Bob and Rob


Published on Jan 7, 1999


This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further. This is a story based on true events from my own life.

I am back from the holiday's!!!! It is good to get back to my writing!!! I have missed you all!!!

Thanks for all the positive feedback via e-mail. Thanks all for those who have helped me out to make this a better written story. I love you all!!!

Bob & Rob Part IX By Jackin Boy

I couldn't believe my eyes! Both of my lovers are in the buff and laying on the bed! I was speechless! I opened my mouth to say something... and nothing would come out. Was this a plan by Bob to tell me he knew all along about me and Chris? Or was he trying to tell me that Chris was his man now, and I was to be left out in the cold. I just stood there motionless in the "doorway" unable to move, speak or anything. I even think my heart stopped beating.

"Well, don't just stand there, Come on over here and join us", Bob called out.

"Yeah, Rob, take off your clothes and come sit with us", Chris said, stroking his big cock.

I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and started to untie my shoes.

"Here, let me help you", Chris said, sliding over next to me. He helped me off with my shoes as Bob sat on the oposite side of me, helping me off with my shirt. Then Chris pushed me back so I was laying down with my legs over the edge of the bed. Chris undid the buttons on my Levi's as I lifted my ass up, alowing them to take off my pants, along with my boxers. Bob began to kiss my nipples as Chris started to lick my balls, taking them one at a time into his warm, moist mouth. Bob was now kissing all over my chest while Chris was licking the underside of my cock. I moaned in ecstasy when Chris wrapped his lips around the purple head of my now rock-hard dick. Then Bob moved down to join Chris in giving my cock pleasure. Bob was sucking my balls while Chris sucked my cock.

"Mmmmmmmm" I moaned from the intense pleasure I was feeling in my groin. I couldn't believe I was being sucked off by the two boys I loved most in this world.

Now both of them were licking up and down my shaft and taking turns sucking on my cock. I have never felt so much pleasure before in my life.

"Robert!", I heard a deep voice call out. Who else is here, I wondered.

"Robert!", The voice called out again. I didn't want this to stop, so I kept my eyes closed.

"ROBERT!!", the voice yelled this time.

"Huh?" I said as I opened my eyes. I looked around and realized I was in Mr. Hendricks class. Fuck! It was all just a dream.

"Nice of you to join us today, Robert", Mr Hendricks said causing the whole class to laugh.

"Okay, class, calm down. Now, Robert, can you tell me what we were just discussing?"

"Uh, no Mr hendricks, I must have dozed off, I'm sorry".

"I should send you to the principals' office for sleeping in my class, But I'll let it slide this time. Just don't let it happen again!"

"Yes sir", I answered.

Mr. Hendricks resumed his lecture, But I don't remember what it was about as I was preoccupied wit thinking about the dream I just had. This Bob and Chris thing must be really plaguing my mind. This had to stop! I have to make a chioce between the two of them, but I loved them both. I was starting to get a lump in my throat and a tears were starting to well up in my eyes. Snap out of it!, I thought to myself. I can't start crying right here in front of the whole class. Just then, the bell rang and class was over.

"Hold on a minute, class!" Mr. Hendricks called out as the class started to get out of their seat. "Don't forget to read chapters 13 and 14 over the weekend"

"Oh man! weekend homework?" the whole classed complained almost in unison.

"Yes weekend homework!" Mr. Hendricks mocked the class. "We have a lot to cover, so don't forget! Class dismissed!".

The class jumped out of their seats and practically ran out of the door. They probably wanted to get to the cafeteria before the lines got too long. I myself had to be somewhere else, if you know what I mean! I hurriedly walked towards the auditorium, anicipating having some good sex with Bob.

"Rob!" a voice I clearly recognized called out to me from behind. Fuck! It was Chris. I couldn't let him follow me to the auditorium. He can't know about me and Bobs' secret place. I had to ditch him somehow. I stopped and turned around as Chris jogged up to me.

"What are you doing for lunch?", Chris asked.

"Well, I kind of wanted to be alone, I've got a lot on my mind" I answered, hoping this would deter him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It is kind of private, I just want to be alone!" I answered.

"You wan't to talk about it?"

"No, I just need some time alone". Damn!, can't he get the message?

"Are you sure?"

"Didn't you hear me!" I raised my voice. "Just leave me the fuck alone!"

"Okay, okay! I just wanted to help! No need to get all upset, I'll just go, if that is what you want"

"I'm sorry, Chris, I just need to be alone right now. I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay, see ya!" Chris said and walked away.

I hated lying to Chris, but I can't let him find out about the "room". Oh I wish I had never met Chris. I love Bob, and I don't want to hurt him, but everytime Chris comes around I get butterflies in my stomach. What am I supposed to do? I need to make a decision between the two before I get in any deeper. I can't go on loving two people. Oh shit, this was heavy on my mind! I will make my decision tomorrow, I thought to myself.

I made my way through the maze of stage equipment to out "room". There was Bob, sitting on the bed, the pale blue light shimmering along he side of his face. He was so beautiful!. He was shirtless, with only his blue checkered boxers on. I kicked off my shoes without untying them, removed my shirt and took off my levis, my socks coming off in the pant legs. I sat next to Bob and looked into his steamy eyes. We leaned into each other, opened out mouths and began kissing each other. I inserted my tongue into Bob's mouth, as his tongue met mine. We continued our "swordfight", exploring every nook and cranny of each others mouths. I could feel my hard on tenting my boxers, and looking down, I noticed Bob was pitching a good size tent also. I reached down and touched the tip of his dick through the fabric. I felt a wet spot starting to form from his pre-cum. Bob was now feeling my dick through my boxers. We continue feeling each other dicks and tongue fucking our mouths until we are so hot we layed down on the bed in each other arms, rolling around on the bed and grinding our groins hard into each other. We are practically squeezing the life out of each other as we continue to thrash around on the bed. We are moaning and groaning and grinding and hugging and etc........

We are both on a sexual high, as if we are the only two people on the face of the earth. Bob releases his lip lock on me and pushes against my chest, just enough for me to release him from the grip of the bear hug I had him in. He reaches down and practically rips my boxers off of my body, then takes his boxers off. He looks so sexy as he stands above my, his body glistening in the pale blue light. I reach up and grab his hard, throbbing cock, pulling him down on top of me with it. He pushes his body aginst me, trapping our hard cocks between us. He starts humping against me as I meet his thrusts with mine. We soon are close to climaxing when I stop Bob.

"Bob?", I ask.

"Yes, Rob?"

"I......I want you do do something for me, Bob"

"What is it, Rob?"

"I want you to make love to me"

"You mean....."

"Yes, I wan't every inch of you inside of me. I want to feel your hot cum shooting inside of me".

"Okay my love".

I grab my own dick and squeeze it, alowing precum to flow out into my other hand. I take my pre-cum and rub in onto Bob's cock, causing his pre-cum to flow out also. I squeeze more pre-cum out of my dick and rub some onto my ass, and the rest onto Bobs dick. I don't think I have ever procuced this much pre-cum at one time, and it just seemed to keep flowing.

I lift my legs, bending them at the knee to allow Bob free access to my hole. I can feel his dick pressing against my ass. His dick enters me, I wince in pain. "You okay, babe?" Bob asks as he keeps his dick just inside me. "Yeah, go on" I tell Bob as the pain subsides. He pushes into me, inch by inch until he is all the way inside of me. He doesn't move, allowing me to get used to the fullness of his cock inside of me.

"Fuck me, Bob" I tell him once I am used to his hard throbbing cock.

Bob begins pulling out until his head is at the rim of my asshole, then plunges deep inside of me. He is pumping slowly at first, then begins to speed up his pace. I begin stroking my meat as Bob fucks my ass. I rub the pre-cum flowing out out of my piss-slit all over my cock. As bob is fucking me, I stroke my meat in time with his thrusts. I feel intense waves of pleasure as his cock massages my prostate.

"Oh fuck! Bob! Thais feel so good! fuck me Bob!" I exclaim.

Bob is now fucking me at a rabbits pace, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body.

"Oh Rob! Your ass is so tight and so hot! Mmmmmm" Bob cries out.

"Oh GOD! You dick feel so good inside of me, Bob!! Mmmmmmm. AAaaaah!!"

I feel my dick swelling in my hand as I stroke it. I feel my impending orgasm starting to form from deep within my groin.

"Fuck me Bob! I want to feel your cum inside of me!!!"I cry out in ecstasy.

I feel my dick swell up even more in my hand as I reach the point of no return.


I feel my ass clamp down on his cock as the first shot of hot cum is sent airbourne, landing on my cheek.


I feel his hot cum fill my ass as another shot of my cum lands on my chest. Bob lays down on my chest as I remove my hand from my dick. Bob continues to moan as he pumps the last of his cum into me. My dick is still pumping it's juices between our bellies as Bob goes into some sort spasm from the intense pleasure He is feeling. Bob just lays his head on my shoulder as the waves of passion leave our bodies.

"That was incredible, Rob" Bob finally says after a few minutes of jus lying on top of me.

"I love you, Bob. You know that you are my first?" I reply.

"Really?" Bob says, lifting his head up, looking me in the eye."Why didn't you tell me? I would have been more gentle"

"Oh you did just fine. You are the best, Bob, I love you!!"

"I love you too, Rob".

We just layed there in each others arms, not saying a word, just enjoying the closeness of the moment. We layed for what seemed like an eternity. We did not want this moment to end. I have never felt this much love for one person in my entire life. I wish we could stay like this forever.

"Oh shit!" Bob yells, pulling out of me and jumping up and running over to his clothes. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his watch. "Fuck! Do you realize we missed almost all of 6th period?!!"


"Yeah, we have just enough time to get cleaned up" Bob says as he throws me a towel from under the bed. We clean each other off, and then get dressed. As we are heading out of the auditorium Bob says "Rob, you want to spend the night at my house? My mom works graveyard and my sister will be at my grandma's house. We could have the whole house to ourselves" "Sure! let me ask my Mom first okay"

After school, We hop in my car and head to my house. We stop just long enough for me to get my mom's okay to spend the night and grab some clothes. As we drive to Bob's house, he slides over next to me and starts massaging my dick through my Levi's. I don't care who sees us, because I love Bob so much, I want the world to know. Bob is so special to me. My love for him has intensified ever since he made love to me. there is no one else in the world for me but Bob. By the time we get to his house, I am rock hard. I had to stop Bob from rubbing me so my dick would go down before we went in in house because his mom was still home.

We walk in his house and Bob introduces me to his mom.

"Mom, this is my friend, Rob", Bob tells his mom.

"Hi Rob, I am glad to meet you. Bob has told me so much about you" his mom says, reaching out her hand.

"All good, I hope", I answer, taking her hand and shaking it.

"Oh yes, all good. I am glad that Bob has a friend like you"

"Mom, can Rob stay over tonight?" Bob asks his Mom.

"Sure I don't see why not. That way you won't be home all alone"

"Thanks Mom. I already had Rob get his stuff"

"You little devil! You know me too well!" His mom says with a laugh, leaning over to give him a hug.

"I love you, mom" Bob answers.

"Now boys, I have to go into work early, at 6:00, so I will be leaving in a few minutes, since I have to drop your sister off at grandma's, so don't get into any trouble, okay?"

"Yes mom!!" Bob and I answer in unison.

"Alright, you two!" His Mom laughs. "You guys are too much! Okay sweety, you ready to go" His mom says as his little sister comes out, carrying a backpack was stuffed beyond its capacity.

We watch as Bob's mom pulls out of the driveway. Once she is gone, we are instantly in each others arms, kissing and practically tearing our clothes off right in the middle of the living room.

End of part 9

To be continued in part 10...

Any questions or comments?... send me an e-mail... Or if you just want an e-bud to talk to that is fine. oh yeah... all flames will be ignored, so don't bother!!!!

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Next: Chapter 10

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