Boarding School Boot Slave

By bootboybe

Published on Aug 31, 2021



I was 17 years old and in my fourth year at an all boys boarding school. I had managed to survive all this time without being discovered as gay. Which was extremely hard as most of the boys were extremely hot and fit due to the compulsory sport and morning runs which all boys were forced to do. To make matters worse I had an enormous foot, sock and shoe fetish and was obsessed with sniffing and licking other boys shoes and socks every chance I got. It was a miracle I had never been caught. After 4 years without getting caught I had become careless and eventually the inevitable happened.

It was after midnight and I had snuck out of my dorm room into the house's boot room where all the boys had to keep their footwear. It was my favourite place in the whole world. The room absolutely stank with the intense odour and stench that only teenage boys feet and shoes can produce. It was heaven. I grabbed a pair of mud encrusted size 12 rugby boots whose smell rose above all the other shoes and boots in the room. I looked inside and saw the name Bullock written in black marker into the tongue. Bullock was a 6 foot 6 hunk of brawny muscle and a member of the first XV team. He was one of the hottest guys in school second only to his best friend the head boy and captain of the first XV rugby team Digby Howard. Both Bullock and Howard were notorious bullies and abused their position as prefects and caning privileges to torment and torture the boys under their control especially the smaller weaker ones like me. In this school it was the bullied who got punished not the bullies. You had to man up and take it or fight back. Weak boys like me were mercilessly bullied with the full knowledge of the teachers.

I also grabbed a pair of size 13 army boots belonging to Howard which he used in his role as corporal of the school army cadet squad. The boots were massive, masculine and polished to a spit shine. My cock pulsed with pleasure just feeling the heft of the boots and when the unmistakeable smell of thick army boot leather and boot polish hit my nose.

I took off my pyjama's getting myself naked and lay on the floor. I grabbed a rank toxic rugby boot and pressed it to my nose sucking the stench into my body through my nose. At the same time I grabbed a massive army boot and started grinding the sole into my cock as hard as I could imagining Howard's tall bulky frame standing over me stomping on my rock hard cock. I started moaning out loud. "Please Howard Sir, stomp my worthless faggot cock Sir, I deserve it Sir, please mash my little fag cock under your powerful army boot Sir". Lost in my kinky fantasy my cock started to shoot a massive cum shot from under the big heavy army boot. Just as I was cumming I heard "Ahem. What the fuck do you think you're doing Smith?".

Unable to stop my body convulsing in pleasure as shot after shot of cum poured out of my cock under the big army boot I looked up in horror to see Dick Porter one of the prefects looking down on me in disgust. "You filthy pervert! Get up this instant! Get dressed at once and go back to your dorm. You will go and see Howard tomorrow after dinner in your sports kit and be ready for the worst caning of your miserable life!".

I spent the next day in absolute shock. What was Howard going to do to me. I knew I was in for at least 6 of the best with the cane. He had the power to dish out up to 12 lashes in extreme cases and could even do it bare ass for the worst offenses. But the standard punishment for being caught wanking was 3 strokes. The problem was the circumstances of my wanking. No straight boy would be wanking while sniffing and humping other boys boots and known homosexuals were brutally punished at this school. How much had Porter heard? If he told Howard what I had been moaning and whose shoes I had been humping I was sure I would receive the harshest possible punishment.

After dinner I got into my sports kit of shorts and a t-shirt and literally shaking in fear made my way to Howard's study. Luckily there were no other boys awaiting punishment making me wait and build up even more fear. With a shaking hand I knocked on the study door. A confident deep voiced "Come!" responded through the door. I opened the door and walked in. Oh fucking shit I thought. Sitting at his desk in his cadet cammo trousers tucked into his gleaming size 13 army boots was Howard. He was bare chested, his massive broad chest completely smooth, skin gleaming in the light showing off his spectacular pecs, 6 pack abs and massive biceps. On his face the cruel sneer only a true bully can pull off. Sitting across the room in the arm chair was his best bud Bullock. Bullock was also bare chested, incredibly muscular just like his bud but moderately hairy in the most masculine way. He was wearing tight rugby shorts showing off his tree-trunk thighs. On his feet were gorgeous rugby socks and the very size 12 rugby boots I was sniffing yesterday still covered in dried mud. Fuck Fuck Fuck, these get ups are no accident. I am so fucked. I stood there trembling before these sneering alpha males who had the full authority to tear my ass to shreds with canes.

"Well, well, well, Smith. I never would have taken you for a faggot, not just any faggot either, a fucking shoe sniffing pervert too. Well, what have you got to say for yourself?" Howard said. I didn't know what to say. "Honest Howard I'm not a faggot" I blubbered knowing denial was hopeless at this point. "Oh really and I suppose red blooded straight men usually wank while rubbing my army boot over their cocks then?" he said mockingly. "Well lets put you to the test then Smith. Strip naked" Howard said. "What for Howard? Come on please. Just cane me and get it over with please" I pleaded. "Don't you worry fag, we are going to get to the caning soon enough, now do as you are fucking told before Bullock and I rip your clothes off" he shouted.

Not wanting to anger them even more I stripped off. Luckily my terror had ensured my cock was fully retreated. Maybe I could convince them I wasn't gay after all I hoped against hope. "mate help us out, take off your boot and make him sniff it and lets see if he gets a stiffy" Howard directed at his buddy. Bullock's sneer turned into the cruellest smile I had ever seen as he reached down and pulled off one of his massive rugby boots. He untied the laces and opened it up wide as he approached me. He grabbed the back of my head in his big shovel hands and shoved my face into his boot. My nose was pressed against the insole and the shock made me take a deep breath through my nose. The intense foot stench made me light headed and to my horror I felt my cock get harder and harder as I breathed in more of Bullocks foot funk. "Fucking hell faggot! You must really love the stink of my big feet to bone up like that just from a whiff of my boots" Bullock said in genuine surprise grinding my face into his shoe even harder. I felt his massive boner pressing into my back as he held me tight. This is fucking turning him on too the fucking hypocrite.

"OK that's enough mate. Be careful or he will shoot his load all over the floor" Howard said while laughing at my misery. Bullock stepped back and sat down putting the boot back on his big foot. "Now that we've established you are a faggot let's figure out exactly what happened last night shall we?" Howard said. "On your knees here in front of me fag" he said.

I knelt down wondering what he was up to. He already knew exactly what happened last night clearly. He just wanted to drag this out to increase his pleasure the fucking bully. Once I was on my knees Howard stretched out his long leg and pressed toe of his big shiny army boot under my vulnerable balls squashing them against my body. My cock responded by going back to maximum hardness and starting to leak precum onto his shiny boot. Howard smiled his own bulge growing too in his cammo's.

"Now we know you were sniffing Bullocks toxic boots, no offense bro. What were you doing with your other hand fag?" Howard asked knowing the answer full well. "umm. Umm.." I said. "Answer me you fucking queer" he sneered. "I was rubbing your army boot on my cock Howard" I said. "This boot?" he asked giving my balls a kick with his boot. "Yes Howard that boot". "Were you rubbing it gently or pressing it down mashing your pathetic little dick flat under my boot sole. And you had better be honest queer?". "I was crushing it down really hard Howard" I said knowing there was no point lying. The rush of admitting my fetish making my cock pulse and leak even more precum even knowing the pain and torment these alpha bullies were going to put me through. "Oh really" he said lifting up his boot and pressing my throbbing cock against my stomach under his boot sole. "Mate. I never thought a guy could be so fucking pathetic he actually gets off on having his manhood stomped by other men. Have you ever seen anything so pathetic?" Howard said to his best friend all the while keeping my cock squashed under his rough army boot sole. "No mate that is seriously sick" Bullock replied the bulge in his pants looking huge and visibly throbbing in line with his heart.

"So let me get this straight. You fantasise about big strong muscular men. Like me and Bullock here. Walking all over you, making you sniff and lick our shoes and crushing your pathetic worthless little cock under the sole of our shoes is that right?" Howard said twisting his boot as he crushed my cock to emphasize his point. "Yes Howard that's right" I said.

He lifted his boot off my cock, stood up and collected the thickest heaviest cane in his umbrella stand flexing it menacingly as he glared at my naked body kneeling on the floor. It looked like his cock was trying to break through his cammo pants, his bulge was obscene. "How many lashes do you think you deserve for wanking Smith?" he asked swinging the cane through the air. "Boys usually get 3 lashes over their shorts for wanking Howard" I replied hoping for mercy. Howard laughed at that. "Maybe so. But you weren't just wanking. You were obviously wanking in a homosexual way and defiling the footwear of your superiors. How many lashes do you think that deserves?" he said. "Maybe 6 on my bare ass Howard" I replied, this was the most severe punishment meted out for even theft and other serious offenses. Only fighting resulting in serious injury, damage to school property etc got more.

"I don't think so faggot" Howard said. "I think this calls for a full dozen on your queer naked ass". "Please Howard that's too much. Have mercy please". "Mate take off your boots and put them on the table" Howard said to Bullock which he gleefully did. "Now faggot. You are going to bend over this table and kiss and lick those big stinking boots while I cane your worthless little ass. You are going to count each stroke, kiss a boot and say thank you sir for caning me, I am a gay bootlicker and I deserve no mercy".

I stood up and shakingly walked over to the table and bent down. Bullock stood up and pressed his weight onto my back shoving my head down onto his big rugby boots. The smell of the boots making my cock chub up in interest fighting with the terror of the incredible pain I knew I would soon feel. "Lets practice your mantra fag. I will give you a practice lash and you say what I told you to loud and clear". With that he pulled back his arm and slashed the cane down onto my naked ass cheeks. My ass exploded in pain and I cried out. I quickly forced myself to recover said "One Sir!", gave the smelly rugby boot in my face a deep kiss and loudly said "Thank you Sir for caning me, I am a gay bootlicker and I deserve no mercy". Both muscular young men laughed. Howard slashed the cane onto my ass again with full force. I cried out again, counted "Two Sir" and repeated my degrading mantra admitting to my boot fetish. "no fag. I said the first lash was a practice lash. Start again at one" Howard said laughing his head off. That fucking sadist. He is only allowed to give 12 strokes on the bare for the most severe infractions which this isn't and now he is adding on another 2 strokes.

I started again at one and quickly realised that breathing in the stench from Bullocks boots and slobbering over the leather licking them between lashes made me hard and horny which significantly lessened the pain. By stroke 10 my cock was actually rock hard and I was into it despite my ass being covered in brutal weals. Howard noticed my hard cock and poked it with his cane. "This fucking queer is actually getting off on his caning mate. What the fuck" Howard said. He stepped back and delivered the last 2 strokes with a run up the cane slashed into my ass drawing blood.

"Stay down faggot. We're not done" Howard said after he had delivered 14 truly brutal strokes of the cane to my naked ass. "You dared to sniff Bullocks foot stink without his permission fag. He should get to punish you too don't you think? Beg him to punish you queer" Howard said.

By this point I was so high on endorphins I actually wanted this massive beast of an 18 year old rugby god to thrash my battered ass. I pressed my head to his rugby boots and while kissing and licking the boots said "Please Bullock I am truly sorry for sniffing and licking your godly masculine awesome smelling rugby boots without your permission. Please punish me Sir. Don't show me any mercy Sir. I deserve a proper thrashing Sir". Bullock looked down at me in genuine amazement not knowing how to react but his bulge reacted for him attempting to burst through his tight rugby shorts itching to dominate and dish out brutal pain to a weaker male. "He can't take any more of the cane mate. You already tore his ass to shreds. Give me your heaviest belt, I'll leather the fuck out of this queer" Bullock said to Howard.

Howard grabbed a heavy wide brown belt and handed it to his best mate who snapped it menacingly thrusting his crotch forward. Bullock had never felt so alpha, so totally dominant as in that moment. This was the biggest rush of his young life. He had bullied boys before. He had caned boys before. But nothing like this. This was all his most brutal fantasies come to life.

As Bullock approached my ass snapping the belt again I started making love to his boots. I pressed my tongue to the leather, chewed the dried mud off the soles and sucked the studs. By the time he was finished belting my ass I would have them sparkling for him I thought. Bullock pulled out his cock and balls and hooked them over his shorts. He started slowly wanking his massive boner with his left hand as he swung back the belt with his right arm and smashed the belt with all his considerable rugby player strength into my already battered rump. Each brutal lash made me lick his boots all the harder as he kept wailing away at my ass wanking his cock at the same time until after 20 brutal lashes he shot the biggest load of his life spewing spurt after spurt of thick heavy cum onto my black and blue bruised ass. As I realised the lashes had stopped I looked at the size 12 rugby boots under my face and indeed they were spotlessly clean. Every last speck of dried mud now in my stomach.

"Holy shit that was hot mate!" Howard said from his seat in the arm chair rubbing his rock hard cock through his cammo pants. "all right faggot you have earned a reward for being such a fucking good fag for your alphas". Howard stood up, pulled down his zipper and pulled out his impressive cock and balls, stroking his huge cock. "Lie down on the floor fag" he said. I pulled myself up and lay down wincing as my battered rump touched the hard floor. Bullock and Howard stood over me looking like gods from my position on the floor. Bullock pressed his rugby socked foot onto my face rubbing it over my nose. The smell was amazing. Howard lifted up his size 13 army boot and gently teased my pulsating cock with it. "Does faggot's cock want a stomping with alpha's big hard army boot?" he teased mockingly. "Yes Alpha! Stomp my faggot cock hard please Sir!" I said. "We hit the fucking jackpot mate, our very own faggot slave to use for the rest of the year!" and the 2 studs high fived each other. At the same time Howard lifted his boot high and stomped it down flattening my cock under the rough lug sole. He followed it up by lifting himself up and putting all his weight onto the boot crushing my cock. I hyperventilated sucking the stench from the rugby sock grinding my face. This was fucking heaven I thought. Or Hell maybe. Who the fuck cares. I had never felt so much pleasure and pain in my life and the combination was intoxicating. I was high on endorphins, submission and masochism.

Howard lifted up his boot and said "Fuck I can literally see my boot print in his cock skin. Awesome!" and stomped down again. "All right faggot I give you permission to shoot your little load" Howard said putting Bullocks rugby boots on my stomach in the firing line of my cock. He ground his powerful army boot down on my cock again and started rubbing his boot back and forth until I shot spurt after spurt of cum onto the rugby boots on my stomach. At the same time Howard wanking his own cock started shooting a massive load and pointed his cock at his own army boots getting as much cum as possible all over them.

"Holy fucking shit" Howard said. "That was so fucking awesome. From now on you are our slave queer. You got that?". "Yes Sir" I said. "I would like nothing more in the world than serving you and Bullock Sir". Bullock put his cum covered rugby boots back on his big feet and sat down on the bed next to Howard still wearing his equally cum covered army boots. I crawled over to my masculine alpha gods and lapped up every drop of cum off their glorious boots. "All right you had better get to bed queer. Be back tomorrow night. We are going to work on your cock sucking skills. And from now on your job is to keep all our footwear polished and sparkling. Got that fag?". "Yes Sir thank you Sir" I replied giving each of their boots a final kiss before hobbling out of the room.

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