Blowing Brian

By James

Published on Apr 1, 2006


I was on a trip with my college band, and I was in my hotel room with one of the guys I was rooming with, his name is Brian.

I was a little uncomfortable there with him, because he is gay, and I am not out yet. What makes that uncomfortable is that I know he knows and its awkward for me to pretend otherwise.

I was sitting on the bed watching TV and he was getting out of the shower and just kind of piddling around the room in his underwear, I guess getting ready for bed, or maybe to go somewhere, that is one of the few blurry details in the dream.

Brian is shorter than me, I'm 6ft 4, and he is about 5ft 8 or 9, a thin guy average frame. From the look of things though, frame was the only thing that's average. While he is walking around the room I can't seem to stop staring at his package. I guess I stared too long because after a while I noticed that I was staring at a bulge that was no longer moving around the room.

I nervously let my eyes move up his still slightly damp body and noticed that what I feared was happening. He had caught me staring, and was standing there with his hands on his hips and a big cocky smirk on his face watching me gawk at his package.

I didn't know what to say, but he did: "Like what you see?"

All I could say was "uhhhhm... whatdya mean?"

He just laughed and said: "If your so fascinated by my dick I can give you a closer look" With that he walked towards me, since I was sitting and he was standing his bulge was at eye level. I kept shifting my focus from his package to his evil grin, back and forth until he was standing just inches in front of me.

Then he put his thumbs inside his waistband and slid his underwear down, letting them drop to the floor. At least I assume they made it to the floor, my eyes were locked on his cock, which was so close to my face I could feel the heat coming off of it.

I was terrified, but he seemed to be enjoying it because his cock started to get hard. It slowly moved upward, more and more until I felt it make contact with my chin. At that point I finally looked up at his face, he was still standing there with that grin, that fucking grin. This was killing me and he knew it!

His cock kept getting harder and I felt it rub from my chin, up past the corner of my mouth, and along my cheek, all without him even moving his hands off of his hips.

Then he put a hand on the back of my head, and took his big hard cock in his other hand. I looked up, now completely helpless. He smiled and said, "Its OK buddy, nobody has to know, and we both know you've wanted this for a while." While he said that he rubbed the head of his nice warm dick across my bottom lip.

He pulled it about an inch away from my face, and I finally started to completely give in. I leaned in towards it... but before I got my mouth on it he pulled back and slapped me in the face with his cock. This pissed me off to no end, but it got even worse when I heard him laughing.

"You must really want this cock to let me fuck with you this way." And as he said it he dick slapped me across the face again.

That was too much, it was awkward enough being in this position but now I had completely lost control of the situation. I decided that I had to stop this NOW, after all, nothing had actually happened yet, I could still escape with some dignity. I was going to tell him off then go down to the hotel bar and have a drink. I looked up and started to say "FUCK YOU" but I didn't actually get to say it...

As soon as my mouth opened he slid his cock across my lips and into my mouth stopping just after he got the dick head in. He must have sensed that my defiant mood, but after about 30 seconds I lost the ability to pretend anymore. That's when he pointed something out. "If you really didn't want this, you probably would have pulled away." That's when I notice he had taken his hand off the back of my head.

Realizing I was exposed I leaned forward slightly, taking more of his cock into my mouth. At this point he started to back up, and I leaned more forward because I didn't want him to take it out, I was caring less and less about anything except for keeping my mouth on his dick. Finally, he had backed up enough that I had to slide out of my sitting position on the bed and into a kneeling position on the floor.

Once he had me on my knees I was officially a goner. He put both hands on the back of my head and pushed slowly pushed his cock all the way into my throat. The final death knell to my pride and resistance, I looked up at his face to see the smirk had turned from merely cocky to triumphant.

"Yeah BITCH, if you do a good job I might let you do this on a regular basis." I could only respond by gagging a bit and working even harder to take all of his cock, until my upper lip was buried in his pubes and his balls were on my chin.

There I was, on my knees, and there voluntarily. Brian continued to fuck my face , taking the occasional break to pull out and slap me with it, or sometimes hold it just out of reach of my mouth and tongue and chuckling at how eagerly I would try to get my mouth back on it.

After he had had enough of my mouth, he pulled his cock out, slapped me with it one more time and said "GET UP"

Which I did, then he instructed me: "Strip"

Which I did.

Then he pushed me backwards on the bed, and put his hands behind my knees, and onto the back of my thighs... pushing my knees up by my ears.

I said "WAIT, WHAT...UHH.."

He slid my legs onto his shoulders, and put his cock head against my ass. Then he said "I'm not going to fuck you unless you ask me to"

Before I could even think I almost yelled "PLEASE"

He just laughed; 'That's not way to ask, make me believe it bitch!"


He was a lot more amused by this request, but still I hadn't done well enough. "Try one more time."

"Please SIR, PLEASE fuck your bitch's ass."

"And who exactly is my bitch?" he asked,

"I am sir..."

I had a brief realization, or I should say a brief moment of disbelief at what I had just said, at what I was doing, what I was begging for, what he had turned me into.

Then he slid in. WOW, it hurt, he slowly but surely pushed all the way in. He kind of caressed my left thigh, which was still on his shoulder and said "Its OK, it will only hurt for a minute then your going love it." Then he leaned over and kissed my thigh. This moment of tenderness was SO fucking hot, but the next moment, where he slapped my ass and said "Yeah, you'll LOVE it" was even hotter.

He was right, after the pain started to subside I DID love it! He slowly worked up to a steady pace of pounding my ass. The whole time reminding me of times I had been less than nice to him, times I had brushed him off, or been indifferent and aloof. "Those days are over" he said, "things are VERY different now"

I didn't fully realize how different until I was wiping his dried cum off my chest and chin. He had managed to stay pretty clean, other than his cock... which I am glad to say he let me clean off for him....

To be continuted...

Next: Chapter 2

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