Bob and Rob


Published on Feb 4, 1999


This story is an erotic story involving a boy/boy realtionship. If you are disturbed by this, please don't read any further. Also if you are under the age of 18, don't (HA) read any further.

This is a story based on true events from my own life.

Well, I am back after taking a short break. Enjoy the story!

Bob & Rob Part IX By Jackin Boy

As I drove off in my car, I was thinking of how lucky I was to have someone like Bob. I was truly, madly, deeply in love with him. There was nothing more I wanted than to spend the rest of my life with him. Whenever I was with him, the whole world seemed to melt away. Nothing else mattered in this life but to be with him. I couldn't make it through the day without him. He was my destiny, my everything.

Then my mind drifted off to thoughts of Chris. How could I have been with him when the one I loved was Bob. I made a vow to myself to cut off ant sexual invovement with Chris. It was Bob I wanted and loved. The more time I spent with Bob, the more I loved him. By the time I arrived home, I had peace in my heart, knowing that I had chosen Bob and was going to break off ties to Chris.

Sunday came and went, but very slowly. After church, I took a nap, finished my weekend homework and went to bed at 8:00. For some reason I was totally exhausted. Probably because I really didn't get much sleep at Bob's the night before.

I woke up monday morning early, but decided not to go to school early, so I could avoid any unecessary involvement with Chris. Today I was going to tell him that I was involved with someone else, and that sex with him was out of the question.

I decided to go pick up Bob for school, since I had plenty of time. I figured it would give me strength for what I had to do today. So I called him on the phone to let him know I was picking him up.

"Hello?" Bob answered the phone.

"Good morning!" I said in my best lovers voice.

"Hi Rob! what's up, love?"

"I thought maybe I would pick you up this morning for school"

"You're not going for your morning swim today?"

"Nah, I wasn't in the mood today, I am still kind of exhausted, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, me too"

"I'll be right over, okay?"

"Okay, see you in a few!" Bog said and then hung up the phone.

I got my stuff together and hopped in my car. I turned the key and my car started with it's usual rumble. I sped off for Bob's house. When I got there, Bob was waiting at the curb for me. Most guys at school are picking up there girlfriends, but me, I was picking up my boyfriend for school. And I was loving it. Being a teen is so wonderful, no real worries, just doing good in school and making friends, and having someone special to love.

Bob hopped in my car, and instantly gave me a big wet kiss right on the lips, neither of us caring who seen us. We were so in love with each other and nothing else seemed to matter. We were made for each other, a match made in heaven. We didn't care that all those religeous fanatics thought we were going to burn in hell. What we had seemed right, and no one could tell us otherwise.

We got to school a little bit early, so the parking lot was almost empty. We gave each other a big hug and kissed deeply for a few moments stopping before we got too out of hand. If we would have kissed any longer, we may have just sucked each other off right in my car. It sure would be fun trying to explain that! Even though at times we didnt care who knew, we weren't stupid!

We decided to go see if the snack bar was open, since neither of us had eaten breakfast. When we got there, they were just opening the roll up doors to the snack bar. We would be the first ones there, so the food would be fresh. We each ordered a breakfast burrito and a coke. We sat at a corner table outside and ate as we rated the guys walking by. If he was real cute, he would get a nine, and if he was a total babe, of course he would get a ten. After about 10 minutes of this, I seen Chris walking by. My heart sped up briefly at the thought of what I had to say to him today. Then I heard Bob say something, and I couldn't believe my ears.

"Now there is a definite ten, a real fucking deamboat!" Bob said as he watched Chris walk by.

"Who? Him? Oh maybe a nine, but a ten, come on, get real!" I said even though I thought the same thing.

"Yep! He's a ten! Hey, isn't that that kid in your swim class, the one you were walking with the other day?"

"Hmm?, Uh, yeah he is. His name is, uh, Chris, yeah Chris is his name!" I said, trying to sound like I really didn't know him that well.

"Well, I still think he is a ten, but so are you, babe, maybe an eleven!"

"Thanks, babe, that makes me feel better" I answered as I looked into his eyes.

"You know, I have heard he is gay."

"Really?" I said, trying to sound surprised.

"Yeah, I overheard some talk about someone seeing him giving another boy head in the locker room before school. They also said the other boy was just starting to give him head when the rest of the class started entering the locker room."

"Really?, Wow!, That is unreal!" I said, trying not to sound nervous. Fuck!!, I though to myself. I am fucking caught. My heart was racing and my palms were gettin clammy as a cold sweat began to overtake my body. My stomach started to get a bit queezy, and I felt a bit dizzy. Did he know abut my little escade? Whoever seen us, they had to know it was me with Chris.

"Did they say who the other kid was" I said nonchalantly.

"No, whoever seen it, said they didn't get a good look at the other kid."

"Do you think it is true?" I said, a little more relaxed, since I knew I wasn't pinpointed.

"I don't know, could be a rumor, or it could be true. I am surprised you didn't hear about it, since you are in his class."

"Well, I really don't hang with the crowd, I mostly keep to myself."

"But they did say, however, that he was seen hanging with you during the class. But they didn't say much more."

Fuck! I thought. Where is he going with this. Does he suspect me. If he doesn't, he sure is fucking with my head.

"That's because the coach assigned us together as partners for water safety training."

"Oh, well that explains it then."

"Explains what?"

"Why you two were together in class. I mean, oh Rob, please forgive me!"

"For what?"

"For even suspecting that you were the one with him"

"Oh, that's okay" Now I was really starting to feel guilty. How could I do this to Bob, the one I truly loved.

"Hey Rob, are you okay? you look a bit pale, like you've seen a ghost"

"I think that burrito didn't agree with me, I don't feel so hot right now."

"Maybe you should go to the nurses office, Babe, you may be coming down with something", Bob said with a lover's concern.

"Yeah, maybe you are right"

"You want me to take you?"

"Nah, I think I can make it on my own, but thanks. You go on to class okay?"

"Alright, you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure" I said as I got up and left.

What I really needed right then, was a cigarette. So I headed for the unofficial smoking area to see if I could bum a smoke from someone. When I got there, only a few stragglers were left, So I walked up to an old bud named Rich and asked him for a smoke.

"Hey, long time no see, Rob", He said as he reached out to shake my hand. "I thought you quit, man". He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro's and handed them to me.

"Yeah, but I just needed a good smoke" I said as as I pulled out a smoke and stuck it in my mouth.

"That's cool", he said, handing me his zippo lighter.

I lit the cigarette and drew in a lungfull of smoke and exhaled it. Then I took two more full drags off of it, holding each of them in my lungs for a moment before exhaling through my nose.

"Man, you must have really needed a smoke bad"

"Yeah, it has ben a while since I really needed a smoke"

"So what's the occasion?"

"I don't know, I just felt like having a smoke"

"That's cool dude"

Rich is a dude I had known since junior high, and hung out with him from time to time. He was "5'-07" tall, 130 lbs with bleach blonde hair cut at shoulder length. He dressed like a surfer, you know, Levi's, Hang Ten shirts and Van's sneakers. He also wore a puka shell necklace. He was quite cute, but as far as I knew, he was straight. We used to get together a lot and ride his dirt bikes. I even spent the night at his house a few times, but never tried anything sexual with him, I never wanted to take the risk. I had seen him naked a few times while changing our clothes after swimming in his pool. He had a slender, cut dick that was about 5 inches when soft (I assume he was soft, although he could have had a semi), and blonde pubic hair to match his head. I never did get a chance to see it hard, athough I dreamt about it. Maybe someday in the future he may come around.

"Dude!! look at the time! We gotta get to class, man!!!" Rich said excitedly.

"Oh yeah!! Well, see ya, dude!" I answered as I crushed out my smoke in the grass.

"Hey Rob!"

"Yeah Rich?"

"Come out here at brunch time for a smoke. We can catch up on old times"

"Sure thing, Rich, sounds like a plan, dude" I said as we both headed to our class. Realizing I was late, I started jogging to the locker room. I changed into my speedos in the emty locker room, and ran out to the pool.

"Nice of you to stop by, Rob. now go do 10 laps for being Tardy!" Mr Dopf yelled out.

"Yes sir!" I said, with a mock salute. The class roared in laughter.

"Get in the pool!" Mr, Dopf said in a discusted tone.

So I jumped in and started my laps. 10 laps was no problem for me, since I did 40 most mornings before class. I liked to keep my swimmers build up. Once I finished my laps, I swam over to where the class had gathered by the coach. He was still on his water safety kick. As I stooed at the back of the class, I felt someone come up behind me and grab my ass. I turned my head to see who it was. It was Chris.

"Stop it Chris, I whispered"

"What's the matter. Don't you want to fool around?" CHris whispered in my ear as he reached around my waist and grabbed my dick.

"No! Not today, not ever. we have to talk", I replied, removing his hand from my midsection.

"Come on, you know you want it", He answered as he ground his crotch into my ass. I could feel his hard member in th crack of my ass.

"No Chris, now stop"

He didn't say anything, he just reached around my waist and slid his hand into the front of my speedo's and started rubbing my cock and grinding himself intp my ass. I could feel my dick beginning to swell in his hand. It felt good, but I had to stop this. His body was so sexy, and his skin felt so good against my back. I could feel myself starting to give into his advances, so I pulled his hand out of my speedo's, pulled away from him and turned around so I was looking him in the eye.

"Please stop this now!" I said, gritting my teeth.

"What's wrong? Why are you stopping me now?" Chris asked me in a whisper.

"I'll tell you later, when we practice our life saving." I answered

"Okay, then, if that's what you want"

Coach Dopf continued his lecture, using one of the boys to demonstrate on. After a few more minuted of talking, Coach told us to go practice with our buddies. Chris and I swam to our usual spot to practice.

"Okay, now, what's up, Rob" Chris asked me.

"Listen, Chris, we can't continue to do this. It's not right" I answered in a low voice.

"Don't tell me you found religion or something. Or are you feeling guilty or something."

"No, it's nothing like that. Except I am feeling guilty. Listen Chris, I am involved with someone else, and I was involved before I met you. I don't wan't to jeopardize that relationship for a few flings with you.

"Who is it? Is it that kid I always see you with. The one you were having breakfast with this morning, I think his name is Bob"

"Yes, I am in love with Bob, so I can't have sex with you and feel good about it. I am very much attracted to you, but I love Bob and he loves me. I don't want to do anything to hurt him. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I had a feeling about you two, and I am happy for you too. I just wish you would have said this when I first met you, because........." I could see a tear beginning to well upin his eye.

"Because what?", I asked.

"Because....", I could see his bottom lip begin to tremble as he fought to spit the words out, "Because........I.......I......I love you, Rob" He said as the tears began to flow.

I didn't know what to say. There was Chris, bearing his soul to me, and I just stood there, motionless. I didn't mean to hurt Chris, I should have stopped him the first time anything happened between us. Now I have his broken heart in my hands.

"Chris, I'm sorry I led you on", I told him, "I mean, I really like you a lot, and you are one of the sexiest boys on campus, but I am in love with Bob and I can't be torn between two lovers. That is why I am stopping this now, before I do fall in love with you. Bob is my lover, and he is the one I have chosen to be with. My days of playing around are over, It is time for me to stay with one lover. I hope you understand. My body want's you very much, I am very much attracted to you, Chris. But I can't go on like this and feel good about myself. This has been tearing me apart every since the first time, when you tossed me off right here in the pool. I will not jeopardize my relationship with Bob, okay"

"Yeah, I understand, I may not like it, but I'll abide by it. Still friends?" Chris said as he put his hand out to me.

"Yeah, Friends", I said as I met his hand and we shook on it.

When the morning break arrived, I headed out to meet Rich at the "smoking area". He was standing at his usual spot by the old oak tree. He had on tight 501 levi's that showed every inch of his manhood between his legs. I could clearly see his 5 inch in-the-slack dick laying to the right side of his crotch. He had a Lightning Bolt shirt on and blue Vans shoes. His shoulder length blonde hair was being blown to the side by the wind. He looked simply irresistable. Many times since we met I had dreamed of seeing his dick fully hard. I could only imagine how long it really was. I had seen him naked quite a few times at his house during the summer when we wuld change our clothes in his room after swimming in his pool. He was very open around me when it came to changing clothes and such, I had also stayed overnight at his house quite a few times. He always slept in the nude, and didn't seem to care who knew it. I wish I had woke up before him on many mornings so I would get a chance to see his piss hard on when He got up to go to the bathroom, but I was always a day late and a dollar short. Maybe someday he will get curious enough to maybe let me suck his dick, or he could suck mine. A few times I came over to his house and forgot my swim trunks. He was always more than willing to let me borrow a pair of his. He had a collection of the coolest surfer trunks. He was about an inch or so smaller than me in the waist, but I didn't mind, cause I loved the way it showed off my dick and balls. I could have swore he would lock his eyes on my crotch when I wasn't looking. I know I would check him out every chance I got. Someday...someday.

"Hey Rich, whats up dude?" I said as I walked up to him, trying my hardest not to look at his crotch.

"Nothin' much, man. Want a smoke?", he said, holding out his pack of Marlboro's.

"Yeah, man, sure", I said, taking the pack from him, pulling out a smoke and handing the pack back to him. "Got a light?"

"Yeah, here" He said as he lit his zippo and held it up to the cigarette in my mouth. The wind was blowing a bit hard, so I cupped my hands around his to help block the wind. Just that slight touch sent shivers up my spine. I had to be careful not to sprout a hard on from the electricity he sent through me. I wondered if he felt it too.

"So what's been happenin' dude, ain't seen ya around in a while?" Rich asked as he took a drag off his smoke.

"Oh nuthin much, man, I was trying to stop smoking, so I just started hangin out with the non-smokers", I answered as smoke came out of my nose.

"So what made ya start again?"

"I don't know, I guess I just started craving them again, ya know".

We continued talking and catching up on old times and smoked two more cigarettes each. I was getting a bit of a head rush by now, since I wasn't used to taking in that much nicotine in such a short time. Before we knew it, break was about over.

"Well, I guess we had better get back to class, huh dude?' Rich said.

"Yeah, I guess we better"

"Hey Rob, why don't ya come over and go swimming on saturday, It is still warm enough, man"

"Okay, it's a date uh--err I mean It's a plan, dude!", I said, fumbling over my words.

"I know what you meant, dude, don't worry" He said, and then turned around and walked away from me towards his next class. I watched his ass as he walked away. Man, he had a tight ass. It was so firm, and you could see the muscles in it flex as he walked. Oh, for just one chance to stick my cock up into his warm hole and shoot my cum into him. One can only dream.

At lunch time, I headed directly for the auditorium to meet Bob in out "room" My dick was already getting hard in anticipation. I hadn't cum in two days, so my balls were full and ready. I took the usual route and found Bob on the bed , naked and with his arms spread out. I hurriedly took off all of my clothes and got on the bed with Bob. I kissed him fully on the lips and inserted my tongue into his waiting mouth. We french kissed while we stroked each others cocks. We both were so very horny, and acted as if we hadn't been together in months. Before long we were rolling around on the bed, kissing and grinding our crotches into one another. I had to have him in my mouth now!

I went imediately for his hard cock and took him all the way down my throat in one motion. I sucked with such a frenzy, that I thought I would just devour him. Within a few moments, Bob was pumping his seed into my mouth, and I was hungrily gulping every wad, I could live on his hort cum, I thought to myself. His cum was that good. I continued sucking his cock, trying to coax another load out of him. My eyes were closed as I was totally into what I was doing. Then I felt something moist wrap around my cock, and a pair of hands gliding across my chest. I asumed it was Bob, but then it dawned on me!. How could Bob be sucking my dick when we weren't in a 69 position. Then I felt another set of hands glide across my back. Someone else was in the room with us.

I opened my eyes to see who was sucking my dick, and to my surprise it was......

End of Part 11.....

So who is sucking Rob's dick? What does Rich have to do with the story? These questions and more will be answered in part 12. Jackin'

Any Questions or comments?... send me an e-mail... Or if you just want an e-bud to talk to that is fine. oh yeah... all flames will be ignored, so don't bother!!!!

Next: Chapter 12

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