Blue Top

Published on Sep 10, 2015


The Blue Top Mountain Nursery

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

The nursery was a hobby of my retirement. I am Sam Watson and had just sold my ownership of a software development company for an obscene amount' I soon discovered I had nothing to do. I was fifty years old and bored to death. I wanted something entirely unlike the high tech world I had been working in the last thirty years.

Blue Top is a tree nursery located in what had once been a Boy Scout camp on the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It sat on a rare, south facing slope. This gave it a longer growing season than most nurseries in the area.

I did not know anything about trees or tree cultivation, but I have an obsessive personality, and I soon was an expert. My main problem was finding people to work there. The nursery was secluded and isolated.

I found a foreman, Johnny Jones who knew trees and had no problem with isolation. Johnny was not much into talking. Johnny was a local and seemed to know everyone, even if he didn't talk to them.

Johnny and I got along much better when I walked in the former camp shower and saw him being blown by Thompson Miller, a Sherriff's Deputy. I joined them and finished off Johnny as Thompson pounded my ass. I have non-existent Gaydar. I had not realize Johnny was gay and I wouldn't have guessed Miller was gay in a million years.

I like man sex and I am an open minded and needy bottom. That characteristic was good for both Johnny and Thompson.

We had a serious problem finding labor for the nursery. The man who developed the nursery knew trees, but he was a cheapskate. He had no full time labor. He hired and payed by the hour. The work was seasonal, but he carried it to an extreme. If it began to rain at 10:30, he sent you home. If it rained for two hours in the middle of the day, he did not pay you for those hours. Soon no one would work for him since his hourly rate was low and hours were not at all dependable. No one would work for the Blue Top Mountain Nursery. I bought the place at a bankruptcy sale.

It takes a while for a nursery to get up to speed. Much of the older stock was too big to sell, and we were planting trees for sale in several years. I have deep pockets and five or ten years of losses were not a problem for me.

Deputy Miller found a solution for that problem. Every town or city has a group of men who have problems and don't fit. Some of them drank too much; others were intellectually limited. Some just did not get along. These men went to jail for short periods and clogged up the local facilities. They came out of jail no better than when they went in.

Miller is a handsome and muscular man with extraordinarily good and accurate Gaydar. He not only realized who was gay, he sampled their sexual skills. Most of them thought they had won the lottery when he sucked them.

Miller arranged to have few of these men sent to me in place of prison. Johnny would go to court and say he had a job for them in place of jail time. They would receive probation and work for me for the duration of the probation period. I had cabins left over from the Boy Scout camp and a dining room. I paid them minimum wage, but I included free room and board. Free room and board was important to these guys. It gave them a chance to save and build up enough money to get on their feet again.

The Nursery was secluded and most of the men did not have transportation. There was no beer or liquor either. Miller had a theory that regular sex would help make up for those deficiencies. Several men did not work out and Miller took them away and dumped them in a different jurisdiction. Most were so relieved they weren't in jail they were fine. Johnny had a knack for working with them. He was moderately demanding, but gave them credit when credit was due. Johnny was also polite. He treated men well. He didn't swear and he rarely yelled.

Most of the men were closet cases and sex had been both erratic and dangerous. At the nursery, they were free to be gay and the others regarded being horny as an asset. I had one rule. All sex had to be voluntary. No one could be forced into doing it, or doing something they did not want to do. The entire operation was unorthodox and odd. It was not the sort of thing that would be approved if it were known. The old motto of the Boy Scout camp was "We are all Happy Campers." That was my motto too.

We had a cook, Julio, and a helper, a borderline man named Duddy. Julio was a good cook and he liked having a helper. The food was good. Julio was Mexican and he was used to working with fresh ingredients. He cooked from scratch; he didn't open a bottle of Spaghetti sauce and pour it over noodles. This was big change for most of the men. They had assumed free meals meant mac and cheese from a box and bargain hot dogs.

The first three men to work in the nursery were Hal, Jack and Billy. Billy was twenty and he his parents had kicked him out of the house at 16. They were born-agains and discovered his sexual orientation. He was smart enough, but had been home schooled. He knew the Bible and little else. He had no people skills since his folks kept him away from real life.

Hal was a beefy Army vet who had too much real life. He needed a quiet place. Jack was a loud mouth know it all who thought he became smarter when he drank more. Jack was the most problematic of the group, but he had been badly beaten in a bar fight and was subdued.

The men lived in two old Scout cabins, ate in the dining hall and used the big gang shower. Johnny required a shower before and after every workday. This was an anti-tick and chigger effort. He was also big on antibiotic ointment on scrapes and scratches. These were minor, but could easily become infected.

Johnny was a Grizzly Adams type if you remember that old television program. He was a natural leader and he led by example. He worked harder than any of the other men did. Johnny usually showered with them. While Johnny was a man of few words, he was not shy or reticent sexually. He was well hung and had no problem being naked. He also like to look at other naked men.

He easily connected with the men. I did not know how he did it until I joined them in the showers. Johnny didn't talk much but he looked and you could tell he liked what he saw. He had a refined genital radar that would seek out playmates and make some sort of a connection.

The first time I saw him in action was with Hal. The three of us were alone in the showers. He looked at Hal. Hal would come a little closer. Johnny would soap up his equipment. That wasn't exactly overt, but you knew his cock was really clean. When he rinsed off the soap, Johnny's cock head was poking out of the foreskin. The slit was wet. Of course, it could have been water from the shower, but somehow you knew it was an expression of interest.

At any point, Hal could have turned away and the episode would have been over. That did not happen. That never happened. By this time Hal's cock had firmed up. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't relaxed either.

Hal looked at me. Johnny saw the glance and said, "Sam's a member of the club. He likes seeing his men enjoying themselves."

I helped to emphasize the point get getting hard. Hal looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I looked at his cock and saw that he was nearly fully erect.

"Are you fully loaded?" Johnny asked of Hal.

"I sure am," Hal replied. "Are you hungry?" Johnny nodded and he dropped to his knees. A second later Hal's cock was nowhere to be seen. After few minutes, Johnny pulled away.

"Sam, why don't you come over here and play with Hal's tits," Johnny said, "Play gently. He likes that."

"Don't tell him all my secrets," Hal said.

"We are all naked and hard," Johnny replied. "Nothing will remain secret for long. Relax and enjoy it."

I touched Hal's tits. He shivered a little.

"That is just right," Johnny whispered. "I love his cock ooze."

Duddy and Jack entered the room and turned on showerheads near us.

"I'd like to play with Johnny," Duddy said.

"He's busy, you need to wait," Jack said. Jack would have had a good-looking body if he had not been beaten up so many times. Jack had a special ability to aggravate.

"Why don't you talk to Sam," Johnny said as he looked up from his sucking duties. "Sam is a nice guy and he's friendly too."

Duddy was tall, slim and had a hairy chest. A long, white snake decorated his groin. He came over to me. My cock had calmed down and I was only semi hard now.

"You like to play?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. Duddy's eyes tended to be glazed, but when he smiled he was attractive.

"What game do you want to play?" I asked. He looked worried.

"You can use that word in the showers, Duddy," Jack said. "It is okay."

"I like to fuck," he said. "I like lots of stuff, but fucking is best."

"Duddy's okay. I've taught him how to do it nice and slow," Jack whispered in my ear. "He is good. He can hit unexpected places."

"Is that from personal experience?" I asked.

"It is. I'm not really a bottom, but Duddy is good," Jack said. "I've got lube if you want it." I was not 100% sure I wanted to be fucked, but it was hard to say no.

"A little lube would be nice," I said. "Where is it?"

"It's in my ass," Jack said.

Duddy smiled as Jack bent over. In a split second, Duddy's cock was in Jack lube filled ass. He made a few thrusts and pulled out. It was my time now.

Duddy's cock was very long and thin; he was slow and careful. It was effortless. While Duddy loved it, at first it was only okay for me. It took a little while, but my ass was a playground and it was the first day of summer vacation for Duddy. The more he explored the more my ass responded.

Jack was sucking Johnny. Duddy was the first to shoot off and his orgasm made me shoot. Hal licked mine up. Johnny climaxed next. Jack was the only one who hadn't cum, but he was happy slurping up Johnny's man seed. We broke apart and went to bed.

The next morning there was no change in the men's reaction to me. Two days later, I found Johnny in the showers with Julio and Billy. Billy was an otter and would be a bear when he got older. He had a punk hair cut when he came to the nursery. He had since shaved his head and was now growing a beard. The haircut turned him from being a scary creep into a Marine type. He wasn't exactly handsome, but he immediately caught you attention. Miller told me that testosterone dripped from Billy's pores.

Julio was a few years older than I was. He was smooth, with brown skin and a white beard. He could not take his eyes off of Johnny. Billy was looking at me. I knew he had a bumpy time on the streets and he turned tricks. I could not tell if he was genuinely interested in me, or if he was just used to sizing men up.

He came over to me as Johnny and Julio connected. "Duddy told me you like it in the ass," he said in a whisper. "I like to top."

"I hope you realized this isn't a part of the job. I'm gay and you are gay, but sex is not in the job description," I said.

"You know I used to turn tricks?" he asked in the same whisper. "I mostly bottomed. It wasn't great but it was eventually okay," he explained. "I liked the top the few times I did it." He leaned closer to me. "I did if a few times with a friend. I liked that a lot. I think I might like it more if it was just a cream stream and not an income source."

How did you end up turning tricks?" I asked.

"When my folks kicked me out of the house, I had no money and no skills. I sort of camped in a park. When I went to use the restroom, I got lucky," he said. "It was cold and I hadn't eaten in a day. I blew a couple of guys and made $40.00. One man told me he would give me $100.00 if he could fuck me. We went to a motel and I told him my story. When he realized I was a virgin, he told me he had a friend who would give me $500.00 to be the first. He gave the $50.00 and told me to spend the night there. He or his friend would be back later. The room was heated and I had a shower.

"An hour later a fat guy came to the room. He was ugly, but he was a nice man and he wasn't well endowed. He fucked me and he really loved it," Billy continued. "He paid me and told me had another friend who liked being the first. "I know my cock is small and he would never know he was not the first. At five in the morning, the other man came. He wasn't fat or ugly but he had a horse cock. It hurt a lot. He was not trying to hurt me; he was just so big. He paid me another $500.00. I'd like to try fucking for fun, not profit."

Billy's cock was hard now. I stroked it. Precum drooled from his slit. "You are ripe, aren't you?" I asked.

"I can cum in you, if you want. They tested me at the jail," he said.

"Would you like that?" I asked.

"Most guys wanted me to pull out," Billy said. "I like it the time I didn't."

"Would you let me fuck you later?" I asked.

"If you want that, I can take it," he said.

"I'm more interested in what you want," I said. There was a metal bench in the middle of the shower. Johnny had put an inflatable pool float on it. I got on my back. Johnny had some lube and he took care of Billy' cock. Billy got into position and nudged his knob onto my pucker.

Billy had a nice one. I guessed it was on the high side of average, with longer than average foreskin. His knob was still shrouded even when he was erect. My sphincter began to peel back his skin.

"You're tight," he said.

"Take your time. I want to grab your cock head and play with it," I said. He made a quick, short thrust and his head popped in.

"I want to shoot!" he cried.

"Calm down and relax. I want some play time," I said. He was still for almost a minute. I could sense him relaxing. I squeezed my sphincter and began to wiggle my ass. For the next fifteen minutes we played. My rectum was shrink wrapped to his cock. He had two single ejaculations, but he was able to hold back and we continued to play. When he finally shot off, I was afraid he might have injected and internal organ into my ass. It was that spectacular.

When he pulled out, Julio inserted his Mexican fireplug into me. His cock was stubby and thick and his knob was just long enough to ram my prostate on every thrust. My orgasm triggered his. We all left the shower relaxed and very clean.

The next day Johnny went to town and he returned with two new employees. One was a Grandfather type, Gussy. He was fifty-six but hard living had taken its toll. He looked a bit like an English sheepdog. Watery blue eyes peeked out from his shaggy face. The other was a thirty-year-old, ne'er-do-well, named Sonny. Sonny was short, sported a handlebar mustache, and was wearing what remained of a cowboy outfit. He had recently been in a fight and had clearly lost. He wore tight fitting jeans and had one hell of a basket. I wondered if it was real. The remnant of a smirk remained on his face, between the bruises and cuts.

I talked with Gussy that evening. He knew he had been in jail, but he could not remember why. He asked if I had any beer or Gin.

"I don't, but if I did you wouldn't get any of it," I said.

"Cold turkey?" he asked. I nodded.

"That's going to be hard on me," he said. "I get the shakes real bad."

"You are in the middle of nowhere for six months," I said. "You don't have any other options." Gussy looked frightened. "Gussy, we will help you any way we can short of the only thing you want."

"That Deputy said you would help me," he said.

"We might be able to help you the same way the Deputy did," I said. He looked at me and I scratched my balls. He managed to smile a little.

"That would be real nice and neighborly of you," he said.

"Do you like to be milked?" I asked.

Gussy nodded. "I like the cream too. I've never been fucked sober, but I can probably take one in a pinch."

The next day I talked with Sonny. He started the conversation with an impressive outpouring of bullshit and crap. He was like one of the assholes in the bromance movies about four losers in the wilderness. I suspected Sonny was the real thing.

"Sonny, how many people have told you that you are full of shit?" I asked.

"One or two maybe," he replied.

"If I told you that I suspect it is nearly one hundred percent I would be wrong?"

"It's not 100%," he said.

"Your mother still likes you?"

Sonny smiled. "On a good day she does." He was silent for a little while. "Things haven't worked out real well for me," he added.

"Were the guys who attacked you trying to kill you?" I asked.

"I don't think so, but they came damn close," he said. "The cops arrived just in time."

"You are safe here. You can work for me if you cut back on the bullshit," I said.

"I don't like to work much," he said. "I can try. I don't know about the bullshit."

"You will do more than try," I said. "How about reducing the bullshit to a level so guys don't want to kill you?"

He laughed and then bent over in pain. He had cracked ribs. "I guess I could give that a try," he replied.

Gussy was sort of his friend, they had been in jail together and Gussy thought Sonny was good looking. Gussy was not a good listener and that made Sonny tolerable. Sonny sparkled in the shower. His cock and balls must have been half his weight. He loved to be blown and he loved to suck. Sonny was a cum hound. That was good, even Sonny could not talk with a cock in his mouth.

Johnny told me he was going to have an orientation session for Gussy and Sonny in the shower the next evening. I was welcome.

Next: Chapter 2

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