Bob and Rob


Published on Nov 25, 1998


Well, here is part III. Thanks for all the responses everyone. Thanks especially to Comicality for the advice!!!

This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy relationship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life- I swear!!

Well, with that out of the way--- Happy reading!!!

Bob & Rob Part III By Jackin Boy

The footsteps outside the Ice cabinet continued to get closer. Were fucked!!, I thought to myself. Just then I heard the door to the other compartment open. Bob and I held our breath. Is this person going to open our door also? Then we heard the door close. We braced ourselves for the inevitable! Then we heard the footsteps walk away.

Bob and I continued to hold our breath for what seemed like an eternity. When I figured it was safe I let out my breath. "Whew!!! That was too close I said as Bob caught his breath.

"Yeah I thought for sure that we'd been caught!", Bob exclaimed.

"Maybe we should find a safer spot next time"

"I think I know just the spot!" Bob answered "Lets 'do lunch' again tomorrow"

"Hey, It is getting late, Bob, We had better get going!!"

We finished buttoning our pants and got out of the ice cabinet. I used my hand as a comb on Bob's mussed up hair and he did the same to mine as I straightened his shirt collar. We walked back towards the classrooms.

"Hey! You owe me a B.J. bud!"

"Give me a ride home after school, and I will repay you at my house", Bob answered.

"Okay, I'll be looking forward to it! My balls are really aching now!!"

After school I hurried out to the parking lot to find Bob sitting on the hood of my car. Man he must have run out to my car!!

"Hey Bob! what did you do - run?" I said as I walked up to the car.

"I have drama for 7th period, so it wasn't far to walk", Bob said as we got in the car.

(The drama, choir and band rooms are right next to the parking lot. I have English for 7th, which is on the other side of the school.)

As we pulled out of the parking lot I looked over at Bob. He had this mischievous grin on his face. I smiled back at him. He continued with that grin of his.

"No, Bob!", I said knowing what he was thinking

"Why not?" He said as he reached over and put his hand on my crotch. He begins rubbing my cock through my jeans as it begins to fill with blood.

"Because, One: I am driving, and two: It is daylight and people will see us! Tell you what, Tomorrow I'll see if I can borrow my dads truck. I'll pretend my car is broke down or something, then maybe I'll let you blow me while I drive- okay?"

He continues to stoke at my throbbing cock through my jeans as I drive to his house. By the time we got to his house I was oozing so much pre-cum that I was starting to get a wet spot on my pants. We pull into his driveway, I shut off the car and we both quickly got out and headed to his front door.

"Is your mom home?" I asked.

"No, she is working swingshift this week. She rotates shifts at her work."

"Oh. What about your--"

"My Dad?", He cut me off, "Haven't seen him since I was three".

"I'm sorry".

"Don't be, I'm fine with it".

As we walk in the front door Bob calls out, "Christy!" He yells. "Christy's my little sister. She's eleven."

There was no answer.

"She is probably at her friends house. C-mon!" Bob said, grabbing my arm.

He led me down the hallway to his room. He opens the door and we go in, he closes the door behinds us and pushes the lock button.

He faces me, puts his hands around my waist and plants his lips onto mine. He pushes his warm tongue into my mouth. As we are "swapping spit", he places one hand on my bulge and begins rubbing me through my jeans, while the other hand goes up my shirt, gently caressing my now erect nipples. As he continues to kiss me, he unbuttons my jeans. He inserts his hand into the waistband of my boxers, and gently runs his hand across my pubes. I can feel my cock begin to excrete pre-cum.

Bob the pushes my pants down, they fall to the floor. He lifts my shirt, I raise my arms as he takes it off over my head. He tosses my shirt aside. He kisses me again as places both hands on my pecks, gently caressing them. I can feel my fully erect cock pushing against the confines of my boxers. Bob then pushes me down onto the bed, laying on top of me.

He kisses me deeply as he slides over so he is laying beside me, with one leg laying on me. he continues to kiss me as he runs his fingertips across my chest. He the begins to caress around my groin area, teasing at my brown pubic hair. He caresses by balls, gently lifting the sack. He then touches my throbbing member with his fingertips. He runs his fingertips up the shaft to the head, gently circling the glans. I feel my dick jump as more pre-cum oozes out.

"Oh Bob, suck me baby" I moan.

Bob then took off all of his clothes and then helped me take off my shoes and pulled my pants the rest of the way off. Then he lays back down on me.

He begins to kiss around my neck, working his way down to my nipples as he continues gently caressing my throbbing cock with his fingertips. He sucks each nipple one at a time and kisses he's way down my chest towards my stomach. My stomach jumps when he touches it.

"That tickles", I giggle.

Bob giggles too as he kisses my navel. He continues to kiss me as he follows my "treasure trail" down to my pubes.

"Mmm, your pubes are so soft, Rob", Bob says softly.

He continues kissing and licking around the perimeter of my pubic hair. I open my legs to allow him better access. He then kisses the sensitive area between my groin and my leg.

"Mmmmmmm" I moan.

He begins to give me a hickey in that spot, which causes my to writhe in ecstasy.


Then he does the other side, which sends me over the top. There is so much sexual tension built up in me from the days events, I could explode right now.

Bob then kisses and licks my ball sack. He opens his mouth and takes my balls one at a time into his warm mouth. He sucks on them gently, applying just the right amount of pressure to relieve the pressure that had built up.

"Ooooh Bob, s-s-suuuuuck m-m-meeeeeeee" I could barely get the words out, I was in such a sexual high.

Bob then took me into his mouth. He started by just taking in the head.

"Oh Bob, Mmmm that feels good" I said.

He then took me inch by inch until he had my whole 6 1/2" in his mouth. He started sucking and bobbing up and down. I was getting close already. Just when I was about to blow, Bob stopped and allowed my throbbing cock to flop out of his mouth.

"Ohhh Bob, please don't stop", I begged.

"Hang tough, my lover, you'll get yours soon enough" Bob said in his scratchy tenor voice. His voice was so sexy.

Bob then lays on top of me again and starts kissing me again. I can feel the pre-cum dripping from his cock onto my stomach. He grabs the base of my cock and gives it a squeeze, causing pre-cum to ooze out of my cock. He the lubricates my cock with it. I reach for his cock and pull on it, causing even more pre-cum to flow out of the head and into the palm of my hand. I also rub it all over his cock.

Bob the lays back on top of me and starts grinding his cock into mine. I grind back as Bob begins kissing me again.

We continue to grind our cocks together as if we were making love. Bob and I moan in unison.

It is like we are in our own little world. Bob kisses my neck and licks my earlobes. Higher and higher we climb on the wings of ecstasy. We are grinding and kissing and licking.

"MMMMMMMMMM" "OOOOOOOH" "AAAAAAAAAGGGH", We both moan in unison.

I can feel his cock begin to swell up as mine does the same. I can feel my orgasm begin from deep within me. We speed up our rhythm. Then the feeling in my groin intensifies. I feel like I am in heaven! I have never felt like this before. I wish this feeling would never end!

We must have both been thinking the same thing, because we both slowed down at the same time so we could enjoy the intense pleasure we both were feeling.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, Oooooooohhhh, Oooooh, Mmmmmmmm" we both moaned again.

We continued riding out our orgasms using a slow grinding / stop-start technique. It seemed like about 1/2 hour that we kept this up, although in reality it probably was more like 10 minutes.

Soon we were both to the point of no return.

All of a sudden, Bob let out a yell from deep within his gut.

"AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH", He yelled as The first wad of his molten juice shot out onto our bellies.

"OHHH! OHHH! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!" I cried as my jizz shot out of my cock to mix with his seed.

We both must have shot about 6 to 7 loads, both of us moaning and groaning in ecstasy. We must have both pumped a gallon each onto our stomachs. Each time he would shoot, I would follow with my wad. The feel of both our cocks pulsating at the same time is unreal!

Once we finished spewing our cum on each others bodies, we just spread it all over each others stomach and chest by allowing our bodies to slide against one another. There was so much cum on us that we were literally covered from head to toe in fresh jizz.

Then we licked our mixed cum off each other bodies, and decided to take a shower together to get cleaned up. I again noticed he was hard again - or still - I don't know which.

End of part III More to CUM in part IV - The shower

Next: Chapter 4

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