Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Nov 7, 2001


My previous story told how I had my first sexual experience with a girl and then with a guy on the same night, about an hour apart. This is a true story about how it didn't end that night, but kept going for a few years during high school. True story. So here is more of it:

I had been interrupted while feeling up Beth, and then on my way home from Beth's I was given a blowjob by a jock named Dan who lived up the street from me. I was feeling very studly and decided I had to finish the job with Beth. Dan had told me she had done everyone, so I was determined to add my virginity to her list. So I bought some condoms, as Dan suggested, and made a date to see her on Friday night. We went to a movie and sat in the back.

We made out all night, and she stroked me through my pants, while I felt her breasts through her blouse. I had my mom's car, so afterwards we drove down to the river so I could get me some action.

Nothing. A lot of kissing and feeeling, hands in the pants stuff, but nothing really. I had already experienced a blowjob, and now I wanted my first fuck. No such luck, about 3 dates and a shitload of cash later, I realized that this was all I was getting, a lot of teasing. Every date we went to a movie, and then the local DQ, then to the river to park, and every night I paid for everything. All we did was kiss. Where was the cockaholic Dan had told me about? Every night I went home horny. Since I had discovered the wonder of cumming into someone's mouth, I had made a pact never to jerk off again. My plan was that I would only cum at the hands (lips or other body part) of someone else. I was careful not to specify which sex, it didn't matter since I was obviously so attractive to both sexes, at least according to my inflated ego. "Lips are lips, an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm" became my motto.

About two weeks passed with my new "never masturbate alone" rule, which I only broke about 5 times, each time after Beth had left me hanging. I started thinking more and more about Dan, and soon started wondering about how I could get another blowjob out of him.

I made the first move. I deliberately stayed at school in the music room when I knew he'd be out on the track with the team. When practice ended and Dan started the walk home in his shorts and t-shirt, all sweaty, I caught up to him and walked beside him.

If anyone suspected that something had happened between us, they would never have known. We didn't talk, make eye contact, or even let on we knew each other around school for a couple of weeks. We had never really talked before, but lately we had gone out of our way to pretend the other one didn't exist. And now, I was walking home beside him for the first time since grade school.

A lot of small talk about homework, school, the band, sports, and then he finally asked me what I was doing in for the afternoon classes tomorrow.

"You wanna come to my place and fool around?" he asked. Not "goof around", which meant road hockey or blowing up old model airplanes, or working out. "Fool around", which meant something our parents wouldn't approve of, and the meaning was clear to me. It was the first of many double meaning conversations that could be held in public, but not held against one of us if overheard. We could take the next step safely without making a commitment, there was deniability. In later years we would publicly and boldly invite each other over to "just screw around" without fear of being overheard. Thus began the next few years of secret arrangements, clandestine affairs and close calls. I can honestly say that unless Dan has told anyone, and I haven't (until now, sorry Dan), no one knew, no one suspected. My best friends Seth and Eugene never suspected, and we told each other everything.

We arranged to skip classes, meet in the parking lot and go to his house. I rationalized that whatever classes we were missing weren't any big deal, truth is there could have been a final exam scheduled and I would have found a reason why it was no big deal, and going to Dan's house was more important.

The next day came and we went to his place, no one was home. Both Dan's parents worked, and his younger brother and sister were both still at school. We went up to Dan's room "to study", we had an alibi all ready in case anyone asked. Shakespeare. I was the class genius when it came to Shakespeare.

I had a look around his room, at his trophies, pictures, posters, and Dan went to his secret hiding place (top shelf of the closet, behind a box of old homework and notes) and brought out a couple of Penthouse magazines.

He climbed up onto the top bunk and invited me up to sit beside him. We leaned back against the wall, loosened our ties, and starting reading the magazines. We leafed through and showed each other the pictures and centerfold, laughed at comics, read the letters out loud. All the while our hardons grew, and we would occasionally adjust our crotches. Dan undid his belt and top button of his pants and unzipped his fly. I looked over and saw his huge cock peeking out of the top of the waistband of his briefs, leaking that sticky fluid into his navel. My own cock wasn't that long, but it was thick, it was a good size. I undid my pants. There was a wet spot on my underwear. Dan seemed interested. I wondered when or if he was going to make a move on me today.

After exchanging magazines, Dan put his aside and got down off the top bunk.

"I gotta get out of this uniform." he said. "I can't breathe."

He started stripping off his school uniform, undoing his tie, taking off his shirt, folding his trousers neatly, and then doing that buff striptease move with the undershirt over the head, soon he was standing there in his white socks and briefs. I got down off the bunk and stared at him, this was one muscular guy. Dan reached over and started to undo my shirt for me, and I took off my tie then unhitched my belt. I still had most of my clothes on, and Dan helped me get out of them, then waited and watched while I got naked. Finally we stood there in our underwear, facing each other, our erections starting straining to get out.

"Fuck this, my family will be home soon! Are we gonna do this?" said Dan, and he took off his underwear and sat on the lower bunk. I followed, did the same and sat beside him. My hardon danced in the air, and I stared at his. He wasted no time, and reached right over and grabbed me. I sat and watched his hand jerk me up and down, and he finally broke the silence and asked me if I planned on returning the favor. I did, and I grabbed his cock and started stroking. "Fuck, I get so horny looking at pictures of chicks, but you can never find one to do to you what they do to those guys in the letters..." he lied.

I knew that as long as we both kept up the pretense that we were each other's last resort, then this could go on forever. We could enjoy each other's bodies as long as neither of us let on we wanted it. For myself, it didn't occur to me that this was a substitution for straight sex, it was just sex. It seemed easier, safer and cheaper. No expensive dates, no wasting a whole night just to get to some action, no promises, no lies, and no one getting pregnant. Two guys exploring, taking care of each other's needs, that's all. No head games. Just as long as no one found out.

And so, for the longest time we laid beside each other, up on one elbow, arms around each other's waists, stroking, feeling, touching, squeezing. I was mesmerized by his bag, it was so big, and I enjoyed watching his balls lazily move when I pushed on them. The wrinkles and veins of his scrotum pulsated, it was like this thing had a life of its own. Always I went back to stroking him. His cock was long and kind of flat, and after I put my hand around it there was about an inch or more left over at the top. Sometimes I'd stroke it from the base up, sometimes from the head down. Each change would bring a gasp or a moan from Dan. Little quick strokes just under the head until I could see that if I didn't stop he'd go to the next level, then long lazy strokes from the scrotum up. Occasionally I'd grab some pubic hair and he'd yelp, I'd apologize and adjust my grip. Sticky strings of stuff seeped out of his cock, onto my fingers and onto his stomach. Mine was quite dry by comparison.

My cock wasn't as big as his, he didn't seem to mind. Dan seemed intrigued by the way he could make my cock dance by running his finger tips lightly along the underside, starting at the base and moving up to the head. As his fingers would brush the arrow shaped underside of the head, he would lighten his touch, pull his hand away, trailing his fingers lightly on me, and my cock would rise up to follow his touch, as if by magic. I heard him chuckle, and I watched him do as he did it to me. I tried everything to control that, but to no avail, my cock was jumping and bobbing at his command. I tried to make his do it, but I guess I didn't have the touch.

At first we talked to each other, "do you like this?" or "how does this feel?", but soon the room was silent as we explored.

After a time, Dan suddenly just sat up, then bent over at the waist and took my cock in his mouth. I put my hands behind my head, leaned against the wall and just enjoyed the view of his curly brown hair and muscular shoulders as he bobbed up and down on my cock. His hands explored my scrotum and my ass, my stomach, my thighs. I was in heaven for a time.

"I gotta get a glass of water, my mouth is dry." Dan got down off the bunk and went into the bathroom. I watched his rock hard ass, broad shoulders, small waist and tapered back as he walked out. This was the difference between keeping in shape and working out, this exceptional athlete. It's all in the muscles of the back, the shoulders and the glutes. He came back with a glass of water. He walked into the room, naked except for his white socks, his hardon boucing as he walked. It was comical. His long cock kind of flattened when it was hard, and curved up towards his stomach, it was a noticeable "u" shape. He was beautiful, athletic but not overly muscled, visible abs, good sized biceps with the vein visible just under the skin, a dark patch of pubic hair and moderately hairy legs. His chest was smooth, and he had a little hair under his arms. The man was a like Greek God, with really the most handsome and masculine face. Big brown eyes, beautiful smile.

"Come here for a sec." he commanded. Dan had a way of talking like that, in short commands. I got off the bed and stood in front of him as he took a drink and then put the glass of water on the sidestand. He looked at me, started to say something, but couldn't, just stared in my eyes, his hands on my shoulders, holding me at arm's length. Then he pulled me close in a big hug. Even then I wasn't sure he was totally gay, I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I was, yet here I was naked and in the clutches of another naked guy, and I was OK with it.

He released me, and started making his way down my body with his mouth. My neck, my armpit, my pecs, my stomach. All the while his hands were exploring my back and ass. I could see he wasn't passionate about it, just taking a respectable amount of time until he dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. Or maybe he wasn't experienced, maybe he wasn't ready to let it all out in front of me. For a guy who was so bold in going for what he wanted, he was quite shy about showing he enjoyed it.

With his hands on my hips, he gingerly put his mouth on the head of my cock, then started moving down slowly, and back, and in again a little further, then back, and finally getting about half way down the shaft. Awesome. I had leaned back and was gripping onto the mattress rail on the top bunk as he pulled me towards him, gripping my ass, taking me deep in his mouth. I could feel my feet almost leave the floor as he lifted me in those strong arms, his flexed biceps wrapped around my legs. This went on for some time, but suddenly it all changed.

Again, I started out feeling funny as I struggled to get enough air, I was panting and gasping and coming up short of breath. Then sweat started to form on my face and neck, and looking down at Dan I could see it glistening on my chest. I looked at my own fairly well muscled body in the strong arms of Dan; I swear I was turning myself on. An electric feeling was building from somewhere around my pubic region, from way inside my body. My thighs were sensitive to his touch, my ass was responding to the touch of Dan's hands. I started to buck my hips a bit. Dan got very turned on by this and started fellating me with passion. He cupped my balls, pulling down on my scrotum, sliding his fingers into the sensitive area between it and my ass, then hanging on to my ass again as I bucked and moaned in response. He didn't seem to care anymore, he was loving this and so was I.

I was well into phase 2, as I like to categorize the three stages of orgasm.

Fast approaching the point of no return, I tried to warn Dan. It came out like "nnnggghhh!", I couldn't speak or remember how to speak.

I started to piston my hips, pumping Dan's face as I put my hands on his shoulders. He moved his hands around to the front of my hips, controlling me so he wouldn't gag. He had my whole cock in his mouth, his nose was pressing into my pubic hair. I fucked his face gently as the orgasm started to build.

For a moment he took his mouth off me, leaning against my hip, his warm breath panting over my glistening cock, arms around my waist, leaning against me. He stroked my cock as he caught his breath and massaged his jaw.

"Hang on, give me a minute, hang on!" he panted. I just held on to the bed and moaned. He took a drink of water and said "OK. Go ahead, you can finish this now."

He put his mouth back on my hot, aching dick. Cold! It sent me back, and my scrotum started to ache from the pressure of unreleased cum. With his hands on my hips, he pulled me into his mouth, back and forth, until I worked back up again.

And then from my toes, the top of my head, the tips of my fingers, and every square inch of my body, it started to come. The universe stood still for about half a second, then I began to erupt as everything rushed through my cock, swelling the passage and soothing the itch from the inside, out past the slit of my cock and into Dan's mouth at rocket speed. I swear I understood the meaning of life at that moment, I might have even seen God. With each thrust of my hips another torrent of cum tossed into his mouth. The first three loads were at maximum intensity, and then slowly they waned until it finally stopped. Dan held on to my hips, swallowing and gulping. I slowed my thrusting down, and finally came to rest. My cock spasmed in his mouth as it started to soften up, and he rested as I pulled it out slowly.

I looked down my body past my stomach, at my patch of pubic hair and at my red, glistening, semi-hard cock. Dan was still on his knees, sitting on his heels, his head hanging down, his cock still rock hard. His mouth was open, he was trying to slow down his breathing as his shoulders heaved, he looked up at me.

I had to help him to his feet. He reached over to the glass of water, took a drink, swilled his mouth out a bit, and swallowed. He finished off the rest of the water, and fell into the bottom bunk, curled up facing me, hands between his knees in the fetal position. And looked over at the clock.

"Fuck, look at the time!" he yelled. "My mother was supposed to be home 10 minutes ago!" The magic was over.

He jumped out of bed, grabbed a pair of yellow nylon athletic shorts and threw them on over his naked ass. His huge hardon made a tent in the front and peeked out over the waistband. While I was scrambling to get my clothes on, he opened the door and went across the hall to the bathroom. I could hear him brushing his teeth.

When he came back in the room he told me I'd better go before his mom came home. I patted his crotch through his shorts. His cock jumped in my hand, and he gave me a little smile.

"I owe you, Dan. Thanks." My new best friend was going to see a lot of me in the next few years.

Next: Chapter 3: Teenage Years

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