Bob and Rob


Published on Nov 23, 1998


Well, here is part II. I hope you all like it. This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't read any further. This is a story based on true events from my own life- I swear!!

Well, with that out of the way--- Happy reading!!!

Bob and Rob Part II By Jackin Boy

Saturday morning I woke up in kind of a daze. Were the events of last night a dream? Did Bob and I finally get together? I smiled to myself when I realized it was true. The boy of my dreams was mine. I think I am in love.

I got myself out of bed, threw on some sweats and my favorite saturday shirt and went out to the kitchen for breakfast. Mom and Dad were still asleep. So I quietly picked up the phone and dailed Bobs number. Bob answered the phone in his scratchy tenor voice.


"Bob", I said quietly

"Rob!" He answered,"I was just getting ready to call you!"

"Yeah? Really?"

"Yeah, I just had to hear your voice"

"Yeah me two" I said in almost a whisper. "Listen, I was wondering if you could come over today, or, I could come over there. What do you say?"

"Well, I'd love to, but..." he hesitated," My mom wants me to go with her to my grammas house today and visit. My cousins and everyone will be there, so I guess I had better go".

"Oh, I see," I said in bewilderment, "Maybe, uh, No, Damn!!"

"What?", Bob asked.

"I was gonna say come over Sunday, but we have church and stuff, and my Mom and Dad dont like me to have people over on Sundays as it is their "day of rest", so maybe next Saturday or something?"

"Yeah, maybe" Bob answered. Listen, I gotta go, my mom is calling me to get ready, I'll call you tonight if we get back early enough, o.k.?"

"O.k., but not after 9, My mom don't let me take calls after 9"

"Alright, see ya, Lover"

"See ya"

As I hung up the phone, a lump began to form in my throat, and a tear welled up in my eye. I wanted so much to spend every moment of my life with Bob. Did he feel the same intense feelings for me that I feel for him? Or was he just avoiding me. Wait! Did he just call me "lover" before he hung up? Oh, he does have feelings for me! Otherwise he wouldn't have called me his lover! The lump in my throat slowly disappeared when I realized that he does love me.

I spent the rest of the day in a daze. My mom must have noticed me moping around. "Are you o.k. Robby? I noticed you just aren't yourself today" My Mom asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah Mom, I'm o.k" I answered with a forced smile

"You sure? You seem kind of down"

"It's just that all my friends are either out of town, or doing some family thing"

"I'm sorry Robby. So you are just kind of bored, huh?"

"Yeah", bored".

She seemed satisfied with my answer, but somehow I got the feeling she knew there was more to the way I was acting, but decided to leave it alone to work itself out.

The rest of the day I spent trying to keep busy. I cleaned my room and did my chores for the day then looked at my watch. 12 o'clock. Damn!! I wished the day would hurry up and go by. I needed to hear from or see my Bob.

I went out and started working on my car.I adjusted the carbeurator, set the timing and cleaned the sparkplugs.

Then I washed and waxed the car.

3 O'clock. Damn this day was going by slow!

So then I washed and waxed my Mom's car.

4:30. Getting there, but still too slow.

My dad pulled into the driveway. Coming home from work. (He works most saturdays, He's a supervisor at the factory)

"Hi son, how's it going?" Dad asked.

"Oh, o.k"

"Thats good"

"How was work?"

"Oh, it was work"

This is the same conversation we have everyday when he comes home. Some things will never change. I just wish he would show more concern. He doesn't really even know who I am. Hell, I don't even know who HE is. We used to be so close when I was a little boy. He used to play ball or wrestle with me when he came home. Now it is just small talk, and he heads for his recliner to watch the news (read: sleep) until dinner.

After dinner I did the dishes. My mom looked at me kind of strange when I said I would do them. "Who are you, and what have you done with my son!" she joked. I just wanted to kill some more time, but I didn't tell her that, I just lead her to believe that I had a moment of kindness.

I watched t.v. with my parents for a while, although I don't remember what we watched. My mind was on Bob most of the time!

Then the phone rang. My heart jumped! I hope it is Bob!

"Hello?" Mom answered the phone

"O.k I'll tell him"

She hung up the phone.

"That was Pastor Buckley. He wants to have a short deacons meeting after service tomorrow"

"Did he say what it was about?" My dad asked

"No, just that it is very important", My mom answered.

9 o'clock came and went, with no call from Bob. He must have got home late, I thought.

I decided to go to bed to get the day over with.

"Good night Mom, good night Dad, I am going to bed"

"Are you o.k. son?" My mom asked.

"Yeah Just a little tired" I answered with my best fake yawn.

Then I went to my room, laid out my church clothes for Sunday, stripped down to my boxers and hopped into bed. Actally I was a bit tired, and fell to sleep in minutes.

"Oh Bob, your skin is so soft against mine" I said as I wrapped my arms around his body and gently stroked his back. Bob was on top of me, gently kissing my cheek and neck. Our lips meet, and he slips his moist toungue into my waiting mouth. We are humping each other, rubbing our hard cocks together. "Oh Rob, I love you" Bob tells me as he briefly releases his hold on my lips.

We continue tongue kissing and rubbing our cocks together in deep passion. I feel so much love for him at this moment, I could scream. We continue exploring each others bodies for what seems like an eternity. We resume our humping. I can feel my orgasm starting to churn in my nuts. "Mmmmmmmmmmm" I moan feelings of pure extasy fill my loins. "Mmmmm Bob, I - I'm c-cuu---------".

"Rob! It's time to get up" I hear my mom in the distance.

"Huh?" I answered, my cock still pulsating from pushing my seed into my boxers.

"Okay Mom, I'm getting up".

Damn, a wet dream!!! And on Sunday even. Well at least my dream was about Bob!

I got up, took a shower, got dressed and headed out to the dining room for our traditional Sunday morning breakfast of sweet rolls and milk. Not like most traditional Sunday breakfasts of eggs, bacon etc., But since my dad was head of the church board, we always went early so he could pray with the pastor.

After church, we had to wait around about 15 minutes for Dad to have his meeting. Then we went to the Sizzler restaurant for lunch. I think the whole church went there also.

After we ate, it took forever to get out of there, as my dad was stopping at every table that had people he knew. Finally we get out of there. My cheek must have been red, with all those old ladies pinching it.

We get home and dad kicks back on his recliner and Mom lays down on the couch and they go to sleep. Soon after they are asleep, the phone rings.

"I'll get it!" I called as I ran to the phone.



"Bob!!" I said, trying to contain the excitement in my voice.

"Who is it?" My mom calls from the living room.

"Just my friend Bob from schoolI" I answered.

"You don't know how good it is to hear your voice!" I said

"Same here. I'm sorry I didn't call last night, we didn't get home until 10 o'clock"

"Thats what I figured".

We talked for about an hour on the phone. We talked about everything under the sun. We told each other our darkest secrets. He told me about his parents' divorce and everything his family went through. We agreed to meet for lunch by the drama room on Monday at school.

After geting off the phone, I felt much better. I looked forward to meeting him at school on monday. I was falling in love with him. My mom noticed my mood change. She probably figured I talked out whatever was on my mind with Bob.

Monday morning I got up early, as I couldn't sleep with all the excitement I had looking towards lunchtime.

The day seemed to drag at a snails pace. Each class seemed like an eternity. I thought lunch would never get here.

At lunch time,I practically ran to the cafeteria so I could be at the front of the line, and guess who was right there with me?



"What are you having?"

"The special"

"Me too"

After getting our food, we headed to the area by the drama room. It was just off of the auditorium, along with the choir room and band room. They was a courtyard in the center with trees and bushes and a few benches. We sat down and hurried to finish our lunch. We both finished eating within 5 minutes.

"Come with me!" Bob said, grabbing my arm.

He led me through a corridor between the drama and choir rooms out to the back dock area of the auditorium. We came to an old ice storage bin like the ones you see at the local 7-11 stores.

It had two doors side by side. Bob opened one of the doors and motions me to climb in. I get in and notice there is a wall dividing the two compartments. Bob gets in behind me and closes the door, but doesn't alow it to latch.

Instantly, we are in each others arms, kissing and moaning and hugging. Our hands roaming each others bodies. Me with one hand on his buldge, feeling it grow in my hand. He now has his hand on me, and my cock begins to grow also.

I feel around until I find his top button to his Levi's. I undo each button and reach into the fly of his boxers until I find his hardening cock. I pull it out and start stroking his cock as it gets even harder in my hand. He also unbuttons my 501's and pulls my dick out from its confines.

We are both stroking each others dicks and kissing with mad passion. I move away from his lips, and start moving down towards his pulsating cock. I run my hands up under his shirt, feeling his hard lucious nipples. I feel his pecks, which are begining to have some definition. I can feel the warmth from his cock on my face. I open my mouth until his I feel the head of his member touch my upper lip. I lick the pre-cum that is oozing from his piss slit. I savour it for a few seconds, completely coating my mouth with the sweet juice. Then I take just the head into my mouth and start rolling my toungue around it.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm", Bob moans, "Oh that feels so good, Rob".

I countinue taking him into my mouth inch by inch. He moans with each inch I take.

I relax my throat as I take his member deeper into my mouth. I feel his throbbing head enter my throat. I feel his pubes against my lips. 'I have done it' I thought to myself,' I have taken the whole thing without gagging!'

"Ohhhhhh, Rob!", Bob cries as he thrusts his member deeper down my throat. "Oh yesssss, suck me goooooood, Rob! Mmmmmmmmmmm!"

Bob begins fucking my face as He let a groan out from deep within Him. "Uuuuuugggggh! AAAAAAAAGGH! Mmmmmmmmmmfff"

I continue applying pressure to his cock with my lips and toungue as he continues thrusting his now expanding cock into my throat. He places his hands on the back of my head and thrusts his member deep into my throat, deeper than any cock has ever been.


I feel his cock begin to swell beyond its limits. I can feel his cock pulsate as his seed begins its journey int my mouth. the first shot hits the back of my throat. His jizz is so hot I feel as though it will burn me. Wad after wad shoots out of his prick directly to my throat. So much of his seed is shooting into my mouth, I am finding it hard to swallow it all.

"UUUNGH! UUUNGH! UUUNGH! UUUNGH!", Bob grunts like an animal with each wad he shoots into my mouth. He still has his hands on the back of my head as he continues thrusting into my mouth until his seed is spent.

I don't release my vacuum on his prick until there is no more juice to exstract from his swollen prick. One thing I notice is he is still hard as a rock!

I stand back up and begin to kiss Bob, allowing him to taste his seed in my mouth. We kiss passionately for a few minutes, allowing him to come down from his orgasmic high. Bob is still hard at this point. I can't believe it. Most guys would be soft by now.

Then Bob begins to kiss my neck as he grabs onto my rock hard cock. I can feel the pre-cum dripping from my prick. He jacks me a few times as even more pre-cum oozes from my slit. He then gets to his knees, and just as he is about to take me int his mouth, we hear footsteps aproaching.

As the footsteps get closer Bob slowly stands to his feet.

The footsteps get closer and closer.

We begin puting our hard dicks back into our pants.

The footsteps continue to get closer.

We button our flies.

The footsteps get closer.

We hold our breath when the footsteps stop just outside the ice cabinet we have crammed ourselves into. Bob reaches his hand out and holds the door shut by the catch inside.

'Oh my God! We are going to get caught', I thought to myself. "How the hell are we going to explain why we are in here together."

We hold on to each other as we hold our breath. 'I wish whoever was out there would either keep going or open the door! I don't think I can hold my breath for one more second!' I thought.

As we continue to hold our breath, We hear the door to the other side of the ice cabinet open and then close.

'We are next', I thought as Bob and I braced ourselves for the inevitable...

End of part II

To be continued in part III

Sorry, but a cliffhanger just seemed to be the thing to do right about now.

Any questions or comments can be forwarded to me at

Next: Chapter 3

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