Bluto Tales ( Carnival Hunk

By ozzalone65

Published on Nov 11, 2024


These are some stories or the cartoon hunk Bluto. I don't know about you, but as a kid he was one if my first male crushes. Fuck Popeye as he was always weird looking to me. Bluto was a mans man. Big beefy and muscular in later cartoons. These are tales of many of the Bluto characters he has done. And Popeyes longed desire to have the big hunky man. I know if I were him I would be all over Bluto.

Enjoy. +++++++++×+++++++++×+++++++++×+++

Bluto Tales (In the Navy (5)

... Popeye was there in the barracks he shared with Bluto. There in the bed and ass up. Blutos fingers digging into his ass hole. He had just started this play with blowing in the big mans big dick. Sucking on the hot bearded stud he had so much desire for. Getting blutos cock nice and hard for the next thing to happen. Blutos was gonna fuck Popeyes ass. Blutos dug his fingers into Popeye. Trying to open up the ever so tight hole. He needed to loosen the guy up or he may never get his dick in there.

"Damn Popeye. This hole is fucking tight" he said "Gotta loosen up man" "My dick ain't gonna fit like this"

Popeye needed to have the man big cock in him. That was for sure. And he shouted back at blutos to keep trying. That he needed to get fucked by him

"Just keep doing blutos!" He shouted "I gotta get fucked"

He pushed back at the mans hand. Wanting to get those fingers up in him real good. What he was getting so far was incredible. They had hurt a bit upon entry. But his ass was accommodating them well now. Even if it was still tight.

"Fuck me Bluto. Gotta fuck me!" He called back to the man "I need that fat dick in me!"

Blutos continued to shove his fingers into Popeye as his ass gave a bit more each time. He was at two and then about to push in another one. Popeye squealed when he did, feeling the stretching of his ass hole by them. It was great and it hurt some still. But Popeye was determined to have this studs cock deep in his man hole. In his bowels. Blutos continued to fuck him with his fingers for a bit longer. Still trying to open Popeye up more. But it was Popeyes continued cries for sex that made him stop the finger fucking. He then pulled out and climbed up behind Popeye. Bluto then stroked on his big dick a few times. Making sure it was still hard. Then he aimed his cock at Popeye. Ready for the deep fucking he would give the small man. That big thick cock being brought up to Popeyes hole.

"Take this" he growled

And that was when Blutos thrust his dick into Popeyes ass. A hard forceful shove was all it needed. Then the ass gave way and Blutos sliced into his ass. Pulling apart his hole to get into it. Popeye screamed into the pillow as he didn't want the whole place to wake up. But he felt it, every thick inch of Blutos cock as it tore into him.

"F-f-f- fuckk!" He finally let out "So fucking big. Fuckk!"

And Blutos just moaned as he felt the right hole clamping down on his hard dick. Tightening back on him even more. Like it was trying to sever the thing inside.

"Goddamn Popeye" he grunted "Fucking hole is like a fucking vice" "Gonna snap my dick off. Fuckk"

Bluto then smacked down a hand on Popeyes ass. A hard swat that quickly loosened up the fighting hole. He then lunged forward to dig more cock into Popeye. And Popeye again squealed into the pillow. Soon begging and whimpering under the big mans moves. Begging for him to follow bish this hot fucking. Both from pain and the need to be bred. Very conflicting feelings. But feelings nonetheless. Popeye needed this done. Fucked, finished off. Whatever he was to get by the stud Bluto just continued to drive that big ole dick into the smaller man. Getting his own wonderful pleasure from the man's still tight hole. Hi ping harder and faster at Popeyes butt.

"Yeah buddy. Yeah" he grunted "Such a great fucking pussy hole Popeye" "Getting close to breeding it" "You want that dontcha?"

And Popeye just moaned again and again. Feeling the fat dick drilling into his guts. Big yet the best cock he would ever have. So he just begged for it, regardless of his pain. Blutos cock was needed.

"Fuck it. Fuck it hard!" he shouted "Gimme that fat dick Bluto" "Give it all to mee!"

And the hunky stud plowed him up. Hitting harder and harder until he could stand no more. Bluto then growled out his incoming orgasm. Grunting behind Popeye like a wild animal. Huffing and panting and grunting and cursing as his body gave into it. Thrusting, grunting and cumming.

"Take. F-f, awe fuckl!" Bluto shouted now "Take my fucking cum!"

Popeye then felt the floor of the man's cum as it poured into him. The heat of the flow warning his insides up. He just swooned under it now. Taking his seed, taking Blutos sex. When Blutos finished he pulled out of Popeye. The smaller man turned and grabbed at the still rigid cock. I swooped down and took Bluto into his mouth. Sucking the man's dick up. Cleaning it off for him. Then Popeye crawled up in the mans vast chest. Kissing it and telling Bluto he was the best.

His tour was great for the next year. Getting fucked by the junk whenever he wanted. Too bad it ended when the two left the service. But Popeye still has those days. In the navy. +++++++++×+++++++++×+++++++++×+++

The end

Next: Chapter 28: Jungle King 1

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