Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 8 - Changing Times

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 8 - Changing Times

We were settled into our routines. I wake at 6:00AM, have a piss, do my teeth, out for a run 6:40AM Pool/Gym swim my mile and do my reps. 7:40-8:00 breakfast 8:00 9:00 library 9:00-15:00 lectures and library 15:00 Refectory 16:00-22:00 shift at pool.

I'd wake sleepyhead and we run together, Dix woukd go back to his hutch to study and I'd do swim/gym, have breakfast in the refectory and then squeeze in an hour in the library. We'd meet for lectures at 9:00 but on a couple of days our first class is at 10.30 so we'd go back to my hutch, shag our brains out and shower. I'd work the evenings leaving Dix to study in peace. Biomech sucks basically; it's sold as the science of sport but heck it's math, math, math with a touch of math for good measure.

Whilst It turned out I did less than average at school, it was my haven, my safe space but I always hated math though! Here I am doing what seems mostly math! Dixie hates it as much as I do but he's brighter and devotes a lot of time studying, far more than me.

I'm on pool tonight, it's busy until about 9:00 and for last hour Boss says to go check the Steam Room, this is his way of giving me a break. I get in, strip off and lie on the top shelf. Normally I'm on my own, like tonight, my thoughts drift to Tommy Lee, and his dick and what I'd do to it. I chub up and drift off. I hear a voice,

`shall I pull for more steam'.

I raise my head and a guy is sat next to me,

`oh sure',

I say and grin embarrassed at my state

`looks like you were having a good dream!'

The guy laughs looking at my erection. I blush

`I'd better stand under the cold shower',

`not on my account'

and he stood up, fuck he's tall, built and whilst carrying a bit of weight he's got a great looking cock. He rises and reaches for the rope, his dick hangs down like a pendulum and he pulls the cord. The room fills with steam

`you a student?',

I nod. But I say yeah' as you cant see too well through the steam,

how about you'I say

`you won't wanna know', he laughs and I say

`try me',

`I'd love to'

he says and rises up to pull the rope, his cock has chubbed again and like a pole, swinging, must be 9 or 10". My eyes follow it mesmerised as he sits back down, it's standing up to his belly button and falls gently nestling over his big balls. He continues,

`I'm an external assessor'.

`What marks would you give me'

I say rather cornyily,

`oh I'd assessed you whilst you were sleeping'

he stands leans for the rope again, he's stood proud, his dick fully erect now pointing sykward, his bull balls rising up, contracting,

`but id need to give you a full examination to really tell you, son'.

He pulls the rope again and steam gushes in, he takes my dick and gently assess its length and girth, grabs my nuts lightly, he's saying what he finds, I swing around on the bench and he clambers up in a 69, he's working on my cock and I'm starting on his.

`So what's the score?',

11' he says

'what 11 out of 20?'

I say indignantly and he says

`no dumb ass, out of 10'

I grin and he pulls the rope and the hot steam gushes in and burns hairs in my nose as I inhale sharply as my cock slides down his throat. I'm struggling with his beast so I play, gripping him tight and pulling his skin back then clasping my lips around the rim. I'm getting close, he knows it

`what do you prefer' he asks,

I say `I like giving',

then I grip him and run my palm over his shaft

`but I'd take this beast of yours',

`you think so?'

I swallow him in one like a banana, pulling him out

`I don't think so, I know so'.

`I need a shower' he says and leaves,

I hear the shower going and join him, fuck, he's about 40 I guess, I spot his wedding ring, he shakes his hair and wipes his face grinning at me,

`still like what you see?'

He asks, my cock rises further,

`do I need to answer?'.

He rummages in his bag and passes me a tube of KY.

I slide the catch on the outer door. We go into steam room, l lie on a towel and swing my legs high,

`great tan'

he says and smears his cock with lube and fingers my ass hole

`heck you're gonna be tight' he grins,

he holds his tool at the base and swings it around

`ready for thumper?'

I nod and bear down like I'm shitting a log, he's pushing and pumping his shaft as he slowly sinks in. I pull the rope, steam invades the space, the intense heat taking the edge off the pain as he bores me open,

`fuck that's good' he says as he slides in,

`am I the biggest?' I grunt out a yeah,

`am I the fattest?'

I grunt out a `yes boss',

`who's the daddy?'

`You are' I grunt

and he slaps my ass and starts to buck, slow and short then long and slow, then he retracts fully and pushes on back in, my pucker snaps closed then is opened again, I'm groaning

`little student whore likes my dick eh?'

I nod, he's pulling and pushing up to the hilt now, I'm burning,

`fuck me daddy' I shout,

he grins and his face grimaces as he releases in me.

`Oh fuck' he says, pulls out and then calmly goes for a shower.

`I'm meeting the Dean for dinner at 9:15, I'd better scoot.'

He showers quickly, gets his suit out of the locker, combs his wet hair and is off.

`I'm seeing the Dean and someone he calls Coach',

I grin,

`you know Coach? he says quizzically.

`Yeah, I'm doing Biomech' I say,

`well son you've passed your assessment with flying colours. There's not many who can take thumper'. G'night'.

I Sluice out the steam room and showers. Sweep the floor and I hear Boss coming down the corridor.

`Did you see the big wig?' I nod,

`I hope you put on a good show, he's here to see Coach and the Dean'.

`Well he gave me top marks.',

`who wouldn't' says boss looking at my bulging shorts.

`you go, kid. I'll lock up'.

I jogged back to hutch. Dix was waiting for me, he'd just showered and smelt gorgeous, I stripped and he hugged me,

`your sweaty' he says.

I lift my arms and smell my pits, acrid,

`oh yeah, I was too busy to shower',

`I love it'

and Dix falls to his knees and takes me, peeling back my skin and licking the rim.

`Someones been busy today', sniffing at my cheesy cock. I laugh,

`I'm beat',

Dix says `let me massage you and see how you feel after',

`after what?' I say

and Dixie winks. He's good at massage and as I lie on the cot face down Dixie straddles me and massages my back, long strokes to my ass and up my spine, I forget about my adventure and don't realise my crack is sticky with lube. I turn over before I'm busted and says to Dixie

`come here you'

and lying on top he rises up onto my shaft and pushes his ass down on me, and leans forwards to kiss as I rise up to meet him. He takes it slow, rising and falling on me and I'm in a half sleep, relaxed in body but horny in mind. I just wanna shoot now. I tap and Dixie climbs off and my hands go to my dick to beat off, Dixie takes over and knows how I like it, getting me close then letting the edge wear off and back again, he's rubbing my gushing precum over my shaft as I pulse, I'm groaning now, thrashing my head as he blows air over my exposed bell end.

He squeezes a drop of pre cum up my shaft that expands then breaks over my cock head, rubbing this into my frenulum, I gasp as I shoot high into the air, pulsing out plumes of white fire like a Gatling gun, he beats me hard, his palm bashing my nuts as he grips my shaft up and down until I'm writhing in agony. He stops and licks up the cum and kisses me, I doze off, asleep now and dreaming of Tommy Lee fucking me hard.

I wake up, and sniff, fuck what's that smell? Dixie is across me, on his front, his face hanging down at side of my pecs drooling, his breath warm on my side, and his hot sweaty body draped over me, arms and legs like a starfish his cock pushing into my abs. I part his cute bubble butt cheeks and he breaks wind, a long bubbly fart. He rouses,

`fuck what's that smell?'

Mason says and sniffs me.

`It's you, get in that shower now'. I whisper.

It's early so we run silently to the comms and into showers. It's echoey empty and we piss down the shower drain whilst we wait for the water to run hot, Dix pees up my body and I lift my arms as his arc just hits my shoulders, I piss out a strong yellow stream over his abs as he's trying to get my pits, he's sorta standing on tip toes aiming his now decreasing jet. We blast the hot water over us and wash, he's knelt down at my ass hole with the gel, sniffing

`fuck your shitty ass stinks' he says,

`in other news the Pope is a Catholic' I reply

and we make sure we are clean, rims done, skin peeled back and de cheeses, Josh walks past naked and boned,

`morning boys'

he mumbles and we hear a stall door close and the clarion call of dawn. We smirk and run back.

I get into my shorts and sneakers and am out of the door, wind on my nips and sun on my back as I pound up the hill. I get to pool and knock out my 120 lengths, get my bag out of my works locker, catch a breakfast roll and I'm in the library.

I'm as hard as hell under the desk. I'm day dreaming of Tommy Lee, what his face looks like as I win the next race and his grimace as he goons, cumming up my ass. Shooting his seed up me, breeding me.

Tom pulls up a chair opposite breaking my dream. We nod. We've a case study to hand in on Monday. We've to calculate the effects of height on the major muscle groups. Tom and I chose each other, he's measured me all over, yep even our dicks, just for a laugh. I'd no problem getting hard jus looking at Tom and him seeing me hard got him going. We're about same length, he's a little fatter and he's uncut as well. We wrote the data in pencil in the margins. Using a real person helps with the study. The calculations are tough, we swap notes and he finds a couple of errors and I check his.

You're some fit dude', he says, looking at the math you are the perfect build, you know, arm extension and deflection, same for your legs, pretty much built to swim'.

`Don't forget the paddles and rudder'

I say clapping my hands and squeezing my package, `that ain't a rudder it's an anchor',

he laughs, we get a shush from guys around.

Big meet at the weekend' I say think we can do it again?

Sure' says Tom that weren't no fluke, he said that to rile ya, to make you bolt too quickly and fade near end',

`hey you're not as dumb as you look' I say,

Tom goons like a redneck and swivels his eyes flexing. We laugh again. We're about done and walk out of the library arms over shoulders. We walk across The Acre in the winter sunshine.

`Shame about Dixie', Tom says.

I stop.

`Whaddya mean?',

oh shoot' says Tom, I thought ya knew, he's flunked his course, his parents are driving up for him, I don't think they were ever pleased he chose Claremont',

`how come',

I say eager to hear more but trying not seem too keen.

`Well he's a Bren',

`a what?',

`shit you never knew, how sweet, The Brens are a billionaire family',

`I thought he was Mason Williams'.

`He is, but it's Mason Williams Bren in full'.

`I gotta go' I say.

I run to the hutch, he's not I my room, I check Dixies hutch. He's sat on his bed, his hold-all packed. His preppy college gear on his bed folded. He looks up at me and tears are running down his cheeks

`I couldn't hack it Bud, fourth best in diving is not enough, bottom in every subject and that's with you helping. You away all day, me struggling. My parents are pulling me out. I start at California Business College after the semester break and I'm doing work experience in Pa's bank. I love you Bud, I'm gonna miss you'. He passes me a card and a small box.

`Don't open it now'

he sobs, and our hands touch as he presses the small box in my hand,

`Don't be mad at me'

Mason sobs into my shoulder. I hear a toot of a horn and he picks up his hold-all, dashes out and he is gone. He runs, he doesn't turn back. I hear the door slam and the car pull away, fast.

I'm in bits, I pick up his preppy gear and go to my hutch. I throw the letter and the box in my top drawer, I'm too sad to read it right now. I hang his clothes in my closet sniffing the pits for one last smell of him and lie on the bed and weep uncontrollably. Tom comes by the door

`I'm sorry for you Bud'. He says

I get up, kinda embarrassed but wanting to and he hugs me, tight, I'm blubbering into his neck, he's stroking my back soothing me, we stand like this for what seems to me like for ever, he slowly breaks away and we look at each other, eye to eye. I'd not noticed Toms blue eyes before, his strong jaw, his blonde sun highlights.

`Now' Tom says

`let's get you sorted for your shift tonight, have you finished your assignment?

`Almost', I say,

`you eaten?' I shake.

`OK here's the plan, let's get some carbs, Dominoes do ya?,

`yeah extra mozzarella on mine please'.

Tom orders for a delivery.

`OK, let's get your assignment finished. I've got mine in my bag that'll help and we can submit them together, now what times your shift?'

`4:00 to 10', I say,

I'm getting to like his methodical approach.

`OK that's 2 hours, let's start'.

We get through the assignment using his as a template to fill the gaps. We work well together taking a break for Pizza. Tom says he'll hang by the pool until I've finished my shift and walk back with me. We get to Pool at 4:00

`Am I glad to see you Bud' Boss says,

`Terry has sprained his ankle, bed hopping no doubt, and I'm short, who's this, it's Tom isn't it?'

Tom nods

`could you work a shift, $10 an hour?'

Tom nods.

`Show him the ropes Bud, get him some gear, he don't talk much does he?'

I show Tom poolside, it turns out he's got his ARC lifeguards certificate and so out of all of us he's the most qualified. I'm on lockers, some rich guys left behind a pair of blue Andrew Christian jock brief pants at the back of a locker, I pocket those, a few grunts from the gym came in, all hairy asses. I spent the time zoning off areas and scrubbing bleach into the floor to get the soap residue away. I'm admiring my handiwork when Boss comes in with Tom following,

`come on guys, get your cute asses outta here, I gotta lock-up, hey Tom can you shadow Buds shifts this week?',

`Sure Boss' Tom says,

`That's the most I've heard him speak'

Boss laughs as we leave.

We are walking back to Halls arms over shoulders, close. We get to Toms block I'm expecting him to break off and go in, we slow and Tom says

`Seeing as I'm shadowing you this week why don't I stay with you?',

`Aw Tom that's great but you don't need to',

`it's not that I need to it's that I want to you blockhead',

he gives me his knockout grin and says

`come up to mine whilst I get my toothbrush and a bag'.

We get back to mine. I instinctively look around for signs of Dixie, I can't see any. I'm sad but see Tom leaning by the door, I strip off, Tom looks at me quizzically,

`house rules' I say.

Tom strips. Fuck he's more beautiful than I'd ever noticed, he's got a great body and an exceptional dick. We grab a towel and walk to Comms to take a leak and brush our teeth. We get back to my room, I feel like I'm being unfaithful to Dixie as I climb into bed and Tom follows. We hug, Tom lies back and I snuggle into him, I drift off as he twirls my hair.

G'night Tom', G'night Bud.'

I wake up and look over at Tom, he's fast asleep. I reach for the drawer and pull out the box and open it, I see the dawn light reflected a thousand times back at me as I tilt the box. I open the note

"Don't be mad at me, I'll always remember you, have this to remember me by. It's a copy of a family signet ring. I hope it fits, I got the measure from a ring pull. Love Dix"

I took the ring out, it felt heavy. It's a square signet ring and the diamond like stone is totally enclosed in the gold coloured metal and rubbing it across the top with my thumb the stone is smooth and flat on top. I slid it on. Perfect fit. I took the ring off and shoved it and the box back in my drawer.

It's close to six, time for my run. I climb out and slip on my shorts. Tom wakes up

`morning beautiful' he says and smiles,

My thoughts of Dix evaporate in his smile, I get a secret stiffie in my shorts.

`I'm going for my run', I whisper,

`I'll join ya' Tom says

`why are we whispering?'

We laugh. He gets outta bed, I'm staring at his morning erection, he looks down

`you'd better get used to Tom Junior, he's a horny li'll fucker'

and he pulls his shorts up, prises his sneakers on and we're running up the hill together. After the run we stop at pool. Boss says

`hey boys',

`Morning Boss' we harmonise.

We are poolside and get to it, 120 lengths. We shower and dry. Toms looking at my uncut cock, `how's that work?', I laugh

`just same as yours', I peel back the skin

`oh yeah' he says, I notice he's chubbing up

`how's Junior?' I say.

Tom looks down

`oh yeah, he's lonely, needs some attention',

`I might be able to help there', I say,

Tom looks at his dick,

`you hear that Junior, you might get lucky'.

We dress and call in at Refectory

`Hey Tom you're early' says one of the servers and

`who's your friend Tom'

I'm introduced and Tom orders his usual, 2 poached eggs on minute steak,

`make that two' I say.

Tom gets juice and decaf coffee. I'm interested in Tom.

`Diets everything Bud, natural talent needs a helping hand, fuel for success',

`what's with the decaf coffee?' I ask

`caffeine is a drug Bud, one we don't need, it can give unwanted adrenaline production, people think they do better after coffee but they don't really' you're just coming back to zero from a dip.'.

We finish up and go back to the hutch. Toms on the bed, he pulls out his waistband to look at his cock,

`ok Junior, I hear ya, you wanna see how buds dick works?, let me ask him.'

He looks over at me. I'm pulling my top off and I'm stripped in 5 seconds. Tom climbs off the bed and lifts up his arms for me to undress him. I pull off his top, Tom expands his chest and flexes. My cock leaps up, Tom grins. I pull down his pants, Toms dick flips out and slaps his abs,

`Hi Junior' I say.

Tom prises off his sneakers and we hug, he says

`let's get to know each other better, I've measured you all over, I want to get the real measure of you now'.

We lie down and tentatively kiss, our tongues exploring, getting more adventurous. We sit up and we hold our own cocks, thighs touching, warm. I play for a while and then move over to grip Junior. I beat him slowly. Tom gets hold of mine and he watches intently as he pulls the skin down and over the head, he grins at me and does it again and pulls the skin up to make a rose. We look at each other, there's a silence, Tom suddenly mocks listening to Junior, he looks at me and says

`Junior says it ain't gonna suck itself'.

I go down on him and take his beautiful cock in my mouth, I can feel him twitch and buck as I wet him and take him deeper, my cats tongue working on his rim. He pulls me away

`this don't seem fair Bud'

and we swing into a 69. Toms on top, his balls are hanging above my nose, almost stopping me breathing as they sag over. Fuck he's a good sucker, who would've thought that. Fuck he's getting me close, what to do, shoot or pull him off.

You gonna shoot big boy? He says, I seen your balls rise on up',

I spit him out, `I could, how about junior?',

`junior likes to cum in the moist darkness mostly'.

I swing around under Tom and show my pucker,

`fuck, look at that Junior, ain't he beautiful?'

He spits on my pucker and lines up

`want some lube?',

`let's try spit, lubes sometimes too slippy'.

He pushes in, I bear down and his cockhead is in,

`fuck your a tight one'

he says as my sphincter snaps around his cockrim. He pushes on further and eventually he's in

`shoulda taken your advice'

he says and starts to Buck, after a couple of painful strokes it feels easier

`yeah precums doing it's job now'

and he's sliding in and out. He forces my legs wider to get closer, but he's not up to the hilt yet, he pulls me lower down the bed and opens me wider and is another inch deeper.

`Got it'

he says and starts to buck, not a gentle hip rock but his whole length pushing in and pulling out. He pulls out and holding his dick at the base he takes my shaft and beats me off, I shoot, and as I cum Junior let's fly, Tom shoots a huge load, he's a new face to watch as he grimaces and goons, he's got a nice cum face, my belly is puddled with our cum. He starts to lap it up like cat with cream and swallowing it. I say

`save some for me',

he laps and fills his mouth again and leaning over he spit pours it into my open mouth like I'm a momma feeding a baby bird. Tom looks down at me and at my cock and grins,

`hey pardner, If we get a move on you can fuck me before we're due in lectures'.

My wet cock twitches at the thought. Tom goes down on me and smells my groin then takes me deep and sucks me back hard,

`that should do it'

he says, he kneels like a doggy and I lube him up and take him deep,

`fuck that's good',

I buck long and slow strokes and he's groaning, I'm close so I pull out and cum onto his back, shooting up to his nape and watching it run down his deep brawny back and the valley of his spine. I bend over and kiss him from his musky crack and golden fine hairs up the valley licking my load off as I get to his nape and suck those three bones coated in blond downy hair protruding. Tom laughs

`what you doin boy?'

and swings around and we hug,

`Junior wants some more says Tom

`juniors gonna have to wait'

I say and take him and pump him quickly as we kiss. With no time to shower, we dress quickly and we head off to lectures arms over shoulders.


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 9

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