Blue Collar Sex

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Oct 6, 2009


If you are not of legal age to read stories that contain adult subject matter or you are offended by adult subject matter do not read any further. All rights to this story are retained by the author. Although this story is fiction certain events in the story are true. The story parallels young John's life from birth through adolescence into adulthood. All names, dates and places have been changed to protect the innocent. This story is protected under applicable copyright laws and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

Email: * redcock28 "at" gmail "dot" com* Subject line: Blue Collar Sex. My e-mail address has changed as I can no longer acess the yahoo account.


Blue Collar Sex

Chapter 3: Picking Up The Cars

The next afternoon when I arrived for work dad called me into his office. The first question he hit me with was, "So, you planning on going into the Navy?"

"Not yet," I responded squirming in my seat across the desk from dad, "How'd you know about the Navy?"

That was a dumb question. In our town the village idiots don't put much over on the village elders, of which my dad is one of the elders. He was an influential leader in our town. He was a member of almost all the local business and social organizations as well as the church and veteran's groups.

"Chief Petty Officer Dawson called me this morning. You're still seventeen, so the Chief wanted to know if we'd discussed the matter."

"All I did was visit the recruiters yesterday before I came to work."

"And you took an entrance aptitude test to see if you qualified for certain programs in the Navy," Dad replied.


"Congratulations son, the Chief says you qualify for anything the Navy has to offer, even officer training," Dad said with a smile, "but before you join the Navy you owe me and the Navy a high school diploma. End of conversation."

"I plan on graduating, dad."

"Oh before you head out to work, I've taken the liberty to setup a special birthday dinner at Bingos Steakhouse for Saturday evening. If you want to invite a couple of friends feel free. I know your girlfriend won't be able to make it, but go ahead and invite a couple friends. Just let me know the number so I can firm up reservations."

"Thanks dad. Who all have you invited that I might know?"

"Your grandmother is coming in for the weekend. The Smiths will be there as well as your aunt, uncle and cousins."

"Thanks dad."

"Now, get out of here and pick up the last three cars and motorcycle at the auction yard today," Dad said as I got up to leave his office.

"You didn't say anything about buying a bike at the auction," I turned replying to him, "Can I ride it back?"

"That's what I'd planned on son."

"What model?" I questioned.

"1962 BSA A10 Rocket Gold Star with 1,100 miles on it," Dad said smiling, "The bike was an estate sale."

"Is the bike wrecked?" I ask, "Did the owner die riding it or something?"

"No. He had a heart attack in his sleep, so the widow consigned it for sale. Take good care of it. I have a feeling about that bike. I'm not going to sell it right away. I'm going to keep it for a while. I think it will be a real keeper and worth some real money one of these days."

Wow, I thought to myself. Dad was always looking for special vehicles to add to his collection. Sometimes he would buy one thousands of miles away and have it shipped in by transporter or go pick it up personally. He would rotate different vehicles from his collection in and out of the big showroom from time to time. Those collectables proved to be a big drawing card. As I look back dad was somewhat of visionary when it came to vehicles. He had about a half dozen really early cars from the 20s and 30s as well as a couple of pre war 40s cars in his collection, including one of the last 1941 Fords produced before the war started. I felt honored that dad would let me ride the BSA back from the auction.

Dad's pride and joy motorcycle was his 1958 Ariel Square Four MK II; it was one of the last Ariel's produced before they ceased production in 1959. He had a couple more bikes, but the Ariel was his favorite and he wouldn't let me or anyone else ride it. I respected that. Now, he'd bought the Rocket GS and I was going to get to ride it back.

I had managed to rat hole a couple of old cars and two motorcycles that needed work from my dad's operation. I think he knew as I'd hidden them at my uncle's farm. Everyone around the business had a full schedule that day, so I pickup the phone to call the Smith boys, maybe they wanted to earn a couple of bucks. Jimmy answered the phone when I called, "Hey, what's going on?"

"I need a couple of drivers to go to the auto auction in Hanover with me this afternoon. Actually I need three."

"Count me in. I'll go," Jimmy replied, "let me ask Darrin."

Jimmy put the phone down and when he came back said, "You got two drivers. See you at your dad's place in about twenty minutes."

I hung up the phone and called another friend from school. He agreed to drive. I walked back to dad's office to tell him I had enough drivers to pick up the last of the vehicles from the auction and ask, "How are we getting up to the auction yard?"

"I'll drive you boys up. Here," Dad said handing me a fifty dollar bill, "Give the boys ten dollars each and then stop for a good dinner on the way back. Oh, make sure you've got enough dealer plates and tell Teddy to put dealer plates on that black Lincoln Continental he just finished detailing and then fill the tank with Ethel."

"Okay," I replied.

I went outside where I told Teddy to gas up the black Lincoln and get it ready to roll while I waited for the guys to show up. Pretty soon Jimmy and Darrin arrived. We began talking about first one thing and then the other. Finally, the conversation got around to films making the theater circuits.

Jimmy said, "My dad and mom went to see The Longest Day last Friday night at the Drive-in over in New Moon."

"Yeah, I overheard my dad talking to his girlfriend about how she liked the flick earlier this week. I guess it is supposed to be a really great movie, but long."

"I think this weekend is the last showing of the movie," Jimmy said, "Maybe we all ought to go Friday night, my treat, seein it's your birthday Johnny."

"Not me, I got a date," Darrin said.

"Sure, sounds like a cool idea," I replied.

My friend Robert from school finally arrived. We all got into the black car. Jimmy called shotgun taking the passenger front seat. The rest of us piled in the back as dad slid into the driver's seat. Dad selected the radio station that we boys listened to playing rock and roll music. As we headed out the highway it wasn't long before everyone was nodding off to sleep as dad drove. I was dozing on and off, dreaming about Jimmy.

Next: Chapter 4

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