Bob and Rob


Published on Dec 5, 1998


Well, here is part IV.

This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life.

Well, with that out of the way--- Happy reading!!!

Bob & Rob Part IV By Jackin Boy

As Bob Headed for the shower, I looked at the clock: five o'clock. "Oh shit! Look at the time!" I said out loud. I threw on my clothes. "I've gotta call home, Bob" I called out. "The phone is in the kitchen!" Bob answered. "Ask our Mom if you can stay for dinner"

I dialed the phone.

"Hello?", My Mom answered.

"HI Mom, I'm at Bob's house", I said. "His Mom invited me to stay for dinner, can I stay? I already did my homework here", I fibbed.

"I guess so, just be home by 8:00."

"Okay Mom, and thanks!"

"She said O.K, But I have to be home by 8:00" I called to Bob.

"Good!", Bob answered. "Now come here, babe!"

I walked toward the sound of his voice. As I walked down the hall, I could hear water running. "I'm in here!", I heard Bob call out. I walked to the end of the hall, towards the a partially opened door. I entered the door into a dark room. There was another partially opened door at the other end of the room with a light shining through. "This your mom's room, dude" I called. "No shit Sherlock!" Bob answered, "Now close the door and come on back here!"

I closed the door to the room and walked into the bathroom where Bob was ther in all his glory. I never realized just how sexy Bob was until I saw him in the light, stark naked. His olive skin had just the perfect tone. His slim build made him appear to be taller than he actually was. He had just the right amount of definition on his chest for his build. He had the most perfect quarter-size nipples centered in his firm pecs. He had a small line of hair that started at the bottom of his navel and ended at his soft brown pubic hair. He had the perfect amount of soft downey pubic hair surrounding his semi-erect cock. I also noticed he had no tan lines. Either his olive skin never seen the sun, or he sunbathed in the nude. His cock was the most perfect I had ever seen. It was perfectly straight, not a bend to the left or the right. His legs were even sexy! They were virtually hairless, just a small amount of smooth downey hair. I felt my own cock begin to stir in my pants.

"Take off your clothes," Bob said. I complied with his request.

"Come here," Bob said seductively.

I moved toward him, he placed his hands on my hips. I wrap my arms around him. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth, I return the favor. We continue kissing with our tongues intertwined. I reach for his cock with one hand, while I caress his back with the other. His cock is rock hard. I stroke his cock a few times. He reaches for my smi-hard cock. I get harder in his grasp. We kiss and stroke and caress each other for a while. We get into the shower without ever breaking contact.

The shower is a large two person shower, with a small "bench" in the corner molded into the fiberglass. We both get under the water still in each others arms. I can feel the warm water running down my face and covering my whole body. Bob releases the lip lock he has on me and reaches for the soap. He lathers it up in his hands and begins to wash me. He starts on my chest, spending time on my nipples. He lathers up my back next by reaching his arms around me. I can feel his warm chest touch mine. He washes my back, allowing his hands to rub my ass occasionally. Then he lets me go and gets down on his knees and washes my legs and feet, spending some time on the inside of my thighs. Then he begins to lather up my pubes and balls, purposefully avoiding my cock it seems. I can feel my dick pulsing with each beat of my heart. I am so hard it hurts. As he continues "washing" my balls, he licks off the pre-cum that is now forming on the head of my prick. I feel my cock jump. Then Bob stand up and hands me the soap.

I lather up the soap in my hands and begin at his chest also. I tweak at his nipples a few times during this. I continue by washing his back in the same manner he did mine. Our slick chests meet and slide against each other, oh what a feeling. I then get on my knees and wash his legs and lather up his pubic area. I stoke his dick a few times, then stand up. We wrap our arms around each other and let our bodies slide against each other. Bob reaches down and places our cocks in an upright position against our bellies. We begin kissing and grinding our soaped up bodies against one another. It feels so good sliding against each other. Our slick cocks between us rubbing against each other was so sensual.

"I love you, Bob," I said softly in his ear.

"I love you too, Rob," Bob answered.

We continued kissing and grinding against each other for what seemed like an hour, but in reality was probably about 10 minutes. Soon we were in the heights of ecstasy. I can fell my orgasm on its way,

"Mmmmmmmm, Ohhhhhhh, B-Bob," I moan.

"Oooooooh, Rob," Bob replied

We begin grinding faster against each other as we kiss and caress each other.

"Oooh, Ooooh, Aaagh, Mmmmm," we moan in unison.

"Oh R-Rob I-I'm c-c-cuuuUUUUUUMMMMMMIIIINNNNNNNGGGG" Bob calls out.

"Mmmme T-TooooooooOOOOOOOOOO B-B-BOB"

Within moments I feel his hot cum shooting up our chests, which causes me to go over the edge. I start shooting my hot jizz up our chests. My knees begin to buckle and my body is now shaking.


"Oh Bob you are amazing!" I exclaimed once we came down from our orgasmic high

"You're not so bad yourself", Bob answers.

"I really do love you, Bob, You know that don't you?"

"I know I love you too, Rob".

We both got dressed and headed out to the living room. I sat down on the couch, and Bob went to the kitchen. I turned on the t.v. as Bob started making dinner. While surfing through the channel I could hear Bob mixing something up and banging pans and stuff. I watched some viseos on MTV and surfed some more. Whatever He was making, it sure smelled good. After a while, Bob goes to the front door and calls his sister in to eat. In a few minutes Bob's little sister, Christy comes in the door.

"Who are you?", she asks me.

"Hi, I'm Rob, Bob's friend" I answer.

"Bob and Rob, Thats funny! He! He!", she giggles.

"Christy! Your plate is on the table!" seen Bob calls out.

Christy went and sat at the table. A few minutes later Bob brings out two plates and sets one in front of me on the coffee table, and the other one next to it, and then returned to the kitchen. I looked at the plate in front of me. There was fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and zuchinni squash. Bob returns a few minutes later with two glasses of soda, some silverware and napkins.

"Man this looks good!", I said

"Then go ahead and eat it", Bob answered.

I took a bite out of a piece of chicken. "Mmmmmmm, this is delicious!", I said with my mouth full. "You never said you could cook, I mean REALLY cook!"

"Yeah, I can get around a kitchen. When I was little, I was always in the kitchen with my mom" Bob answered.

I ate every bit of the food on my plate, and even had seconds. I guess I had developed an appetite after getting off a few times with Bob. when it came time for me to go, Bob walked me out to my car.

"Tomorrow lets meet at the same place for lunch. I know of another place to go, a place where we don't have to worry about getting caught", Bob said to me when we got to my car.

"Oh yeah?" I said. "After what happened earlier today, it had better be very private".

"Oh, it is", Bob said with a smile.

We embraced and kissed as I got in my car. We did it without even worrying if anyone would see us. I guess love is that way.

"I love you, Rob," Bob said, looking deep into my soul with those penetrating green eyes.

"I love you, Bob."

"One more thing" Bob added as I put the car in reverse. "Eat lunch during morning break, that way we can spend the whole lunch hour together."

"Okay, lover," I said as I backed the car out of the driveway and headed for home.

All the way home I was daydreaming about what Bob had in store for tomorrow. I truly loved this boy. He was beautiful, witty, and boy could he cook!.

End of Part IV

Stay tuned for part V.

Any questions or comments? You can e-mail me at Flames will be ignored

Next: Chapter 5

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