Boarding House Queer

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Oct 27, 2001




In 1937 there weren't such things as 'gay' guys...just queers and 'normal' people. I was one of the queers. I lived in an all-male boarding house. All the men knew I was a queer and more than willing to pass out a free blowjob. What can I say? Word gets around fast.

Of course, they'd merely nod in the hallways, never engaging me in conversation. Occasionally, one would jerk his head to invite me in if he happened to see me entering my room. Once inside he'd simply drop his drawers and I'd get down and suck him off. Maybe I'd get a 'thanks' when I was shuffled out.

They got in the habit of leaving the bathroom door unlocked. Five or six times a night I'd stroll down the hallway and listen for any noises coming from inside. If someone was in there, I'd rub my crotch and burst in on them. Others would knock, but I knew they kept it unlocked in hopes that I'd be by. They'd act surprised, but I knew they weren't.

If they weren't sitting there playing with their prick, they soon hoisted it from between their legs as they spread them. I'd get down on my knees and start licking their dick and balls. Sometimes I could smell the turds they'd just plopped out, and if I licked too far back behind their balls I'd get a nasty taste of their shit! I tried to be sneaky about it, but they knew I liked doing that.

One guy said he needed a hot blowjob but had to piss first. He asked if I wanted him to do it over my tongue. I said sure, and stuck my face down with my tongue out. He lifted slightly and peed all over my lips and mouth. I started lapping at it, crazy to draw in as much of his hot piss as I could while he aimed his stream into the bowl. He let me suck the last drops from his soft pecker, suggesting that maybe next time I'd like it right in my mouth. Now he saves his nightly pissing for me

One fellow, a hard-boiled ex-Marine, said he knew how to handle a queer. He'd met quite a few in the service. He enjoys ramming my face down on his thick meat. I don't mind. I love feeling a prick banging right down my throat! One time he pulled me off and quickly brought his heels up onto the toilet seat. That totally exposed his large, hairy anus to my view. I gulped, gazing at it with lust.

"Yeh, thought you'd like that. Lick it for me. Queers like licking shitholes. Never met one who didn't. Shove your tongue up there!"

I didn't need a second invitation. I started digging up his smelly hole and licking it out. He held my head tightly up his ass so I could get in deeper...and not get away. Why would he worry about me getting away? Because after two minutes of lapping his hairy crack, he starts to take a shit! Big fat turds start coming out of his asshole, and I didn't have much choice, did I?

Now, I'd licked lots of guys back there, but I'd never done anything as filthy as I did to him! I guess I'd always wanted to, because I sure didn't fight him. I licked as much of his slippery turds as I could. He let my head loose and stared down at me...getting a big charge from seeing me lick 'em while he was shitting. The only bad part was not getting his load. He pumped off while making me tongue out his shitty hole! I was a bit upset with him and let it be known. I said next time I'd only do it if he let me suck his cock off. He apologized.

Well, gosh, word got around about that, too! I realized it when some of the others started to hem and haw about licking their assholes, and I could if I wanted. But they needed to take a shit first--would that bother me? I'd say, "Listen, you obviously heard about it...why not just turn around and shit in my mouth? That way I can suck your turd."

A couple of them had nice pricks, but I wasn't interested in their assholes. I had to convince them that what they'd heard was just vicious gossip, I didn't do stuff like that. They even apologized, saying they knew it must have been a lie cause they couldn't imagine anyone--even a queer--doing something so filthy! I'd breathe a sigh of relief and blow them. But I started locking the door after I'd entered, so one of them didn't catch me with some other fellow's turd in my mouth! Sometimes they would barge in, see me blowing a guy, then wait outside for their turn.

A guy asked me once why I blew everybody. I said I like cock. But isn't it better if you're with a fella that does it back? I said, sure, but I don't know any. He said listen, if you don't spread it around, I'll suck your cock. I did it a couple of times in the Army and it wasn't all that bad. I nearly hooped and hollered. Sure thing! Man, did he ever chow down on me! I thought he'd chew my nuts off! We got together four more times, and he even pulled my legs up and licked my asshole for me. Unfortunately, that was the last time because he moved away the next day. I was sad, and wondered if my asshole tasted as bad as all that! But I learned he'd been transferred to Chicago.

The only other fellow who reciprocated was the ex-Marine. He was extremely horny one night and before feeding me his turd he threw me over the toilet and wrenched my pants down. He said "pull 'em off and get over the pot. Lemme see you shit!" I didn't argue. I straddled the toilet and squatted down--putting my hands around the porcelain lid. He didn't lick or anything, he just sniffed and watched while I squeezed out a few turds. Then he made me turn around and sit down.

My prick was big and stiff and he went down on it. While he blew me he kept ramming his finger up my dirty hole. It felt wonderful! I didn't mind when he pulled it out and pushed it into my mouth. It was completely covered with my own warm shit, but I sucked it clean while he drained the juice from my balls. Then he got up and bent over into my face--growling as he took a shit in my mouth. Even though I'd come, I was so excited I ate half his turd! Luckily, he wasn't aware of it. Otherwise, he most likely would have made me eat it every time.

That experience did have a bad effect on me, though, because after that I began to have my little solo pleasures. I'd lock the door and squat before the toilet, shitting into my hand. Then I'd bring it around to my face and jerk off while sucking my own turd! Hell, if I could suck theirs I sure as hell should be able to enjoy my own!

Wouldn't you know it, though, the one time I forgot to lock the door, someone walked in on me! He wasn't embarrassed or disgusted, just amused. He said to continue, and began to take off his pants--after he'd locked the door. Well, I'd sucked his turds enough times, so I wasn't all that put off. He brandished his hard cock and got down behind me. He shoved it up my shitty asshole and began to fuck me! Darned if that didn't feel real good. He leaned over my shoulder and whispered filthy things to me while he watched me lick the turd. I tried to hold off my coming because I just knew I'd have to lick his cock clean after he shot up my ass. Luckily, he came fast--although I was rather enjoying it--and pulled me by the hair to get down and suck his filthy prick. I came all over the floor, loving the taste of my own shit on his cock!

Well, getting caught didn't cure me of shitting in my hand. I enjoyed sucking my own turds almost as much as I enjoyed theirs. And the guy who caught and fucked me didn't keep his mouth shut like he promised. So, of course, that got around faster than anything, so there wasn't any reason to lock the door when I did it, because one by one the men would ask me to do it in front of him, then he'd take a shit and I'd suck that.

Considering all the activities involving turds, it was surprising that only a few of them wanted to fuck me. Most of 'em said they'd rather get sucked off than get shit all over their prick. I said what's the difference, I'll get down and suck everything off anyway. You know me, you've seen me sucking my turds. I sure don't mind eating my own shit off your prick. They'd say something like eating it off and swallowing it is a big jump from just sucking a turd, and it's disgusting.

Go figure. One man pulled that malarky on me and I replied, I'll bet if I said I wanted to eat your turd after I suck it, you'd let me. He said no, he wouldn't want to see me chewing it, but if I wanted to take it to my room and do it, that's alright. Well, I got real indignant and told him where he could stuff his turd! He stuffed one in my mouth (I have little resistance when I see a hairy asshole spread open), but I didn't let him do it again for a good month.

Gradually, I convinced more of the men to fuck me. Usually, since they were already sitting there on the toilet, I'd straddle their legs and sit down on them. After the first time, and saying okay I'd cleaned their prick pretty good as they looked it over to see if there was any shit I'd missed, they'd let me do it if I was in the mood. If I wasn't they were always satisfied with one of my blowjobs. To be honest, I think I didn't get fucked as much as I wanted because I was too good a cocksucker. They could always fuck their girlfriends or a whore, but I gave the best blowjobs in town, somebody said.

Now, in a boarding house men come and go. It was always a delight finding a new face sitting on the toilet, shyly hoping I was the one they'd heard rumors about. Most of the time--like they'd been clued in--they'd be holding something nice and hard in their hand. Well, if I didn't like the guy much, I'd just excuse myself and walk out. Otherwise I'd walk right over and say, "Would you like to put that in my mouth?" They'd act surprised, like it was the law that a man couldn't act eager about a queer doing him, or say something dumb like, "You'd really like to do that, young man?" By then I was getting tired of the stupid games and started wise-cracking to save time.

"Look mister, here's the deal. You got a cock and I'm a queer. You want me to blow you or you wanna do it yourself? There'll be another guy in here soon and he won't be fussy. Oh, and I'll pretty much do anything else you want me to. You can fuck me up the ass then I'll suck your cock. I'll lick your balls. I'll stick my tongue up your asshole if you'd like, and I don't care how dirty it is. A lot of the guys like me to lick it after they take a shit. I like doing that, and I'd be glad to do it to you. If I like a man a little extra, I'll let him shit right in my mouth so he can watch me suck on his turd. You're a nice-looking man, and I might do that for you later on. All I ask is that you treat me with some respect. That means you can call me any dirty names you want, and I really like that when I'm licking out a real shitty asshole or sucking a guy's turd. But you can't hit me or say anything about what you want me to do for you if you walk in and see me with another man. Cause maybe I don't suck that man's turds or let him fuck me, and you coming in saying "Hurry up, I've got an assful of shit for your mouth next!" might make him feel cheated. Now, while you're making up your mind, why don't you get up and turn around and let me smell your asshole."

You probably think I'm pretty crude, but I've found that men on their own are constantly on the rail and they appreciate things direct and to the point. And I've got a whole houseful of them to service with little time for hemming and hawing. They don't want to sit on the pot all day, so when I walk in they say "Go down on it" or spin around and pull their cheeks apart. That either means they shit and want it licked, or they're going to. Either way, I'll find out once I push my face is there.

I sometimes act a little coy around a new guy, but that's so I can sorta check him out and size him up. Like the young guy in his twenties that bumped into me downstairs and took me off to the side and whispered in my ear.

"Uh, I heard about some action around here. Some guy passing out free knobjobs. You know who he is? I'm Stewart, by the way. I moved from down the street cause I heard a guy could get taken care of without a worry. Cost me an extra fiver a week, but I got hot nuts and need it regular like." He nudged me in the ribs. "You know what I mean, pal? Sure, I'll bet a young guy like you has the same problem, right?"

"I sure do, Stew. I know exactly what you mean, and I know the guy. Now here's what you do. All the action takes place in the upstairs john. You go in there--don't lock the door--and take off all your clothes. Sit on the toilet and wack your bone into a stiffy. By then I should have him on his way. If another boarder walks in on you just wave. He'll leave and come back later. Everybody knows the scoop, so don't worry about getting seen or caught. The guy does everybody in some form or another, and we all know it."

"Uh, okay," Stewart grinned, " if that's the way it's done. Will it take long?"

"Hey, once I locate him and tell him what a looker you are, he'll hightail it in there with drool dripping from his chin."

"Alright, I'm on my way. Um, you said totally naked?"

"Yep. First time he likes to check out a guy all over. You know, see how he's stacked up. How much hair he'd got on his balls. Count the pimples on his butt...things like that. Oh, one thing that's very important. Don't clean anything, and especially don't wipe your asshole cause he's gonna want to sniff it and he likes it ripe. Stick a stinky one in his face and he'll go crazy. Lick your shithole out like you wouldn't believe!"

"Holy crap! Really?"

"Holy or not, he loves licking crap off a man's bung." I looked behind him and checked out his rearend. "I got a feeling he's gonna like yours a lot."

"Wow! I'd better hurry. I got a bone-on already!"

Not for long, I thought. I gave him just enough time to get bare-assed and grab his prick. I could see through a tiny crack I'd dug out. I walked in on him."

"Aw, damn. Couldn't you find him?" He tried covering himself, but his pole was too stiff and there wasn't any place to stuff it...yet.

"Oh, I found him, alright. He said he's anxious to meet you and asked me to check one thing out for him first."

"What's that?"

"He wanted me to...gee, it's kinda embarrassing...he asked me to sniff your asshole and tell him what it's like."

"Good grief! Why you?"

"Aw, I don't mind. He's a pal, even if he is a little weird. Things are pretty loose around here, you gotta get used to that. So, what the heck. Turn around and I'll give it a whiff and go tell him how stinky it is. He's gonna owe me for this."

"Well, okay, if you don't mind doing it. Gee, sure is embarrassing. That okay? Figured a queer fiddling around back there wouldn't bother me so much, but having a regular guy like you looking me over and smelling me is sorta, you know."

"Maybe you'd better pull 'em open. I'm sure you don't want me grabbing your ass."

"Oh, sure. How's that?"

I nosed in and took a big loud whiff. Ambrosia! Finally, a young fellow with a nice build and nice stuff, and a sweet innocence about him. I smelled it again, and again.

"Uh, don't you think that's enough to give an opinion?" he croaked. Even his rosey assbud was blushing.

"Oh, I got an opinion at the first whiff. I just wanted a couple more for myself!"

"Hunh? What's that mean?" He turned around with a suspicious glare.

"Stewart," I held out my hand, "meet the man of your midnight dreams. Sorry, I've been kinda teasing ya, but I have to check out a new guy. You understand, don't you?"

"Uh, I guess so. You mean you're the queer?"

"At your service. In fact, you're the sexiest guy in this place, and I'll do anything you'd like me to. What's your pleasure?"

"Gosh!" He sat down on the toilet. "You're younger than me. I was expecting some old coot. You know, some old guy who'd come in and get my nuts off and that's all."

"Nope. I'm a full service operation, Stew. I like the older men around here, but I'm glad somebody closer to my age finally moved in. I'm gonna treat you good, fella. In fact, I'll even let you come to my room and fuck me or whatever. And nobody comes to my room ever. Of course, that's mostly because I get a real charge out of doing in here. Something about sucking a man off while he's sitting on the toilet after taking a shit makes everything a lot nastier. And I love being nasty and doing dirty things. Like that asshole eating I mentioned. Your shithole smells real good, Stewart. I'd love to start by licking it. You don't even have to touch your rod. My tongue will make it spring right back to attention on its own. Come on, lift your legs way up and I'll show you what I really like!"

"Holy cripes!" he gasped, lifting his legs and scooting his ass to the edge. "A buttlick!"

"Aw, that's just for openers. Wait'll I screw my tongue up your keester and lick the gunk out. I hope you're real gunky in there, cause I think I'm gonna be cleaning it out on overtime!"

"Jeez, how can a young guy like you be so filthy?"

"You'll get over your disgust real soon. In the meantime you can call me dirty names if it makes you feel better. That's okay. After all, I might be young but I'm still the queer and you're the man. And next time you have to take a shit, I want you to call me in so I can watch you pump out your turds and sniff them...or anything else you want me to do with them. You can imagine what I mean. I don't want to gross you out all in one day. Just figure you've got a slave handy and all kinds of nasty things will come to mind. And the things I won't do are probably things you'd never consider anyway. Now let's get this stinky crack licked up, and remember: as long as I'm around you don't have to bother wiping your asshole. That's a job I take as a personal honor. And I haven't even tasted it yet. Oooh, open up the furnace, there's a new maid in the basement!"

Stewart never did lose his Gosh Gee attitude, but he took to it splendidly. Probably because he wasn't joshing. He did have hot nuts! And they churned cock butter round the clock and I was rewarded with all those pent-up gushes when they finally erupted. And when he was in the mood to screw me, we came to my room and did it on the bed so I could flail my legs in the air and get slammed properly. But he kinda liked the atmosphere of the toilet, so all the other things we did there--especially if turds were involved. And he had brown cannonshells that made my mouth water, and got real lewd when he did it in my mouth. I thought that would be a major stumbling block, but once I talked him into it his hot nuts got really charged up over being lecherous and obscene and sitting on my face or seeing my puss in the toilet between his legs licking his turds while he shit. An active young fellow like him had a hearty appetite. And you know what that means.

It wasn't long before I realized I was falling for the guy. It was more than the turds or his eagerness; it was mostly the way he fucked me on my bed. Right over me with my legs wrapped around his back. I wanted to reach up and kiss him, but I didn't dare tell him how I felt. I was the queer and he was the man. That's how it was back then.

Remember the man who first fucked me? Well, one day I was in the head with another one of the long-time tenants. I was between the guy's legs, as usual, when he popped in the door. Instead of backing out and waiting his turn, as was the custom, he came right in and took his pants off, asked me if I was gonna suck on the guy's turd, and said he wanted to fuck me and watch me do it. The man on the toilet was a little put out, until I explained how he'd first caught me sucking my own turd and screwed me while I did it. He said in that case if the guy wanted to watch him shit and smell his turds, he was welcome to.

Well, the other guy protested a little, saying he didn't want so much to watch or smell them, he just wanted to watch me sucking one with his cock up my ass.

The other one replied that of course he did, otherwise he'd just have me do it like the first time and they wouldn't need him. But that's alright, cause in fact he wouldn't mind doing it the other way around and watch him take a shit while fucking me.

The intruder confessed he was sort of interested in seeing another man shit, and occasionally when he was doing it in my mouth he secretly wished one of the men would come in and see it.

After that, the three of us got together several times in that arrangement, with the men brazenly checking each other's assholes while turds were squeezing out, joking about the smell and ramming my ass. Of course I cleaned the cock I got fucked with and sucked off the man on the toilet. A couple of times they both fucked me and took turns taking a shit. Since the first guy had never witnessed it, they made me shit on the floor and both watched me suck on my turds. At their mutual insistence, I bit a chunk off one of them and ate it. Then they both squatted down and added their big turds to mine and screwed me while I bent down and licked the whole pile of shit, turning them over to tongue off the juice on every one of them. It was terrific fun, doing that, and I had a hard time deciding whose shit tasted the best. I wanted to pick my own, but truth was, they both tasted better than mine! Of course, I should have known that. Otherwise I never would have to come out of my room except to give some blowjobs.

One weird day, the guy up top was turned around over the toilet, bending over to shit his turd out so the other guy could see it better. Stuffing his cock all the way up my tail, he reached up and grabbed the guy's turd before I could take it into my mouth. When I said something in surprise, the other guy turned around wondering how I could talk with a mouthful of shit. Seeing it in the other guy's hand, he asked what the fuck was going on. The other sheepishly explained that he just sorta wanted to feel one and he'd done it without even thinking. Sitting on the toilet, he pulled my mouth over his big cock and made me suck it, telling the guy to go ahead and play with it while he fucked...roll it around in his hands and take a good feel. He could even sniff it if he wanted, since it was already in his hand and might as well check out how it smells up close. The guy looked it over awhile, turning it around and seeing how well made it was. Then he lifted it up and got just close enough to get a good couple of whiffs off it.

"Figured it'd stink worse than that," he said, a little amazed.

"Ain't you never smelled one of your own turds before, fella?" the other guy chuckled.

"No, of course not. This is the only one."

"Well, shucks. I have and I'm sure one man's shit smells much the same as another's or pretty much so. Hell, next time you get like this me and you'll both take a close whiff on your turd and see if there's much difference. Maybe the kid can add one, too. Turd-licker can already tell us how they compare, I suppose, but mighty hard to describe a smell to somebody else, so personal examination is the way to go. Sure hope you got a hard roll that night. Don't want it crumbling in my fist or mashing between my fingers. I'm game to handle a fella's turd as well as the next guy, but I think a little decorum's in order, don't you? Can't get to playing around too darn much or we'll have shit all over the joint!"

I was almost never invited to a man's room. One of the fellows had a cousin visiting town from Detroit and had stopped by. He told his cousin about me, but he was too antsy to go the bathroom route, so the man knocked on my door and said he had a surprise for me. I went to his room and met the fellow. He was nice enough so I agreed when the man suggested I suck his cousin's asshole for him. I licked out both their assholes, then sucked off their cocks. The cousin said he had a good thing going and he thought a certain fella living in his building was a fruit. He might try connecting with him to get some regular action like this. I said try walking in on him when he's in the bathroom. Have your prick out and hard and go right to the sink, saying your girl wouldn't put out and gotta jerk your meat or you'll bust. If he don't grab it, you got him pegged all wrong. If he does, ask him if he'd like to wash your butthole a little first and bend on over.

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