Bob and Rob


Published on Dec 30, 1998


This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy relationship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life.

Bob & Rob Part VIII By Jackin Boy

I woke up early the next morning, got dressed, grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed to school for an early swim. When I got to school, it was still dark outside, so I went directly to the locker room and and started to get undressed. Then I heard the door open and footsteps coming down the corridor. Around the corner came Chris. He turned and looked at me and lowering his eyes to my mid section he said, "Nice dick". "Thanks", I answer as I felt the blood begin to fill my shaft. Chris walked over to his locker and got undressed. "Your dick is nice too" I said to him. "Thanks", He answers walking towards me with his dick swinging from side to side. He stands in front of me, our cocks almost touching. Without a word, Chris kisses me on the lips. His scent is so sweet I just can't stop myself as my dick begins to rise. Chris places his hand around my dick and begins to slowly stroke it while he kisses me. I reach for his cock and stroke it also. His dick begins to get hard in my hand as we stroke each other. Soon both of our cocks are rock hard. We release our grips on each others cocks and wrap our arms around each other. Both of our dicks are hard and pointing straight up. Our chests touch and are cocks become clamped between us. We kiss and grind together. I can't seem to stop myself. It is like I need sex all of the time, I love Bob, But I need Chris also.

We continue to kiss and grind our cocks together, our hands exploring each others bodies. Then Chris stops kissing me on the lips and starts kissing my chest and sucking on each of my nipples for a few minutes. He continues kissing down to my navel, following my treasure trail down to my pubes. He lingers a few minutes as he buries his nose in my pubic hair. Then he begins to lick my ball sack taking my balls one at a time into his mouth. He sucks on them with just enough pressure to give pleasure and not pain. I can feel my precum begin to travel down my shaft. I know it must be dribbling out the tip of my dick by now. Then Chris lets my balls fall out of his mouth. I look down at him and he looks up at me, we look into each other's eyes. Is it possible to fall in love with two people at the same time, and love them both equally?

Chris then licks the precum that is dripping down the underside of my cock. "Mmm, that tastes good", Chris says as he eats my pre-cum. He continues to lick up and down the underside of my cock. Then he grabs the base of my cock and points it toward his mouth wraping his lips around the head and rolling his tongue around it. "Mmmmm, that feels good Chris", I moan. I could have cum right then and there, but I hold back. I want this to last. Then Chris begins to take all of my cock into his mouth, inch by inch until he has my entire cock in his mouth. He begins to slowly bob up and down on my shaft, rolling his tongue all around my dick. "OOOOH Chris, MMmmmm, Uuuuuh", I am in sheer ecstasy. Man this guy could suck some cock! He stops at the end of each upward stroke to roll his tongue around my head a few times, Then plunges down and buries his nose in my pubes on each downward stroke. He cradles my balls in his other hand, applying light pressure with each downward stroke. I am ready to cum now, but Chris must be able to sense this, as he slows his rhythm down until I feel my impending orgasm subside, then he resumes a faster rhythm. Each time I feel like I am ready to blow, Chris slows down again. He must have done this about three or four times, and by now I am in agony. I want... no, I need to cum. If I don't I feel I may die!

"Oh Chris, Mmmmmmm that feels so good" I say as I thrust my cock deep into his throat, letting me fuck his face.

I place my hands around the back of his head and push his head toward my pubic bone with each thrust.

"Oh fuck, your mouth feels so good, Chris, Mmmmmm" I groan as I continue to fuck his face.

Chris is letting me thrust my cock deeper and deeper down his throat. He makes no effort to stop me as I thrust every inch of my cock into his mouth.

"Oh God, Chris, I'm C-C-CUUUUUMMMMIIIINNNG" I shout out as I feel my dick swell beyond it's capacity.

"UUUUUUUNNNNGGGHHHHH!! AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHH!!" I scream as I bury my cock to the hilt in Chris' hot mouth. I can feel the first stream of my hot cum shoot out of my dick.

"Oh F-FUUUUUUUCK!! OHHH G-G-OOOOOODDDDD!!" I cry out as another shot of cum fills his mouth. I hold his head tightly against my mid section as another wad shoots.

"AAAGGGHHH!!! OOOOOOOHHHH!! MMMMMMMMM!!! AAAAAAAAAAAGGGH" I yell out as the last of my cum shoots into his mouth.

I release my hold on Chris' head as my orgasm subsides.

"Oh God, Chris, that was incredible", I say as he extracts the last of my cum from my cock.

"Where did you ever learn to suck cock like that?", I ask as Chris finishes cleaning the cum from my softening dick.

"Oh, here and there", he answers as he stand up and begins to kiss me.

I instinctively reach down and begin to stroke his hard dick. I feel it get even larger in my hand.

"Suck me please Rob" Chris moans.

I get down on my knees and grab a hold of his dick and point it toward my mouth, examining it for a minute. His dick looked huge right in front of me. It must be at least 7-1/2 inches long, and very thick. There was a vein running along the top that was sticking out and one along the side that that was kind of crinkled up. His dick head was turning purple from all the blood that had filled his cock up. There was precum dribbling from the slit. I breathed in deeply, taking his smell deep into my lungs. His scent was like nothing I had ever smelled before. Kind of musty and yet it was sweet smelling. He balls were hanging nicely in their sack, they were just the right size to place in ones mouth. I was lost in the aroma of his body (pheromones?).

"Are you just gonna stare at my cock all day, or suck it?" Chris said.

"W-what?, Oh yeah" I answer, coming out of a daze.

"Then lets get on with it! my dick is hurting and need release, man"

He seemed a little upset, but I probably would act the same way in his shoes, waiting for a blow job, and some idiot just staring at his dick.

I begin to lick the underside of his shaft, tasting the precum that was dripping down from his pis slit. I continue to lick his shaft, lingering at the area just under the head. More pre-cum oozes out of his slit and lands on my tongue. I eagerly take it into my mouth, savoring the bittersweet juice.

I place my lips around the purple head of Chris' dick and gently stroke and squeeze the shaft. I can taste even more pre-cum coming out of the slit. I have never seen someone produce so much pre-cum. I t seemed the more I stroked his dick, the more pre-cum would come out. I savored every bit of it.

Then I begin to take him into my mouth. I took him in until his head hit the back of my mouth. There was still 3 1/2 inches to go. Man, Chris had a big dick!. I was bound determined to take every bit of his cock, if it was the last thing I ever do. So I relaxed my throat, preparing to take his large member deep into my mouth.

I decided to take it in the same way I would jump into a cold swimming pool -- all at once. So I opened as wide as I could and plunged down on him until my nose was buried in his pubic hair. It hurt my throat a little, but it was also satisfying to take all 7-1/2 inches into my mouth. Then I began to pump his dick for all it was worth. I took him all the way into my mouth, then slowly pulling back until his head was at my lips, then going down quickly until my nose hits his pubes.

"Oh yes, Rob, suck my big dick!! Oh yes, take it all!" Chris is saying.

He places his hands at the back of my head, pushing me into him with each downward stroke. I let him fuck my face. His dick seems to be going deeper down my throat with each thrust.

"Oh yes Rob! My big cock loves your hot wet mouth! Oh yes! Suck me, baby! Oh fuck! I am gonna cum!!!!"

Just then, we heard the locker room door open, Chris pulls out of my mouth and runs to his locker. I put my speedo's on as Chris tries to desperately fit his rock hard dick into his speedos. He slams his locker shut and runs towards the exit to the pool with half of his dick poking out of the waistband of his speedos. I laugh to myself because it was kind of comical the way Chris was running.

I put my clothes in my locker and shut the door and walked out to the pool. No one noticed Chris' quick exit. When I got to the pool, Chris had already jumped in. We looked at each other and just started laughing. I jumped in the pool to meet him.

"You should've seen the look on your face when you realized your hard dick wouldn't fit in your speedo's!", I said.

"That's the nature of the beast", Chris laughed. "And it still won't fit!"

I looked down into the water and noticed his dick was still hard as a rock and poking out the top of his speedo's. "Uh, Did I do that?", I said in my best "Urkel" voice.

"Yeah, and you are going to take care of this before I leave this pool.", Chris answered with a mischievous grin.

I reached down and rubbed his dick a few times before the rest of the class came out to the pool. Everyone jumped in the pool and began splashing and dunking each other. Chris got behind me to conceal himself from the others. Then I felt his hard dick against the crack of my ass. Chris was rubbing himself up against me while the rest of the class was dunking each other. I pressed my ass against him while he was grinding into me. I could feel my own dick getting hard and pushing against the fabric of my speedo's.

"Oh, Rob, I wish I could slide my dick in your ass right now. I am so ready to blow!", Chris said softly into my ear.

"Uh, I think we had better stop this for now, before someone notices." I answered.

Just then, Coach came out and called the class to the edge of the pool. Chris and I swam over to join the rest of the class. We stayed towards the back of the class as Coach explained about water safety again. Maybe I can "save" Chris today, I thought to myself. As coach continued his lecture, Chris got behind me again and started grinding into me again. As he pushed his hard dick against me, I felt one of his free hands reach around and start rubbing against the front of my speedo's. I felt my dick begin to rise again as more pressure was applied. I felt his other hand on my waist. Man was Chris ever hot! I thought for sure he was going to blow his load right here by the way he was breathing. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and hear his soft moans behind me.

"Okay class, buddy up and go practice what I taught you today", Coach announced to the class.

Chris and I swam to a spot away from all the other "buddies" and I pretended to save him. Once everyone was busy, and Coach went back to his office, I decided it was time to take care of Chris' "problem". I reached down and slid my hand into his speedo's and pulled his thick throbbing dick out and began stroking.

"Oh yes, Rob! Stroke it. Oh how I wish it was your hot ass!" Chris said as I stroked his dick.

I began stroking faster as Chris pumped along with each stroke. "Let me know when you are going to cum, okay" I told Chris. He nods his head. I stroke harder and faster. Chris is closing his eyes and moaning. His breathing is fast and heavy.

"Oh yes! I'm going to cum now", Chris whispers

I take a quick look around to be sure no one was watching. Then I take a deep breath and go under the water. I stroke his dick and place my lips on his bulbous head. I feel jets of hot cum fill my mouth. I am almost out of air, but his dick was still pumping my mouth with his cum. I swallow every bit of his cum and resurface to catch my breath. Then I go back under to suck any remaining cum out of his softening dick. Then I resurface for the last time.

"Fuck!, Rob. That was incredible", Chris said, catching his breath. "I have never had anyone do that before.

"When I was 13 or 14, my neighbor Johnny and I used to do that all the time in my pool." I answered. "You just have to be able to hold you breath a long time"

"I guess!" I didn't jack off today, because I wanted to save my cum for you" Chris answered.

Then we heard Coach's whistle, signaling the class to hit the showers. Chris and I headed towards the locker room to shower with the rest of the class. We were at the end of the line at the door. As the line began to move, I could feel Chris rubbing his dick against my backside again. Man, he was one horny devil. I could feel him getting hard again.

"Come on Chris!", I whispered, "You don't want a repeat of earlier do you? You know we have to take a shower, and I really don't think you want to go in there with a big hard on."

"Okay, but it is so hard to stop myself, Your ass is so tight and firm, I want to be inside of you!" Chris answered quietly into my ear.

After showering Chris and I walked towards our classes. As we were parting ways, I saw Bob walking towards me. I said "See ya later" to Chris and walked to meet Bob.

"Who was that?", Bob asked.

"Just a guy from swim class", I answered.

"He's kinda cute!"

"Yeah, he is, isn't he"

"Cuter than Me?" Bob continued.

"Oh no, babe, You are much cuter."

"I hear he has a big dick".

"Really? I hadn't really noticed", I replied, as if I didn't know!

"Oh, you must have!, your in swim class together! You both wear speedo's and you shower together. You had to have noticed!"

"Well, I he does appear to have a nice package". What was he getting at. How could he possibly know about me and Chris. Fuck! what have I done. I don't want to hurt Bob, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. He came on to me and I did nothing to stop it. I fucked up, and now I guess I am going to have to pay for it this time.

"I thought so! You are attracted to him, aren't you?" Bob pressed on.

"Well, maybe a little", I said, trying to sound unaffected by his grilling.

"A little! I saw the way you were looking at him! You want him, don't you!-----DON'T YOU!!" Bob was starting to get angry. I have never seen this side of Bob before.

"I- Uh ---I-- uh--"

"I thought so! I heard it through the grapevine that you were spending a lot of time with him in swim class the last couple of days. If You want him, then go to him!!!"

"No Bob" I was starting to cry. "It's you I want. I love you, Bob"

"I know you do Rob, and I love you. But we have to be honest with each other, okay?"

"Okay", I answered as He wiped away my tears.

"Meet me at lunch?"


"Okay, The door will be open, just go straight to our 'room', okay?"

"You got it!"

I eagerly awaited all day for the lunch bell to ring. It seemed like it took forever. Then it was finally lunch time. As I quickly walked toward the auditorium, I could feel my dick getting hard in my Levi's. I could just imagine what Bob has in store for me. As I approached the door to the auditorium, I took a quick look around to see that I was not followed. I opened the door and headed straight to the hallway. I opened the door and crawled through our "tunnel". I could see the blue light and knew that Bob was already there.

I crawled out of the tunnel and stood to my feet and looked toward the bed. I couldn't believe my eyes! There was Bob, in the buff, and next to him was.... I had to blink to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.

My jaw dropped to the floor! Sitting next to Bob, also in the nude was........Chris!!!!

End of part 8.

Should get interesting in Part 9.

Any Questions, comments, etc., e- mail me at Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 9

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