Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Oct 31, 2001


This is a true story of one accidental night that led to a lot of great times in my teenaged years that not many people know about. It involves homosexual activity.

How a 16 year old guy like me ended up on Beth Paxton's couch in Beth Paxton's rec room with one hand down her pants, fingering her, actually INSIDE her, and the other hand inside her blouse, cupping her breast, was beyond me. How my jeans ended up open and unzipped, and her hand ended up reaching down the top of my briefs, holding my cock, was simple. Beth was sexually aggressive, and she had found her way into my pants pretty quickly, much to my surprise. I had never gotten this far with a girl before. I thought we were supposed to be studying, but here we were making out, and she had a hold of my hard-on, and that had never happened before, and my finger was getting very wet, and that was very new to this virgin, and she was moaning, and reaching up under my shirt, clawing at my chest...

Suddenly she sat up and threw me off of her and started doing up her blouse.

"My dad is coming! Get dressed!" she whispered, and I thanked God she heard him because I still didn't, and I struggled to tuck my erection into my jeans and get them done up before he came into the room. I had just sat down beside her when he came in, looked over at us and introduced himself, hand outstretched. I got up, bent over to hide my hardon, and shook his hand, thankful that it was my left hand that was still wet with the evidence of his daughter's crotch, and not my right. I could see in his eyes we hadn't fooled him, and heard it in his voice when he asked me if he could give me a lift home. That meant I was leaving right away, and I thanked him told him no, I could walk. There was no way I was going to sit in a car with the father of the girl I had just been feeling up, and I would consider myself lucky to get out alive. "Let me walk him to the corner, Daddy!" Beth asked. Even she knew she was in big shit, she called him "Daddy". I have two sisters, I know what it means when "Dad" becomes "Daddy". It means "I'm in big shit!"

And so she walked me to the corner, and I felt like such a macho man for having a girl actually reach into my pants, and let me in to hers. I still had a full hardon as we walked down the street together. When we got to the corner at the stop light, we locked lips for some serious goodbyes, and I didn't care who drove by and saw us, in fact I hoped that one of my friends would. We were just grinding our hips together, kissing, and making out in public under a streetlamp.

After a time, we said goodbye and I started the long trek home. I didn't get more than half a block when a car pulled up beside me, and I recognized Dan, a guy who lived up the street from me. He leaned over and rolled down the passenger side window and looked up at me. "Wanna ride?" he offered. I opened the door and climbed in.

"So you're going out with Beth?" he asked. "I drove around the block three times after I saw you two making out. Once I sat at the red light for five minutes and you didn't even notice me!" I was astounded, this guy had never said more than 2 words to me after we got into high school and he joined the football team, and now he was driving around hoping to get my attention. I puffed up, impressed with myself that this athletic good looking guy was probably going to tell his jock buddies about Beth and I, then it would get around the school and I'd get a new reputation to match my new swagger after my new experience.

"She must have started something she couldn't finish, cause you had a hardon the size of France when you got into the car!" I blushed and didn't know what to say, I guessed that maybe when you're a jock stud it's OK to notice other guys' crotches. It certainly isn't OK when you're in the band or the drama club, like me. "There's only one way to make that go away," he continued "cause it'll never die by itself!" Aah, the voice of experience and he's talking to me like I'm experienced, too. I tried to think of something really macho to say, but he kept talking.

"I bet you're still sporting one now!" and with that, he leaned forward and reached over with his right hand, right into my crotch. He grabbed my hardon through my jeans and laughed. He gave it a squeeze. "Not bad for a little guy...." he said, and put his hand back on the wheel. "Asshole", I thought. "Let that get back to his jock friends, that the little guy has a big cock..." I had seen him in the shower after gym class, he was pretty impressive himself.

He turned up a county road out of our city, and the streetlights ended. We drove in the dark and he talked. I didn't want to interrupt, but it was the opposite way from our neighbourhood, away from town. "Looks like we're going for a drive" I thought.

"Listen, the thing with Beth is that she's been with every guy on the football team and half the senior boys' basketball team, too. Looks like she's starting in on the Arts guys, now. Anyway, just wear a rubber, you don't want to catch what some of these dogs probably gave her. They don't all wear condoms. She's been around."

"We haven't gone that far, I just went over to her house to study, and she started kissing me, grabbing me..." I opened up to him. "I was giving her the finger, but her dad came home..."

Dan reached over and grabbed my left hand, and held it up to his nose, breathing deeply. "Oh yeah, that smells like Beth!" and he sniffed my fingers. Then he took my hand and put it down on his crotch, and held it there. I felt a rather large cock in his jeans, rock hard like mine. "She's making me horny and she's not even here, feel this!" he said. I tried to pull my hand away, but he held it in place. "It's OK", he said, and told me to give his cock a squeeze. I did, because he had just squeezed mine, so I figured if this jock is grabbing mine, then I guess it doesn't mean anything if I grab his back. We turned left on to a dirt road that cut through a farmer's field, and he held my hand in place on his crotch. When he had to take his hand off mine to down shift gears, his voice took on a whole different, scarier tone. "Leave it there!" he said when I started to take my hand of his crotch. I did as I was told. "Keep going", he said when I stopped rubbing him. I did.

Way down the road, he slowed down and stopped. He turned the lights off, and turned off the car. My hand was still on his crotch. "Here", he said, "let me make it easier for you." Easier for me? Like this was something I wanted? Like this was my idea? He arched his hips up so his butt was off the seat, undid his belt, button and zipper, and pulled his jeans down. He pulled his briefs down to, freeing his rather huge hard on. He took my hand and put it onto his naked cock. It was solid, like a piece of iron. "That's better." Dan reached over and reclined his seat, then with his other hand unbuckled my seatbelt. "Might as well get comfortable." My hand just rested around his hardon. "You've done this before, haven't you?" he asked. "No," I said. "You've done it to yourself, now just do that to me!" he commanded, and I started to stroke his shaft up and down. "Christ, you'd never make it on the football team if you're so scared of another guy's cock. Guys gotta take care of each other!" he said. "Fucking whores, tease us and get us all horny, and we gotta resort to this! Makes me feel like such a fag!" Even I knew a cover up when I heard it; he wanted this. It was a little scary being forced to jack off this guy who couldn't admit who he was and looked like he planned to take that out on me. I hoped he would get tired of it soon, maybe drop me off or kick me out and go looking for one of his jock buddies to do this with. He was getting kind of mean.

In the moonlight I could see his long shaft and thick bush of pubic hair. I stared at my hand on his cock as I stroked him up and down, it extended beyond my fist and lay up his stomach, I had to guess he had about eight inches. He kept offering encouragement like "There you go" and "that's it, like that" and "good", like I had volunteered for this assignment or something. Meanwhile, I was in another place, in complete disbelief that at the beginning of the night I had had my fingers up a girl's cunt for the first time in my life, and now I was finishing up the night jerking off Mr. Jock here, and all I had set out to do was study some Shakespeare with a girl who said she needed help. I didn't ask for any of this to happen.

Dan sat up for a second and I thought it was all over so I stopped stroking.

He took his T-shirt off and revealed a very muscular chest, arms and shoulders in the moonlight. "OK, you can keep going", he said, as he arranged the T-shirt on his stomach and leaned back against the reclined seat back, completely naked except for his jeans down around his knees. Quite a sight. "I'm gonna come soon, but don't stop till I tell you to." I just kept stroking him, unable to comprehend how he could talk like this was my idea or something, as if this was normal. A few moments later, he started to pant and moan, thrashing his head around and writhing in my hand.

I stopped staring at my hand on his cock, and snuck a look up at his face, hoping not to make eye contact. His eyes were closed, he looked like he was in pain, the cords stuck out on his neck, his jaw was clenched, and he was turning his head from side to side. His hands were gripping his own thighs, the veins sticking out on his biceps. I realized I had him in my complete control, and I got very turned on by the thought of it. My hardon was back with a vengeance, I never thought I could do this, have this effect on another human being.

I slowed the pace down and started to do little things to prolong his agony/ecstasy. I knew from experience that switching hands can send you back, and then you have to work back up to an orgasm. So I switched hands, and when he got close again, I started to play with him a bit, opening and closing my fingers, playing with his balls with my free hand, speeding up, slowing down, stopping. By this time he was crying, actual tears were coming down his cheeks, and he started to beg for me to finish. I kept him in this state for what seemed like forever until he started to cry and say things like "I'm gonna die, I can't breathe...", stuff like that.

"I'm gonna let you cum now, Dan, just relax," and then I got down to business and kept a quick and even pace until I was ready to let him finish; he suddenly gasped, opened his eyes, and cried out. I grabbed hold of the T-shirt, he wasn't thinking anymore. I watched, fascinated, as his beautiful cock shot stream after stream of come into the T-shirt I was holding against his stomach.

Finally his cock stopped shooting, and I wrapped the T-shirt around his cock and pressed down, feeling it jump and pulse under my hand for what seemed like another 10 minutes.

The night wasn't over. Eventually I let go of his cock, wiped my hand on the T-shirt and looked out the passenger side window across the fields to the lights of the city. He stirred, pulling up his jeans, doing up his fly, hitching up his belt, all the time saying things like "Oh man, that was great!" and "You're good, man." I felt wierdly proud of myself for being such a great masturbator.

It surprised me when he reached over me and released the latch on my seat-back and it suddenly fell back. I thought he was trying to hug me at first, but found myself laying back looking up at the dome light of the car, and Dan had started to unbuckle my belt, then my button, then unzipped me. "Lift", he said, as I stupidly obeyed and raised my hips as the started pulling my jeans down. I even helped him when my underwear got stuck on my hardon, sliding my thumbs under the waistband to lift it until he took over and pulled them down. He slid his hands over my ass and hips as he pulled them down.

Not a word, he didn't say anything, as he stared at my cock lying against my stomach, and I looked down at his curly brown hair, his muscular back. He made a move. Then I felt something different, and realized his mouth was on my cock. It felt wierd and wonderful, and warm and stimulating. My first blowjob.

He bobbed up and down on my cock, gripping my balls and shaft with his left hand, stroking and slurping. I realized that the whole thing is badly named, he wasn't blowing on it, he wasn't sucking, he was using his mouth like it was a cunt, just pumping up and down the length of my shaft. He would occasionally lick my cock like it was an ice cream cone, teasing the head with his tongue, and then take it back in his mouth again. My cock jumped and bobbed to the light touch of his tongue.

I felt my climax start to build as it went from feeling great in my crotch to feeling warm and intense in every part of my body. His hand under on my ass felt great, the stubble of his cheek on my stomach felt great, his wandering hand on my thighs and balls was intensifying the build up. I started to get short of breath, this felt different from anything I had ever done to myself. Every inch of my body was concentrated on the feeling building in my cock and balls. I knew this was going to be big.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum!" I tried to warn him, I didn't want to come in his mouth, and when he didn't stop blowing me like I thought he would, but instead really started working it, I tried to hold back. I wanted to give him the chance to get out of there before I exploded, but I was running out of time. "Oh, Dan, now, now, I'm cumming!" And then I was hoping he wouldn't take his mouth away, I was looking forward to the new experience of coming into someone, not into a towel for a change. "Stay there, just let me cum in your mouth," I prayed.

And then time stood still as my cock spasmed and exploded into his mouth. Dan started gulping and slurping and swallowing, I just kept cumming. "Oh jeez!" I cried out as I threw my head back, gripping his shoulders and hanging on to his head. I could hear him moaning, I was at his mercy, out of control, unable to think, except to realize that he was my bitch at that moment, this fucking jock. He'd done this before, I knew. The jock was the homo, the arts dude was being serviced, it was all so wierd, and I had lost my virginity in a couple of ways tonight. Two cock worshippers in one night, both wanted mine, both had aggressively gone after me. It was a strange new world.

Finally I started coming back to earth, my erection started to die, and I took over and squeezed the last drops of my spunk into his T-shirt. I pulled up my underwear and jeans, pulled down my shirt and tucked it in.

"What happens on the road, stays on the road." Dan said, swearing me to secrecy like I was one of the boys on the football team or something. Jocks are always saying things like that. There was no way I was ever talking.

Dan gave me regular blowjobs about twice a week until we went off to separate universities, even then I would sometimes take a road trip to see him, or we'd get together when we were both home on holidays. After a while I didn't even have to go through the formality of jerking him off first, we would just meet up at his house or mine, get naked, touch and feel for a bit, then he would go down on me. I didn't mind getting naked with him, exploring his body, I learned a lot about myself in the process. Inevitably he would make a move and give me a blowjob, but always at his pace, when he was ready. Sometimes he'd call me up and invite me over, sometimes I'd call him and tell him I was horny. I guess he'd jerk himself off after I left, who knows? I feel kind of bad about that, and even when I tried to masturbate him as thanks for the blowjob, he'd lose his erection. Maybe he knew my heart wasn't in it, I was just returning the favor.

The last time we were together instead of blowing me, he asked me to fuck him. I couldn't, it was just too gay for me. So he went down on me one last time. All those years of blowjobs and I couldn't even honor his one request. On the other hand, he had taken advantage of me the first time, so I didn't feel so bad.

As for Beth, we never actually dated after that night, but many girlfriends later I finally lost my virginity to her when I was 21. There was no rush to do it any sooner, with Dan up the street I had more sex than most guys get at that age, and you know what they say, lips are lips, and an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm.

Next: Chapter 2

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