Bob and Rob


Published on Dec 19, 1998


This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life.

Bob & Rob Part VII By Jackin Boy

The rest of the day I spent thinking about Bob and how much I loved Him. Occasionally I would bring the finger that I had up his ass to my face and breath in, taking his scent deep into my nostrils. Normally you would think something like that would smell bad, but not this time. It was Bob's scent, and I loved every smell about him. He was the most beautiful person I have ever met. I could picture myself spending the rest of my life with him.

Halfway through my last class, I asked the teacher if I could be excused, stating that I was not feeling well. The teacher said O.K., so I left class and headed to the parking lot to my Dad's truck. When I got to the parking lot, I could see Bob sitting on the hood of the truck. I smiled to myself as I continued to walk across the parking lot to the truck. Bob was laying on the hood with a "come to me, big boy" look on his face. He was so sexy! My dick began to get hard as I walked closer to the truck. Bob was licking his lips in a seductive matter and grabbing at his crotch as I got closer. I smiled and laughed a little, "You're crazy, man" I said as I arrived at the truck. By now I was already hard as a rock. Bob jumped down off of the truck as I unlocked the passenger side door. As he got to the door, he placed one hand on my ass and the other hand on my crotch, applying presure and grabbing my ass and dick at the same time. Fuck! I could jump his bones right here in the parking lot. Bob released his hold on me and climbed in the truck. I close the door and walk around to the driver side as Bob reached over and unlocked the door for me. I opened the door and climbed in. I started the truck and Bob slid over to me and starred licking my neck and grabbing my crotch. "Damn! You are a horny bastard today!" I said. "MmHmmm", Bob answered as he continued to kiss my neck. "Easy! Easy!, wait till we get out of the parking lot and away from the school", I said as I started the truck and put it in gear.

As we passed the school, Bob layed down and put his head on my lap and looked up at me with puppy-dog eyes, and whimpered like a sad dog. I looked down and smiled at him as he ran one hand up my shirt, playing with my nipples. My dick started to grow hard again. The he gently bit at my cock through my pants, causing it to jump inside my jeans. Then he removed his hand from under my shirt and began unbuttoning my 501's, one button at a time. Then he reached in and finding my hard dick, he pulls it out of my pants. I lift my ass up in the seat as he pulls my pants down just enough so my cock would not be in a bind. Now, mind you, I am still driving and Bob is fondling my dick. Then he lays down across the seat sao his face is above my hard cock. He start to lick my shaft starting at the base and working his way up to the head. He then licks the pre-cum that has accumulated on the piss slit. Then he wraps his lips around the head. I have to concentrate to keep the truck on the road. "Oh Bob, It is hard to drive when you do this, but it feels so good!"

Instead of heading for home, I begin to drive towards the hills just outside of town. Bob is continuing to suck my dick as I drive. Man it felt so good! I could feel my orgasm start to brew, and it was getting harder to keep the truck in a straight line. When we reached the dirt road that lead up to the hills, I told Bob to stop, as the road is quite bumby. So Bob stops sucking my dick and puts it back in my underwear. I drive the truck about 5 miles up into the hills until we come to a small wooded area. I drive into the woods until we are out of sight of the access road. I stop the truck, put it in park and shut off the ignition.

Bob starts kissing my neck and rubbing my cock through my underwear. Our lips meet and we make out for a little while. "Lets get out of the truck", I whisper in Bobs ear. "Okay, lover", Bob answers. Bob gets out of the truck while I get a packing comforter from behind the seat. We walk about 30 feet from the truck to a small meadow with tall grass and a few flowers here and there. We continue to walk out into the meadow for anothe 30 feet. We push the tall grass down with our feet until we have an area big enough for the comforter. We spread the comforter out and then layed down on it. We instantly were in each others arms, kissing and rubbing and licking each other. It didn't take long for us to be completely naked, our clothes scattered around the edge of the comforter. The sun beating down on our naked bodies felt so wonderful. It felt like we were free, like there was no one in the world but us.

We continued to make out in the warm sun, our sweaty bodies sliding against each other. The smell of Bob's sweat as it mixed with mine was a sweet aroma to my nostrils. It was as if the chemistry of our sweat changed when it was mixed together. Like we were made for each other. Bob began to kiss around my neck then continuing down to my chest, spending time on each of my nipples. Then Bob got on top of me, sitting on my chest so his cock was pointed right at my lips. I lift my head up and licked the pre-cum off the tip of his dick. Then I lift up a little more until I can place my lips around his cock. Bob reaches around with one hand and finding my dick, he begins to stroke it slowly. I can feel pre-cum oozing out of my dick. I continue to suck Bob's cock as he strokes mine. Then Bob finds the spreads the pre-cum that in now a steady stream coming out of my dick and spreads it around my cock. He squeezes my dick, causing more pre-cum to flow out of my slit and spreads it around also. Then Bob pushes my head off of his cock and tells me to lay down. Then Bob spits on his hand and applys it to my cock. He spits again and applies the spit to his asshole. Then Bob moves back until he is lined up with my throbbing cock. He lowers himself until my cockhead is pushing at his hole. He continues to apply pressure until the head of my dick enters his hole.

"OOHHH" Bob winces in pain.

"You alright, love?" I ask.

"Y-Yesss. It hurts a little, but not to bad".

"You don't have to do this, you know"

"But I wan't tooo!"

Then Bob begins to slowly lower himself onto me, taking more of my dick into him. Bob stops once most of my dick is inside of him, alowing himself to get used to the intrusion. Then he begins to slide up and down slowly at first, then building up a little momentum.""Ohhh Bob, that feels so good!" I exclaim as I push my hips up to meet his downward thrusts. Then Bob begins to thrust a little harder, taking more and more of me inside of him. Now Bob is stroking his dick while he fucks me. Then Bob thrusts himself hard against me, taking every bit of me into him.

"Oh G-G-God! UUUUUGGH! OOOOOOH F-F-FUUUUUUUUCK!" Bob exclaimed. I knew then that my cock had reached his prostate, sending Bob waves of pleasure through his body. Bob began to thrust faster and harder on my cock while he stroked his meat. His ass was gropping my cock like a vice. I could feel the heat of his insides surrounding my dick. Bob leans his head back and arches his back is he continues to thrust harder and harder. I am lifting my hips in unison with him, pushing my cock deep into him with each of his downward thrusts. I can feel my impending orgasm getting closer.


I feel his ass clamp hard around my cock as the first shot of his hot cum shoots out of his cock, landing on my cheek. The intense pressure around my dick sends me over the edge.

"UUUUNNNNGGGGHHHH! OH B-BABY" I cry out as I begin to shoot my hot cum into him as his ass is pulsating around my cock in unison with his ejaculation.

"OOOOOHHH BABY MMMMMMMM", Bob exclaims as two more glops of sperm shoot out of his dick, landing on my chest.

"UUUNNNGH. OH YEEES, OOOOOOHH!", I shoot more of my juice deep inside him. I look up at the sky and begin to see many different colors. It feels as if I briefly left my body and was soaring into the clouds. That is how intense this orgasm was!

"Oh Rob, your cum is soo hot inside me!" Bob says as his thrust twice more against my dick as our orgasms begin to subside.

Bob then lays his head down on my shoulder, panting with exhaustion. I put my arms around Bob as we lay motionless, my dick still inside him, as we both catch our breath. I wanted us to remain like this forever, in each others arms.

"Oh Rob, I love you", Bob whispers.

"I love you too, baby" I answer.

We continued to lay in each others arms, not caring about the cum that was sandwiched between us or the sweat all over our bodies. We were just two lovers in each others arms in the great outdoors. Then Bob pulled off of my now limp cock and layed on his back next to me. I put my arm under his neck and he scooted closer to me, rolling on his side and placing one hand on my chest and laying one leg across my legs. We just layed like this, staring at the sky, our nude bodies exposed to the elements. We layed and talked about everything. We told each other our life stories, our likes and dislikes, favorite color, you name it.

After a while we decided it was time to get back to civilization. By now the cum on our chests had dried up, so we just put our clothes on, folded up the comforter, and headed back to the truck. We headed down the dirt road, with Bob sitting next to me, neither of us caring who would see. We loved each other and were'nt afraid who knew (at this moment, anyway).

I dropped Bob off and headed for home with a smile on my face (and cum on my chest).

End of part VII.

To be continued in part VIII.

Any comments, questions etc.? E mail me at

Next: Chapter 8

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