Blue Collar Sex

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Oct 7, 2009


If you are not of legal age to read stories that contain adult subject matter or you are offended by adult subject matter do not read any further. All rights to this story are retained by the author. Although this story is fiction certain events in the story are true. The story parallels young John's life from birth through adolescence into adulthood. All names, dates and places have been changed to protect the innocent. This story is protected under applicable copyright laws and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

Email: * redcock28 "at" gmail "dot" com* Subject line: Blue Collar Sex ** Blue Collar Sex

Chapter 4: The Movie in New Moon

We managed to get all of dad's vehicles back to his auto sales outlet without any problems. Friday, as I sat in my afternoon class playing with my pecker through the hole in my pocket I realized in less than twenty-four hours I would be eighteen. After school let out for the week I rode over to work before going to the Smiths to meet up with Jimmy for our Friday night movie date.

After I arrived we began engaging in light conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The Smiths had more or less adopted me over the years. Mrs. Smith congratulated me on my upcoming birthday on Saturday, telling me what a fine young man I'd become.

Jimmy's mother and my aunt had become like surrogate mothers to me since my mom snuck off in the night with her boyfriend. My dad and Mr. Smith were best friends. They were hunting and fishing buddies; furthermore, they belonged to some of the same veteran and community service organizations in town. Mr. Smith's company had built dad's new office and the service department a few years back. In fact, he did all the family construction projects. Dad in turn served as Mr. Smith's buyer for all his vehicle purchases, personal and business.

In fact, dad had sold Jimmy the 59 Ford Skyliner on his eighteenth birthday, the one we were taking to the movie. Finally, Jimmy and I departed to get some dinner. He was treating my very nice. Until a couple weeks ago, Jimmy Smith and I were more or less on a, hi, how you doing basis. He was the oldest just the oldest of the Smith boys. I'd had a crush on him from a far for a couple years, but his younger brothers were more my age.

Tonight Jimmy was treating me like a peer instead of a tag along. Once we arrived at the restaurant Jimmy surprised me saying that dinner and the movie was on him; it was my birthday dinner, for me to order whatever I wanted. After dinner we headed out for New Moon to the drive-in theater. Before we left Jimmy put the retractable hardtop down, hiding it in the trunk. Once we arrived there was a note on the marquee stating that this was the last weekend for The Longest Day, further indicating up coming attractions for the next few weeks. Jimmy paid for admission and we drove into the outdoor drive-in.

Once inside we noticed that the crowd was sparse for a Friday night. We would find out later that home coming events took precedent on that Friday night in New Moon. We found a spot that was kind of secluded. Jimmy took the speaker from the stand placing it on the driver's door. While waiting for the movie to begin we sat listening to the music and talking about different things on that sultry spring evening. Jimmy said, "I got some cold beer in the cooler behind the seat."

"Cool," I replied.

Jimmy reached into the cooler behind the passenger seat producing two longneck Falls City beers. Handing me one he said, "Happy Birthday Johnny."

We sat quietly drinking the beer as the sun set behind us. Finally, in the twilight the screen came to life with advertisements, advertising the snack bar and upcoming events. Jimmy suggested we go get some popcorn to go with the beer. We both slipped out of the passenger side of Jimmy's red and white 1959 Ford, walking to the snack bar.

Once inside the snack bar I suggested that I needed to visit the restroom before the main event started. Jimmy followed me into the bathroom. I took a position at the piss trough, pulling the front of my shorts down releasing my genitals. Jimmy followed unbuttoning the fly on his Levis hanging his stuff out. Naturally, as I was peeing, my eye's shifted to Jimmy's exposed genitals. Wow, I thought to myself what a beautiful looking piece of meat. My pecker was becoming somewhat excited by the sight as I gazed upon Jimmy's semi soft dick. At that point I didn't really care whether Jimmy saw me looking or not.

We finished peeing, put our stuff away and returned to the snack bar where Jimmy bought a medium tub of popcorn. As we walked back to the car the previews of coming attractions were still playing on the big screen. When we got to the car Jimmy suggested we get in and sit in the backseat for better viewing. I don't know whether that was planned or happenstance but we were sitting rather close to each other. I looked around the drive-in lot and there couldn't have been more than a dozen cars in the whole place that night. We were parked off towards the fence where no one could see us unless they were to purposely walk upon us.

The feature started and Jimmy pulled two more cold Falls City beers from the cooler that he'd moved to the just behind the driver's seat. With the cooler moved our legs were touching as we sat there watching the film begin. I could feel the sexual tension in the air. We drank our beers and ate popcorn. About an hour into the three hours film I felt Jimmy's hand cover mine.

His fingers were rubbing my fingers. In doing so my dick was getting hard, looking to escape the confines of my shorts. Even in the light of the night I could see the head sneaking out of the left leg of my shorts. I think the fact that Jimmy and I were sitting so close, our legs rubbing each other and him teasing my left hand was causing the sexual tension.

I could see Jimmy peering over looking at my crotch. Suddenly, I felt his left hand move from my hand that was on my left thigh into my crotch. He whispered to me, "If my hand bothers you where it's at I'll move it."

"No, you're cool," I replied in an almost hoarse whisper.

I was hoping for more. After a few minutes of letting his hand rest in my crotch I felt his finger tips gently role over the crown of my cock and it jumped with joy. I didn't say a word. I wanted Jimmy to continue and continue he did. Delicately, Jimmy finger tips and thumb traced over the crown and around the ring at the base of my glans. Oh my, his touch felt so fucking good. His magical fingers continued stroking in a most sensual manner. After moments of silence he simply said, "You know I bet I can make you come just by touching you like this. In fact I thing you're already leaking."

"Yes I am and I'll bet you can," I replied as I sat there admiring his fingers that were touching my fully exposed cockhead. By this time I could feel the perspiration under my arms and on my forehead. With each tactful touch I sensed electrical tingling sensations throughout my body, "How did you know?"

"Know what," Jimmy replied.

"That I wanted you to do what you're doing."

"I saw the way you were admiring my dick in the restroom and I've talked to Darrin and Donny about what you all have done in the past."

"Why didn't you try sooner?"

"Don't know. Guess I didn't have the courage because you were underage, and the fact that you were messin around with my brothers."

I reach beneath Jimmy's arm into this crotch to see if he was hard. He was. Over the years I'd dreamed that Jimmy had this humongous dick, but from what I could feel through the denim fabric of his Levis he seemed to be about the same size as me. For me size was not a consideration when it came to sex with boys. I could have sex with a guy that was only three inches erect or nine inches, but I preferred guys from about five to seven inches.

Size was never an issue, but there were other things that pissed me off. I hated it when a boy squirted as soon as his pecker cleared his fly. I'd learned that the Smith boys were not premature ejaculators, so I hoped that Jimmy wasn't. I could feel Jimmy rubbing the precum over the crown. Jimmy stopped rubbing my pecker, reaching over he unbuttoned his fly giving me better access to his manhood.

My hand slithered into Jimmy boxers where I began fondling his nuts and hard dick. Jimmy returned to manipulating me saying, "I've got another surprise for you if you don't have a curfew tonight."

"Nope. Remember I turn eighteen in a couple hours. Actually five hours and thirty-nine minutes," I said with a laugh, "What is the surprise?"

"I'd like for you to spend the night with me," Jimmy said.


You know the little cabin at my dad's construction yard just off the highway on Troll Road?"


"I've been stayin there the past few months. I got it fixed up pretty good. It's not very big, but it has a nice bed, bathroom and fridge stocked with beer."

"Sounds cool," I replied.

We continued playing with each other when Jimmy asked, "Are you interested in the movie?"

"Not anymore," I replied with a chuckle, "I'm more interested in you."

"Let's get out of here and get to the cabin."

About the time Jimmy finished saying that the intermission sign came on the screen. I got up from the backseat opening the door while Jimmy buttoned the fly on his Levis. He told me to slide in and drive. I slid over taking the speaker off the window and starting the car. Jimmy closed the passenger door and we eased out of the drive-in with the lights out. We were off to the cabin for some erotic pleasures of the flesh.

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