Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Nov 15, 2001


Teenaged boys, homosexual activity, not meant to offend. True story but spiced up with lots of excess descriptions. Hey, just giving the people what they want! This is going to be a long one....

Previously, in the Blown Away series, I had been a reluctant recipient of male sexual attention, after which I was inspired to seek new experiences in my heterosexual cockmanship, only to be rebuffed. I returned to a sure thing, my neighbor, schoolmate and new jock friend, Dan. The blowjobs continued.

Dan grew in size and stature in the final couple of years in high school. He worked out daily and had turned an already muscular body into a living sculpture. He stood about 6 feet 4 inches tall, and weighed I'd guess 200 plus, all muscle. It wasn't that body builder stuff, it was lean, functional, athletic muscle. Every square inch of him was impressive. In his senior year he had his hair dyed blonde, which just added to the total picture. He turned heads whenever he walked into a room. It was funny, when a girl would make some comment about how handsome he was, I'd think "Yeah, but he's doin' me." On the odd occasion some guy would slip out of the closet and blurt out something about what a body Dan had, I'd get all bitchy and think things like, "Hands off, asshole, you're not his type!" or something totally homo like that.

For my part I remained impressed with his accomplishments on the field and off, and I liked to believe that I was supplying him the secret elixir that fuelled his physical achievements. It was like my semen was the magic potion, and he just kept coming back for more. It was a good deal for me. Blowing me might have helped Dan build muscle and win games, but it didn't do anything for his mild case of acne, making a lie out of that old myth.

We got together often. Most of the time we'd strip down and feel each other up, I liked exploring his body, I liked looking at him, it inspired me to get in shape after seeing him naked. It didn't matter, I couldn't get to a gym, but when I'd help my dad or do my chores, I'd concentrate on certain muscle groups. Dan gave me good advice on which ones to work on. After a few minutes or hours of "foreplay" Dan would suck me off whenever he was ready. That seemed to be his one rule. Even though we both knew that eventually this would end up in a blowjob for me, we both had to be nude and there was always a bit of mutual masturbation to get it rolling. I don't think Dan liked to feel like a whore, even though most of the time I'd get my rocks off and go home leaving him unsatisfied sexually. It seemed I was in the driver's seat, but I never hurried him or made demands, we moved at Dan's pace. To this day I don't know what motivated him, but I showed respect and I appreciated that each time we were together might be our last, it was up to him.

Dan didn't like it rushed, he wanted it to last, so he'd always tell me to warn him if I was close, then he'd back it down until I subsided. Then he'd take me back into his mouth while he tugged on my scrotum, squeezed my ass and explored as much of me as he could reach with those massive hands. He seemed to enjoy my whole body, he loved sucking my cock. He'd keep me on the edge of orgasm, giving me earth shattering fellatio until his jaw would ache so bad that he reluctantly would work me up to the grand finale. Each time was incredible sex, every time I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. He was so good, and he knew exactly what to do to slow it down, where to touch me to set me off. In my heightened state of building orgasm I was most sensitive on my abdomen, at the base of my cock, just around my pubic bush, Dan learned not to touch me there unless he was prepared for a volcano to go off in his mouth. It took me blowing a wad in his face by accident once when he tried to slow my thrusting face fucking down for him to learn it, though. Fuck, I felt bad but he just laughed with all my cum in his hair, eyes, dripping from the end of his nose. I jerked him off after that and I think I gave him the best handjob he'd ever had.

We were like strangers in public. Except for occasionally being in the same class, we never had contact at school. We never spoke to each other or even made eye contact in the hall. We lived only a block away from each other on the same street but even our six o'clock in the morning jogs were taken separately, like anyone was going to see us anyway. There was no social interaction outside of school, I dated lots of different girls, I don't think Dan had time. We had no interest in each other in real life, but every chance we got we'd end up naked in bed together.

Our elderly neighbors on the street were the only ones who ever saw us together, going in and out of his house, or mine. Even that was rare, we did "it" in so many ways, in so many places.

At the risk of sounding like Dr. Seuss, we did it in his house, in his parent's motor home, in his car, in my room, in a sailboat, in the boys' changeroom in gym B, in the woodlot that backed on to our neighborhood, by the river, under a waterfall..... It was a wonderful couple of years, full of risk and reward. Everytime I'd get serious about a girl, Dan would invite me over for a blowjob and I'd forget about her and end up dumping her. Sometimes if I really liked a girl I would avoid Dan as long as I could, always he'd catch up with me, sometimes when I least expected it, that's how we did it in so many different places. An hour and a half with Dan and I'd forget all about having a girlfriend for another couple of months.

A few times we nearly got caught. One time we were up in Dan's room, the whole family was downstairs, and we were supposed to be studying. Shakespeare, always Shakespeare. Anyway, I was lying sideways across the top bunk, shirt up, shorts down around my ankles, looking down at the top of Dan's head as it bobbed up and down on my cock. Dan was standing beside the bed with only his basketball jersey on, giving me magnificent head. At the moment of truth I got a charleyhorse. My calf cramped up just as I started to cum, the feeling of agony in my leg combined with the ecstasy as the semen rushed out of my cock into Dan's warm mouth was incredible, and I straightened up my leg to ease the agony. It was my fault, I felt it about to happen, and I had tried to get through the orgasm before the cramp hit. No such luck. Anyway, I kicked my right leg out and knocked over the lamp on the desk beside the bed, it crashed to the floor. I heard his dad say "What was that?!?", and then we heard his parents start to run upstairs. Trouble was, I hadn't stopped shooting yet, Dan was gulping down my cum and trying to put on his shorts, I was pushing his head away and ended up spraying all over my stomach and his face, all the while the footsteps were getting closer. Somehow, by some miracle we got our clothes on and I reached over and wiped the cum of Dan's face just as his parents burst in the room. I crouched down and started to clean up the broken glass, actually I was trying to hide my crotch as my cock continued to spasm and shoot semen into my shorts, Dan had grabbed a pillow to hide his enormous hardon. A suprisingly quick thinker, Dan told his Dad we were fooling around and he had taken a swing at me with the pillow and knocked the lamp over. I guess it pays to share a room with a little brother, he knew how to act innocently and have an alibi ready on short notice. Dan's Dad told me to stop cleaning up the broken glass and he went downstairs to get a broom and dustpan, his mom left the room and that bought us the minute we needed to clean up all signs of sexual activity. Close call!

Winter camping with the senior boy's phys-ed class we were paired up in the cabin. This meant we shared a bed and zipped our sleeping bags together for warmth, and our partner at night was our partner for all activities in during the day. It was an exercise in trust and teamwork in unforgiving circumstances of nature. No one chose their partner, no one was partnered with anyone they had anything in common with going into the trip. Our teacher paired the most uncommon people together for the week. Before we got up north we learned that it is actually warmer to sleep naked, so some of the boys made a big show of getting naked and going to bed together, actually we all kept our underwear on, the wimps and sissies bundled up. There was lots of good natured teasing, "Get your hands off me Dozer!" (the dumbest guy), "Oh, you're huge, Bobby!" (the shortest guy), "Goodnight John-Boy!" Finally Mr. Barrie told us to shut up and get to sleep, and we all took a watch getting up and watching the fire for an hour, making sure it didn't go out, with each watch responsible for finding and waking up the next guy.

So Dan and I were paired up, two supposed strangers. There we were in bed together. Absolutely nothing happened, we didn't dare even get started or we might have been tempted to finish. The first night someone fell asleep watching the fire and we woke up the next morning to a very cold cabin. Dan had his arms wrapped around me as he tried to keep warm. He snuggled up to me in his sleep. I was the first one awake and I could see we weren't the only ones in this situation. I had never slept with anyone before and I was reluctant to move, but I forced myself out of bed. I would have to track back and find out who missed his watch and have a private word with him. It did no good for the other guys to know this happened. I jumped into a track suit, threw on my boots and went outside for a piss, then came back in and got the woodstove fired up.

I sat by the fire, stoking it up as the rest of the guys woke up. Most of them were lying in bed trying to get the courage to get up into the still cold room, I looked over and saw Dan pull back the covers and stand up. Everyone saw him, our bed was at the end of the cabin so when he stood up he was facing the whole room. There was an audible gasp as he stood there in all his glory, his "morning thickness" visible to the whole room. I saw Mr. Barrie's eyes widen then he tried to act like he didn't notice. Everyone stared at Dan's huge hardon, he looked like a Calvin Klein ad in his white briefs, except the tip of his cock was peeking out over the waistband like it always does when he's hard. There was dead silence, then everyone looked over at me. I'd just slept with the guy, I didn't like the way it looked. I was looking at the fire and I acted like I had no idea that Dan was standing behind me.

"Mr. Barrie, my ass hurts this morning for some reason," I deadpanned. Silence. I swung around and looked at Dan. "Never mind." I said. Silence. I looked back at the room and jerked my thumb over in the direction of our bed. "Does anyone want to switch with me this evening?" Silence.

And then one lonely faggy voice. "I will!" It was Huge. Everyone just started roaring with laughter. Huge, his real name was Eugene, was known to have the biggest cock in our class, perhaps of all time. He was on the football team with Dan, and we all could only imagine how big his hardon was if Dan's was this big. None of us had ever seen it. The stories some girls told were legendary, in fact Huge couldn't get a girl to do anything with him anymore because he was just too big. Porno big. I swear everyone in the cabin was laughing so hard it startled the deer the next lake over. Tragedy averted, everyone's attention was diverted from thinking about "arts boy" getting it up the ass from "well hung jock dude" to "porno donkey schlong" fucking Dan. You had to be there. The best defence is a good offence, I learned that from Dan. Thanks Huge!

That day we set off in pairs with lunch, a compass, survival gear and a map.

Dan and I snowshoed off down the lake about 8 miles, and stopped for lunch at a small island. We built a fire, ate lunch, made some hot chocolate, and then I guess being alone outside on this cold sunny day had made us horny. It wasn't long before we took care of the sexual tension we couldn't take care of the night before, I jerked him off as he stood there, he jerked me off as I sat by the fire. Quick and intense, particularly with cold hands on a hot cock. We put the fire out and set back to home base.

Oh yeah, we cleaned our cocks off with snow. Try it sometime. Unbelievable!

The next day the whole group set off together and wouldn't you know they followed our path up the lake, right up to the site we had stopped for lunch. I fucking died a thousand deaths as they all laughed at the spot where Dan's name was written in piss in the snowbank. Someone took a picture of it. I prayed no one would recognize the handwriting. I also couldn't believe no one noticed the shot spots melting the snow all around his name, it was so obvioius to me. There is even a picture in the school yearbook of that name in the snow, I die everytime I look at it. Dan was having a big chuckle as one of the jock dudes sat on the log where I had sat and kicked around chunks of my frozen cum, he didn't even notice it melting from the heat of a new fire, sticking to his boots, making strings of sticky cum as he tracked it around the site. Again, I was dying but Dan just couldn't get enough of this. Another close call.

And then one time I got caught with my hands down Dan's pants. Literally. I had scored the part as the lead in the school production. My character was a smartmouth class clown who has trouble keeping friends, the Theater Arts teacher decided the bully jock characters should be played by actual jocks. So Dan had a small part in the play. It went so over so well when we presented it at our school that our teacher entered us in a regional drama contest, so we spent a weekend in another town watching plays, presenting our play, and being judged. We came in second place.

The afternoon we presented Dan went missing and I came across him in one of the classrooms trying to get his jeans off and into his shorts and t-shirt for the play. His zipper was stuck and I offered to help. He laid on his back on a desk and I stood over top of him with one hand working the fly from the outside, one hand inside his jeans trying to slide it down. I was careful not to touch his penis because there was already very little room left in those pants, to add a hardon to it would have made it impossible. A couple of the other jocks had come looking for the two of us and came into the room while I was bent over top of Dan with one hand down his pants. They started to laugh and act like idiots until Dan told them to fuck off and get over and help. So the one time I actually get caught with my hand on his crotch and it ended up being no big deal.

On a nice ending to that story, the play was a very emotional one, and I put my soul into it at every performance. It has a very sad ending and I am a little surprised that it gets performed at the high school level. At the cast party I got a little drunk and a lot emotional, I went in to the backyard at this girl's house and started to cry, the play really was too close to home for me and no one knew it. Except Dan. He came out there and hugged me and he didn't care who saw him do it.

I realized at that moment I was wrong about Dan. I was guilty of assuming that jock equals straight, as guilty as those guys at school were of assuming that I preferred guys as well as the theater. Most of all I was guilty of letting him blow me simply for the pleasure of getting even with all those assholes over the years. I think both Dan and I learned a lot about life together, but that didn't stop us from getting naked together in our remaining time in high school.

We went back to avoiding each other in public after the play, after the cast party. But the blowjobs continued, and I learned that lips aren't necessarily lips, particularly if they're Dan's, and an orgasm may be an orgasm but man, could Dan give good orgasm!

There were so many more good times....

Next: Chapter 5: Summer Without Dan

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