just wanted to be accepted by everybody and so many girls like me. I'm really sorry about being so mean to you, Bob. This is no time for talking about me, though. This is about Zac and Bob. When this is over with, you guys can tie me to a chair and whip me."

Taylor stood up and yelled, "Dad!"

Walker and Frank turned around from their heated debate.

"Dad..." Taylor began, "Isaac and I think that Zac should be allowed to be with Bob."

"What?!" Walker exclaimed, "What are you talking about? What about your band? Your comeback?"

Isaac shrugged, "We can find a new drummer, dad. We just want Zac to be happy."

Walker looked from Isaac to Taylor to Zac and back again, "This is ludacrous! I won't accept this! I refuse!"

"I'm staying with Bob!" Zac said, for the umpeenth time that meeting.

"No you're not!" Walker said adamantly.

"Listen!" Frank piped in, "We'll give Zac a home, we'll take care of him and pay for him! Come on, what's one less kid from the hundreds that you've bred already?! This is your kid's happiness, for God's sake! Your God's sake!"

Walker looked at Zac and pleaded, "Why are you doing this, Zac? Why are you putting me in this position?"

Zac shrugged, "I'm gay, dad. I'm gay and I'm in love with Bob. If you won't accept it, then just wash your hands of me and let me go with Frank and his sons. You won't ever have to worry about me again."

Walker looked critically at Zac for several seconds, then said, "And this is really what you want?"

Zac nodded.

Finally, Walker shrugged, "Fine. I'm late for an appointment anyway, so if this is what you really want, then this is what you'll get. Happy Birthday, Zac."

Zac smiled and, rushing forward, hugged his father tightly. His father quickly detached Zac from him and walked off toward the door, "Come Taylor...Isaac. Listen, Frank...You better take good care of Zac, or else!"

Frank walked over and put his hands on Zac's shoulders, "Don't worry. I'll see to it that he's taken care of."

Zac broke away from Frank and hugged Taylor and Isaac, then walked back into the room and faced his new family. There was almost a chilling silence after the sound of the conference room door shutting was finished.

Frank broke that silence by smiling and walking over to the door. Turning back, he said, "Listen boys...Be good, okay?"

Scott smiled and said, "I'll make sure of it."

With a nod, Frank Moffatt walked outside the conference room and left the five boys alone.

Zac smiled and looked at Scott, "Scott...Can I...please?"

Scott looked at Bob and then back at Zac and, smiling, said, "What the hell! Show us how it's done, guys."

With that, Bob and Zac rushed into each other's arms and locked lips. Openly weeping, they hugged each other tightly as they kissed, their hands stroking each other's hair and face.

Clint put his hand on Scott's shoulder and said, "Now...What about you?"

Scott smiled, "Later, Clint...I think we should leave these two alone for a while."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out $50 and tossed the bills on the floor, then he walked over to the exit of the room.

"Why don't you guys go out for a bit to celebrate. We'll see you later!" Scott called as he walked out..."And happy birthday, Zac."

Zac mumbled a response, but continued to hug and kiss Bob, as they both stood in the middle of the conference room.


Okay guys...This is going to be my last story for a while. I want to get started on Chronicles Of Whiteshadow Isle: Second Era and I need some free time to think and brainstorm ideas. Feel free to e-mail any ideas that you might have for COWI 2...They'd be appriciated.

God bless all you guys and always be good to one another!

Next: Chapter 7: Bob and Zac 1 2

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