Boarding House Encounters

By Obie

Published on Nov 18, 2022


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Due to the length of this part , the usual summary is being omitted. Readers have the option to review chapter 6 if they need to catch up.

Steve looked upon his son Brad, his lover Toby and to his utter surprise, Alain, one of the senior renovation specialists in charge of the property's makeover.

All 3 were completely naked, sweating, with half hard erections and spilling semen unto the tiled floor. It was obvious they had just finished ejaculating. There was no other way to interpret, justify or otherwise spin the erotic tableau Steve was witnessing.

Unable to speak, Brad's father stood, holding the door to the bathroom's entrance, while the 3 men, equally stood without moving or saying anything.

( At this point, the writer of this story gets into Steve's mind, as he attempts to make sense of what he has just happened upon, realizing full well, his life and that of his son, is about to change . )

Steve's internal, mental thoughts came rapidly, some were erratic, others lacking coordination, but above all, there was some degree of confusion. He needed to sort something out before audibly speaking...

<What the fuck! It's Brad and Toby! Naked! Did I not tell Brad that it was ok to have Toby spend the weekends over at our house?? YES! That meant, so they could have sex in the safety and privacy of our bedrooms!!! And what the FUCK is Alain doing here?? Does this mean, WAIT, FUCK, did Alain, NO!!! Did he just DO IT with my SON??? AM I JEALOUS OF ALAIN NOW, THAT HE IS ENJOYING MY BOY??? WHAT?? I thought Alain was STRAIGHT?? Ohhhhh, now I get it...Toby and Brad seduced Alain...DAMN....Bradley, you look so hot, no wonder Toby can't get enough of you....Wow...Toby...FUCK, you are way hotter than I thought...Steve...LOOK at that COCK!!!! Heyyyyyyyyl, WHAT??? STEVE????Why is My cock getting hard and starting to leak PRECUM!!!! And why am I gawking at Alain's hot, hairy body and huge dong and fucking huge balls!!!...STEVE, ARE YOU TURNING GAY?????>

Steve's head was spinning and he began breaking out in perspiration. Catching his breath, he broke the silence...

"Bradley Sorensen, you owe your father an explanation for what has just happened here, NOW!!"

Brad was frozen and could not open his mouth to save his life. Alain too, was unable to utter a single word. It was Toby that owned up to the situation as best he could.

Trying to cover his semen covered genitals with both hands, he directed himself to Steve.

"Mr. Sorensen, we are sorry you caught us like this, we did not mean to be disrespectful or use your bathroom inappropriately, even though, that's what it looks like."

"Truth is sir, your son and I got carried away. We were making out down here in the cellar and things got out of hand. We could not wait till after work, so we locked ourselves inside this bathroom and well, nature took over. We did not have too much time because Alain here, was at the hardware store and I knew he would be back soon".

"After we finished what we were doing, still hard and cummy, Alain caught us red handed, he came back earlier than we anticipated. Long story short, it turns out that Alain is also, seeking to explore what we are enjoying with each other. Alain thinks he may be bisexual".

"One thing led to another and our friend here got so horny, we had to take care of his hard on, we made him cum by sucking his cock sir. Even though we swallowed most of his load, some spilled on the floor. We got so turned on sucking Alain off, that we had to wank our dicks and we too, came all over the tiles, that's why you see so much jizz all over the place sir".

"We hope you don't hold what we did against us, Mr. Sorensen, we are just young guys, constantly horny, thinking about sex and all that stuff", concluded Toby, as he meekly bowed his head.

Steve was impressed and quite smitten with the way Brad's boyfriend, Toby, handled the whole affair. It took guts and a whole lot of honesty. He was amused with the way Toby spoke, blending a boy's innocent form of putting sentences together, while trying to sound, all grown up.

Steve was beginning to realize he felt attracted to Toby, and his cock, was getting harder by the minute and very visible through the thin fabric of his worn jeans.

How would he handle having the hots for Toby, when he happened to be his son's lover....

Steve opted to go into the bathroom, joining Brad, Toby and Alain. He closed and locked the door.

Not knowing what was to come next, the three young men stood there in silence, waiting for Steve's next move.

"Guys, I'm not here to judge or scold anyone. I get it, we are all men, this is the way we are wired. Regardless, whether we are straight, bi, gay or curious, our penises always override our brains".

"Therefore, relax, it's fine. However, going forward, I'd like to make an offer to the three of you".

"From now on, if you guys want to make out, suck, fuck, whatever, do it over at my house".

"I already told Brad he can bring Toby over for the weekend if they want to hang out and have some fun in bed, or in the shower, where ever. Guys, Brad has his bedroom next to mine, then he has an attic with a full bed. Brad also has a detached cabin out by the pine trees with complete privacy".

"I just don't want any messing around here, at least for now. Some of those macho construction men upstairs are straight and I want to avoid any bullying or any sort of confrontations".

"Do you understand me guys?"

"Yes, we do dad", finally spoke Brad, as Alain and Toby agreed as well.

"Great, so that's all settled", said Steve.

Walking over to Alain, Steve continued...

"Alain, it's cool, we men have to explore everything in this world. I come from a Scandinavian culture where nudity and sexuality is a natural part of life. We do not believe in labels, nor we judge anyone. As long as we do not hurt a fellow human being, sex, is part of a much larger spectrum".

"I'm here for you Alain and hope you will be here for me as well....and you too, Brad...Toby...".

" I think I may also be bisexual"..

"If not, I would not be standing here with such a hard cock and leaking precum under my pants".

All three young men gaped at Steve as he made the unexpected confession, but finally felt relaxed and able to breathe easier. Somehow, Brad, was not completely surprised by his dad's revelation.

It was then that Steve realized that the bathroom reeked of cock, spilled semen, male hormones, pure testosterone. He wanted to rip his pants open, take out his dick and have it sucked off by all three of the naked guys in front of him.

Looking at his watch, he knew he had to leave for work.

Before departing, he leaned in and kissed Alain, open mouth and pressing his body unto his. In the process, Alain's penis, rubbed on Steve's bulge, leaving some semen residue on the denim fabric.

Turning to Toby, he did the same, kissing him deeply, a bit longer, slipping his tongue inside his mouth, both moaned and grinded their bodies together. He whispered in his ear..."you are so fucking hot son....I think I want to have a threeway, you, me, Brad...fuck, you just rubbed some of your cum on my jeans...yummy"....

Next in line was Brad...

"Son, you know I love you, I love you so fucking much, crazy about you boy, so proud of who you are turning out to be....see you ready for me young man"....

Once Steve was gone, Alain and Toby got dressed, kissed Brad goodbye and went upstairs to join the other contractors.

Brad dressed and left for his house. When he got home, he showered and went to bed, taking a nap until shortly after 7PM.

He decided to call Toby.

"Hey,you just got home?"

"Yeah,going to shower and have dinner with my folks", responded Toby

"What do you think of what happened today?"

"Well Brad, I'm still in shock. No way did I see that coming, I think your dad is about to cross that bridge and begin experiencing how it feels to be intimate with another man. Not just the sexual aspect, but the emotional one as well".

"But I don't know if his first encounter will be with a guy he meets at a bar, or on the street, at work, or, if it will be Alain, myself or perhaps even you".

"I do feel it will happen soon, Brad. He was really turned on today, his cock was burning up and sopping wet with precum. I'd be surprised if he did not masturbate in the men's room at the plant", commented Toby.

"I agree', said Brad, as he contemplated the possibilities.

"Hey Toby, I noticed something today about dad. I think he has the hots for you. I saw the way he kissed you, the way he rubbed his bulge against your cock and then leaned in and whispered in your ear. I think he wants to get it on with you bro".

"If he does, that's ok with me. I think it could be really pervy to have us both share Steve, I mean, if that is what he wants, just saying. Who knows, maybe we can take turns making him cum, fuck, that would be insanely hot, haha, it would be like dad having two sons"...

"Fuck Brad, I did'nt see it that way, but you are right....damn, I'm getting hard just thinking of it".

"Bro, I am beyond hard, I'm jerking off!".

"You fucking slut Brad".

"Guilty, but I know you love it".

"Keep me posted Brad".

"Will do, see ya tomorrow Toby".

Brad wondered what Steve meant by, "be ready for me young man"....could it be.....

Steve's son did not have to wonder too long.

Brad went up to the attic and looked out his picture window at the evening's scene of swaying pine trees, the cool breeze and a full moon rising from the horizon.

He decided to take off his underwear and feel the wind against his naked body.

Brad's erection was still raging, from his thoughts of he and Toby, sharing Steve.

He heard his dad come home, go to his room, take a shower, go to the kitchen and open up a bottle of beer, his nightly ritual.

Brad heard his dad calling him, he did not answer.

Eventually, Steve came up to the attic.

"There you are son...I've been missing you"....

Steve was naked, hard and dripping profuse amounts of precum.

The smell of beer on his breath.

He walked up to Brad and hugged him from behind. He felt the hardness of his wet cock pressed against his warm, muscled ass. He felt his whole body quiver.

Steve kissed Brad's ears, then his neck and down to his shoulders. Reaching around, he placed both of his manly, strong hands on his son's stomach, just a few inches from the base of his throbbing cock.

"Oh dad...I never thought...."

"Shhhhhh's ok...I know you want need this...from your daddy"...

"Yes papa, I do"....

Steve reached for Brad's penis and began masturbating him, while sticking his wet, hot tongue inside his son's right ear, which sent him into a wild wave of ecstatic pleasure.

As he jerked his son off, Steve began sliding his aching cock up and down the crevice of Brad's ass, using his precum as lube.

Picking up speed, he wanked Brad to the point of edging almost to ejaculation, as Brad literally begged his dad to let him cum.

"No son, not yet".



Turning him around, and looking at each other, Steve took Brad in his arms and kissed him deeply, shoving his hot, wet tongue inside his mouth. This made Brad melt in his dad's arms, as he felt his knees go weak and almost buckle.

"I love you son"....

"I love you too dad".

With his hands, he directed Brad to kneel and take Steve's cock in his mouth.

Steve opened his legs wide. He always knew he felt more pleasure on his cock when standing up, no matter if he was jerking off, getting sucked or fucking a hole.

Brad sucked his dad for 15 minutes, making him edge 3 times, swallowing loads of his precum, while he jerked his own dick in between his dad's feet.

"FUCK YEAH SON, SUCK DADDYS HARD FUCKING COCK BOY, YEAH BABY, FEEL MY FUCKING BALLS HIT YOUR CHIN BRAD", as he gyrated his hips and ass, perversely enjoying his first blow job from another man, who happened to be his own son.

Seeing Brad jerk his own rigid penis , made Steve off the charts horned up.

Steve continued being serviced by Brad, but felt he was just minutes from blasting his load....

"Stop Brad, stop, don't make me cum yet".

"But dad, I want your load in my mouth"...

"There will be lots of loads in your mouth Brad, but tonight is special"....

Taking Brad by the hand, he took him down to his master bedroom. He carried his son to bed and laid him in the center. Brad knew what Steve wanted...

He got on top of Brad, and began rubbing his entire body on his. Legs enter twined, arms around each other, pecs on pecs, stomach on stomach, balls on balls.....cock on fucking cock...precum flowing from both penises, now merging into one. Two uncut 8 inch cocks, head's fully exposed...

Steve's hot tongue, fucking Brad's ears, his teeth, softly biting his son's neck....lips aflame, kissing deeply, savagely....grinding bodies, bed creaking, swerving, cocks rubbing together harder, faster....



Brad's cum shot upwards towards his chest, making Steve receive quite a bit of it on his pecs and shoulders.

Out of breath, Brad smiled and then realized that he came before his dad did.

"Oh no dad, I'm so sorry, I did not mean to cum before you".

"It's ok Brad. I'm actually glad you came before I did".

"Did you know that cum is one of the best lubes around?"..

"Fuck yeah dad, you are right, it is!!".

Steve scooped up as much of his son's cum, smearing it over his hard cock and balls.

"Relax Brad...daddy love s you"..

Brad felt Steve's cock slide into his ass, past his anal rings and deeper into his body.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Brad....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Brad.....Ohhhhh baby!!!"


Steve dove deep into Brad's hungry hole as he felt his son's ass muscles squeeze his cock like a milking machine. How, and when, did Brad learn all this??? Was it instinct or was Toby a good teacher.

It did not matter now. He felt his cock enveloped by a clean, warm canal of pleasure. He had not felt that sensation since the last time he fucked a pussy.

Steve continued fucking Brad's ass with primal lust and desire. Looking deep into his son's eyes, he saw that his sweet innocent buy was now a man... a very sensual, sexy man....and he was giving himself to his progenitor.

"Brad.....Ohhhhhhhhhhh Brad....Ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuck....I'm getting closer son...".

"Yeah dad, I think I'm gonna cum too, I can feel it, your cockhead is hitting my prostate"....




Steve blasted days worth of hot semen inside Brad's love canal and as he did, his own load, shot forth, his second orgasm in less than a half hour.

Brad and Steve laid in bed, with a mixture of amazement, deep satisfaction and feeling mighty naughty at the same time.

Like 2 cats that ate a thousand canaries.

But it was a dad and his son. Two grown up men, not taking society, politics or organized religion into the fold, just living their own lives as they seem fit. Very Canadian, Very European, Very Scandinavian. Enjoying the full spectrum available to anyone.

Steve had an early day the next morning.

Kissing his dad goodnight, he went back to his attic and tried to fall asleep.

But he could not.

He texted Toby.



"Guess what Toby"....

"I'm his first"....

Toby: FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 8

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