Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Nov 2, 1999


Note: This story contains scenes of smoking. I just wanted to note that I'm aware of how against smoking the Moffatts are, and I'm not insinuating anything whatsoever. I'm totally against it, as well. Smoking is a disgusting habit, which makes you smell and look really awful and will kill you. Let me just emphasize that again...: SMOKING WILL KILL YOU.

Don't let the tobacco companies win! Don't ever start smoking and, should you be currently involved in it, my best advice to you is to quit ASAP, because, in time, some of the damage that smoking caused can heal, but if you don't stop soon, the only thing you have to look forward to, is an early grave.

I'm being totally serious, people. Please don't smoke and please encourage others not to smoke either. It is not cool, it is not helpful and it is sure as hell not smart.

With love,

Double A

Part 7:

"Only ten minutes to go, before I have to go on stage." Scott thought, as he wandered the hallways, "Just as long as it took for my whole world to turn upside down."

Scott's mind still reverberated with the lasting nerve impulses of Zac's hot young mouth sucking on his aching cock. That was the sad part, too. After having his brother walk in and act in his usual, sensitive way, Scott's mind was still focussed on how good it felt to have Zac close to him.

"What am I saying?!" Scott whispered out loud, as he turned the corner and headed down another unmarked hallway, "I'm not in love with Bob's boyfriend! I'm just in love with blowjobs. That's cool, isn't it?"

Despite hearing himself say that, amidst the confused stares of technicians that passed the sixteen-year-old, he still couldn't convince himself.

"Why did he have to be so fucking cute?" Scott thought to himself, as he stopped in mid-stride.

Looking around, he realized that he's stupidly wandered around and gotten himself lost. He had to go on in, probably, two minutes and he couldn't figure out where the heck he was, in the Corel Centre.

"Ah, shit!" Scott exclaimed out loud, as he frantically looked around for a sign, an arrow, anything that would lead him back to the stage.

As he took a few steps down the hallway, he felt a cool breeze on his shoulder. He followed it around the corner, until he came to an open door to the outside.

"Must be the back door..." Scott thought, as he slowly walked through it.

The teenager crossed his arms tightly across his chest, as the cold wind whipped at his T-shirt-covered chest. It was hard to see anything, as the sky was growing darker with the shorter days of fall and winter, and the concrete paths around the building didn't leave Scott with any indication of how to get around.

"Damn my stupid luck!" Scott exclaimed aloud.

"You think your luck is bad, what about me?"

Scott spun around and looked where the voice had come from. He spotted the glowing tip of a cigarette, clutched by someone leaning against a dumpster near the rear wall.

"Wh...Who's there?" Scott inquired, slightly nervously.

The figure brought the cigarette up to his lips and the embers glowed brighter, as he took a drag from it. Bringing his hands down to his waist, he stepped into the dim light coming from back in the building, and Scott immediately recognized the face and clothing.

"Josh..." He said, simply.

The fifteen-year-old took the cigarette from his lips and smiled, blowing out smoke from his nose., before saying, "Yeah. I thought you were on now."

Scott coughed and waved his hand in front of his face, to clear away the smoke, then replied, "I'm supposed to be, but I got lost. I thought you were going to be watching."

Josh ran his fingers through his long hair with one hand, and, with the other, brought the cigarette up to his lips and took a long drag from it, while regarding Scott thoughtfully. When he didn't say anything, except for looking at Josh with a disgusted look on his face, Josh blew a cloud of smoke from his mouth and laughed, "Well, did you really expect me to show, after what happened with you and me? I mean, you burst into tears and shit!"

Scott nodded, "Yeah, I'm really feeling bad about that. I mean...."

"Say no more." Josh said, cutting Scott off, "You're just gonna lie anyway. I've only just met you, but I know you too well. You have the hots for me and, when I told you that I was straight, you went postal. It's cool."

Scott coughed and exclaimed, "I didn't go postal! I was just...."

"You were just what?!" Josh responded, cutting him off again, "You were just hurting over the fact that a hottie like me kissed you and then told you that he wouldn't do any of the mushy crap!"

Scott took a step closer to Josh, so they were almost nose to nose, and replied in a soft tone, normally reserved for talking to little children and the mentally retarded, "Now listen carefully...You didn't kiss me...I kissed you. I didn't go postal, I was just in a generally bad mood and your little confession didn't do me much in the way of happiness."

Josh smirked and brought the cigarette up to his lips again, his azure eyes glowing slightly as they reflected the lit embers. Sticking it in the corner of his mouth, he regarded Scott with a humoured look and responded, "Is that all, or do you feel like bullshitting me some more, you sensitive faggot, you?"

Scott nodded and, reaching up, plucked the cigarette from Josh's mouth. "Actually," Scott replied, smiling, "I have one more issue that I'd like to discuss with you."

"Lemme guess..." Josh responded, "Smoking is bad for my health, I'm too young to be doing it anyway, and it's totally disgusting."

"That's not what I was going to say, but it's a good point. However..." Scott said, bringing the cigarette up to his mouth and, closing his eyes, taking a long drag from it.

"However?" Josh inquired, now smiling largely.

Scott opened his eyes and blew the smoke out of his mouth, coughing slightly, before tossing the butt on the ground and crushing it out with his shoe. "However, I'm pretty damn late for my own concert, so I was wondering if you could direct me to the stage, you hippie-haired son of a bitch."

Josh smiled, "You want me so bad, don't you?"

Scott crossed his arms across his chest, "Seriously, where's the stage, Josh?"

Josh mimicked his action and said, "I won't tell you, unless you say that you are totally hot for me and you'd do anything if only we could be together and you could fuck me every morning as the sun came up!"

Scott laughed, "I think you're giving yourself too much credit. Now, where's the stage?"

Josh's gaze was unwavering, "Tell me, faggot, or else I'm not saying a word."

Scott uncrossed his arms and replied, "Don't call me that."

Josh stepped closer, "Why not? You're so hot for me, you'd never do anything, would you?"

"Don't try me! I'm giving you one last chance to tell me where the stage is, or I'll punch your lights out!" Scott responded, his fists clenching at his sides.

Josh cocked his head and smiled defiantly, "You're loving this, aren't you? You like to play games and talk dirty and make threats, because it turns you on, doesn't it? Your dick is just throbbing, isn't it?"

Scott took a step back and unclenched his fists. Looking at Josh sadly, Scott exclaimed, "Why are you doing this? You're straight! Why are you playing these games?"

Josh reached up and brushed his hair away from his left ear with his hand. In the dim light, Scott could see an earring glittering in all six colours of the rainbow.

Looking at him with malice, Scott's fists clenched again, " fucking, cruel asshole!"

Scott shook his head, "I should slug you right now! Why are you doing this to me?!"

Josh stepped up to him and put his hand on Scott's shoulder. Looking somewhat saddened, Josh replied, "Scotty, you're obviously new to the game, so just consider this the initiation."

Scott shrugged him off and said, "Listen, where I come from, there are no games and no initiations! If you love someone, you don't hurt them and you really hurt me!"

Josh nodded, "I know. I was thinking of stopping when you started crying, back in your dressing room, but then I was too embarrassed of myself and I just couldn't. I'm so sorry, Scotty."

Scott looked at Josh, "Are you honestly sorry, or is this another game?"

Josh stepped back and held his hands up, "Hey, there are no more games. I quit the gaming business, because it just isn't worth it when there's someone as cute as you to deal with."

Scott smiled, "I'm cute?"

Josh walked forward and put his hand on Scott's right cheek, "You're beautiful, Scott."

Scott smiled and, reaching forward, ran his fingers through Josh's beautiful hair. "I just don't know if I can trust you. I mean, you did hurt me, so I really should walk away and forget about you..."

Josh nodded, "Yeah, I'm a bastard, it's true."

Scott giggled, "Sucks to be you."

Josh giggled too, then stopped and, stroking Scott's cheek, said, "I'm so sorry, Scott. You deserve a guy who won't put you through the shit that I did."

Scott reached up and slowly took Josh's hand from his face, holding it in his slightly clenched palm. Gazing into his ocean-coloured eyes, Scott said, "Maybe I do, but I'm new at this and I don't know if I'll ever find another guy who I love as much as I love you. I don't know why, but I just can't tell you to walk."

Josh and Scott let their hands drop to their sides again and just stood and stared at each other. After a few seconds, Josh reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette carton. Shrugging, he held it out to Scott and Scott smiled and took one out. Josh took one out too and, replacing the package in his pocket, he pulled out a lighter. Putting his in his mouth, Josh flicked the lighter and held it out for Scott. "Allow me." He giggled.

Scott leaned forward and lit his cigarette on the flame and the embers glowed brightly as Scott sucked hard on it. Taking it from his mouth, he blew out the smoke from his nose and coughed slightly as he stared at it.

"I really shouldn't be smoking..." Scott said, as he watched Josh light his own, "It'll kill my voice."

Josh blew his smoke up at the sky and smiled at Scott, "I'm trying to quit, actually."

Scott smiled and took another drag. Letting the smoke out of his mouth slowly, Scott giggled, "It's obviously not working."

Suddenly, Josh's eyes opened wide, "Shit, Scott! Don't you have to go to your concert?!"

Scott shrugged, "Let them do the first couple of songs without me. I want to know a bit more about you."

Josh sucked on his cigarette and replied, "Like what?"

Scott shrugged, "Well, first of all, are we officially a couple, or what?"

Blowing smoke out of his nose, Josh shrugged, "As long as you stay in Ottawa, sure. When you leave, though, I don't really know."

Scott smiled and, taking one last drag on his cigarette, tossed it down to the pavement and stamped it out. Holding the smoke in his lungs for a few seconds longer, he blew it out and smiled, "Actually, I should head to the concert, I guess. My brothers are probably ready to kill me. I guess I'll see you tomorrow or something."

Josh tossed his cigarette down next to Scott's and smiled, "Actually, I've developed the sudden desire to come to the concert, after all. How about, afterwards, you come back to my house? We can talk all we want there."

Scott smiled, "Cool." and, reaching out, took Josh's hand into his own.

"I love you." Scott said to the brown-haired boy.

Josh giggled, "Still into the mushy stuff, eh?"

Scott nodded and leaned forward, pressing his lips against Josh's. Josh wrapped his arms around Scott's waist and they both stood there kissing for several seconds.

After a while, Scott pulled his face from Josh's and grimaced, "Ye gods, our breath smells bad!"

Josh reached into yet another pocket of his cargo pants and pulled out a gum package. "Cloret?" he asked.

Scott gladly took two and popped them in his mouth. Josh did the same.

"I can't do anything about the way our clothing smells, though." Josh added, between chews.

Scott shrugged, "S'okay. Now show me to the stage."

Josh took Scott's hand like a little child, much to Scott's enjoyment, and led him back into the building, directing him.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 12

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