Boarding House Encounters

By Obie

Published on Dec 30, 2022


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After Brad's return from Montreal, he, Toby and Steve, finally found themselves under the same roof for the first time. This meant that Toby, was there to spend the weekend, which of course translated with Brad and he sleeping together, with Steve close by, in the adjacent master bedroom.

Nature took over and the three experienced sexual intimacy, with Steve receiving the ardent attention of his son and adopted son in law.

The boys serviced Steve's throbbing cock to completion, as they grinded their own erections against the leather couch in the living room, shooting their loads on it's surface.

From that night on, the trio would become inseparable and would continue on to greater adventures, including the eventual addition of Alain, as Steve's lover.

The morning after Toby and Brad sucked off Steve on the living room couch, everyone was sitting at the breakfast table having coffee and Danish, when the phone rang.

It was the project manager for the boarding house renovation, the final phase of the home improvement had been finished and was now time for the Big Reveal.

The guys hurried up breakfast and ran out the door across to the boarding house.

Upon entering, Steve and Brad could not believe their eyes. Toby, of course, had seen most of the improvements already finished but wanted to wait until all was done so father and son could enjoy the experience of seeing their special project completed.

Little remained from grampa's house. All was now new, from floors to ceiling, totally updated and upgraded. The exterior had a fresh coat of paint and was complemented by attractive landscaping.

Steve and Brad toured the common areas, which included the shared kitchen and living room, which included a large screen tv and cable service, complete with Netflix, Amazon, Youtube and Wifi.

The bathrooms, 2 along the hallway and one in the master suite, had all been redone with new cabinets, fixtures and showers, with double heads, big enough for up to 4 people.

The five bedrooms all had double beds with walk in closets. The master suite's bed could sleep 4 easily.

Down in the cellar, the pool table had been installed, with the wet bar and another large screen tv. There was a bathroom with a shower as well. The cellar also featured a kitchenette and 2 large sofas.

Outside the property, Steve had set aside space for an eventual ground based swimming pool and deck, which could be used from May to September.

All in all, the renovation was a success and now, it was all a matter of renting the rooms out to the contractors coming in to work on the local housing project.

Steve placed several ads in the town's press and set a date to begin screening potential renters. The idea was to invite them in for an open house and let everyone see the facilities.

Each of the standard bedrooms would rent for 675.00 CAD and the master suite, for 875.00 CAD, including all utilities, a great deal, considering the caliber of accommodations.

Steve figured the contractors could afford the rent due to the very high salaries they would earn.

After talking with Brad, Steve decided to put him in charge of interviewing and screening all the applicants as well as choosing who he would pick as tenants. Steve trusted Brad completely and knew he would make the right decisions.

Yes, he also knew Brad would look at some other `qualifications', besides good conduct, travel documents, working permits and financial details. Steve knew Brad would prefer to rent to men who were attractive, in good shape and above all, friendly, not to mention, with healthy bulges and sexy smiles.

The day finally arrived and Brad got ready to receive up to 20 some odd applicants.

Most of the men were foreigners, all between the ages of 17 and 35. Most were single males, a few were married or with girlfriends back home.

All were in great shape and tanned from endless days exposed to the sun.

After reviewing all the applications, Brad was down to 10 guys whom he considered the prime candidates. All the men made it clear they loved the boarding house, especially the amenities and the value added rental rates.

However, in reality, he already had his "Top Five" to whom he would try his best to convince to rent the rooms to. In effect, he knew he would not need to do much convincing. The boarding house was not a luxury place to call home, but it was above standard, well above the norm for that type of housing option. Anyone would do all possible to live there.

Towards the end of the week, Brad called in the "Final Five". He felt confident he would close the deal and have them sign the rental contracts.

After giving Steve a full head's up on everything, Brad donned a navy blue polo shirt and a pair of beige Docker pants, sans underwear. He just felt it was the right thing to do.

For some reason, those Docker pants, always made Brad's cock chub up. He loved to make the pants wet with his precum and walk around with the tell tale signs of a rabid erection.

Focusing on the matter at hand, he waited for the men to arrive.

First up was Albert, from Edinburgh, Scotland. At 26 years old, he stood 5'11 tall, about 165 pounds of solid muscle, with straight, long, jet black hair, blue eyes and a visible hairy chest, to go with his hairy arms. He also displayed a promising bulge. Friendly from the get go, he had no issues passing all of Brad's criteria. After agreeing to all the terms and conditions, Albert accepted the offer to rent a room at the boarding house. Brad proceeded to collect the first month's rent and the security deposit.

After signing all the paperwork, Brad handed Albert the room keys.

His Scottish accent made Albert quite interesting and Brad was looking forward to having him form a part of the new in house community. Brad found Albert to be handsome and quite hot. Brad's cock had become semi erect while interacting with the new resident but made no effort to conceal his arousal, something that Albert noticed but did not comment on, at least, not at that precise moment...

Next was, Francisco.

Francisco was a native of Curacao, an island off the coast of Venezuela, belonging to the Netherlands. He was half Dutch and half Venezuelan and All Muscle. He sported a hairy body, tanned skin and a sensual personality. He was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a white t shirt. Brad could swear he had gone commando to the interview because he could make out his cock's outline through the thin, faded denim. Already Brad's cock was threatening to start leaking precum and forming a wet spot on his Docker pants.

Trying to focus, Brad went through the same process with Francisco as he had done an hour earlier with Albert. As he processed everything for the guy from the Dutch Caribbean, he stole glances of his growing bulge. Francisco was nearly 30 and unmarried. Brad's instinct told him that Francisco could be a hot prospect for extracurricular activities...

Francisco also agreed to rent a room. 2 down, 3 to go.

The third man to arrive was Antoine, a tall, lanky, café au lait skinned,

23 year old from the French West Indies, specifically, Fort De France, on the island of Martinique. Antoine was suave, sophisticated, elegant and sexy, with a certain Parisian accent. He revealed he was a logistics specialist in construction of ready made homes and special housing complexes.

He agreed to rent the suite with the private bathroom.

Something about Antoine almost made Brad swoon, but he composed himself and kept everything professional.

The last 2 men, came in at the same time. Stefanos was a recent arrival from Greece. Standing at 5 feet, 6 inches in height, he was the shortest of the five. But by the look of his almost obscene looking bulge, the man easily made up for not being as tall as the others.

Stefanos was dark skinned, almost olive tone and hairy as could be. At 34, he was also, the oldest of the new residents. The Greek man also agreed to sign on and move in.

Although not as handsome as the others, something about Stefanos, made him "hard on" material to look and lust after. Brad's gaydar failed to pick up his sexual preference.

Like Francisco, Stefanos gave off an air of perversion, bordering on raunchiness. The man exuded sex. Brad was now totally erect with his cock seeping precum, creating a very visible wet spot on his beige Docker pants. Once more, he did nothing to hide it.

Lastly, there was 22 year old Fernando, from Ponta Delgada, Portugal. He stood 5 feet, 3 inches tall, trimly built and handsome. His skin colour was closer to men from the Mediterranean basin. His olive skin tone, was made even more intense, by exposure to the sun while working as a construction specialist fixing rooftops.

Fernando had an easy, ice melting smile, that complimented his soft speaking voice, which of course, was accented with the Portuguese spoken in the Azores Islands.

Like the others before, Fernando rented the last remaining room and received the keys from Brad.

Since all the new residents were present, Brad decided to officially welcome everyone and read off the house rules, which of course, they had a print out copy:

Official House Rules

No overnight guests

No loud partying after midnight

No trash outside your bedrooms

Clean the bathroom and kitchen when finished using it

Keep the cellar recreation room clean for all to enjoy

Porn is allowed to play on the living room tv as well as in the cellar ( discretion please )

Dress code in common areas: As you wish, no dress code, clothing always optional.

Door policy: Open doors optional

Roommate relationships: Encouraged/Expected -- Get to know and enjoy your room mates company

Services: Fresh towels will be delivered twice a week. If you are inside your room, you may receive them personally. If you are out, these will be placed on your bed.

With that, Brad left the boarding house and went back to his cabin, with a throbbing hard, precum soaked hardon.

Then it dawned on him that none of the 5 bedrooms had towels in them!

"FUCK, how could I had overlooked that detail!", Brad said to himself.

He grabbed 2 bags full of towels and walked back to the boarding house.

All the guys were busy getting settled in, as Brad walked into the foyer. All seemed to be getting along quite well, even helping each other unpack.

He delivered the towels to Fernando, Albert, Stefano and Antoine. All noticed that Brad had a visible wet spot on his pants and an on and off erection. Some smiled knowingly, the others, were indifferent, or so it seemed.

Brad went over to Francisco's room and noticed he was not there, except his clothes were on top of the bed. He left the towels on top of the dresser and walked out. As he passed one of the 2 bathrooms in the hallway, he noticed that someone was inside, but did not close the door completely, it was ajar. Ajar enough for anyone to peek inside.

There was Francisco. Totally naked, standing by the toilet, legs apart, fisting his cock, hard and fast. Brad was able to make out his suntanned body, hairy chest and stomach, but most of all, an uncut 8 ½ cock, with a helmet dickhead, graced with 2 hairy, low hanging balls. His bush was thick and black.

Brad's cock went solid steel in seconds and began to throb inside his Dockers. Brad also felt his mouth go dry and his heart beat increase. A cold sweat began to collect on his forehead.

"WTF Brad???"

"It's not the first time you see a naked hairy man", Brad thought to himself.

But indeed, it was the way Francisco stood there, behind a partially open door, seemingly and purposely, showing himself off to whomever would see him, jerking his fat uncock dong. What Francisco was doing was perverted, lewd and raunchy as hell.

And to think, doing that on his first day of living in the Boarding House, FUCK!

Indeed, Brad had been right, sizing Francisco up from the very start, he just gave off an undeniable vibe of sexual heat.

Brad decided to walk away and go see if the other guys needed any help.

He discovered the other 4 residents had gone down to the cellar to play some pool.

As he began walking towards the staircase to join them, he heard Francisco's footsteps as he left the bathroom and go to his room.

Brad could not help himself. Knowing he was up there alone, except for Francisco, he used the excuse of going over to his room and asking if there was anything else he needed.

As he approached his room, Brad's jaw almost dropped. There, sprawled on his bed, legs wide open, was a nude Francisco, openly masturbating his cock.

Without saying anything, Brad closed the door and walked over to Francisco's bed. Standing very close to him, he took his hand and placed it on his obscene looking bulge, soaked in precum. Francisco began pawing Brad's erection while jerking his own cock.

Then, he pulled Brad closer to him and placed his face right over his landlord's bulge, inhaling it's scent, feeling the heat of his engorged penis.

In seconds, Brad took off his polo shirt and Docker pants, climbing into bed with Francisco.

Both began a rapid, intense frot session, while kissing each other passionately, running each other's hands all over their bodies, pressing and grinding themselves into a wild lust filled frenzy. Their open mouths devoured each other, their hot, wet tongues, dueling for supremacy, elevating the degree of sexual energy to the highest levels.

In a matter of minutes, both were gasping for air, as they felt their inflamed cocks, covered in their collective preseminal fluids, rub against each other to the point of edging at least 3 times. Francisco was also uncut, which added to the pleasurable sensations both were experiencing.

Looking down on Francisco's penis, Brad decided he wanted to ingest his load.

He took Francisco's dark, hairy legs and wrapped them around his neck and shoulders, locking himself onto his crotch.

Taking deep breaths, he inhaled Francisco's intoxicating body scent of musk, perspiration, testosterone, pheromones, wet, precum filled foreskin and became lost in a world of erotic sensuality.

He felt his own cock twitch and throb, leaking copious amounts of precum on Francisco's bedsheets.

Looking up at Francisco, he took his cock and wrapped his wet hot mouth around the engorged cockhead. He began licking and sucking Francisco's cock with ardent desire while fondling his full hairy balls. He felt Francisco writhe with pleasure as he grabbed Brad's head and fucked it. He added to his perverted pleasure by lewdly gyrating his arse and hips, increasing the fucking motions. Brad must had been administrating a deeply pleasureable blowjob because Francisco was now, thrashing about on his bed.

Again, acting on his instincts, Brad opted to further pleasure Francisco, beyond his cock and balls. Grabbing a nearby jar of Albolene, he greased up two fingers and inserted them inside Francisco's anal opening, hitting his prostate directly.

Brad continued his assault on his tenant's penis and balls, all the while, finger fucking his hole, fast and furious.

The moans and groans coming from Francisco's room were no doubt being heard outside, but Brad thought that the other guys were likely not to hear anything down in the cellar....or so he thought, as of them, Fernando, had decided to come back upstairs to take a shower....that would be something Brad would discover later.

Sensing Francisco was at the doorstep of a fierce ejaculation, he went for it, full blast.

Removing Francisco's cock from his mouth for a few seconds, he said...

"Fuck Francisco, you have such a delicious cock, your precum is so warm, thick and sweet, I want to make you cum in my hungry mouth"

"Fuck yeah Brad, keep on blowing my cock and finger fucking my hole, I will feed you my hot FUCKING LECHE, straight into your slutty mouth you fucking cocksucker!!!"

That was all Brad needed to hear.

He took his left hand and lifted Francisco's body up slightly, positioning him to better feel the sensations of his approaching orgasm.

He lubed up one more finger and inserted a total of 3 into Francisco's hot arse hole, all the while increasing the speed of his cocksucking.

Francisco tightened his legs even more around Brad's neck and shoulders and began lifting his mid section upwards, moving his hips wide ways, up and down and in every conceivable direction, as if he was fucking a cheap whore in the Red Light District of Amsterdam.

Brad could not wait anymore. He wanted to make Francisco cum inside his mouth and he wanted to shoot his own wad all over his bed.


Brad was now besides himself, behaving like the man whore slut he had now become.



Francisco arched his back and shot jet after jet of hot, molten semen into Brad's relentless mouth, some of it spilling out from his lips and onto the bed.


At that precise moment, Brad's cock spewed it's load all over Francisco's balls and cock as he quickly moved to assure his load would cover his tenant's genitals.

Reaching down, he proceeded to lick and eat his own semen, off Francisco's spent cock and family jewels.

The room felt like it was spinning around and was heavy with the smell of man sex.

Getting up, Brad smiled at Francisco and simply said...

"Hey, your clean towels are on the dresser"

"Call or text me if you need anything", as he took his dripping wet cock in his hands and waved it suggestively at the sexy man from the Netherland Antilles.

After putting his clothes on, Brad left Francisco's room and walked out into the living room.

There was Fernando, sitting quietly, watching a Netflix movie. He was wearing just a pair of denim cut offs, no shirt. He looked delicious.

Smiling warmly at Brad, he said...

"Thanks for renting me the room Mr. Bradley, I think I am going to like it here"

"I know you will Fernando"

Brad was just a few feet away from the young man from the Azores, close enough he could plainly see Brad's precum stained pants, now, even more stained with actual semen.

"Maybe there is a way I can express my gratitude to you Mr. Bradley", as Fernando smiled and looked at the stained Dockers.

"Hold on to that thought Fernando. I have to run and take a shower, I've got to go out with my dad and take care of some errands"

"Here's my card with my cell phone on it. Give me a call tonight and maybe we can work something out", said a devilishly smiling Brad.

"Oh, by the way, I think you'd like meeting my friends, Alain and Toby, as well as getting to know my dad Steve, we all love to get together and hang out when time permits"

"That would be great, I don't have that many friends here in Canada"

"Well, consider it done Fernando"

As he walked back to his cabin, Brad was now reckoning with the reality that his dad's boarding house was sure to open new adventures, not just for himself, but for almost everyone inside that collective compound.

Next: Chapter 12

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