Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Nov 19, 1999


As the deep semi-consciousness of sleep left the body of Scott Moffatt, he could see the glaring sunlight through his closed eyelids. For a split second, his still-drowsy mind raced with the wonderful images of the dream he had last night. That was quickly shot from his brain, as he shifted his position on the mattress underneath him and felt a dull, aching pain radiating around his behind. His eyes immediately shot open and shifted as he gazed around the room.

:"It wasn't a dream...." Scott said softly.

"You better believe it wasn't!"

Scott's head turned toward the sound of the voice and saw a very familiar figure standing in the doorway, naked except for a bath towel wrapped around his waist.

Scott slowly swung his legs over the mattress and stood up on floor, wincing at the discomfort in his ass. Taking several steps toward the boy standing in the doorway, Scott smiled and said, "Hey, Josh."

Josh unabashedly undid the towel from his waist, standing there naked as he used it to dry his long, brown tresses. After several seconds, he tossed it outside the door and, turning toward Scott, he smiled hugely and said, "How'd you sleep, Scotty?"

Scott shrugged, "Okay, I guess. My ass really hurts."

Josh shrugged and, walking over beside Scott, he picked up his cargo pants and pulled them on, not even bothering with underwear.

"I don't doubt it. It'll pass, though." Josh said, as he buttoned his fly.

Scott nodded and, looking around, asked, "What time is it?"

Josh looked at his wrist watch and said, "Half past noon."

Scott's eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, "Shit! Our plane leaves at two!"

Josh shrugged and said, "So?"

"What do you mean `So?'" Scott replied, "I have to get back to the hotel!"

Josh stood there for several seconds and stared at Scott, before answering simply, "Oh."

Scott quickly walked over and began putting on his sweaty and cum-stained clothing, while Josh stood and silently watched. When Scott was slipping his shirt over his head, cringing as the dried semen stains rubbed against his chest, Josh said, "So...That's it, then?"

Scott finished pulling his shirt on and looked at Josh sadly. Answering in a soft voice, Scott shrugged and said, "Look...I mean, I really wish I could stay for a few more days, but we're on a know?"

Josh shrugged and turned away, walking toward the door, he said, "What's the difference? Whether you leave today or in two weeks, you're still leaving and I'll never see you again."

Scott walked over and put his hand on Josh's shoulder, "Don't say that! I'm sure we'll be back in Ottawa again...sometime."

Josh turned back to look at Scott, tears glistening in his eyes and running down his smooth cheeks, and sniffled, "But...but you're leaving me."

Tears flowed from Scott's eyes as well, as he looked at the sad face of the boy he cared for so much, and he half-sobbed, "I...I have to, Josh! You know that!"

Josh nodded, but still continued to cry. Suddenly lunging forward, he wrapped his arms tightly around Scott's back and hugged him. Crying on his shoulder, he sobbed, "I...I don't want to say goodbye to you, Scotty."

Scott held Josh just as tightly as he replied back, "I'm so sorry."

Letting go of each other, they stood facing the other and their sobs began to slowly dissipate. Scott shrugged, "You could come to the airport and see us off, if you want to...."

Josh shook his head, his eyes showing every ounce of his misery.

Scott nodded, "I understand. Can I, at least, have your number?"

Josh wiped his wrist across his eyes and nodded.

Scott bit his lower lip as he watched the boy slowly walk over to his desk and sift through the mess. He loved everything about Josh, from his beautiful hair, to his blue eyes. It hurt him so much that he couldn't simply take him with him. His parents were away anyway, but he highly doubted that they'd let their fifteen-year-old son run away with a band.

Scott's misery was interrupted as Josh held a slip of paper out to him. His face bore his attempt at a smile, though his eyes showed that it was forced. Scott felt slightly awkward about offering encouragement to the young boy, because the night before, it was Josh who was in charge of the situation.

Scott solemnly walked over to the doorway of the room. Turning back, he saw Josh sitting on his bed and staring at his Moffatt poster, obviously in tears again.

Sighing softly, Scott sniffled as he felt his tears begin to flow again. "At least walk me to the front door."

Josh sat there in silence for several seconds and then shook his head. Without looking back, he replied, his voice slightly masked by his tears, "I can't bare to see you leave."

Scott was deeply saddened by this whole situation and his ass still hurt, but he knew that he really had to go.

Trying one last time, Scott said, "Listen, Josh...This is very hard for me, too. I...Well, I love you and I don't want to leave, but I have to. It would mean a lot to me if you'd see me to the door, baby."

Scott's eyes were tearing again, but he could make out Josh, as the boy slowly stood up from his bed and walked over to him. Without a word, he nodded and walked through the door. Scott shrugged and followed him through the messy upstairs area, down the stairs and back onto the nicely decorated ground floor.

"Well, there's the door." Josh said, pointing toward the vestibule.

Scott nodded, understanding, and, as quickly as he could, pulled on his sneakers, tied them up, then put on his jacket. Turning back, he saw Josh standing there and watching him.

His eyes tearing, Scott shrugged and said, as nonchalantly as he possibly could, "Well...'Bye."

Josh nodded, then ran forward and the two boys hugged tightly, crying against the other's face.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Josh sobbed, moistening the blond-streaked strands of Scott's hair with his tears.

Scott turned his head slightly and pressed his lips against Josh's, tasting both the sweetness of Josh's bitter morning breath and the saltiness of both their tears, as he kissed him for all he was worth. There was no tongue and no grinding. It was a kiss goodbye...A kiss of sadness.

Slowly, reluctantly, they separated and Scott pulled open the front door. "I'll call you as much as I can." He said to Josh, sniffling back his tears.

"I love you, Scotty." Josh said, sniffling back his own tears as well.

Scott nodded, "I love you too, angel."

Then, he walked through the door and Josh closed it behind him. Immediately, Josh ran upstairs into his room, slammed the door behind him and collapsed into tears on his bed. The scent of Scott's body was still there and there was even some of his cum drying on the sheets. That just made Josh cry harder.

Scott walked down the block, back toward where he thought the Corel Centre was. With tears streaming down his face, despite the risk of them getting frozen in the cold air, Scott sang softly to himself:

I cry myself again tonight

`cause I cannot hold you tight at night

I wish I could see you again tomorrow

to take all this sorrow...sorrow...I'm hollow.

When I touch you, can you feel it?

When I need you, can you give it?

When I look in your eyes, can you see me?

When I fall...fall, will you catch me, catch me, catch me.... what I feel,

when you're not around,

so I can't heal. what I feel...what I feel....


To be continued.... P.S. Check out my website:

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