Blue Top

Published on Oct 30, 2015


The Blue Top Mountain Nursery 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

"I didn't mean to shove my arm up your ass. Did it hurt?" he asked.

"It was good. No one has ever done that to me. I didn't expect it," I said. "You were careful."

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

"Not at all. It was a surprise, that's all," I replied. "I wouldn't mind doing it again, with some warning. Your cock was good too. You shoot a good load."

"Which was better, my cock or my arm?"

"They were different. It was exciting having your private parts in my rear. I liked it when you shot off. I could feel it," I said. "Your arm was exciting and felt really different. Did you like it when I ate your cum?"

"I sure did. I guess you felt the way I do when I suck Thompson," he said.

"Can you tell when he is about to shoot?" I asked.

"Most of the time I can," Shorty said.

"Do you like the taste?" I asked.

"It is okay. The sweet stuff before is better," he said. "I like it when he gets really excited, and pops. He shivers, shakes, and then tells me to pull off. He says his cock head gets too sensitive."

"Do you do that?"

"No, I hold on tightly and take every spurt. He tells me it's too much, but he always comes back for more," Shorty said. "Other guys aren't the same." He paused. "This is the best time I have ever had, Mr. Watson," Shorty said. "Is it always this good?"

"For me it's good, but I have quite a bit of experience," I said. "When I was younger and experimenting a few things didn't work out."

"What sort of things?"

"Fucking without enough lube is a problem. Some men are not considerate when they screw. I like a man who takes his time, especially the first time," I said. "When you get to know a guy, it may be different, but it's good to ease your way in the first time. By the way, have you checked out the other guys here?"

"I've looked a little. I don't want to have them see me looking," Shorty said.

"That is a good rule in general, but it doesn't apply here. Everyone here is into it and they won't mind," I said. "They are all playful."

"I don't think I could play with all of them," he said.

"Do them one by one," I said. Shorty laughed.

"How much do you like man sex?" I asked.

"I don't think I like anything else as much," he said. "Whatever is in second place isn't even close."

"I think you are going to like Blue Top a lot," I added. Shorty was good man. As I came to know him better, I discovered he was a sexual amusement park. His parents were affectionate and loving, but they were also smothering. He had almost no experience with other people. They were afraid that outsiders would make fun of his size. Thompson was is only connection to the outside world and provided his only sexual outlet.

That sexual relationship was entirely oral and consisted of Shorty servicing Thompson. That was mostly out of habit and due to Shorty's folks. They watched him closely and tended to get frantic if he did not check in with him regularly. It was hard to get away from their smothering influence.

Blue Top was both scary for Shorty and exciting. After our interlude, he was less afraid and much more excited. Shorty was polite and courteous. He wasn't sure about the rules of normal behavior. As a result, he was timid.

I encouraged him to be less timid, but I wanted him to understand that the sexual situation at Blue Top was unusual and unique. The next day I had a talk with Billy. Billy was closer to Shorty's age than anyone else was. I had a feeling that the small man brought out Billy's protective feelings. That was good.

I told him I had a good time with Shorty, but I thought he might like sexual experiences with some of the other men. "Have you connected with him at all?" I asked.

"He's a nice guy, I like him a lot," Billy said. "I'm a little afraid I might hurt him. He's so small."

"I can tell you his sexual drive is normal, and all the sex organs are in working order. His sex drive may be on the high side of normal. He loves sex," I said.

"He sort of hides in the corner of the showers. I thought he didn't want to mess around," Billy said.

"He's afraid some of you might take offence at him checking you out," I explained.

"Does he like to suck?" Billy asked.

"He does. I am pretty sure he would like to suck you," I said. "I sucked him in return. That has not been typical of his sexual encounters. He loved it."

"I had a few Johns who were one sided," Billy said. "It was always better when they got into the swing of things. I was better for me, of course, but I think it was better for them too." We talked a little longer. Before he left for the cabin, I asked if he would join in a threesome with Shorty and me.

"Sure, count me in," he replied.

"You do remember this is extracurricular. It is not a requirement of the job?" I asked.

"I do, and I have no problem with Shorty or you for that matter," Billy replied. The next day I asked Shorty and Billy to drop by after dinner.

Shorty seemed nervous. I knew he had enjoyed our earlier get together and he was ready, but he was not sure if Billy was into it. Billy cleared up that worry in no time flat. He dropped to his knees and sucked Shorty and me. That didn't last long because Shorty wanted to suck Billy badly. Shorty loved to suck, but he liked to know that his playmates would suck him, if he felt the urge.

I sat on Shorty's cock again and Billy fed Shorty his meat as we kissed. A little later Shorty surprised me when he said he wanted to sit on Billy's cock. Billy had a pretty cock of average size. I lubricated Shorty's ass and Billy's cock. I then held Billy's cock vertically as the dwarf impaled himself on it. Shorty's hole looked small, but it was big enough for Billy's tool. Shorty took his time, and he looked relieved when he was fully impaled on it.

He rested briefly, and then began to clench his buns, adjusting the cock's location. He suddenly moaned softly. The cock had slipped into a good spot.

"Are you okay?" Billy asked.

"I'm a lot more than okay," Shorty replied. A little later Billy rolled over so he was on the top and more in control. That seemed to work well. Billy picked up the pace of his thrusts. He suddenly stopped and moaned. I knew he was unloading in Shorty's ass. Shorty knew that too, but he did not object at all. All was well.

The next time I was in the big shower, Shorty was a full participant. Oddly, he was clearly getting along well with Conway and Hal. They tended to be reserved and Conway rarely talked. Conway could relax with Shorty.

Conway was always on guard and ready for a Taliban attack. Shorty was obviously not an enemy insurgent and presented no threat to the six foot four veteran. Shorty's head was close to cock level and he could deep throat Conway's black snake when he was soft. It never stayed soft for long, but once and a while Shorty could keep it down his throat for a minute or two. When it emerged from Shorty's mouth, it was a truly impressive organ.

Conway discovered that Shorty could suck it longer if he held him upside down. This left Shorty's sexual equipment at the level of Conway's mouth. Conway liked licking Shorty's full sized balls and cock. He also seem to like the dwarf's asshole too.

Conway had never openly reciprocated before. Not only did he reciprocate, he was gentle and affectionate. Hal had told us he was a nice man; whatever they did, they did it in the dark and alone.

Several of the men were uneasy about Conway. He was a huge man who never smiled and rarely spoke. I assumed that several were not comfortable with a black man. No one said that but I could feel the vibe. It did not help that Conway was a top and his cock was what Hal described as a log splitter. It was hard to believe anyone could take it up the ass. Hal described taking the cock as being memorable.

I have a little confession to make. Hal's description of being fucked by Conway as memorable excited me. Since I had been at Blue Top, my sexual horizons had been steadily expanding. I had always enjoyed sex, but I had not realized just how much I liked it, nor my capacity for enjoyment.

Before I bought The Blue Top Mountain Nursery, I had an adequate sex life. I was a successful workaholic, but I did work some sex into my schedule every few weeks, or months if I was working on a big project. That seemed both normal and adequate.

As the Blue Top Mountain Nursery developed, the sex became more regular. It had been weekly and then semiweekly. Now it was almost daily and sometimes with several men in a day. That should have been enough, but I still was driven to have more sex. If it was available, I was willing.

I also thought it might become routine and boring. That did not happen. It just got better. Casual, no strings attached sex is good and improves with repetition. I was surprised that I enjoyed anal sex more as both a giver and a taker. When I said sex was casual, I didn't mean it was without passion and intense pleasure. There was a mutual sharing of knowledge and skills.

I noticed that when I saw Gussy one evening in the showers. Gussy was a horny bottom. He was not shy or embarrassed by his interest. If anyone felt the urge, anywhere and at any time, Gussy would strip naked and bend over.

Johnny made a sling like contraption for the showers for Gussy. Johnny didn't like the rear entry position. He like to watch his playmate and his playmates cock react to his thrusts. It was comfortable for Gussy and easily adaptable for different heights. Everyone could get the prefect angel of entry. That was good for Gussy, but even better for the men fucking him.

We gathered around Gussy and made suggestions on how to make it feel better. Everyone had his own techniques and tricks. There was a surprisingly good conversation about the virtues of the quick poke and squirt approach, compared to the slow and easy buildup to the climax. I noticed that no one tries to hide his sexual excitement or his climax.

Gussy said he was tired after three men shot in him. Sonny stepped up to the sling and got in. Sonny was a difficult man, but he was nicer in the sling with his ass exposed. Sonny wasn't popular, but an open hole had its allure.

Johnny broke the ice. He used his imitation of a steam locomotive going at full speed technique to get Sonny warmed up. Sonny was exceptionally responsive and was a full participant. He was complimentary of his fuckers' skills. The men had been gentle with Gussy. There was no need for that with Sonny.

I was afraid it might get out of hand. Sonny had offended everyone at one time or another. I soon realized that a tight ass massaging a man's cock could make up for many offences. It helped that Johnny had both screwed and seeded Sonny's ass. The men liked and admired Johnny. Billy added his cream to Johnny's rectum, and then held Shorty so he could fuck Sonny.

Shorty fucked, pulled back and squirted at Sonny's hole and then reentered, pushing his seed into the ass. Shorty must have been saving up. There was a lot of cream, splattered in Sonny's ass. Shorty may have been half-sized, but he was fully loaded. I think several of the men noticed that.

Conway surprised everyone when he joined in. While his cock was large, it was also rock hard. He gently nosed his oversized knob into the hole and then made a single, hard and deep thrust. It vanished and Sonny's eyes crossed. Conway slowly pulled out.

"Do it again! I need it! Fill me up!" Sonny begged. Conway accommodated his wishes. Ten minutes later Sonny looked like a wet dishrag. He was wiped out. He moaned when Conway rear loaded him. When he pulled out slowly, the hole remained open. From my vantage point, I could see sperm glistening in the rectal tunnel.

Shorty stepped up and shoved his fist into the cum-filled hole. Sonny clamped tight. Shorty worked the ass a little and then he began to pull out.

"Damn, it's fucking stuck!" he cried. The men burst into laughter. Sonny looked shocked, but he had a Fourth of July type orgasm as Shorty pulled his arm from his ass.

There was a big change in Gussy. After two months of regular sex and no drink, his erections returned. It had been lost ten years earlier. As he watched Shorty pull his arm from Sonny's ass, Gussy got hard. Gussy had low hangers, but his cock looked shriveled. He did not shoot off, sperm just dribbled out. Now that he was hard, it was bigger than I would have guessed.

Billy was next to him, when he saw the improved man tool. He dropped to his knees and went to work.

The event had a good impact on the men and their sex lives. Shorty and Conroy joined in as full members of the group. Everyone seemed to be more relaxed and comfortable with sex. Being less tense and at ease with sex leads to better sex.

Things were going along well at the nursery. The pruning efforts on the older trees was a success. A large project needed large trees and I sold 100 trees at $2,500.00 per tree. That provided a huge influx of cash and I was doing far better than I expected. My accountants loved it. The Nursery was still in the red, but it proved to the IRS that it was indeed a business, not a tax dodge.

Thompson was careful about the men he selected for the nursery. He was a good judge of character, but he knew the freewheeling sexual atmosphere of the Nursery was not for everyone. From the Judge's point of view, it was a success. Men who used to make regular return visits to the courtrooms were not clogging the system.

Thompson had found another operation, a modular house manufacturer, which could take men. He sent the straight men there. The owner of that company was a former Marine, Jon Kimball, and he ran a tight ship. His men lived in the community and he had a van to pick up workers. Many of his men didn't have cars, and the van solved problems. It also had a fixed schedule so men had to get up and be ready. That was a major problem for many of the men. Jon gave the men a raise after two months and a big raise after six. He also provided health insurance. Most of them had never had a raise or insurance.

It was midwinter, when Thompson next had a new man for me, Wilton. Wilton was what my mother used to call borderline. He could function and be productive. He did anything he was told to do. That was a problem with his last employer, who was a crook. He had been the fall guy in an embezzlement scheme. Wilton had a public defender who was overworked with a murder case. He was almost sent to jail when a Judge realized that Wilton was not criminal mastermind material.

Thompson found him living under a bridge and brought him to us. Wilton was thirty-five and good looking. In addition to his mental weaknesses, he had a major flaw. He was gullible and trusting. I don't know if there is an actual metal condition called the Gullibility Syndrome, but if there was such a condition, Wilton had it. His survival skill was being friendly and accommodating. That got him in trouble. His time in Jail was a disaster. He was beaten and raped several times, and when he came to Blue Top, he was barely responsive.

The men liked him. Shorty took to him right away. Wilton needed detailed guidance for simple tasks, but Shorty and Gussy had no problem like that. Shorty's head was always at cock level so he was the first to make contact. Wilton had been taking, not giving, and Shorty was a good cocksucker. Shorty gave Wilton's cock and sperm a good review. His cock juice was both plentiful and sweet. After two weeks, Wilton was comfortable and happy. Several other men had sampled his sex juices and enjoyed them. He had a high sex drive and a short recharge time. Both characteristics added to his popularity.

Life is strange sometimes and I discovered Wilton liked trees and he had a knack for digging them up and packing them for transport. Moving trees was always a problem since they can be easily be damaged. Wilton was careful. He was not imaginative and when I showed him the right way to do it, he did it. He had a good sense of the best way to protect and pack a tree.

I was aiming for the top end of the market. I provided handsome, healthy trees that looked good from the day we planted them. Most of that was for institutions, like colleges, but I was also after upscale developers. Some realized that landscaping could increase the sales price by 15 or more percent. Every damaged tree was a problem. With Wilton, that wasn't a problem. Every tree was perfectly prepared for transplanting.

Wilton was cautious making friends, but he expanded his cluster of friends beyond Shorty and Gussy. Conway seemed to like him. Wilton was uneasy with black man. One of the men who had raped him had been black and hung. Conway was standoffish and made new playmates slowly. He had bonded with Hal and liked Shorty. I think Shorty was the only man he sucked publicly. He had also taken Shorty's cum.

Wilton had been at Blue Top for a month when I found Conway on his knees sucking Wilton with obvious enjoyment. While Wilton was not vocal in his appreciation of good blowjob, his body twitched and shivered as he unloaded. I had told the men that Wilton had a bad time in jail. They understood and let Wilton take the lead.

I felt good about that. Wilton was a good-looking man and he was great looking naked. They all wanted more, but they held back and let him proceed at his own pace. They knew that eventually Wilton would feel the need to reciprocate and they were willing to wait.

On a cold, wet winter day, the men couldn't work so they were in the showers. The showers and the attached dressing room were warm rather than just heated, so they used it as a clubroom.

The bottoms in the group decided to draw straws to see who would bottom. Sonny was always up for a friendly gang fuck, but he was in town seeing a friend. Shorty drew the short straw, so he took up the position in the sling. Wilton was uneasy about that, but Shorty assured him that he would have a good time. Wilton kept an eye on him.

Shorty took Gussy, Billy and Johnny with considerable enthusiasm. Conway stepped up to plate. That caused a stir, but he lifted Shorty out of the sling and took his place. This was the first time any of us had seen Conway's hole. Wilton put stool next to the sling so Shorty could fuck the black man. Shorty had full sized equipment, and Conway seemed to enjoy it. Shorty's white semen showed up well on Conway's black skin. Hal was next in line. Hal was a man rammer and Conway liked that.

I was next. "Can you take another?" I asked. Conway smiled.

"I'm nice and open now," he said. "It will be fine." I eased my tool into his hole. I like it nice and easy, and I massaged his innards for a while. Johnny came up behind me and slipped into my ass. He had never fucked me in front of the men before. It felt natural. We were now all equal opportunity fornicators.

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