Boarding House Encounters

By Obie

Published on Sep 24, 2022


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Brad's dad, Steve, finally agreed to take out a loan to refurbish the property that his father had left him. The loan was swiftly approved and Steve was glad that Brad agreed to manage the day to day logistics of running the boarding house and looking after it's tenants.

During the beginning of the renovation, Brad met one of the 11 contractors Steve hired for the project. Toby, a handsome, 18 year old novice house improvement worker, turned out to be someone Brad felt attracted to, but was afraid to manifest it in any way, shape or form, until one fateful day during mid July.

The weather became warm and most of the 11 workers, ditched their tops, affording views of their muscular pecs, abs and biceps. Still, nobody caught Brad's attention more than Toby. On that specific day in July, Brad decided to go downstairs to the cellar and survey the work that Toby and his working partner, Alain, had accomplished so far.

What Brad did not expect was to find himself alone down there with Toby and, as could be expected, was unable to contain the visible effects of his growing crush on the young renovation worker.

__________________________ ?? ?Brad had finished showering inside his private log cabin and was drying off, when he suddenly heard a knock at the door. He wrapped a towel around his waist and answered the knock. It was Toby.

Brad almost froze at the door and for a few seconds could not utter a word. He felt weak to his legs, and started shaking nervously. What was the reason for Toby's visit....could it be....

Brad felt his cock get hard all over again, but did all he could from allowing it to grow to full erection, the towel amplified the size of his penis and he did not want to scare off Toby.

"Hey Brad, sorry to bother you, but, the guys are taking turns taking a shower over at your grand dad's house and I'm like 8th in line. I was wondering if you would not mind if I showered at your place, I really need to clean up", said Toby.

"Yes, of course Toby, please, come in", smiled Brad as he extended a warm welcome to his contractor.

"I just finished showering myself, as you can tell", sheepishly declared Brad, as he realised he was standing close to Toby in just a skimpy towel.

"Yes, I can see you did", grinned Toby. "Thanks for letting me shower at your place Brad, I appreciate it so much".

"Here's a fresh clean towel Toby and there is soap, shampoo and other stuff in the shower you are welcome to use", offered Brad.

"Awesome, that's great", said Toby.

"By the way Brad, is your dad coming home soon, I wanted to run a few things past him, in regards to the cellar's renovations", inquired Toby.

"No, I'm afraid he's working a double shift tonight and won't be home till close to Midnight. But you can call him in the morning, he won't be going in to work until about 3PM", said Brad.

As Toby readied himself for his shower, Brad noticed he had bought over a duffle bag with a change of clothes, shoes and other items. He caught a glimpse of a pair of shorts, underwear and a small bottle of men's cologne.

To Brad's surprise, Toby left his bag on the end table next to the sofa, as he walked into the bathroom. Will Toby emerge from the shower naked to get dressed in front of Brad, or will he just wrap a towel around his waist, just as his host had done prior to his arrival....

For a few minutes, Brad felt like a total nerd, pathetically whimpering at the sight of the one guy he was virtually having wet dreams about. Brad had completely ignored how hot and desirable he was in his own right. It still did not dawn on him that maybe Toby was in fact, just as attracted to him as well.

And what about that moment, just before Alain showed up, back in the cellar that same afternoon, when Toby got really close to him and began saying `something' but was caught off guard by his work partner...What was Toby going to say.....

Almost without thinking about it, Brad walked over to a full length mirror near the bathroom door and removed his towel. Standing there naked, he took stock of himself. He scanned his body, from head to toe. He took inventory of his toned physique, well defined pecs, abs and biceps.

His legs were in good shape, nice feet, sexy, round, muscular ass, well groomed. Most of all, he was hung, uncut and ready for his "First Time", real life intimate encounter. Facially, he was good looking and he did have a nice personality, with some brain cells in his head. In short, he would be considered quite `the catch' by anyone, male or female.

Although he was aware that he was painfully inexperienced, somewhat shy and `virginal' in all things sexual, with another human being in the flesh, he finally began feeling comfortable and secure in his own skin. Brad was on his way to gaining the self confidence he needed to come out of his shell.

Suddenly, Brad heard the shower turn off and hurried to wrap his towel around his waist again.

Within a few minutes, Toby came out of the bathroom, also, wearing a towel around his mid section.

"Looks like that shower did it's job, ey Toby, you look far more relaxed", said Brad.

"Dude, you have no idea how much I needed to clean up, I hate feeling sweaty and grimy", declared Toby.

"Well, tell you what, any time you need to skip the line back in my grand pa's house, just come on over and shower here", offered Brad with a big smile.

"Thanks Brad, that will be awesome dude", responded Toby.

"Hey, I was just about to have a wine cooler, would you like to join me", asked Brad.

"Sure bro, that would be great", accepted Toby.

The 2 young men, talked for about an hour, exchanging their basic backgrounds, some details about their current lives and future plans. It turned out Toby, was still living with his parents, which were of Danish and Swedish descent. Toby's future goals were to finish college and move to either Toronto or maybe even to Copenhagen or Stockholm, were he had several aunts and uncles and could apply for citizenship in either country.

Eventually, the conversation turned a bit more personal and Toby disclosed that he had recently broken off a year's relationship with a girl he had met through a friend of his in school. He confessed to Brad that she was too overpowering, demanding and self centered. Additionally, she was insanely possessive and always suspected that Toby was messing around with other people on the side.

Toby further mentioned to Brad that he felt it was too early in his life to be committed to someone exclusively, especially someone like Kelly, his ex girlfriend. Surprisingly, Toby even hinted at Brad, that he wanted to "explore" other "options" in human relationships and especially, sex.

That last statement, made Brad wonder if indeed, Toby was open minded enough to consider being intimate with him, at least once, or twice.

Then Toby asked Brad if he was seeing anyone.

"So Brad, a good looking guy like you, must be enjoying a very active social life, ey?", assumed Toby.

"Your Whatsapp, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram accounts, must be filled with messages, photos and videos of girls throwing themselves at you, No?", further inquired Toby.

"Well, actually, not quite", confessed Brad, as he lowered his head, slightly, perhaps, even, embarrassed to admit the opposite of what Toby presumed was going on with his new friend.

"Truth is, between school, church, helping my parents around the house and the adjacent land, I hardly have time for myself, let alone, pursuing a relationship with anyone", said Brad.

"There is also something else Toby....and please, I need this to stay between us, don't mention this to no one, because my dad does not know anything yet", said Brad, as he pondered disclosing his long kept secret to the handsome, perceivably trustworthy novice contractor next to him.

"I think I'm gay".

"No, actually, I know I am", confidently declared Brad.

"I think I have known this for a long time, but tried to ignore it, hoping it would `go away'.

"As I grew older, the desire to be with another guy got stronger. Not just sexually, but in the emotional sense as well. I discovered gay porn on the net and began endless wanking off sessions in the privacy of my bedroom up in the attic of the main house", further confided Brad in Toby, who was now, hanging on to every word that was being said.

"I even sorta, fell `heavy in like' with a friend of mine, but that did not go anywhere, basically because I could not get the nerve up to let him know, fearing he'd reject me, or worse, tell everyone in school I was queer", lamented Brad.

"Then, I began jerking off here in this cabin, with the windows open, enjoying the pine scented fresh air. I continued `learning' from those dirty videos on the net and craved experiencing all that I was viewing, hopefully with the right guy", continued Brad, as Toby sat closer to the bed.

"But, I'm embarrassed to admit that I am basically, a virgin. I have never had any intimacy with anyone. Not a kiss, not a full frontal hug, much less, feeling another guy's cock in my hand, even less, sucking it, or rubbing bods together, I think that's called "Frot", further revealed Brad, to an almost astonished Toby.

"So my friend, I hate to disappoint you, but No, my Friday and Saturday nights are not filled with drinking or sexual debauchery", said Brad.

"Further...If there was still any remaining doubt about my sexual orientation, that was clarified earlier today", disclosed Brad.

"That hard on you saw in my shorts, was prompted by me seeing you there with no shirt on. And it got worse every time you walked closer to me". I have to let you know, I've had a crush on you since the day you came over for the orientation meeting with the other 10 contractors. You might as well know, I have already masturbated countless times at night, thinking of you", boldly added Brad, perhaps as the result of having drank 4 wine coolers in a row.

Toby was speechless. But broke the silence.

"Brad, I too have to be truthful with you"....

"You caught my eye since day one". "I've thought of what it could be like to really be alone with you, as we are right now, right here, in your private little bungalow", seductively smiled Toby.

"I think you are so beautiful, smart, caring and hot as fucking hell bro!".

"Like I said, yes, I had a girlfriend, but there is a part of me that wants to explore more....I want to see what else is out there...I want to know how it feels to be with another guy", softly confided Toby, as he began to stand up and walk toward the bed where Brad was sitting on the edge, still wearing his skimpy towel.

"Listen, I know I have an advantage over you. I mean, I've had sex and made love, you have not. But if you want....Only if you want, then maybe, I can be .... Your First"....breathlessly said Toby.

"We can be our First to each other, because intimacy between men, is different, I mean, I think it is. We can explore it together. If we stumble, we stumble together, if we drive each other crazy, then we are on the right track. And you can show me those lessons you learned on Xvideos and Xhamster, you Pervert", laughed out loud Toby.

"Yes, I think I'd like that, said Brad".

"You can be the First to kiss me, the First to touch my cock, the First to suck my dick, the First to make me Cum with your hand, mouth or maybe both. You can be the First guy to show me how incredibly hot "frotting" can be, as we make each other cum, just by grinding our naked bodies together", said Brad, with a mixture of romance and erotic want.

As Toby reached out and took both of Brad's hands in his, and kissed them, with the tenderness of a European prince in a fable, they each looked deep into each other's eyes, as if trying to capture that moment and record it in their minds for all Eternity.

It was at that junction that Toby leaned in to kiss Brad for the first time, but was momentarily detained by a question that needed an answer.

"Toby, when we were alone in the cellar, you walked up really close to me and started to say something, but stopped when you heard Alain come down the stairs. You were also as hard as I was, neither of us could hide our erections. What was it that you wanted to say to me?", inquired Brad.

"Oh, that...yeah....I was just about to ask if I could take out your cock and give you a fuckin' blowjob right there and then, I wanted to make you cum in my mouth"...

Before Brad had a chance to respond, Toby untied his towel and in one swift move, undid Brad's as well. Toby lifted Brad up and wrapped him in his arms, in a full frontal embrace.

They were now completely naked, erect and producing copious amounts of preseminal fluid, from their uncut penises. Their testes were full, heavy and ultra sensitive to any stimulation.

As they felt the utter electricity race through their bodies, of feeling for the first time, what it was like to join pecs upon pecs, stomach on stomach, balls on balls, cock on cock, both began a torrid, almost volcanic grinding that lasted well over 10 minutes nonstop. Both panted, heaved, moaned and groaned to such a level, that anyone within 20 feet of the bungalow could had heard them outside. Luckily, Steve was at work and the other 10 workers had long gone home.

Their kissing was tentative at first, but quickly grew passionate, open mouth, both their tongues dueling for supremacy, but it was futile, as both Toby and Brad, wanted to swallow each other whole. They began stumbling all over the cabin, grinding, hugging, making out with a fever, volcanic pitch. One of the lamps, toppled over, a wooden chair broke, neither of them blinked or stopped.

Toby and Brad had ignited each other and it was too late to turn back.

Both were near the entrance to the bungalow and the bed was a good 12 feet away.

Picking up Brad with his arms, he slowly carried him to his bed, all the while kissing him deeply.

Once at the bed, he lowered him down and just stood there by his side, taking in his nakedness, the beauty of his body, Brad's throbbing, wet cock, his full, round balls, his heaving chest, his trembling stomach....his flushed face and full red lips..he was ready , for his "First", ready for Toby.

Toby got on top of the bed and hovered over Brad, with one foot on each side of his body. Looking down on him, he smiled perversely, almost lewdly, an air of absolute raunchiness, overtaking him.

He began masturbating his precum covered penis, slowly at first, then faster, while caressing his full, heavy ballsack. He picked up the speed and more precum seeped from his piss slit, landing on Brad's stomach and chest.

"Go ahead Brad, use my precum, put it on that hard, throbbing cock of yours. Lube it up with my man nectar bro, do it for your new boyfriend, for your "First"....said Toby, as his wanking made him quiver and sway his hips, seductively.

"Fuck yeah Brad, it's so hot the way your precum is mixing with mine", huskily said Toby.

"Let's get close bro, let's get really close to shooting our loads, yeah, like that, FIST that cock Brad, MASTURBATE that DONG Bro, FUCK YEAH, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK BRO, YEAH, FASTER BRAD, HARDER, SPREAD THOSE HAIRY LEGS WIDER, FUCK, I AM CLOSE BRAD, Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Bro, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK BRAD, I'M AT THE EDGE, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Bro, Bro, Fuck, Bro, Ohhhh, man, Stop, Stop, oh fuck, stop", panted Toby, as he looked down on his cock and realised that his dickhead was smeared with precum and, a sizeable amount of semen, that had been released due to his edging.

"Dude, I almost fucking jizzed all over you man, I was 2 seconds from cumming on your chest and face, FUCK, that was insanely hot", said Toby.

Brad too, came very close to losing his load, there was precum all over his cock and yes, even semen, as he too, almost ejaculated his 4 day inventory of sperm.

Gazing at his totally exposed cockhead, he noticed how shiny and slick it looked, with that precum and semen mix covering it. It was also dark red, almost purple and pulsating , clearly the result of intense sexual arousal.

Without saying another word, Toby slowly lowered his body unto Brad...

He took both of Brad's arms and spread them horizontally, also taking his hands and joining them with his...

Toby carefully arranged his body to make full contact with Brad's legs, thighs, balls, cock, stomach and chest.

Looking deep into Brad's eyes, he smiled and said...

"Fuck Brad, this feels fucking amazing....can you feel my hairy legs, touch you feel my hairy thighs, rubbing on yours...huh...can you....fuck...yeah....."

"....Can you now feel my fucking balls, graze yours....feel them baby....yeah.....feel my balls caress yours, slowly, balls on balls, 4 balls, instead of 2....."

"....Brad...bro....can you feel...can you feel my fucking hard, wet, hot, 8 inch uncut cock, masturbating your big, wet, throbbing dick"...

"Bradley, my new boyfriend, can you feel, my precum blend with your precum...can you feel our cockheads become totally exposed as the foreskin peels back, it's like they are kissing each other, making out, cockhead to cockhead, FUCK YEAH Bro, Like that, is this what you wanted bro?"!!!

"Brad? Ohhhhhhhhhh, FEEL ME!, Feel my cock rub on yours baby, Up , Down, Fast, Faster, Harder, feel our balls smashing, cocks grinding, precum flowing, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUCKBRAD, BRADLEY, BRAD, FUCK, I AM SO CLOSE TO CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG", almost yelled Toby, as he rammed his tongue deep into Brad's mouth and felt his cock expand, split seconds from ejaculation.

"TOBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME CUM", practically screamed Brad, digging his fingernails on his lover's gyrating ass.


Stopping immediately, both men realised that for the second time in less than 30 minutes, they reached the pinnacle and would be precipice of blasting their semen for each other.

Laughing, almost giggling, they both laid flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling for a few minutes, as their cocks pointed straight up to their stomachs, still leaking obscene amounts of precum.

" "Toby, I guess we have, what they call, chemistry", quipped Brad.

"You think Brad?", replied Toby with mock sarcasm.

"We fuckin' could set off the fire alarms, not to mention, be a menace to a hotel room's furnishings, laughed Toby.

"Then, we should continue with the fireworks", responded Brad.

Quickly getting up and straddling Toby's chest, he took his cock and brushed it all over his face, leaving thick trails of warm precum. He rubbed his cockhead on Toby's forehead, up and down the bridge of his nose, until he placed it on his lips...

"You wanted to give me a blowjob, now's your chance.....but I want a blowjob to completion....I want to feed you my cum, are you up for it, my "First"...huh. Do you want my cock, do you want my man milk?"....

Toby looked at Brad, smiled deviously and changed positions.

He got out of bed and knelt down, motioning Brad to stand up, spread his legs and feed his uncut cock to his waiting, wet, mouth.

Taking both his hands, he caressed Brad's legs, thighs and hairy ass, making him quiver, tremble.

Toby began sucking Bradley's penis with a hunger he never thought he had. He devoured every inch of his uncut cock, while fondling his full balls, as Brad, placed his hands on Toby's head.

Toby sucked Brad's cock as if he was a habitual cocksucker, much to his own surprise. He quickly discovered he loved the taste of precum, the sensation of a hard, throbbing cock in his mouth, the musky, testosterone, pheromone, filled scent of a man's genitals, up close and extremely personal.

From instinct, Toby tried several different techniques in sucking cock, including the `pidgeon' way, which was a steady, fast, equally spaced sucking, much like a bird moves his head, to and fro. This sent Brad all the way to the edge once more, begging to be allowed to ejaculate his sperm, but Toby had no plans of allowing that to happen.

Then Toby, sent Brad into another tailspin. He engulfed his rigid cock all the way down to the base, forming a tight ring with his lips. Leaving his lips tightly wrapped around the base of Brad's aching to cum cock, he took his hot, wet tongue and began running it up and down the bottom side of the shaft, until it got to the frenulum of the glans. Once there, Toby's tongue, began darting his sweet spot, which almost made Brad black out from the intense pleasure.

Putting more pressure on the base of Brad's cock, made his shaft harder, thicker, far more sensitive than ever. Toby then went for broke and started swirling his tongue around Brad's bulbous cockhead, while also massaging his full balls and taint.

Toby could not help but also begin wanking his cock with wild abandon, while bringing Brad closer to the brink.

Suddenly, he let go of Brad's penis and looked up and asked...

"Brad, are you ready to be the First to feed me semen, jizz, cum, sperm....Leche....huh, are you?"...

Nodding, and unable to say or do anything else, Brad surrendered to Toby.

Sucking Brad's cock harder, faster, while at the same time, pinching his right nipple, Toby got his reward, his prize...



Brad shot 6 jets of thick, warm, salty sweet jizz into Toby's hungry mouth, momentarily losing his balance and blacking out, his legs trembling, his knees buckling. He felt the cabin interior spin, he was overwhelmed with the scent of sex hanging in the air.

Regaining his composure, he looked down and saw Toby's face, wet with perspiration and semen. His mouth, was dripping cum, for he had overflowed it with his male essence.

Lowering himself down, he kissed him passionately, tasting his own cock milk on his boyfriend's lips.

Realising Toby had not ejaculated, he went back to bed , facing up and leaned his head on it's edge, so it was slightly dangling....

Looking up at Toby, he said...

"Toby, it's only fair you too, cum in my mouth....I want your milk too bro"...

"Fuck bro, Fuck Brad, yeah, Oh fuck man, FUCK yeah, I want to your mouth...I want you to have my sperm up, let me use your mouth as a fucking pussy....fuck yeah man....", said an out of breath, almost gooning Toby.

Walking up to Brad's dangling head, he inserted his rigid, precum dripping penis all the way to the base, which meant his balls were hitting his chin...

Wiggling his ass and hips with perverted lust, he began to `fuck' Brad's hot, wet mouth, with long in and out thrusts, all the while playing with his balls and alternating with tweaking his hard nipples.

He continued this in and out motion for a few minutes, then decided to change positions again when he got close to ejaculating.

He instructed Brad to sit up on the bed with his back against the headboard.

Standing on top of the bed, he opened his legs wide, placing both hands above Brad's head, leaning on the wall.

He then proceeded to continue fucking Brad's ravenous mouth, gyrating his hips, moving his bum side to side, with a dirty, almost primal rhythm.

"Ohhh fuck yeah baby, SUCK your First Boyfreind's Cock, SUCK IT like you Mean it, Cocksucker, FUCK, yeah bro, eat my fucking Dong bro, Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah Brad, FUCK, you are a hungry cockeater bro, FUCK YEAH!"

Brad sucked Toby's penis with the desire he had pent up since long ago. All the years he dreamt of holding someone else's dick, smelling, tasting, feeling it, was now a reality.

And that penis, was attached to a guy he was developing a serious crush on, a very handsome, smart young man, who he had bonded with not long before taking things to the next level.

Focusing solely on pleasuring Toby's cock, he overlooked the fact that his own penis, was once again hard as a rock and leaking preseminal fluid.

Sensing Toby was getting near his orgasm, Brad began to masturbate his own dick with a rapid pace.

Toby looked down and smiled.

"Fuck Brad, you are hard again, I guess it's because you are feasting on my fucking Dong, ey?"

"Fuck yeah Toby, that's why I am hard all over again, cause I can't get enough of sucking you off bro!".

"Fuck man, Brad, keep on, KEEP ON SUCKING MY COCK BRO, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BRADLEY, OHHHHHHHHH your hot, wet mouth feels AMAZING BRO, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, EAT MY PRECUM BRO, SWALLOW EVERY DROP MAN, OHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK, yeah, MOVE YOUR HEAD SIDE TO SIDE, AS I WIGGLE MY BUM AROUND LIKE THIS, FUCK YEAH BRO, real Dirty and Pervy, Like you see in those tube vids you wank off to!", said Toby as he struggled not to blow his wad inside Brad's mouth.




Toby shot volley after volley of hot, thick semen into Brad's mouth, overflowing it, some of it falling down to his pecs, stomach and cock.

Brad took advantage of some of that cum and used it as lube and in less than a minute, shot his load straight up, onto his chin and face...


It was close to 9PM when Toby and Brad, laid back in bed, exhausted from their first man to man intimate encounter.

Both were wiped out, but wearing a pair of amazing smiles, as they bathed in the afterglow that occurs when true passion is experienced.

Just before 10PM, Toby left the bungalow, an hour before Steve arrived from work.

Before departing, Toby and Brad kissed and hugged each other, with the clear indication that their initial encounter, would not be their last.

Next: Chapter 3

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