Bob and Rob


Published on Nov 16, 1998


This is a true story involving boy/boy sex. If this offends you-please leave this site!! If you are under the age of 18, or if this is against the laws of your state/country/province etc., leave also.

With all that out of the way-- please read and enjoy. Send any comments/constructive critisizms to the above adress.

Bob & Rob Part I

By Jackin Boy

My name is Rob. This story takes place when I was 16. I have blond hair blue eyes, slim build about 5'10, 130 lbs. I have played the "straight" game most of my life and have done quite well. For some reason, I always had girls coming up and talking to me. Sometimes I would notice a group of girls looking over at me in the school halls. They would be wispering among themselves and giggling and pointing over at me. I went to school dances with different dates, but my mind would be on all the beautiful hunks at the dance. Nobody (I think) suspected that I was gay.

I first met Bob at school from a friend during lunch. He would sit at the table I sat at occasionally, and we would talk, but never really got to know each other. Bob was about my size and build, with light brown hair, he was 15 with the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen.

After meeting him, I would often fantasize about him during my Jack-off sessions. Everytime I saw him I would get butterflies in my stomach. If I shook his hand, My dick would jump. I had to have him, I thought. Many times at school I would be checking him out and his eyes would meet mine, but I would quickly look away. Don't let him catch you looking at him, I thought. Don't want him to know the truth.

You see, I have, as long as I can remember, been attracted to boys. During swim practice I would always check out the other guys "packages". With all those those guys running around in speedos I had to be careful not to become "visibly aroused". Speedos really don't do a good job concealing erections. I also had to be discrete during shower time. I had become very good at sneaking a peak without being noticed. Sometimes I would notice a few of the guys checking me out in the locker room also. Usually I would pretend I didn't notice and sometime dry my hair vigorously so my dick would bounce up and down or back and forth. I wish Bob had swim class so I could check him out too, I thought.

Often, at lunch I would sneak glances at Bob, but I found it hard to look him in the eye. Everytime we would make eye contact, his beautiful green eyes would cause me to just melt. I couldn't breath or talk or anything! Oh how I longed for him. Many times I would imagine him in the nude. I would imagine myself kissing him ever so gently. I would kiss his neck and then trail my toungue down to his erect, lucious nipples. He would squirm slightly as I continued to trail slowly down to his navel. I would linger there for a few moments making circles with my tongue. Then I would trail down to his pubes, and tongue around the base of his cock, ending at his ripe, hangin nuts. I would take them one at a time into my mouth and suck them ever so gently. He would moan with pleasure as I continued inserting my tongue into his pucker, causing him to squirm from the sheer pleasure.

After spending some time on his hole, I would shift my attention to his pulsating cock. I would run my tongue up and down the shaft, his ultra-sensitve nerve endings causing his cock to jump. Then I would lick off the pre-cum from his slit, savouring it before I let it slide down my throat, Then I would slowly take the head into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it. I would proceed to take his aching cock, inch by inch into my warm moist mouth. He would then thrust his cock deep down my throat. Soon he would be jetting his seed deep into my throat, which I would swallow every bit. Oh how I wished for that to happen. My only hope was the school dance. I heard he was going, so I figured I had better ask some girl to go with me.

`Maybe that night, my dreams will come true,' I thought to myself.

I met up with Bob at the school dance (kind of purposefully, I might add), so I invited him and his date to sit at the table my date and I sat at. My date for the night was Lannelle. She had blonde hair and I guess was considered a pretty girl. I have heard that a lot of guys asked her to the dance before I did, and she tuned them down cold. Bob's date was Julie. She was a "plain-Jane" type, with dark hair and was the quiet type. I have seen them talking together at school, and up until now, assumed them to be "just friends". My heart kind of sank when I seen them together tonight, but any chance to be near him was fine with me.

Throughout the dance I just kept checking him out. He had these tight slacks on that showed every curve of his manhood. They gripped his slender ass like a vice! And they augmented his cock and balls very well. I almost got a raging hard-on just from glancing at him! Contol! Control!, I thought. The tight silk shirt he wore clung to his chest like saran wrap. you could see the outline of his pecks and nipples right through it. Boy did he look delicious!!!

While dancing with my date, I could hardly keep my eyes off of him! Every time me and my date would complete a circle around the dance floor, I would catch a glimps of his tight ass girating to the music. I damn near creamed myself right there on the dance floor. I could have swore I saw him checking me out from the corner of my eye as I swung my date around. If this keeps up, I don't know if I will be able to contain myself. It took all that was within me to keep from walking straight up to him and planting a big kiss right on his oh so sensuous lips. Oh those lips!! They were thin with just the right shade of pink to make them look very kissable. I had to stop myself and think of something else so my hungry cock wouldn't stand to attention! I don't want my date getting the wrong idea!

He was even sexy when he ate. While we were eating chocolate mousse for dessert, He would take small amounts on his spoon, look directly at me, and lick it off in what seemed to me a very seductive way. Was he really coming on to me, or was it just my vivid imagination? This continued with him laughing with his scratchy tenor voice. Fuck, he was making me very horny!!! A couple of times his feet met mine under the table. Coincidence or intentional? I did't know. But I had to have him tonight!!

At the end of the dance I agreed to give him and his date a ride home (he-he-he). After parking and making out for about an hour, we dropped off our dates. Bob and I started talking about making out with our dates. I had a raging hard on trying to escape from the confines of my tight slacks. I noticed he also had a bulge pushing out at his tight slacks.

Then I asked him if he ever jacked off. He looked at me kind of surprised, but still answered "yeah, all the time." He then told me he sometimes gets uncontrolled erections in class and a few times has asked to be excused to the bathroom where he "takes care of it".

Then I told him I have done that a few times myself. We kept on talking about our other experiences an such, when I told him "If you want to jack off, we could just do it now before we go home".

"Here, in the car?" he said, surprised that I would say something like that.

"Sure why not? I have some tissues in the glove box." I said.

So I found a secluded spot to park the car and turned off the motor. At first he just looked at me with bewilderment, so I said "Go ahead, take it out!... I tell you what, lets do it at the same time."

"Okay," he said.

With that, we both unzipped our flies, and simultaneously undid our belts and unbuttoned our slacks. He stopped and looked at me to see if I was really serious. "Go on!" I said. Then I reached into my briefs and pulled out my 6-1/2" raging cock from its confines (normally I wore boxers, but I decided to wear briefs that night to keep my "animal" tame). Then He pulled his 7 incher from his. My eyes got a little bigger at the sight of his large member.

"Stoke it "I said. He started slowly stroking his cock while I did the same. I could see pre-cum dripping from his slit. I also had a pearl drop forming at the tip of my cock. Then I asked him if anyone has ever jacked him off before. He said "Well once when I was 11 some of my friends and me did it."

"Have you ever jacked anyone off?" I asked.

"Yeah when I was 11 also." he answered.

"Do you want me to jack you off?" I asked.

"Well -- okay," he said hesitantly.

With that I reached over and grabbed his throbbing cock in my hand and slowly began stroking his hard cock.. It was so hot and throbbed with every beat of his heart. He let out a deep moan as I stroked him.

Then he reached for my throbber and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Oooooh" I moaned.

"Rob?", I heard Bob wimper.

"Yes, Bob what is it?" I answered.

"You know I have--" Bob hesitated.

"You have what?" I asked.

"Please dont get mad at me for saying this."

"I promise, now tell me"

"I have had a c-c-crush on y-you since the day I met you! There I said it!! Now you probably hate me," Bob stammered.

"No not at all, because I've had the same feelings for you for quite some time now, I just could never figure out how to tell you," I answered.

My God, could this be happening, I thought. The guy I have fantasized about for the past six months, the guy who makes my heart flutter everytime I am near him, also has had the same feelings?

With that, I pulled him close to me and gave him a loving yet passionate kiss. I slid my tongue into his waiting mouth.

"Mmmmmmm," he moaned

We held each other and kissed for a while, when I released the suction on our lips. I continued licking his neck while unbuttoning his tight silk shirt. After removing his shirt I went straight for his now erect nipples. Soon I had him writhing in ecstacy. I continued licking him all the way down to his navel. As I circled his navel with my tongue, I noticed a small patch of fine hair at the bottom of his navel, leading down to his light brown pubic hair. So I "lightly dragged my tongue along his "treasure trail" down to the top of his pubes. I continued running my tongue along the whole perimeter of his pubic hair. I could hear soft moans coming from his tenor voice.

I continued working my tongue all over his genital area, stopping at his smooth hairless balls, OH they were like licking on silk! Then I took one of his creamy nuts gently into my mouth.

While I was working on Bob, he started removing my clothes. By the time I was working on his balls, we were both in our birthday suits. I continued running my tongue all over his body, concentrating on his erect nipples.

Then, he moved over towards me and bumped his head on the steering wheel. I laughed and suggested we get in the back seat. So we hopped over the seat in one motion.

As I continued kissing all over him, Bob was writhing in ecstasy. I continued down to his genital area, licking and kissing all over his throbbing member. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft, stopping at the botttom of the head of his tasty prick. As I licked along the ridge of his "helmet", Bob let out a deep passionate moan as pre-cum oozed out of his piss slit. I licked off his candy, savouring it on my tongue before letting it slide down my throat. Then I took the head into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it.

"Ohhhhhhh, mmmmmmmm" Bob moaned.

Then I slowly took his cock into my mouth inch by inch. As the head was at the back of my throat, I had to concentrate on not gagging, as there was still about an inch of his shaft left. I pulled back until the head was just in my mouth, then slid down till he hit the back of my throat. I did this a few more times until my gag reflex relaxed. Then I took his whole member into my mouth, alowing the head to go down my throat until my upper lip was touching his pubes.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Mmmmmmmmm". Bob moaned as he instinctively grabbed the back of my head, ramming his member deeper down my throat.

As He fucked my face, I grabbed his tight ass, assisting him as his balls slapped against my chin.

"Mmmmmmmm, Oh suck me Rob, Ohhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhh". Bob was in heaven!

Then I reached one hand around towards his firm ass, and using my finger, I found his tight pucker. I gently rub around its perimeter and then press gently against the opening. Then I begin a slow massage.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, Mmmmmmmmmm." Bob moaned is sheer ecstacy.

Then I inserted my finger in his tight hole.

"Ooooooooh Rob!, I'M COMMMMMMING"!"

I continue rammming my finger into his ass while sucking his hot member. Then I felt his cock sweel up, his ass grabs my finger and holds it like a vice. Then Bob rams His swelling member down my throat and holds it there.


Hot boy-cum begins pumping down my throat with such a force, I thought it would explode out the back of my neck!!! Shot after shot of his jizz is being pumped down my troat, straight to my stomach, As Bob bucks around like a bucking bronco. I remained with my mouth clamped on his member until every bit of his sweet cum is extracted from his cock. Then I released my suction on him and gently kiss him, as he tastes his own excretions.

Then he reached down and pulled at my throbbing member. At first he licked my balls, taking them one at a time into his mouth. Then he ran his tongue along my shaft, stopping at the head and taking my pre-cum onto his tongue and savoring it. then He took me into his warm, moist mouth. "mmmmmm" I moaned. This felt sooo awesome!! He then took all six inches deep into his mouth. My God, he is deep throating me!! I continued stroking his cock as he quickened his pace, taking my throbbing cock all the way to my pubes everytime. I instinctively moved my hands to the back of his head and started thrusting my cock deep into his hot mouth. "Oh yes, Bob, suck me, suck me good. Yes, oooh yes, I"m, I'm g-gonna c-cum oH yes" He sped up his pace as I fucked his mouth. It didn't take long to climax because of all the sexual tension built up from the night events.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I'M COMING!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I shot wad after wad of my hot jism deep into his throat."Oh, baby, I looove yoooou", I exclaimed in deep passion. I must've cummed about a gallon of my boy juice in his mouth. He remained clamped on my member until he sucked all the remaining cum from my now semi limp cock.

After kissing like lovers we got dressed and hopped back into the front seat. We sat close together (my '68 chevelle has a bench seat) as I drove him home. When I arrived at his house, we kiss passionately before he got out of the car. We both mouthed, "I love you," at the same time. I watch him as he walks up to his door, wondering how I could be so lucky to have a guy like him. He blows me a kiss as he goes in his house.

I drive home in a daze, thinking about the future I wiil have with Bob.

To be continued........

PLease E-mail me at with comments etc..

stay tuned for part II

Next: Chapter 2

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