Bob and Rob


Published on Dec 14, 1998


This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life.

Well, with that out of the way--- On with the show!!!

Bob & Rob Part VI By Jackin Boy

When the lunch bell rang, I quickly headed straight to the drama rooms to meet Bob as planned My dick began to get hard as I thought about what Bob could possibly have planned. When I arrived at the planned destination I looked around, but didn't see Bob. Where the hell is he?, I thought. A few minutes later, I heard the back stage door to the school auditorium open. I turned to look, and there was Bob motioning me to come in.

I walked in the door and Bob closed it behind me. It was pitch black inside. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. while I stood with my back against the door waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I felt Bobs' lips against mine. He slipped his tongue into my waiting mouth as I did the same. Then I felt his hands rubbing my crotch. My dick responded to his touch. I slipped my hands under his shirt and began to caress his smooth hairless chest. Something about kissing in the dark seems to highten the othe senses. I could smell scents that I never even noticed about Bob. I don't know if it was what they call pheremones or what. All I know is that I liked it. Then Bob broke the lip lock he had on me and grabbed my hand and whispered, "C'mon".

He led me by the arm in the dark to what seemed like the other end of the stage. I still couldn't see a thing, so I was at the mercy of my leader. "Where are you taking me", I whispered. "Be patient, my lover, and you will see, (no pun intended)". "Then we stopped as Bob opened another door and guided me in allowing the door to close behind us. He led me down what seemed like a long hallway. Bob must know every inch of this auditorium, being in drama and all. Then went through another door. It must have been a set storage room, because Bob led me in between what seemed large sheets of wood leaning against each other . At on point, Bob pulled me down with him onto our hands and knees. "Watch your head", Bob said. We crawled int a space about 3'x 3'. We continued on our hands and knees for about 6 feet. As we crawled out of our "tunnel of love" as we would later call it Bob told me to wait.

A few second later, the "room" we were in was filled with a blue glow. Bob had rigged up a blue stage light in the room. I looked around the room. It was a 6' x 10' area surrounded by walls made of parts of old stage sets. There was a full size matress in the corner (complete with bedding) and a small table in the corner with small stage lamp on it emiting blue light. The room had a musty smell to it. This room has probably not been opened since last years spring play.

"When did you do this, Bob?" I asked.

"I came early this morning and fixed this up for us", he answered. "Mrs. Goetz (the drama teacher) gave me a key to the auditorium last year when I was on the stage crew. I just never gave it back to her".

"Cool", I answered as Bob came up to me and pulled me by the arm towards the bed. He pushed me down onto the bed and then got on top of me and started kissing me with an animalistic frenzy. A frenzy that can only be tamed by one thing. S-E-X. As he darted his tongue in and out of my mouth I met his tongue with mine with the same intensity. He ran one hand under my shirt and caressed my firm nipples and placed the other hand on my crotch, causing my dick to harden. As he squeezed at my cock, He released the lip lock he had on me and began kissing around my neck. Then with both hands, he lifted my shirt. I raised my arms as he took my shirt off. Then I helped him off with his shirt. Then we resumed kissing each other passionately, our arms intertwined and our chests pressed together, grinding our crotches against each other. We rolled around the bed for a while, lost in the lust we had for each other.

Then Bob began kissing about my neck, working his way to the base of my neck and then kissing along each collar bone. "Mmmmmmm", I moaned, as I was very sensitive in this area. He continued kissing and licking all around my chest, sending my into a sexual high."OooooAAah", I moan. Bob then ran his tongue from my chest down towards my navel. I jumped a little when he reached my stomach. He encircles my navel with his tongue a few times, then continues down my treasure trail to the waistband of my Levi's. He tries to unbutton them with his mouth, but was unsuccessfu. So I help him out by unbuttoning all five buttons in one pull. "Your not wearing any underwear", Bob exclaims. "I didn't put any on today to make it easier to get undressed for you". "Mmmmm", Bob replies as he resumes licking my body. He continued licking along my treasure trail to the base of my pubes as I reach out and begin to unbutton his pants and unzip them. His dick jumped out of his pants as he had it in the upward position in his pants. I began slowly stroking his throbbing cock as Bob begins to pull my pants down. I lift my butt up as he slides them down below my knees. My cock springs out of my pants, ready for action. I also help him pull his pants down.

Then we assumed the 69 position, as if we read each others minds. Bob begins running his tongue accross my pubes, around the base of my dick and then to my balls.I befin to mimic his actions in his groin area. He begins sucking my balls as I begin to suck his, taking them on at a time into his mouth. Of course, I do the same. Then we both run our tongues simultaneously from the base of each others cocks to the head. I lick the pre-cum that is dribbling out of the slit as he runs tongue around my head. Then I take his the head of his dick into my mouth. "Mmmmm", Bob moans as he takes my cockhead into his mouth. I begin taking more of his dick into my mouth as he plunges down on my cock. We begin sucking and pumping each others dicks with our mouths. within minutes, I feel Bob's cock swell up in my mouth. He begins pumping his boy juice into my mouth. I can hear his muffled moans as he pumps about six or seven loads into my mouth. I swallowed every drop of his delicious cum.

Now I was far from coming as Bob was sucking my dick. Bob's dick was still hard, so I just continued sucking him. Most dudes would make me stop by now, because of the sensitivity, but not Bob. As I continued sucking his cock, Bob removed his mouth from my cock long enough to lick his finger, He then resumed sucking my dick and placed his wet finger against my butthole. He began applying pressure as he continued to work at my dick. Then he slowly pushes his finger into my hole slowly. "Mmmmmff", I let out a muffled moan as I stop sucking his dick and lick my finger also. Something that feels this good should be a shared experience. I resume sucking his still rock hard cock and place my finger against his hairless hole. Bob pushes more of his finger into me as I insert the tip of my finger into him. Soon Bob's finger is all the way into me. Then I feel a sensation I have never felt before. A wave of pleasure went through my whole body. Bob must have found my prostate I thought to myself. Then Bob began to move his finger around in my ass."Oooooh! Mmmmmm! Ooohh!" I moan as Bob massages my prostate. I push my finger deeper into Bobs ass until Bob lets out a moan of ecstasy "Mmmmmm! Ooooh!" I also began to massage his prostate as I resumed sucking his cock. We both continued sucking and massaging each others prostate glands. Wave after wave of pleasure went through my body. Higher and higher we climbed untill it seemed like we were in another world. Nothing else seemed to matter except the intense pleasure we were feeling. I felt my impending orgasm begin to brew from deep inside of me. Then I felt my cock swell up. I didn't want this feeling to ever stop. I was having the most intense orgasm of my life""bob must have sensed this, as he slowed down his rythm. "Mmmmmmmmff! Unnnnnnnngh" I moan as Bob keeps me right at the edge of ejaculation. I clamp down on his cock and begin sucking wildly on his cock. I continue to massage his prostate with a frenzy. I wanted Bob to feel the same thing I was feeling. Then I reached the point of no return. The intesity of my orgasm intensified, sending me over the edge. I feel my cock swell up. I though it would explode. Then I begin shooting my hot cum into his mouth.

"UUUUUUUUUNNNNGGGGHHH! MMMMMMMMMM!" I moan as I fill "Bob's mouth with my cum. Then I feel Bob's cock swell up and start shooting into my mouth.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMFFF!! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH" Bob moans as he pumps my cock of all its cum.

We maned and sucked and writhed in ecstasy for what seemed like an eternity. Once we sucked every last drop of cum out of each other, we let each others dicks out of our mouths. Mine was softening, but Bob's was still hard. I wonder how many times he could go without stopping, I thought to myself. I mean to find out.. someday. We lay there with our fingers still up each others asses while we caught our breath.

"That was incredible, Bob" I said, my head still spinning"

"You like???", Bob answered.

"Oh yeah. I have never had an orgasm that intese before in my life"

"There is more where that came from", Bob said as he slid his finger out of my ass.

"I sure hope so" I answered as I removed my finger out of his hole.

"Oh shit!, Look at the time!" Bob said, showing me his watch.

"Fuck! We've got to get going!"I exclaimed.

We hurriedly got dressed and left the "room" and headed out the dasrk hallway and to the back stage door. We give each other one last kiss and head back to class. "I love you Bob!" I said. "I love you too Rob! See you after school". Then he went on his way.

I walked back to class on cloud nine. I was on top of the world. Then a horrifying thought entered my head. This morning I let Chris jack me in the pool. How could I do this to Bob, the one I truly loved. Well I did't do it back, and he didn't suck me. So I dismissed that though as we didn't actually have sex. did we?

End of part VI

any comment etc. can be e-mailed to me at:

Next: Chapter 7

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