Blue Rider

By Lucas Brimstone

Published on Jan 30, 2014


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Blue awoke early the next morning. He'd have to adjust to the three hour difference from Virginia. That day, and every day until he lucked out, would be dedicated to job hunting. He made a promise to Maura to pay the rent on time each month, and he never broke promises. Blue picked out a nice button-down shirt and crisp chinos. He didn't own a suit. There was time for breakfast since most businesses wouldn't be open yet.

Maura had given Blue an extra key to the apartment which he'd kept on a nail in the wall. The weather was perfect. Mornings in Virginia were pleasant, except for the colder months, but nothing compared to this. It was seventy degrees without a cloud in the sky. The sun shone in hues of pink and orange, enveloping everything in a warm glow. Blue strode down the sidewalk through the neighborhood towards the commercial area. Maura lived on a side street where the buildings were two or three story apartment complexes.

There was a small coffee shop near the corner of the block. It looked as good a place as any to get breakfast. Blue walked in and noticed it was empty. The menu had a strange, and narrow, assortment of items: half a grapefruit, decaf or black coffee, muffin of the day, and toast with jam. Blue was inclined to leave, but the place had a strange allure. For one thing it smelled like cinnamon and dark coffee; he could already feel the caffeine in his bloodstream. He didn't drink coffee much, but he knew the taste.

"Hi, can I get half a grapefruit, muffin, and black coffee?" Blue asked the cashier. The girl made little effort to look up, maybe she wasn't expecting a customer. After a few moments she punched a couple keys on the register.

"Six dollars. Please," she replied. Blue paid her and hovered a few feet from the counter in anticipation. He was hungrier than he thought.

The food was prepared and bagged in under three minutes. Blue took his bag and coffee to a nearby table. To his surprise, the coffee wasn't too hot to drink. This was the first time since coming to California Blue could relax. Of course, he couldn't relax. He had a lot on his mind and even more since he'd have to get a job. Despite his nervous thoughts he maintained an energetic demeanor.

Breakfast was better than Blue expected. The muffin was cinnamon raisin. He finished the remains of his coffee, then shucked the grapefruit husk, muffin wrapper, and cup into the trash. Other shops on the street were starting to open as the sunlight intensified. He'd have to buy sunglasses at some point. Cars filed out for the commute into the city; another day of the corporate grind. Maybe someday Blue would join them, but for now he'd have to settle with a less formal job. He contemplated going to the fitness center first since Maura had recommended it. However, he noticed a book store just ahead which looked like a good first try.

Unfortunately the bookstore manager was as smooth as a cactus. Blue felt uncomfortable and at a loss for words. The man made his best effort to look busy even without any customers around. There was no interview. Blue left the store feeling defeated. He knew he wouldn't be handed a job in the first store he walked into and did his best to regain his confidence. In the moment, his life felt difficult. There was no one he could turn to for help, not like he was able to back in Virginia. Things would get better if he kept at it.

Blue took a deep breath, fixed his hair, and headed towards the fitness center. The place was called "First Fitness" in metal red letters. It didn't look big enough to be called a center since it was only the size of two normal stores. But it was new, and there was a help wanted sign in the window. If any place looked promising, it was this one.

First Fitness was a lot bigger on the inside. There was a lower level which made up for the smaller plot of real estate. Blue walked in to the reception area which was just an open vestibule and glass desk. The receptionist on duty glanced up when he got closer to her.

"Welcome to First Fitness, how can I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, I wanted to speak with the manager about applying for a job here," Blue replied. The receptionist was much more inviting than the bookstore manager had been.

"Hang on a moment and I'll get her," the receptionist said and left.

The main floor was empty. Past the reception area were studios for cardio classes to be held which formed a hallway down to the other side of the building. At the end of the hall was a set of stairs leading down to another area. Blue guessed the free weights and locker rooms were below. It wasn't the best layout, but it made use of what space was available. One nice thing was everything was brand new and clean as a whistle. The floors were a cutting-edge bamboo material and most of the walls were mirrored or a shimmering steel. Light from the windows bounced throughout the space.

"Hi, I heard you were asking about job openings," the receptionist had returned with the manager.

"Hi, that's right. My name's Blue Rider," he said and offered his hand to shake.

"Nice meeting you, I'm Jessica Tromble," she shook his hand. "Follow me and we can continue in my office."

Blue followed her down the hall past the studios. They headed downstairs into what he'd correctly guessed was the free weight area. There were also a few treadmills, but no weight machines. Tromble's office was next to one of the locker rooms. It was small. Blue took a seat after Jessica had. He noted that there must have been a rather small portion of the budget dedicated to furnishing her office. But this meant the money was being spent on things which mattered more to the customers.

"So, Blue, what interests you in a position here," she asked.

"Well, to be frank, I moved in to California just yesterday. I live a block away from here. I'll have to pay the rent at some point like everyone else. But I thought, what better place for a new kid than a new place. Plus I played a lot of baseball in school so I know my way around a gym," he replied.

"It's good that you've got some experience. What did you study in school?"

"Excuse me?"

"In college, what did you complete a degree in?"

"I'm sorry, but I've only just completed high school. I'm eighteen."

"I thought you were applying for the position of a personal trainer, but I'm not sure you're qualified."

"Honestly I'm applying for any open position you think would best suit me. I know a lot about personal fitness, and I'm great at helping people."

"What experience do you have with computers?"

"I would say I'm proficient in most computer programs. I have a laptop and took a class in school."

"And would you say you're an organized person?"

"Yes, I keep a schedule for everything and keep files for my important records," Blue lied.

"Well, then I'd like to ask if you'd consider being the receptionist for First Fitness. You'd be responsible for taking class reservations, helping new and existing customers, and signing in guests. Do you think you could handle that?"

"I would gladly accept the offer, but what about your current secretary?"

"That's my sister," she chucked.

"In that case, sign me up," Blue said.

"I'll get some paperwork together, could you leave your number and I'll call when everything's set?"

"Sure thing," Blue wrote Maura's phone number down on a slip of paper. His next task would be getting a cellphone. "That's my Aunt's phone number, I still need to get a new cellphone here."

"I'd say that should be the next thing you do. I'm glad to have you here, you seem like a great kid." Blue shook her hand again and went upstairs to leave. He waved goodbye to the receptionist and realized he'd soon be in her position.

Blue was excited about his new job, even though he had yet to learn any of the details. Following Jessica's advice, he went to the Verizon store a few blocks down the road. On his walk over he wondered how close he was to the ocean. Blue signed up for a new phone contract and got a basic smartphone. He was able to use his existing bank account since it was with a national institution. Blue had modest savings from before moving, but nothing he could sustain himself on. All he had to do now was wait for Jessica to finish with the papers. Well, he had to wait for Maura to get off from work to let him know if Jessica had finished with the papers.

Maura got home around six and informed Blue of the message Jessica left. Dinner felt like torture since he couldn't stop thinking about getting back to First Fitness. This was his first step to starting a new life in California. Soon he could get a car and a place of his own. But he still had a ways to go until then. Once he finished dinner and cleaned the dishes, it was the least he could do, Blue headed down to First Fitness. Technically it was closed, but Jessica was still there so Blue could sign the contract and start work that week.

He knocked on the glass since the door was locked. Jessica unlocked the door a few minutes later. The two went downstairs to her office to go over the terms of Blue's employment. He'd work every day from seven until four, and Sundays from noon until six. Jessica would cover some of the hours he wouldn't be around for. The hours seemed like a lot at first, but he'd be paid eleven dollars an hour. Blue couldn't be happier with the wage. They discussed the policy about calling in sick or giving notice for a vacation days which had to be approved. He signed at the bottom of the page.

"I'd like you to come in tomorrow afternoon so we can go over the computer system. Our grand opening is in two days, Friday, so you should be ready by then," she said.

"I can come in at one tomorrow, if that works," Blue replied.

"I'll see you then."

The training for the computer system was easy enough. It was a pretty basic database system equipped with a barcode scanner for client IDs. Blue was also shown the program used to schedule clients for the classes offered. He spent most of the day with Jessica's sister, Skyler, while his boss interviewed applicants for the open instructor and trainer positions. Blue was so glad he had a job at such a great place, and the location made it convenient.

Blue woke up early Friday morning. Jessica asked him to wear a polo shirt and anything that wasn't shorts or jeans. He thought working at a gym meant he'd be able to wear athletic attire, but he was the receptionist so he had to look presentable. At least Jessica said so, and she was his boss now. He showered and dressed according to code. Maura was out the door five minutes before he was.

The same blasé girl took his order at the coffee shop. Today's muffin was blueberry swirl. The swirl was cinnamon. There was no hurry to eat fast, but Blue had to fight to contain his excitement. He was a little nervous too. It was almost like the first day of school. The grapefruit this morning was tarter than he had remembered from last time; the sun was just as bright.

A surprising number of people came to the grand opening. They toured the facility, and some of them signed up for membership. Fitness First took members on monthly contracts, and clients which signed up during the grand opening had their first month free. The location must have appealed to the locals sick of commuting into the city to find a gym. Anyone could jog or ride a bike in the area to keep in shape, but the facility offered classes and weights to increase anyone's fitness regimen. Blue managed to keep a clear head even when there was a line of people waiting to be entered into the system. He smiled and chatted with each person while keying in their information.

There was one moment when Blue was nervous. He had been so caught up in moving and the new job that he wasn't think about any personal desires. Part of his new life would eventually be someone to share it with, and Blue wanted sex just as much as the next guy. He knew gay men wouldn't be falling into his lap like leaves, but he figured he'd meet someone eventually. While processing an older woman with an enthusiasm for hot yoga, Blue noticed a guy towards the back of the line. His stomach fluttered.

This man was stunning, at least in Blue's opinion. The guy checked off almost every box for what Blue found attractive. He had dark hair and a rugged face with even darker stubble. Blue could tell he was involved in some sports league. The guy looked like he already knew his way around a gym. This was incentive to process all the other customers faster.

After six new clients he arrived at the heartthrob in the line. Blue readjusted himself in the seat and mustered up his willpower to keep from getting hard on the job. He squinted at the screen and tried to take little notice of the guy, like the girl at the coffee shop.

"I'd like to sign up," the guy said. His voice was like supple velvet with only a slight rasp. It was disgusting how attracted Blue was to him.

"Sure, let's start with getting your name," Blue said. He didn't feel as talkative anymore.

"Sean Reed," he replied.

"Alright Sean, can I get you birthday?"

"September sixteenth, nineteen eighty-eight."

"Thanks. Sex?"


Blue blushed right away. He didn't have to read every line on the screen. Now Sean would think he was a creepy idiot.

"Sorry, my mistake. You're obviously a male," Blue said. He couldn't make eye contact or he might melt.

"Right," Sean laughed. Blue printed out his ID card with his new client number. He took the form with billing information and called for the next person on line. Blue watched Sean leave out of the corner of his eye; his butt hugged perfectly by his shorts.

Blue had something else he'd never told anyone. Of all the boxes Sean checked for Blue's ideal physical attraction, there was one left empty. Blue realized soon after he accepted he was gay that he had a thing for bigger guys. It wasn't something everyone would be accepting of, but he was what he learned was called an encourager. There was a threshold to how big he'd want someone to get. But he found a well-muscled body, complimented by a well-fed belly, very arousing.

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