
By Orbis

Published on Dec 4, 2004



Part 19

This series involves vivid descriptions of sexual activity involving guys aged between 17 and 22 years old. Just like it - I do. Here's part 19 - It's been almost a year since the last instalment - sorry about that guys! I have been starting two new businesses this year and have been VERY busy (yes, one of them is an erotic photography business!) As always - comments are welcome at

Please Note: The entire "Boating" series is now owned by my new company Orbis Productions Limited. I have had some problems with these stories appearing on pay sites - this is not cool. This file and the rest of the series may not be redistributed in any way electronically or otherwise without written permission from Orbis Productions Limited. The ONLY places you should find this series are on the Nifty archive and any officially licenced sites.

Copyright 2004 by Orbis Productions Limited - All rights reserved.

Yours, Pete (Orbis)

Journal Entry 3047 - December 17

I know it's been a long time since I last wrote in here - and that's not cool. It's just that being out here on the sea has kinda kept my mind from this stuff for a long time.

Last time I wrote in here we were about to leave New Zealand the next day and I was writing stupid shit about how it was going to be so cool not having to deal with school and 'rents and stuff like that. I see I was also worried about how it was going to work out the four of us living in the same small cramped cabin - and that there could be some embarrassing shit going on. Well, that was kinda naive I guess.

Last night I shot loads of sperm all over one of my best friends in the whole world - Scott. Scott for fuck's sake! This is a dude I have spent years with through all sorts of shit and we have done everything a couple of mates would. But having sex like that? Man! This isn't me! I know I'm not gay. I'm sure I'm not gay. But fuck! I have been totally getting off on the shit that's been happening on this boat. First the freaky shit starts with us getting naked and wanking together. Well I guess that was probably inevitable and to be perfectly honest I actually secretly expected it. Then I find out that Dean is queer. It does explain a shit load though. Then we start doing shit together - even me for fuck's sake.

I never would have thought that I would be happy for another dude to suck me off. But it happened - a bunch of times. Then of course there's all the wanking we have been doing together. Fuck! I get hard just thinking about it now as I write this! Then of course in the last ten days everything has changed. I have now given Luke and my two best friends ever hummers. Not only that, but I even swallowed their jizz. Now how is that straight?

Am I conflicted over all this? Hell yeah! I mean first of all - I'm still fantasising about Jill, Lisa and Angie most time I wank late at night. I have even had a couple of wet dreams in the last week believe it or not! And they were dreams about chicks not dicks. I am totally sure I'm not gay. But then there all the stuff we have been doing - I have been happy to watch Luke fuck Dean and Scott fucking Luke in the ass, I have been happy wanking and cumming all over all of them, I've even gone down on all three like I said before! And just writing this down now - I'm as hard as a fucking rock and leaking pre! Hmmm - Just flicking back over the last three years in this journal I guess there's about three hundred references to me wanking - but never before has anything I have written about in here made me this hard!

Anyway - so we have been out there alone for what - six weeks? Is that long enough to make any guy get ok with sex with dudes? I guess it could be. But I went seventeen years without having sex at all before this - I'm still a virgin for fuck's sake! Well, at least I have never done anything with a girl! Fuck! Am I going to loose my virginity to one of these dudes? No. No way!

Or have I already? What's virginity for a guy anyway? For a girl I guess it's pretty clear - if she has a cock up her then she's not a virgin anymore. Is it the same for a guy? Does he have to have his cock inside a girl before he looses his virginity? If so does that mean Dean will never loose his? Nah - gay dudes must be measured differently - actually all guys must be different. Maybe it's just the first time a guy has his cock inside any part of another person. Does that mean when I got sucked by Scott I lost my virginity? Or did it take being sucked by Luke and Dean as well to get there? Or, do I have to fuck one of them first?

Shit! Now I'm asking myself about fucking one of my best friends - guys!!? What the fuck is wrong with me?

But even now - there it is down there between my legs. Totally hard and dribbling precum onto the chair. Is my cock betraying my secret sexuality? So secret that even I don't know? I'm going to be eighteen in three days. Surely an eighteen year old guy knows what his sexuality is - right?

Three hours ago I wanked and came all over Scott out on the deck as Luke took photos. A year ago on a hot December night I would have been wanking on a beach with Scott and Dean anyway. I would have come, he would have come - we all would have. The only real difference tonight was that I was straddling his body while I did it and I came onto his chest. Oh and I could feel his hardon pressing into the base of my balls. OK - I guess it is kind of different.

So why am I so uptight over all this? If I really thought it was a bad thing I wouldn't do it. I mean I could go to other places on the Nova any time the other guys are getting off. But no - I sprout an instant hardon and my cock seems to find itself in the middle of whatever is going on. Fuck I don't know.

A couple of nights ago I sucked myself off in front of the others. Reading back here I see that it was October two years ago when I last did that successfully - when I was fifteen. I tried on my seventeenth birthday to see if I could do it still and couldn't even get it near my mouth. I think I managed this time because I was showing off. It did hurt like a mother fucker - but it was worth it for the look on those guys faces.

I've also noticed that since I have been on the boat and we have been doing all this cumming that I am shooting more than normal. I'm getting distance and volume now. Even though I'm cumming several times a day now - I reckon I'd be beating my records on a regular basis. I haven't been measuring of course. Maybe I should mention that to the others so I can measure without being looked at totally strangely. I know for a fact that Scotty used to measure his cum volume regularly. I'm pretty sure I mentioned in volume 3 of this journal that I found him cumming into a plastic jar once when I stayed at his place. I saw him close it up and put it at the back of the freezer compartment of the small fridge in his room. When I asked him about it later he eventually admitted he did it so he could measure the total volume of 100 cums and then average it out.

The other really weird thing out here on the boat is the toilet facilities. I don't have any problem with pissing off the back of the boat - even when there are others out there. Actually for me that's a major step - I have always had problems pissing at urinals for some reason - but out here it's sweet. But the shitting thing is just totally bizarre. From my berth in the cabin I look right out at the "poop" part of the "poop deck" when the door is latched open. So I see the guys out there sitting on that special railing - their legs splayed out on the foot rests - their cock and balls swinging and then see their turds dropping away - splash! It's so NOT arousing!

Then it's my turn out there. I feel so totally exposed. Sitting totally naked in the midday sun with my legs spread - cheeks spread - breeze tickling the hairs on my ass - pushing out a shit with Scott sitting there on the deck chatting away to me like I'm sitting on a couch at home! Stupid really. I am freaked about taking a dump in front of Scotty but am happy to cum on his face! LOL!

This is interesting. In this journal entry I have mostly been talking about Scotty. Why is that? Scott and Dean have always been my best friends - I have never made any distinction between them before at all. I'm beginning to think that maybe my friendship with Scotty is a bit more than it is with Deano.

Wow! Just had a kinda weird thought. Here's what my brain just farted...

"It would be kinda cool if over the next few days Dean and Luke hook up more. They are the two older guys and they are both fully into guys. Then maybe I could be closer to Scotty. I could crawl into his bunk one night and snuggle up with him. I like feeling my body next to his."

Funny thing is - I don't mind that I just thought that. A few weeks back Luke was talking about the gay straight continuum. I now feel convinced that I am at the straighter end of that scale, but I'm comfortable exploring the gay part of me too. Fuck! I think I'm even happy to kiss Scott.

NOTE TO SELF: -------------

Jase - this is a journal entry that will become one of the

most important of your life. When you feel weird about

anything you do with your best friends - especially if it's

sex with a guy - just look back at this entry and feel

comfortable that you are being honest with yourself when you

feel you want to follow through with a sexual desire - whatever

it is.

OK I guess this was a useful journal entry. I'm still totally hard. It's time to finish up and go back to living this fucking freaky life I call my own!

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