Bob and Rob


Published on Dec 11, 1998


This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life.

Thanks to a very special friend fot the help on this one. You know who you are! Thanks!

Bob & Rob Part V By Jackin Boy

I woke up early the next day, anticipating the days' events. I just layed there in the bed daydreaming about Bob. I envisioned every feature about him in my mind. His brown hair with just the right amount of curl to make him look so cute. His beautiful green eyes that just captivated me every time I looked into them. His high cheekbones that seem to have been created to highlight those eyes. The dimple he would get in his right cheek when he smiled. His little button nose that turned up slightly at the tip. His nose was so cute!!! How could he love someone like me, with my long nose and sunk in cheeks. I wish I wasn't so damn skinny. I sometimes felt so homely. I don't know why I believe all the things people day about me when they make fun of me. "Hey skin and bones!" they say. "If you stood sideways and stuck your tongue out, you would look like a zipper", is another one. Or how about "You have to run around in the shower to get wet".

The only thing that makes me kind of cool now is the fact that I have a car. I worked a lot of summers mowing lawns and doing odd jobs to save up to get this car. It took a long time, but I finally saved up enough. I even had some money left over to fix it up. A 1968 Chevelle SS with a 396 big block and a turbo 400 tranny. It was my dream car! I put Centerline wheels with B.F.Goodrich T/A radials on it. Then I added headers and thrush mufflers and installed a Crane 3/4 lift cam. I Had it painted a metal flake blue. I also raised the back end slightly and put some traction bars on. Then I installed a B&M shift kit and 3000 stall converter. It is one bad machine if I don't say so myself. Some guys called it a "babe magnet", which is probably why I alwars had the girls chasing me. Some times it can be a royal pain in the ass!.

After taking a shower, getting dressed and chowing down som Cheerios, I headed out the door and got in my car. After turning the the car over a few times (I pulled a wire off of the coil the night before) I tuned off the key and went back in the house. "Dad, can I use the truck, the Chevelle wont start?" I called out. "Sure Son, go ahead. The keys are hanging on the rack", my Dad called out from his room. "Uh - Son?" My Dad called. "Yeah Dad?" I answered. "It may need some gas" "I'll put some in" I yelled back. "Good deal, Son".

I grabbed the keys and headed out to the truck. It is a 1975 Chevy 3/4 ton with a 454 engine. It is a two tone "Grecian Bronze" with cream colored highlights. I turned the key and it started right up with a rumble. My Dad also had dome some "work" to this engine. So it also was a pretty fast truck.

I headed for school and strategically parked it at the end of the parking lot for an easy exit. I figured Bob and I could make up excuses to get out of 7th period early. I headed out to the gym and went to the locker room to change and take an early swim before class begun. I had swimming for Phys Ed which was my 1st period. I took off my clothes and slipped into my Speedos. They really did a good job highlighting my 5-inch-in-the-slack dick. I often would see a lot of the girls and some of the guys checking it out during class. Sometimes I would have to concentrate on not getting a hard on, as Speedos do not do a very good job of concealing anything. I dived into the briskly cold water and started to do a few laps. As I was finishing my third lap, I noticed someone standing at the edge of the pool, watching me. I stopped at the end of the pool and layed my arms over the edge to hold myself up while I caught my breath.

"Do you take early an early morning swim often?"

I tuned to look at who was there. It was Chris, a new guy this year in swimming.

"Once in a while. It kind of helps to clear my mind" I answered.

"Hmmm, maybe I should try it sometime" Chris said.

"Then go ahead and get suited up" I answered.

"I think I will!", he said as he headed towards the locker room to change.

Just then, the rest of the class came out of the locker room and started jumping in the pool to start their warm up laps. Damn!, I thought to myself. I didn't realize it was so late. I wanted some time alone with Chris in the pool. Oh well, maybe I can get chris to start early with me tomorrow.

I swam a few more laps while I waited for Chris to come out. A few minutes later Chris came out in his Speedos, ready to swim.

Chris walked out the door, I thought I was gonna die. He had the most gorgeous body in the whole fucking world. He was 5'-11" tall with the most complete 6-pac and a huge package to go with it. Damn it must have been at least 7 1/2 inches long. He also had brown hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes. He was the talk of the school. All the girls loved those eyes...But was he straight...or.....was he BI. I had to find out. Could it be possible that the two most hottest guys in the school were both gay.

As Chris walked out of the locker room all the guys yelled for him to come and swim in there lane. He just smiled and then he started walking down the lanes and he stopped directly at my lane. I flipped over on to my back to check him out some more. Yep he's still fine, I thought.

After a few minutes of him chatting with the other guys he jumped into the water and swam up to me and said, "Hey...My name is Chris ...whats yours?" "My name is Rob. (Are you gay?????)". Shit I didn't say that out loud did I... okay good he didn't notice. As we talked on I started to get a hard on because his lips reminded me of Bob. Damn I love that kid so much... I wonder what Bob thinks about Chris.

Just then, Mr. Dopf, the swim coach, blew his whistle for the class to assemble together, so Chris and I swam together to join the rest of the class by the shallow end of the pool. As I swam behind Chris, I noticed the most beautiful firm ass cheeks bobbing up out of the water. Whoa, man! I got an instant hard-on seeing those firm buns just within my reach. I had to control myself to keep from reaching out and grabbing a handfull!

Coach Dopf explained to the class that today we would learn Water Safety First Aid. He told us to each pair up with a buddy. It just seemed natural for Chris and I to look at each other at the same time.

"Buddy?", Chris said to me as he looked at me with those bluer-than-the-sky eyes of his.

"S-ssure!", I stammered. Damn! there I go again, getting all hot and bothered again.... and fuck!, I still had a raging hard-on from looking at his ass a few minutes ago.

Coach Dopf then talked a while about water safety and how to save a drowning person (bla bla bla).

Coach then told us to practice life saving techniques with our "buddies". Each of us was to be the drowning victim. Chris and I decided that I would be the first "victim". So I swam out to the deep end... out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn I saw Chris checking my ass out!.

I then began flailing my arms about yelling in my best southern belle accent, "Haelp! Save mae! Save mae!"

"I'm a comin' Scarlet!", Chris joked back

Chris swam out to me, got behind me and wrapped one arm around my chest and pulled me close to him. He began swimming towards the pool edge, and I could have swore he purposefully rubbed his crotch up against me a few times in the process. I was instantly hard just from having him so close to me. I could feel his warm breath against my neck. I had to fight the urge to reach over and kiss him right on the lips. Once we reached the edge og the pool, Chris pulled me up and laid me on my chest with my waist hanging over the edge and my legs dangling in the water. Then he slapped me on the ass as he got out of the pool. It stung a bit, but at the same time was oh so sensual. Then Chris pulled me the rest of the way out of the pool and then straddled me, sitting on my ass and pushing up on my back with his hands as if he was pumping the water out of my lungs. My semi-hard dick was being pushed into the pavement from the weight of him on me. Then he got off me and helped me up as he whispered in my ear, "Yes.. I am gay". My dick jumped! He did hear me, and he is gay! the two most beautiful guys in school were gay. It was just too good to be true!

"I--I think you had better get in the pool, Rob" Chris said, looking down at my hard dick trying to release itself from the confines of my Speedos.

"Yeah, I guess I had better". So I quickly jumped back into the pool, and Chris followed me.

Once back in the pool, Chris swam over to me and reached under the water and grabbed my crotch. A shockwave ran through my body. "My turn to drown!", Chris said as he swam out to the center of the deep end.

As Chris flailed his arms about as if he was drowning, I swam out to him ti "save" him. I wrapped my right arm around his torso and in the process I "accidentally" rubbed against his crotch. It felt like he had a semi in his Speedos. I started swimming back to towards the edge, allowing his backside to rub against my crotch a few times as he bobbed in the water. When we got to the edge, I released him and he grabbed on to the edge. He looked around the pool, and seeing that everyone was busy with their lifesaving practices, Chris reached for my crotch and started rubbing my dick through my speedos. My dick was instantly hard again. He rubbed faster and faster while checking out the scene to be sure no one noticed. Then he pulled down on the elastic of my Speedos and my cock popped out and stood straight out. He placed the elastic band under my sac so my dick and balls were exposed. He began stroking my cock, bringing me closer to the orgasm that was already brewing in my loins. As he picked up the pace, I could feel my balls pull up close to my body. Within seconds I was shooting my load into the water. "Uuuggh", I moaned as quietly as I could. Chris then squeezed the remaining cum from my dick and put my dick and balls back in my speedos. We then swam away from where my cum was floating on top of the water.

Just as I was ready to "return the favor", I heard Coach blow his whistle and yell for us to hit the showers. "Damn!, I guess I'll have to give you yours later", I said to Chris."There is always tomorrow! I'll meet you here for an early swim tomorrow before class" Chris said with a smile. Then we all headed for the showers to change. Chris' locker was on the block accross from mine, so I could occasionally get a glimps of his firm ass, or his huge cock from across the room. He looked so awsome! His dick must have beenat least 6 inches in the slack! But I did feel a bit guilty because I did love Bob, but this was just sex, with Bob it was different. I couldn't wait until lunch when I could see Bob again.

At morning break I went to the snack bar and bought enough food to feed an army. I wish Bob had the same morning break as I did. (There were two morning breaks and two lunch periods as our school was quite large.) I chowed down my food and headed to my next class. As I was walking down the hall, I felt two hands come up behind me and cover my eyes. "Guess who?", said a scratchy tenor voice that could only be....

"Bob! you crazy nut", I exclaimed. He let go of my eyes and came around the front of me.

"Meet me at the drama room at lunch, I have a surprise for you! Did you eat?"

"Yeah, a bunch" "I answered.

"Good, cause we will need the whole lunch period to do what we have to do!", He said simultaneously grabbing my crotch, causing my dick to begin to rise.

"Dammit Bob, be careful" I said, hoping to God that no one seen him grabbing me, even if it did feel good.

"Ah don't worry, everyone is busy going to there classes to notice", He said, grabbing me again.

"Man you are a horny fuck today, Bob!"

"You know it, lover. My dick has been hard for you all morning!"

"So has mine" I answered. Well that was partly true. My dick was hard a good part of the morning.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch..don't be late" Bob said, walking back the way he came, grabbing a hanfull of my ass as he went.

There I was, standing in the middle of the hallway with a hardon. And since I was wearing boxers and loose jeans, It just stuck out for all the worls to see. 'Damn you Bob' I thought to myself. It is a good thing I had my books with me!. So I covered my mid-section with my books and walked to class. I couldn't wait until lunch. I spent the next two classes dreaming about what Bob had in store for me at lunch, with a constant hard-on the whole time. I wish lunch would hurry up and get here.......

End of part V

Sorry to leave you all hangin', but you know I love it!! Any questions, comments, constructive criticizm are welcome E-mail me at or

Coming soon-- Part VI Lunch

Next: Chapter 6

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