Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 9 - Mad, Bad and Glad

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 9 - Mad, Bad and Glad

Lectures fly by, I'm sitting next to Tom, laughing, he's a popular guy, sorta flirty but matey, can't define him. He's as strong as a bull and always touching, not holding hands but pressing thighs, arm on a shoulder, grabbing my waist. Dix was more nervy, liked his own time and space. Toms more like a limpet than a crab.

That night it's Y practice. The other guys are all over us calling us champs and our 200 relay squad are heroes. Coach says to not let up though for the Fresno competition. The guys split into teams for the practice.

He takes the team to one side, there's 6 swimmers; Tom, Lonnie, me, Josh, Dan and Harry. We get strapped up with the data recorders and swim, Coach says to start to pull away at the 25 mark. We all dive in and Toms off ahead from the go, Just behind are Dan and Harry. I'm 4th at the steps I start to accelerate and pull away and ahead of the others, winning. Coach says If I increased my speed from the get go and accelerated on top as needed to win, then we'd be going places. I think about that, I know Toms measurements and he's a bit bulkier than me but not by much. I ask Coach what exercise to do for swimming faster, he looked at me and said,

`instead of doing 120 off the trot, try racing Tom in a morning, copy his diet, move in with him, dig his routine, with your build and biomechanics working for you, you might just do it.'

I told Tom and he says, that's a neat idea, he pulls out his waistband and says

`hey Junior we got us a new roommate, yeah that's right Junior a fuck buddy'.

He snapped junior away, `I'll help you get your stuff'.

Tom comes over to the hutch and I pack a bag, he's helping me pack and finds my stash of jocks

`hey roomie, something you should be telling me?' I blush

`er, no I find em in the lockers and well ... ok I'll tell you, yes they turn me on, I like to wear them with my roomie, spice it up a little'.

`That's fucking cool' he says and picks out some for himself to take, he sniffs them

`these washed?',


I say and he wrassles me on the bed, pinning me down and picking a white pair, pushes them in my mouth! I zip up the bag and get to Toms hall. He introduces us to the guys on his corridor who seem patently disinterested and he shows me the common areas and the showers, just the same, zero privacy, shitter doors missing, great.

His room is bigger, space around the double bed and a view over campus to hill beyond. Toms stripped already and looking for the blue Andrew Christian, he arranges his meat and starts posing,

`nice view' I say,

`Yeah, you can see over to edge of campus'.

The gorgeous hunk that is Tom wrassles me on the bed, I flip him, I'm on top, pinning his arms he relaxes and grins, I'm stripped in 2 seconds and pulling on the skimpy white 2ex1st jock, my meat is semi, filling the pouch, my golden pubes glistening above the narrow waistband.

Tom gets up and flips the catch on the door, then sits on the bed as I do my flex routine for him

`look at you' he says

`fucking perfect and perfect for fucking'.

I climb on the bed and raise my ass. Tom pulls the pouch of his jock over his shaft and pulls his balls free, he gets a dollop of lube and smears my pucker and on his knees, he sinks his throbbing thick cut cock, his blue veins fit to explode pushing into my twitching hole. Holding my lats he pumps, slapping my ass cheeks like a porno. He pulls out and flips me over, I flip my legs up and he pulls off my jock and sucks my wet precum laden cock rock hard, I lie back and swing my legs high high and separates, and he pushes in again. He's fully in and says

`that's better, I can see you know',

he reaches down to kiss me, I rise off the bed, hang my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply flipping my legs around his body, feeling my ankles sink into his butt cheeks as his hips rock and his dick pounds away at my ass, he cums inside me, his legs juddering, he groans and pulls out, his cock continuing to shoot dust and hanging almost to his knees pulsing.

He pushes his nose into my groin and caresses my cock against his face then swallows me deep getting me rock hard and gagging, lying besides me we swap and he lifts his legs high, I lube his hole making him moan, opening him up with two fingers and I return the favour, leaving my load inside him.

He gets up, grabs a towel and we run to the comms, my cum running down his leg as he leaks out, he goes to a stall and dumps my cum and farts very loudly.

'naughty junior' he whispers.

We shower and a couple of guys join us, judging by the state of their fat cocks they've been doing the same

`who's your pal Tom?'

says the tallest guy, we introduce each other clumsily as guys do,

nice tan you got Bud' says Dum, Heck you been nekkid all summer?',

`pretty much' I say in return,

`you're a swimmer ain't ya?' I nod.

His pal Cray says

`now ya know why we call him Dum'.

They wrassle each other and Tom joins in, what the heck, I think and join in too, many of the moves Cuz Ray taught me are strictly not allowed and I easily catch these guys out.

Dums getting mad

`that ain't a hold, that ain't fair'.

`Sorry but I learned off a country boy'.

The next bout I play fair and let Dum get me and as I submit he tweaks my dick, looking me in the eyes,

`See ya, don't wanna be ya'

he says as Cray whacks his butt with the towel and they run to their room.

We eating' I say?

I fancy a protein drink' says Tom and we get to his and 69 on the bed, Tom doesn't waste a drop,

don't forget' he says, I like it freshly squeezed in the morning'

he turns off the light and we lightly wrassle some more playfully loving the touch of skin on skin, he falls asleep pinned down and I doze in the quiet of his room.

I wake as I shoot my first spurt, right into Toms throat, his tight lips on my pubes sealing the vacuum as he sucks the cum outta me. He's concentrating hard, getting it all. When I'm shooting dirt, he releases and squeezes the last drop up my shaft as I writhe and deposit it on his tongue

Morning Bud' he says nature's bounty'.

'Jump up, let's do what coach says, forgo your run and let's get to the pool as they open' Tom pulls on his shorts.

To be fair, I'm a bit put out at being milked like that but it's a conversation for later. I pick up my swim bag and we jog to the pool, getting some of a run in at least.

Boss opens up,

`The early bird catches the worm'

he says and winks at me. We get to the pool dive in and race each other, he's so fast it really takes some doing to overtake him. He beats me a couple of times but mostly he's going flat out only to be pipped at the post by me. We finished with practice turns for last 15 mins and haul ourselves out of the water.

`Good work boys' says Coach who's about to swim his mile.

`See if you can beat him tomorrow Tom'

and he grins at me. Toms mumbling

`f'cking coach I was f'cking trying, I'll show him'.

I laughed

`he's winding you up'.

Tom looked like a god in showers, muscles pumped up, face and chest red from exertion,

fuck you fast boy' he says look at me I'm like a beetroot and you're just like it's a walk in the park'.

He's got a point, maybe I could push myself more. I watched Tom shower, desperate to wash his back, I slip my palm down his soapy ass crack and feel his cheeks grip my hand, cup his balls as the cool water pours over our faces. He looks at my meat `what you thinking now boy?'

He laughed and I looked at my cock chubbing up. He tugged it down sharply and ran off. In refectory it's same routine eggs, steak, juice.

`Main meal of the day this', says Tom

`don't I know it, I was mighty hungry last night and my ass knows too'. Tom grins at me, I melt inside, I go all gooey then he says

`You'll get used to it, drink a lot of water, eat plenty of fruit or a carrot or two during the day'.

We get to Toms and pack our books and arms over shoulders get to class. Biomech, we get our assignments back, 67% for me and 74% for Tom.

`Pretty good' says Tom,

f'cking brilliant' I say. That's got me outta the mire, thanks Tom',

You did it' says Tom not me'.

We do more practice papers ready for end of semester exams. During lab practicals we get to the treadmill, we breathe through a hose connected to a machine that's checking lung capacity.

Tom goes first, the technician sets up the machine and he's pounding the treadmill, breathing deeply, keeping going, the techs increases the slope, Toms still going for it. I'm taking readings every 15 seconds, Toms grinning and winks at me, and increases his pace, doing more, then he's done. The belt slows down and he rips off the mask, breathing deeply. Exhausted.

I'm next and techs set me up. I'm not doing badly, I'm running as fast as I can then the platform rises and I'm running up hill, in my mind I'm going up to the bluff, past Dominoes, the hairdresser, Ahmed at the 24/7 and up to the bluff, the platform rises as tech says he's only at 60%, increasing pitch' It's harder work now, I'm breathing harder, I can feel my legs start burning 70%' says tech, I look at Tom who's willing me on, my turn to wink as I lower my head and go for it, as if I'm in the pool as if it's fucking Tommy Lee ahead of me, I'm oblivious now to what's around me, the technician, Tom, the treadmill, I'm in a quiet place pushing myself harder and harder, faster and faster.

The belt slows and I come back to earth. That's it' says Tom, that's what you gotta do in the pool. Do that and you've cracked it'. I rip off the mask, exhausted, red faced, my vest wringing wet, my ass crack and crotch dark with sweat. We enter the results into the program and save it. Coach will be looking at these tonight.

Toms great all day, it's like every day is a birthday. He's smart, funny, outgoing, tough when he needs to be, brawny and strong but gentle and perceptive too. Juniors not bad either, always nice and perky.

We walk to market and buy fruit for lunch,

`Hey Tom, who's your buddy?' Milo says.

`Oh this is Bud, he's here to double my spend!'.

Milo throws him a carrot and then me one, and we sit in the park eating. He strips off his top and we relax in the sun, I copy, laying in the sun and slowly getting our strength back after the swimming and treadmill. I hitch up on to one elbow and look at Tom dozing, Junior wants out, he's pushing up at Toms shorts. I grab his balls real hard and leap up and run for it, Toms up in a shot and tackles me to the ground, he's on top, I can feel his shaft prodding me.

`I know a place' I say,

he grins and gets up, he opens his waistband to point junior skywards and looking down he says

`not long now, Buddy'.

We walk up through campus to a derelict area getting ready for redevelopment, there's a tennis court and at the side almost obscured by trees is the old changing hut. It's gloomy inside, the overgrown trees shade it from the quiet path. Dix found it one afternoon he said as he was wandering around campus.

`Fuck what is this place',

Tom says as he explored, and found a shitter and a twin shower. He flushed the toilet,

`Fuck it still works',

then he turned the shower lever, after a gurgle and a bang a stream of brown water came out making Tom leap back. I'm already stripped down to a black reclaimed jock. Tom grabs me and hugs me tight then his hands wander to my ass cheeks and he pummels them like dough as he sticks his tongue down my throat. I push my hands down his shorts, squeezing his ass, fuck he's commando, I run around and feel junior through the fabric then put my hand up a leg to get to his balls. This sends him crazy as I tug on his tight nuts and trace his shaft with my fingers through his shorts.

I play with his nips with my other hand, tweaking and rubbing them, feeling them grow, swapping hands I massage his other nut and tweak his other nipple. I can feel his hips rocking into me, all the time the shower running washing dust off the floor and down the drain. I break off his kissing and kneeling release junior, he steps out of the shorts, and kicks off his shoes, naked. I drop my jock, we're both naked and boned up. Tom kneels and takes me in his mouth, deeply, I start bucking as Tom beats his own cock. I double tap him and spit. Tom reaches into his kit bag and squirts KY from a small tube,

`I keep it for blisters'

he laughs and smears my ass hole then he lifts me up on tippy toes and I spring up and fling my arms around his shoulders as he stands legs apart. I wrap my legs around his waist and fall onto his thick, long, cut mushroom head.

I gasp as I fall down his shaft and he rocks as he's right up me, his nuts squashed in my ass crack, I moan and kiss him deeply as he micro fucks me, rocking an inch or so up me as I'm warmed by him. He walks under the shower, the cool water soaking us, exhilarating us as he gets deeper and longer, lifting me off and letting me fall back down, I'm climbing up him now, pushing on his shoulders to raise myself on his shaft, one leg on his thigh, the other bent at the knee getting purchase on his waist then falling down on his shaft and swapping legs, he wails and gets release juddering his cum into me as I kiss him deeply.

The water runs over us as he sprays into me for what seems forever. I brush the water from his face and push his hair back and kiss him deeply. We break off and he kneels and with my dick warmed by his chin and breath he beats me off gently and slowly as we both shiver in the cold as the water drips from us. I'm soon released, spurting far across the floor in a single plume as Tom makes sure he laps up the rest. I'm getting hungry I say, `let's get a pizza', he rolls his eyes, we get dressed pulling the clothes over the wet skin and run down the hill back to Toms and warm up in the comms under a spanking hot shower. We sit in his bed naked eating fruit, he's mimicking cock sucking a banana and pushes the slavered end at my hole, it really hurts

`Dumbass, it's not smooth enough'

He looks sheepish and I say

`Sorry, but that really hurt, you'd better try something else'

He grins and gets the `blister gel' and then he fucks me again and he sucks me off one more time. Next morning I'm awake, my tummy rumbling. I peel back the sheet and can prise up Toms leaky hard cock from his abs and I start to suck him dry, he lets a stream of salty precum out first then shoots, I swallow it all. He wakes and grins,

`oh no, I was saving that for later' he says,

he goes down on me and I lie back, arms behind my head and wait to explode. He stops and straddles me and slides his ass hole onto my tumescent raging shaft. My foreskin peels back as my tulip shaped head glides into the moist darkness. Tom exhales and grimaces as he lowers himself to my root.

`nice surprise' I say

and he rises and falls moaning and groaning, he's so tight I explode in a minute or even less. We shower in the comms. Tom pushes out my spunk in a stall and runs and hugs me under the shared spigot. There's lots of guys about today, in all states I see many worms, lots of chubbies and a few boners. I'm liking Toms halls.

Coach has pooled the data from many sources and from his intuition and picked the teams for the Reno comp. There's no change in our team. He gathers each team and gives them the lowdown, he talks and walks over, it's our turn;

`Listen up guys, here's what I'm thinking, Josh has improved his times and is now on a PB just about every race, he's about at his peak. Tom is also at peak with his PB's steady each race, showing a big improvement overall this last two weeks', Coach frowns at me.

Bud has improved his overall pace from the start of his set to his current peak, so reducing his overall times on the 200, increasing his potential and headroom for further acceleration' Coach added, he just needs to want it more' I'm crestfallen.

Coach continued as Lonnie perked up waiting for his own analysis.

`Lonnie has improved pace, fitness and acceleration, and could be a challenger for Buds times.'

We practice racing against each other in 4 lanes. I get beaten by Lonnie, Tom teases me

`you heard Coach, you gotta want it more to get it, you've got lots left in you, you got earn it to spend it'.

Next race I'm up against Tom. I'm mad at what Coach said, and riled at what Tom said.

Tom has called timekeeping guys over to check the splits.

Tom and I dive in, I'm pulling away thinking about that fucking Tommy smart ass Lee humiliating me, saying it's a fluke.

I'm mad at coach saying I don't try and at Tom, for doubting my commitment, I'll show the fuckers, they can all fuck off and when they've done that they can fuck off some more.

I'm swimming fast, I turn and look, where's Tom, oh no is he ahead of me? I gotta catch him up, it's the last 50, I turn and power away, I'm going fast I know it, I can feel my rhythm is going well, my long strong arms and my big hands pushing water behind me, long strong leg scissor kick and big paddle feet powering me forward, tight abs streamlining the water. I see the steps, I can catch him up I must and I almost blank out as I finish, touching.

I'm looking for Tom, where is he, has he got out, then he powers up beside me `fucking hell' he says between breaths. I hug him over the floats, I can hardly speak, breathing deeply, hot, I must look like beetroot, I feel like I'm boiling the water.

The boys haul me out. They're all jumping. Timekeeping say it's a new PB for me, and for Tom. Coach says by his times I've broken the College record, but it's not official due to insufficient verification of turns and splits.

I'm not bothered about that, I'm just pleased to have beaten Tom.

Coach says quietly to me, `channel that aggression on Sunday and it yours'.

Lonnie keeps up the momentum and he takes a little off his PB, breathing heavily wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug he whispers in my ear

`great Bud, the more you do, less I gotta' and he releases and we high five.

One more week of Toms routine before the comp. Armed with his new PB he's well up for beating me every day. I gotta keep sharp, real sharp.

Lonnie's also joined us, im really screwed now, as Tom fades Lonnie steps in, fuck he's fast too.

My diet consists of pints of protein cock milk, eggs and steak, then fruit and raw carrots for rest of the day. My abs are defined, cut, showing now through my polo shirt, my thighs are sculpted. I'm so beautiful I get horned up just thinking about me!

We get to Reno the afternoon before the comp. Coach has booked us rooms in a sports hotel run by the local MLB team the Fresno Grizzlies. It's a great place, big rooms, big beds, big pool and I'm sharing with Big Tom.

Coach says to drop our overnight bags, bring swim bags and meet in reception in 15 mins. Sport and fun this afternoon and chow down at 18:00.

We get our keycards and get to the room. It's got two big beds, and a bathroom with a shower, a bath, a shitter and something weird like a shitter with no seat but taps. I'm desperate for a crap and relax as my logs slip out.

Tom says `come on bro hurry, I need a pee',

`come in' I say.

In swings Tom, naked, holding his dick, he holds his nose and grins at me, he pisses into the toilet next to mine, `this is weird' he says as he turns in the tap to wash his piss away, a jet spurts up and catches his eye.

`Oh man, I know what this is'

and he sits on it, then tums on the taps,

it's a fucking ass washer, I seen em in films'. He soaps up his ass and sits back on, washing, he's got a great erection and as the water tickles his balls he laughs. He gets the small towel and dries his ass.

`You wanna be careful you don't brown smear the towel Bud, now you sit on it'.

I comply and he bends over and turns the taps,

`whohay' I say as the water sprays my pucker, I soap up and rinse off,

`now do it again, then dry'.

That's neat.

Fuck we gotta dash, we gets our swim bags and run to reception and just join the last of the boys into the lockerroom.

Coach says,

`here's the deal, I've booked out the pool and the relaxation areas for our private use, following practice for an hour or so, the rest of the time is yours. I'll be using the steam room',

we cheer,

`the sauna'

we cheer

`and the ice pool',

we cheer,

`I've arranged for our timekeepers to massage any aching or stiff limbs', we doubly cheer,

`you boys!', laughs Coach.

We each put on the tech strap and the timekeepers see that they're connected to large screens at side of the pool. `Instant analysis' says coach, 'something called Dartfish'.

Coach calls Tom over and they chat, quietly. I can't hear.

Hey Tom, what did coach want', I say,

`oh nothing',


Tom spoke to the timekeeper to check his strap.

I'm racing Tom again today. He's been cocky all day, on at me about his fucking PB all the drive over. Him and Lonnie are as thick as theives about something.

Timekeeping call me and Tom over. Ok it's a 200m race. R S G', we dive in, I surface and fuck he's ahead already, that must be a false start, I don't hear no horn though, fucking timekeeping wrong again, fuck he's pulling away, I gotta get going, look there's Coach clapping Tom willing him on, fuck this. I get my head down and go, it's the first turn, 50 gone, I come away but Toms ahead, I see his feet, I power on, I'm closing now, I need to do more, I see Coach clapping Tom on, I need to do more to thrash his ass, I'm in the zone, I feel light, in perfect rhythm now, I'm fast, I'm the man, I'm pulling level with Toms suit, I turn and power away, 100 gone, I'm level with his shoulders now we are even at the turn, 150 gone, you gotta fly now Bud, just 40 to go, fly Bud, fly, I touch. Tom touches after me. He grins. I punch the air. Coach hauls me out, I'm mad at him

`oh you like me now'

I shout, Tom puts his arms around me,

`that's what we were taking about, things to get you mad for you to see what fucking potential you have'.

`Oh' I cry, I'm blubbering,

`oh Coach, I'm sorry, I see it now',

Coach smiles at me

`you just gotta be able to channel that aggression when you need it, go get a shower and I'll see you in the steamer or sauna'.

Tom walks me through to the showers, I look at myself in the mirror, Tom has his hands on my shoulders smiling at me,

`like a photograph ain't it' he says.

I'm red, my chest is red, I'm breathing deep. Tom kisses my shoulder

`come on big boy let's have some fun'.

We shower in the ever so sparkling clean showers and dry on big fluffy towels, our dicks even feel pampered rubbing against the towels.

First the sauna. Tom fills the wooden bucket from the tap and drops some oils in from a little bottle. We sit on the top bench in the cabin, and Tom pours a ladle of water over the coals, a band of heat hits my head I gasp and breath in through my nose and the hot steam sears my nose hairs. Tom lies down,

`fuck it's cooler down here' he says.

I stay sitting and relax as I watch beads of sweat bubble up on my skin and run down to my cock and through onto the floor. I take the ladle and spoon on another. The pine smell coming through now, more sweat, more heat. I stand and go outside and take a shower to cool down. Coach swings up with the Timekeeper, fuck he's fit, tall, lean, bony, huge dick.

`Hey this is Col, he's got your splits. You were 1:14 better than your last PB against Tom'.

But how, I didn't beat him by that much' I say. Well we gave Tom about 1/2 to 3/4 second head start on you, then we all cheered him, not you. You were angry and had to win, channeling that aggression into your times'.

Coach clapped my ass and he and Col swing in and Coach sat up on the top bench with Cols head on Coaches thigh. I get back up,

`mm your cold' says Tom

and I spoon with him, he stretches out his head is resting right by my dick. I pour a ladle onto the coals. We sit in silence sweating in the pine laden hot air. Tom and I leave Coach and Col to it and Tom plunges in the plunge pool, a square of cool water and I join him.


he shouts and we jump out,

`that's cold'.

`Look at Junior' I say,

Tom looks down and thrusts his hips out,

`come back' he shouts

`don't leave me now, we're gonna have so much fun together'.

He nips my ass and we run to the pool, they've put out floats and we join in a game of pirates and islands and lark about relaxed and naked with the team and then then back to our rooms. Tom lays out on his bed and me on mine. I look over and he's dozing off. I tiptoe over and spoon him, and doze off snuggled up.

Tom is shaking me,

`Bud we gotta go, it's almost 6'.

We get into our Team gear and join the others.

It a great buffet, eat what you can type. Tom gets 2 portions of the steak and a salad bowl piled high. I copy. Coach gives me a smile and the thumbs up as we pass his table. We eat the steak and Tom goes up for another steak and gets me one. He's found some sliced hard boiled eggs and gets those for both of us.

`Get those down your shoot, then we can have a fresh protein drink for supper',

my dick twitches and I notice Junior wave at me.

We play cards with the team, I'm not in to it really but make up the numbers. Coach gives a rousing speech about wanting it badly, I look at Tom and know he's talking about me. Tom presses his thigh against mine, warm and discrete and I push back, he pushes more, his chair grates on the floor and Coach frowns at him and then continues.

We 69 in our rooms, gulping down each other's cum, then lie back fondling, waiting to see if we'll do more. Tom farts and gets up and goes for a sit down, I join him on the ass washer and let the warm water at my pucker and tickle my balls. Tom flushes.

`My turn'

he says and I stand up and he sits down, soaping his ass and washing his pucker chatting bout how great this is and how he's gonna get one in his first house no matter what.

I bend and sit over him, he hugs me and kisses my shoulder as I locate his shaft and slide my ass crack over, Junior stops in the detention of my pucker and I bear down and start to take his dick up my wet pucker, dry. Tom grins and I lower myself bit by bit,

`fuck you're tight honey' says Tom

I Tom opens his legs a little wider and the jet of water splashes up though his legs onto my arse.

This is so fuckin' sexy' says Tom, Niagra falls at my ass gate and your ass cuddling Junior tightly, pinch me, did I drown and go to heaven?

It gets easier as I ride up and down Junior and he feels amazing, I rise as much as I dare, snapping tight around his rim and then over a little then plunge back down till my ass is bouncing off his thighs, `ride me cowboy' Tom laughs and slaps my cheeks hard as I rise up, the sting hurts and mixes with my burning ass sensation. I ride him until he stands up and thrusts up into me as I fall back on his strong thick pole.

`I'm coming' I say and shoot, Toms catching a cupped handful as he fills me from below. He hugs me him tightly and slowly rises from the bidet, his strong arms hugged around me, his spike still hard up my arse. I lower my legs slowly and we reposition, he's still hard and as he nuzzles my neck I instinctively lean forward my hands at shoulder distance on the shower wall. He turns on the water and my back is sprayed with a deluge of cold water, I tense, gripping his shaft tighter and he starts to power fuck my ass as the water heats up. He's hitting my spot on every stroke and it's not long till I'm spurting again over the shower wall, junior follows a thrust later and fills me again, Toms spunk running down my leg. We wash each other carefully caressing each other.

`What the fuck is this shampoo?' Says Tom

I look at the complimentary bottle

`It's Rose Garden!'

`Fuck me' says Tom,

`When I recover' I reply

`At least we won't smell like ass musk and spunk'

We dry off in the shower, the fluffy towels soft on our sore junk. I'm hard again and Tom is on tippy toes. I spit down and watch the blob hit my bell end and I push forwards into his ass hole, he grunts and turns his head and we kiss tongues. I slap his ass now and ride him as he holds on to the shower rail and I'm pounding away, I hear junior slapping at his abs as I push deep with each stroke, I burrow into his neck, his hot redeeming body beneath me as I pummel away. Fuck I'm close I squeal and holding my breath till I nearly faint I explode outwards with my breath and outwards with my dick as it releases a load of freshly minted boy spunk up Toms arse.

I find Junior and start to beat it but Tom pushes my hand away. We unlock and I kneel and shove my face into Toms cummy arse, the smell of musky roses hits my nose, he bubble farts over me, we giggle and I see my cum white at his pucker, I push in and he groans as I scoop a blob out and lick my finger. I turn him around and Junior bashes against my face, he finds my lips and I part them and Junior nods his approval and slowly pushes up my outstretched tongue into the cavern of my mouth. I envelop his dick and arrow my tongue to pierce the underside of his rim and open up his piss slit, now oozing salty sweet nectar.

He moans lightly as Junior progresses to the roof of my mouth. I reposition my jaw and breathing through my nose tell my body that it's ok to gag. I see Juniors two best boys getting closer as he descends slowly past my gag and nestle in my throat. Tom groans and I repeat, feeling my low vibrations on his cock head. His legs go weak, my hands go to his bubble butt, pushing up as he steadies himself and shoots his cum straight into my stomach.

He collapses and holds himself on the vanity unit as I pull off his cock an inch or so and start to vacuum suck and beat the shaft, gripping his nutsack and the twins enveloped within. I took my hands up his crack and pushed in my finger, making Tom moan again as I took every drop from him.

We laid on the bed until we needed an after shag piss. We both finish up and I looked in the complimentary tray and found some fancy flowery body lotion and opening the bottle it smelt like the roses. we coat each other with the feminine smell, over our once again hard shafts and nutsacks, over our firm pecs, abs and ass cheeks, feeling fingers smooth up our cracks.

It is kinda weird, looking at two almost eighteen year old hunks at peak fitness smelling of roses.

I kiss Toms pecs as we lie admiring our bodies, doing a little flex here and there, checking progress. Toms getting hard again, I follow suit and we run to the bed, `jus one more outing for Junior' says Tom as I rise my legs high, my knees on my chest, my ass crack parted and ready to take whatever this big fucker throws at me. Tom grins as he lubes up with the body lotion and struts across the room, his pole glistening with the lotion, swaying in front of him. Toms blue eyed smile melts my heart and my ass hole is gaping ready for him and Junior to have some fun. I awake and Tom is in the shower

`where did that girly smell come from, all fucking night, even your farts couldn't mask it',

`morning honey'

I said like Doris Day mocking him,

`oh yeah, I remembers now'.

I join him in the shower and when I've washed my junk clean of his ass hole and my cum. Tom falls to his knees as the shower blasts and he milks me dry, I'm spurting dust but he keeps on sucking through the pain and he gets me hard again and building me up to crescendo I shoot again, Tom grins up at me as my softening dick slides out of his mouth.

He stands and before swallowing, gives me a cummy kiss. I drop to my knees and take him gagging as he eagerly pushes in. I've got him now, he's loving it, I look up and his head is rocked back under the shower, running down his hair and his back. I feel around to find his pucker and moving as close as I can, his dick lodged in my throat as he buck my face I push my finger up his ass, I manage to widen the hole and slide another in, twisting my fingers, Tom moans and stops bucking, I feel his nuts pressed against my chin pulse as he leaves his deposit deep in my throat, direct refuelling.

We kiss and shower properly, getting the sex and girly smell off us, replaced with minty pine and testosterone.

We get into Team gear and with no time left for fucking, we head down to breakfast. We get 2 eggs and minute steaks, juice and decaf and look for a table, Coach waves us over.

Morning boys' he says I hope you boys slept some of the night',

Tom flushed red and grinned embarrassed. We eat and Coach says he'd heard Tommy Lee was injured and struggling to keep his spot in the team.

I rolled my eyes and Coach laughed,

`see Col, I knew it was just mind games. Bud here don't believe a word of it, why I'll bet the snake Tommy has been practicing more than ever, getting fitter, stronger, faster. After all he's 22, a man not a boy, well I gotta go, stuff to do'

Cols turn to grin embarrassed. I ate in silence, replaying Coaches words `man not a boy' over and over in my head. Tom says

`you're quiet Bud',

`Yeah I'm thinking' I say

`I'd better watch out' says Tom.

The heats come and Claremont are in one draw and San Jose in the other. I've been looking out for Tommy Lee but no sign of him, his name wasn't on the squad sheets either. I know it's a mind game. Coach says they can make a substitution up to 1/2 hour before 1st heat, and that the snake will do anything to get advantage. We do just enough to make the finals. Josh shows us how to do it, keeping up his PB pace on every swim. Coach says he's keeping us grounded and he's got more in him, Josh nods and flexes for us. I twitched and I'm sure Junior shuffled about.

We watch the other heats from the bleachers and sure enough a late substitution is announced for an injured San Jose nobody and Tommy Lees name is announced and he steps up to the block as San Jose clap and cheer as Tommy parades and turns with his college towel above his head. He looks shiny, bigger. Coach laughs;

`They've even oiled him up like a bodybuilder to look meaner, geesh, they must be worried about us Josh, Tom, Bud, Lon'.

Coach huddles us together, arms over shoulders, heads touching.

`We got this, it ain't no fluke, it's training and skill, don't let all that pain and suffering of early morning training disappear now. One last push from all of us. Josh, go for it, fast as you can boy. Tom, same. Bud, don't let that snake spook ya, get to 150 then go for it, even if you die out there boy, I'll give you the kiss of life, don't you worry bout that. Lonnie, dear Lonnie, you're a Bud in the making son, I got me another improver on my hands, hallelujah, go for it and heck, jus get faster. We can do this, for ourselves, for the team, for College'

We break away our arms still pressing on our college badge. I'm a bit emotional. Josh is shaking his arms, standing tall, mean looking, Toms muttering darkly, pumped, Lonnie is jus loping, clapping his long arms in front of him and me, who am I, what do I feel? I think back at Tommy Lee strutting about, saying it's a skill not luck, coming to tell me I'm a fluke, coach saying I'm a boy not a man and all this injury shit. I need to show him that we are a team, the best and I'm gonna do it. I look up and see Tom dive, shit me next, Lonnie sees I don't know what day of week it is and he puts his hands on my shoulders from behind and he slowly, calmly whispers the times in my ear,

`we're level from Josh, Toms up on the splits, 100 still up, 150 get ready Bud'.

I stand and as I dive I hear

`still up, go get the bastard'

and I'm in the water, I look over and can see Tommy Lee level, I quicken my pace looking for the perfect sweet spot, I turn and hear `level' in my ear as I surface, 150 to go, I need more pace, I quicken and there I found my cruising speed, I look across, he looks level, I turn 100 to go, still level, I change a gear and put on a spurt and sustain my speed, I turn its 50 to go I surface and look over and see him powering off, he's gone early, I go for it early, coach says I got it in me, techs say I got it in me, I say I got it in me. I push and push and push till my lungs are burning, my chest is burning and my arms are burning I touch as Lonnie flies over me. I'm hauled out by Josh and Tom, they're clapping my back, I can barely stand, I lay into Tom for support breathing heavily on his shoulder. 1.2 lead whispers Tom in my ear. It's 50 to go and Lonnie powers away and it looks like he is increasing the lead, he touches, we go ballistic on the block and team are cheering from the bleachers.

We see San Jose touch a good second or more behind. The scoreboard refreshes and Claremont are first, San Jose second. A second cheer erupts as `SR' is added, we jump up and down, Coach punches the air, a new State Record. We hug tightly, who cares if we bone up, Tom kisses my neck as we hug,

`well done champ'

he whispers.

We go and shower stripping off waving our suits in the air and singing, strutting around. We peek in the San Jose locker-room as we strut past, heads in hands, silence. We go back to bleachers and the Team to get ready for the awards and we watch as Coach punches the air again and hugs Colin, 100m freestyle mens is in the bag. We see Aidan and Ed preparing for 50m breaststroke finals, they've both done well qualifying for finals. There's a brute from San Jose, he must be 25 at least, Coach says it's all the Medical and Architecture courses that take 6 or 8 years to finish.

Anyway the gun sounds and they're off, SJ in the lead, Aiden closing in but it's SJ who get it then Aiden and after a battle Ed came 3rd. When times come up, Ed lost it by 2/10ths second. We go wild. Tom and I rush back to lockers to congratulate them. Aiden is sobbing into Ed's shoulder, we put our arms around them and I hug Aiden tight as he blubbers on my shoulder and Ed and Tom hug and dance for Ed's first place. I stroke Aidens hair and pat his back.

They shower and Aiden slowly recovers in the shower and by the end both Ed and Aiden are dancing about, their dicks slapping about as they swing their suits above their heads. Coach and Col come in and hug them both and we walk back for awards presentation as the hunks dress quickly.

We go up for our cup and get a smaller gold cup for the new State Record. Aiden and Ed get silver and bronze medals.

On the long journey back I lie against Toms chest, my lungs still burning from the race. Coach hears that Tommy Lee is leaving San Jose team to concentrate on his medicine finals and he maybe will be joined by Larry as he too ponders his future commitment with his architecture finals coming up. I hear Coach say to Col `that's Claremont in the Nationals'.

I drift off listening to Toms assured deep breathing and his strong heart pumping.

Coach announces a week off training. On way back to Halls I ask Tom if we can keep up the routine and me stay longer

`hell yeah pal I took it as read, you don't need to ask',

he hugs me and stares at me with those big blue eyes, grins and then moves in close to kiss me, Junior was rubbing against my shaft.

`Get a room'

Aidan and Ed shout as they walk by arm in arm

`we already have'

I shout and we run off, Ed and Aidan chasing.


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

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Next: Chapter 10

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