Blue Top

Published on Sep 19, 2015


The Blue Top Mountain Nursery 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

Sonny could not completely control his asshole tendencies, but he made an effort. Luckily, the men were much more tolerant of a horse-hung asshole than I would have guessed. He liked to show off his donkey dong and he gave free samples.

Sonny also turned out to be a good pruner. He had a natural eye for what needed to be done with over grown and out of control trees and shrubs. Most of the older plant materials in the nursery fell into that category. He was not strong and he was still recovering from the beating. Duddy took a shine to him and he did the heavy lifting and cutting.

While Sonny was prone to say the wrong thing, he was always good with Duddy. Julio liked Duddy too, and he was protective.

A week after he came to the nursery. I had a threesome with Gussy and Johnny. They started as a couple and then I joined the pair. Billy joined us a little later. Gussy had made it through the worst of the shakes and was feeling better.

Gussy was not that old, but time had not been kind to him. He could easily have passed for being seventy. He did not get that hard, but when Johnny fondled his balls, his cock responded. I think regular meals and shelter combined with no booze worked. Johnny was a good-looking man and connecting with a handsome man was a rarity for an old geezer like Gussy.

He didn't expect Johnny to suck him. That was a pleasant surprise. I think he was more surprised that he could still feel sexual sensations. Living in a drunken stupor is not a good way to heighten sexual feelings. At one time, he told me that he did not know if he had much sex or not. "I woke up a few times with sperm dripping from my ass, and I had no idea who had done me, not to mention if I felt anything," he told me. "I wasn't sure if my sexual equipment worked."

I was the one who discovered that his ass was still a functioning sex organ. He was still tight and his prostate seemed to be in tiptop shape. The tightness was good for the fucker, but the prostate was good for Gussy. I do not know if a prostate can be unusually responsive. It seemed as if Gussy's prostate was a tender and responsive organ.

The next evening Johnny had a session with Sonny. Thompson Miller showed up and joined them. Thompson had told Johnny that Sonny was better naked and erect than in any other state. Thompson had found Sonny's battered body behind a bar. He had saved Sonny's life. I couldn't tell if Thomson liked Sonny a little or if he simply didn't want to find that all the effort to save Sonny was wasted in saving a complete piece of shit.

Sonny was not an attractive man. I would say he was short, scrawny and borderline ugly. Most people would leave out the word, "borderline." He had a huge cock and matching balls. I didn't want to admit to myself that his oversized equipment effected my interest in him, but it probably did. It was close to being museum quality.

I laughed to myself. It might have been nicer if it were detached from Sonny's body and preserved in a jar. You wouldn't need to deal with Sonny that way. I had a friend years collected dildoes of famous porn stars. I tried a few of them out of curiosity. Rather to my surprise curiosity was not enough to try them a second time. The cock's accessory, a living, breathing man, was necessary for me to achieve a sexual high. A sweaty, sex driven man, excited and oozing precum was an essential part of sex for me. Even though I have rarely felt a man ejaculate in my ass, knowing that he was going to do that was essential. Ideally, my playmate's cock and my sex organs develop an effective partnership.

Excited cocks have a common goal and objective. Oddly, I am also excited by my playmate's orgasm, especially if I played a role in it. I feel pleased I could get a man off. Even a self-centered top wants to know how well he did. All men want to think they did a good job.

Deputy Thompson had sucked Sonny off, but that was limit of his sexual explorations. He wanted to explore more. Thompson was good-looking but not exceptional. He had a good, pre steroids type muscular body too. He was well equipped sexually too.

Sonny was short, scrawny and hairy. The hair was splotchy. The nurses had shaved areas where there had been bandages. His cock was the only memorable part of his anatomy. It was oversized, uncut and low hanging. He had goat like balls. It was not the sort of thing a Greek sculptor would immortalize.

It was attractive. It was attractive in the sense that it pretty or handsome. For me it was almost magnetic. I wanted to see it up close and personal. I just wanted to look at it. I was not thinking of swallowing it, or perhaps deep throating it, or even taking it in my ass. As soon as I thought about sucking it or letting Sonny fuck me, I laughed to myself. My prostate told me I was willing to have a close encounter of the anal kind.

I wondered about his balls capacity. Would he drain them in one massive orgasm, or would it take three or four orgasms to lighten the load? These were not the musings of a man uninterested in a sexual connection. I also wondered if a man could be such a jerk, he would turn me off.

Sonny was a strange and irritating man. He also had the sexual urges of a Billy Goat in heat. He wanted and craved sex. He was willing to do anything, a serve anyone. If it was sex, or could be interpreted as sex, Sonny would do it. While he liked his cock and knew it attracted other men, he had a nearly obsessive interest in sperm and semen. He liked to make it, shoot it and then eat it. He liked his own, but he loved that produced by others.

He later told me that he had intense dreams about sexual encounters. The dreams involved sex with multiple partners, gangbangs and orgies. While he fucked most of the men, there was one constant in all of his dreams. Every one of the men in his dream fucked him. He had been to only three or four orgies in his life. Blue Top Mountain Nursery could be a dream come true for him.

When Thompson arrived at the Nursery, it caused a little stir. All the men knew him and were surprised to see him. He came to see me. He wanted to talk about several prospective employees for the Nursery. I did not know what the men thought about Thompson. He was a cop and that was definitely a negative. He had sucked them off and sent them to me as an alternative to jail. I hoped that was a positive, but you never know.

His two prospects were a Gulf War vet named Conway who had a problem readjusting to life in non-battle zone, and a guy name Shorty. Conway had been good in the war zone, he was always on guard and suspicious at any irregularity. He could not turn off those skills in civilian life. He scared people. He was six-feet-four and a black man. That was enough to scare people without he hyper-suspicious character.

Shorty had been the grandson of Thompson's next-door neighbors. His mother was not the motherly type so they had raised him. Shorty was five feet tall and his grandmother had died. He needed a new home. "Shorty is a nice guy but his grandparents over protected him. He's lost," Thompson said. "In case you are wondering, we are still playmates."

Thompson and I had dinner in my cabin and then went to the showers. Sonny was naked and with Johnny. Sonny was semi-hard. Thompson joined them. I stayed in the dressing area. I had stripped in anticipation of joining them later. I did not notice when Duddy and Hal came in the shower room.

A short time later Juan, Jack, Gussy and Billy joined us. No one pretended not to be into it. We were all ready to join in. Johnny looked over and saw us. He motioned to us to come over. I am pretty sure that eight fornicating people constitute and orgy. No one seemed to mind.

"Sonny here tells me he like to fuck. Does anyone here want to try it? It looks a bit bigger than a standard issue cock, but I bet someone here likes them, big," Johnny said. I was surprised when Hal stepped up to the plate.

In spite of Sonny's irritating habits, he had one endearing characteristic, he was permanently horny as hell, and he was willing to accommodate anyone. This may not be on the list of things in the "How To influence People and Win Friends" books, but it worked like a charm for Sonny. For a scrawny man, he had the stamina of a bull when came to fucking or to taking a cock in the ass.

He was responsive and seemed grateful to every man who fucked him. I was last in line and I discovered he was still tight and responsive. His cream filled ass was a treat too. His sperm slicked rectum was still tight, and the sensation of my cock pounding him was wonderful.

Gussy, who had trouble getting hard, didn't fuck him. He liked licking up the sperm that drooled from Sonny's ass. He also sucked me after I pulled out. He liked the sperm coating my cock and my post orgasmic drool.

I had seen videos of gangbangs that were abusive to the bottom. I think my guys were so happy to have an ass to fuck, it seemed cheerful and friendly. Johnny and Thompson both asked Sonny if he had enough several times. Sonny was always ready and willing.

I went to be that night feeling good. Part of that was due to Sonny, part was due to Thompson, who spent the night with me. In public he was a sucker and a fucker. One-on-one he liked to entertain on the back porch. That was a thank you for agreeing to help him with Conway and Shorty.

Thompson was basically an uptight, trooper type. He was active, on guard and tense most of the time. There must have been a cock activated switch in his ass that turned him off and let him relax. I worked my cock into his tight, resisting hole and pushed in deep. At some point, he relaxed. His sphincter released its grip on my cock and it was smooth sailing. I asked him if he wanted me to shoot in him. He said yes and then asked how many times I could shoot off in a night. I told him three times, but I would not mind trying for four.

I pulled out and let him screw me and unload in my ass. That was good, but he returned to his normal uptight self. I slipped back into his ass again, and fucked him to sleep. He asked me not to tell anyone. Of course, I said I wouldn't mention it. I also told him he might enjoy Johnny.

He told man that Conway was 100% top and his prickly personality mellowed while he was fornicating. Conway was hung like Godzilla and that was a problem. "You have to be an upper tier size queen to take it," he explained.

"Shorty has a problem," Thompson told me. "I've known him for years and we pretty much sucked each other off. People tend to take advantage of him. He's desperate for friends and he will do anything they ask. He was in a nasty gangbang. It was a fuck the dwarf thing. It hurt him physically and emotionally. He thought the man who asked him to the party was a pal. He was actually recruiting the entertainment. Shorty never complains so it's hard to know what he wants and likes."

Thompson brought the men to meet me two days later. Conway was huge and scary looking. He was muscular, and very black, except for his eyes that alternated between a super alert stare and a zombie like glaze. He was a city boy and knew nothing about nurseries at all.

Shorty was good-looking man, one inch taller than the official standard for a dwarf. He was thirty-five but looked younger. His head was slightly enlarged, his body was average and his arms and legs were undersized. He looked uneasy. He had lived with his grandparents and had never been way from their house. He had done odd jobs around town but he had never really worked. Living with other men would be an all-new experience for him.

I introduced the men at dinner that night. Hal took an immediate liking for Conway. He was a vet and understood the problem. Shorty sat between Gussy and Billy. They were the oldest and youngest men in the group. Gussy must have reminded Shorty of his Grandfather. Billy wanted someone closer to his age to talk to.

When I first met them, I thought they had serious mental problems. That was not the case. Shorty had little experience meeting people and was socially backward. Gussy and Billy helped him with that problem.

Conway wanted everything to be predictable, with no surprises. Johnny felt exactly the same way about work at the nursery. Johnny was also a good teacher. He explained things in detail. Much of the work in the nursery is manual labor. That was a problem for some men. Johnny always did more work than anyone else did and he thought manual labor was manly.

We has three big projects underway. We were building and planting three air supported plastic green houses that would handle smaller plants and one would be the nursery's nursery. We were also planting seedlings, and pruning the existing stock.

If the pruning worked, we would have some high value trees available for sale and get some cash flow earlier than anticipated

Hal and Duddy liked Conway and they helped him get use to the sexually open atmosphere. As luck would have it, Conway's cock was near perfect fit for Duddy's ass. Conway's orgasms were more like eruptions of Old Faithful than a human climax. The men regarded this as an impressive natural phenomenon. It increased Conway's status with the men.

Duddy is a very white, white man. Conway was very black, and his cock was even blacker. The men like watching it vanish into Duddy's quivering pink hole. When Conway pulled out, Duddy's sphincter had peeled back the foreskin, exposing Conway's pink cock head. It was a beautiful shade of pink that matched Duddy tits. Conway was still ejaculating, and the creamy semen spurted into Duddy's dilated ass. When I saw the pink cock head, I thought differently about him. It was as if there was a soft core to the big man.

At first Duddy was the only one willing to take Conway's cock. That was enough for Conway. I knew that Conway's huge, dark dong would inspire others. I was curious as to who would open up for him next. In the back of my mind, I knew I eventually would be doing a frenzied dance on his pole. It would a challenge, but I suspected it would be worth it.

On Sunday, Shorty was walking by my room aimlessly. Most of the other men had gone into town. It was lunchtime as I asked him if he would like some lunch. I made him a BLT sandwich that was a success. We talked. He seemed younger than his age. His grandparents loved and protected him, and I had the impression they may have over protected him. Life had been exactly the same for the last thirty years of his life.

He had been hungry, but he was not sure if it was okay to ask for lunch. He did not know how to cook, since his Grandmother had done it all and he couldn't work on a standard height countertop anyway. He didn't want to sound stupid by asking. He was afraid the men would laugh at him.

He was grateful that Thompson had found a place for him, but he missed having Thompson visit him. "We had a lot of fun together," he said.

"I think we all like just about the same things," I said. "I am pretty sure Thompson and I like the same things." He was looking at my crotch. "Would you like to mess around a little?"

"I might like that," he said.

I smiled. "You do know that I am talking about sex?"

He nodded. "I'm funny looking," he whispered.

"You are a good looking man that happens to be short," I said.

"You won't laugh at me?" Shorty asked. "What do you want to do?"

"I was hoping that we would get naked and that you would let me suck your cock," I said.

"I guess we could do that," he said. Shorty was suspicious but he stripped. He perked up a little when he saw my cock. He seem to like meat on the high side of average. He perked up a lot more when I began sucking him. He was well equipped, but because of his short legs, his cock almost hung to his knees. I licked his cock, balls and hole and Shorty went from zero to 100 in ten seconds.

He began to drool precum and that helped to inspire me. We both got into it. After a while, I worked a finger into his ass and played with his prostate as I sucked. He begged me to stop. I did.

"Maybe I was a little premature about that?" he said. We both laughed and I wrapped my lips around his cock head as my finger massaged his prostate.

"I'm going to shoot," he cried.

"That's why we are here!" I replied. A second later, he filled my mouth with his rich balls cream. He had full sized balls and his cream was sweet and steamy.

We were quiet as he came down form the sexual high. "Nobody has eaten my stuff before. Thank you, it was great," he said. "I can do the same for you, if you can wait a little. I've done that before."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"Sometimes, Thompson's is good, real good. Some of the others have not been as good," Shorty said.

"I would love for you to suck me, but only if you want to," I said. "The same goes for my spunk. I don't mind either way." We talked a little longer and I realized that Thompson had been his friend for years. Other men tended to use him. Some liked the novelty; others were bullies.

We were on the bed and he leaned over and began to suck me. He was good, gentle but effective. He literally sucked as if he was trying to suction the sperm from my balls. After a while ,he pulled off to catch his breath.

"Would you like for me to finger your ass?" he asked. He had rolled on his back and his cock was erect."

"That would be fine, but I would rather have your cock in my hole," I said. "Would you like that?"

He nodded vigorously. "I've never done that but I'm pretty sure I would like it," he replied. I had a tube of lubricant next to the bed. I coated his cock. It was impressively hard, and his member curved, forming a letter C. I am no virgin, but I admit I never know how a particular cock will affect me. Shorty's cock hit the jackpot.

He pushed it in gently. I think he was afraid of hurting me. I was also afraid that with his short legs he might have a problem forcing it through my sphincter. That was not a problem at all. His knob was bullet shaped and popped in easily. Shorty's curved cock was the perfect length to make a direct hit on my prostate. He essentially used my prostate as a punching bag for his cock. I went to the moon every time he did that.

Shorty was a natural top and he altered his thrusting rhythm to insure he had a nice, long visit to my ass. He slowed a few times to keep from shooting off too quickly. He was getting close and he looked worried.

"Unload in me," I said. "I want it." Shorty looked relieved and the ejaculations started a second later. He smiled when he pulled out.

"I really filled you up. It's drooling from your ass," he said with excitement in his voice. "It was beautiful." He swished his fingers around my drooling ass. Soon, a few fingers were in me, and then his entire hand. I began to shoot and Shorty was there sucking up every spurt.

Next: Chapter 3

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