
By Orbis

Published on Dec 27, 2003



Part 18

This series involves vivid descriptions of sexual activity involving guys aged between 17 and 22 years old. Just like it - I do. Here's part 18 - a nice short one to keep you all going through the holiday season. :-) As always - comments are welcome at

Copyright 2003 by - All rights reserved.

Yours, Orbis

Luke sat sweating in the wheelhouse of the Nova. He looked at his rather lazy crew laying sunning their naked bodies on the deck and chatting to each other like they were kids on the first day of school. They looked happy. Luke wondered if he was happy. Sure - he was getting some great sex and sure, being out here on this great boat was awesome, but he was beginning to feel a little nervous.

The Nova had cost a shit load of cash. Along with that he had bought a nice parcel of land and his dream house was being built on it during the voyage. There was very little of the lottery win left. Of course there was enough to be comfortable for a year or two, but Luke had to come up with a way to make some money.

Again Luke looked down at his crew. Jason was checking out his biceps while Dean was reaching across and gently massaging Scott's chest and tweaking his nipples. Scott had revived his almost ever-present erection. Luke smiled and looked at the computer monitor and began to look back at some of the photos he had taken since the trip began.

Some of them were actually quite good! And that wasn't just because of the 11 megapixel pro-camera he had bought himself. Then it struck him. 'Hell, here I am - totally into dudes, got a damn good camera and a bit of skill, a hot boat, an awesome sea-front house with a bit of land. I can take pics of hot dudes and sell them! ... Nah, it will never work... But hey! I said I'd never win the lottery too!'

Luke walked onto the deck preparing his camera.

"Ok guys. Here's the deal. For the rest of the trip you are all going to help me learn how to take erotic photos of guys. I have decided that my new profession is as a male erotic photographer and you three are going to help me get it right."

"Ahh, yeah, right! No bastard is going to be selling naked pics of me on the net!" said Scott.

"Nah - I am not going to use them, or even keep them if you don't want. This is just for practice. Of course if any of you do like the results and I do too, then of course I will consider paying you for the rights to use them."

For the rest of the day - until all of Luke's camera batteries were flat - the three young crew posed for a great variety of shots ranging from subtle back and side shots to full frontal hardon shots, oral shots and of course the all important cum shots.

That evening began with the four of them in the wheelhouse critiquing the photos taken that day.

"Aww man!!! I look like I have got a fat ass in those ones! Oh shit! Look at my cock there! It's not really bent that much is it?"

"Jase - don't worry dude. They were just snaps really, and no you don't have a fat ass - it's very cute."

"You're just saying that aren't you... Hey - what the fuck? Now I'm worried about what guys think of my ass? What have you guys done to me?!!"

All four of them broke up laughing. Three hours later they had narrowed the around 700 photos taken that day down to 14 really good photos. Three were of Dean alone, five of Scott by himself, two of Jason, two of Dean sucking Scott and the rest were of all three guys sitting, lying and standing together. Not one of the cum shots had really been all that good.

"OK so I guess I have a lot of practicing to do before I start selling any of these!"

Dean looked up at Luke over the top of one of Luke's gay porn magazines.

"Oh, I dunno. The ones we picked tonight would all be as good as the ones in this mag. I reckon you could sell that set to a magazine like this no problems. But, I also reckon you will probably do better from them if you set up a subscription website as well and sell access to high quality versions of the pics there as well as selling them to magazines."

"Yeah, but the pics that sell the web site subscriptions are the cum shots. So I guess that's where I need the most practice guys!"

Jason looked at Luke and then at Scott.

"So - are your batteries charged yet Luke?"

"Yeah, what you got in mind?"

"Well, yesterday Scott did ask me to cum on him. Maybe that would be an interesting shot to take out on deck now in the sunset?"

Luke smiled and grabbed his camera. He followed the other three onto the aft deck and watched as first Dean then Scott took turns licking and sucking on Jason to get him ready. He almost forgot to take pictures because the spectacle was so enticing. Soon Luke was clicking away using the camera flash to fill in the long shadows that were forming as the sun began its quick tropical descent below the hazy horizon.

Dean moved away and sat behind Luke as Scott continued working on Jason who was already straining to hold back his orgasm. Luke quietly arranged the two subjects as he looked for the best angles and lighting. Soon it was clear that the shot he was looking for was about to erupt.

Luke positioned Jason kneeling beside the lying figure of Scott. He got into a position where the gap between Jason's flared cock head and Scott's sweaty chest was silhouetted against the brilliant orange of the sunset.

"Jase, whatever you do, please don't move too much, and please give me a count-down to when you are going to come."

"In five dude. Four, three... two - oh FUCK!"

The camera flashed seven times in the three seconds of the first part of Jason's orgasm. He certainly wasn't camera shy either, coming an enormous amount all over Scott's chest and belly.

Seconds later Luke noticed a warm tickle on the back of his leg and looked to see that Dean who had been squatting behind him had sprayed his own cum at the back of his legs. Grinning Luke nodded down at his own tight erection and was glad to see Dean shuffle around to take it into his mouth.

Luke flicked through the shots he had just taken looking carefully at the small screen on the camera. He looked down at the other three.

"Well, those will be ones for the scrap book! Now, get me off Dean - I wanna look at these on the computer!"

Next: Chapter 20

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