Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 25, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 7 - Trsting Times

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 7- Testing Times

It's the last practice before the competition, just coaches selections tonight, and It's a Y night, all that 50m and 100m freestyle and fly guys muscle and cock parading about is making me twitchy. I get through it without boning up, i'm pleased with my times. Dixie looks downhearted.

We assemble in lockerroom and coach gives us a pep talk about doing the best for ourselves, the best for our colleagues and lastly to wear the college insignia with pride. We send up a roar and a cheer and get to the showers, the brawny guys take up a lot of space and Dix and I find a spigot and wash, a guy washes my back and one guy washes Dixies back and they close in on us, what to do but join in, I washed Eds broad back for him, massaging his shoulders and his neck, his head rocking from side to side, the suds running down the crack of his perfect bubble butt ass. I move closer and my dick touches his back, oops' I say as he mock leaps forward and laughs, turning, he soaps my hair and washes me raising my arms to wash my pits, I turn for him to wash my ass, and he bumps his ass into mine saying no way. Coach swings through naked, my showers running cold' he says and we all move up making space for Coach. We pass him our gel and he passes it back, `I think it's about time you washed my back'

he says and Dixie starts but is pushed away by big Aidan who's been treating Dixie to a wash down massage,

`it's a pleasure Coach'

he says and massages his back, his big hands rubbing into his his back muscles hard. Ed takes the gel and starts on Coaches pecs and lifting his arms to soap up his pits, as they got to his abs and lower back Coach says

`keep going boys, it all needs washing',

Ed blushes and starts on Coaches abs and suds running down his cock, he laughs and looks at Coach

`really?' Coach nods and says

`just imagine it's your own',

Aidan says `I got it Coach'

and hugging Coach's back he reaches around and his hands soap up Coaches tackle.

`All done' says Aidan,

Edward says `we've missed a big bit!',

Coach laughs and Ed hugs Coach and reaching around soaps up Coaches ass crack and his cheeks, his head lying on Coaches soapy pecs as he scrubs away.

`Thank you Team'

says Coach as he rinses off, we all cheer and it's shower mayhem, a mass `soapathon' no holds, cocks or cracks barred from being soaped up, massages a bonus, all the smooth shiny bubbly horny bodies rubbing together in the packed showers.

I saw Coach sidle off and pick up the sluice hose, I know all about that and pushed my way through the bodies and hard cocks to the safety of the tiled wall, Coach pulled out the hose on its reel and pulled the trigger and the boys were blasted with cold water rinsing the soap and ardour away, Coach had a knack of hitting cocks and soon everyone was rinsed off as they showered supplemented by Coaches cold blast. Coach walked away laughing at the scene and the noise. All calmed now we dressed.

Coach shouts `See you all tomorrow, refreshed for our overnight trip to Sacramento College, keep your hands off your cocks, and anyone else's'.

We run back to the hutch and it's lights out, we spoon, my hard cock resting in Dixies crack, I can move slowly on my pre-cum lube oozing from my dick as I'm spooning, I fall asleep. Next morning Dix teases my hardon as I awake by blowing on it and watching it lift off my abs, it begging for more. We pack for the overnight and run for the team bus, I'm almost hobbling, my hard cock getting in the way of my legs somehow.

In the queue to get on board Ed tweaks my cock, and feels it's thickness, and lingers, tracing the shaft and turning, looking into my eyes. Dixie pushes me forward to fill the gap Ed has caused. We get a two seat on the bus across from Ed and Aidan. Dixie leans into me, our spread legs, thighs touching. Dixie puts his hand down my shorts and gently grips my rock hard shaft as the bus jogs along in the milky early morning light. I lay my hoodie over my lap to shield the view, Ed saw this and he grins at me. The bus is bouncing as it hits ruts in the road and the engine vibration and Dixies grip is bringing me close making my hard on permanent.

After a couple of hours we stop for breakfast. We get off the bus, in our white shorts, vest and navy hoodies we looked hot in the busy facilities, people turning heads, we walk to take a piss in the long trough, we shuffle up close and drop our pants to our ankles on Aidens cue, showing our asses and we piss. Ed is staring at my thick cock, thankfully a little softer and able to piss out a heavy stream. I squeeze the last drop out, mostly pre-cum now and Ed reaches across and pumps my shaft, I do the same on his, behind us a stall door opens and guy leaves, we quickly go in, fuck it stinks in here, I hear Dixie calling `Bud, Bud' as Ed shoved his tongue down my throat and plunging his hands down my shorts pumping my shaft, he fell to his knees and pushed into my groin sniffing and took my cock in his mouth sucking, I hear Dix shout

`Bud, Bud, if you're dumping I'll see you back on the coach, get something to eat',

`OK Dix'

I shout as I slowly Buck Ed's mouth. I need to shoot, but now, here, in this shit smelling stall, my lover missing me, no. I push Ed's mouth away, snap up and push him onto the toilet seat and open the door. I run out and through the melee I see Dix in the food queue and join him, he's ordered and I shout `two of those please, to go', the server nods, we pay and arms around waists we run to the coach.

Aiden says `did you see Ed?',

`yeah we had a piss and then he said he could feel a dump hovering so he went into a stall',

`gross TMI'

says Aiden as Ed gets on the coach. He high fives me as we sit down, all good. Coach walks down with a clipboard

`OK Guys to build team spirit I'm assigning rooms in this order. I look at Ed as his name is paired with me, he grips his cock through his shorts and grins. Coach continues reading out names

`and finally Dix, I mean Mason and Aidan.'

The coach fills with chatter as we rumble along highway 210 to Sacramento.

The coach pulls in to the motel, it's late, Coach hands out keys and we get into twos. Dix looks tearful as big Aidan pulls him to their room. Ed grabs our key and runs to our room, taking my bag as I catch Dixies eyes and give him the thumbs up.

I get to our room, it's a double. Ed leaps on the bed like a 10 year old and says I'll have this side. It's hot in the room and I open the window and strip to my pants. My hard dick resting to my right, a patch of leaked pre has darkened the fabric. Ed strips, he's a fucking hunk of a guy, but very shy. He turns away so I can't clock his cock, then turns towards me, he grins and flexes, my jaw drops, he goes through his routine as if I am a mirror. I start to copy as if I am his mirror and we giggle as I try to keep up with him.

I need a piss and Ed follows me, we stand at the pan, trying to piss, we lock arms over shoulders looking down and I manage to squeeze a thin narrow stream of piss through my erection, it sprays high in the air as I try to manage the plumbing. Ed laughs and squeezes out a stream that ends up spraying over me, I'm mock horrified and inwardly so pleased he has a hard on. I look at the shower and switch it on. The water gurgles from some deep cavern and sprays out. We leave it running. Ed sits down on the pan seat, his mouth level with my dick, he grimaced a little and drops a log, fuck that's so sexy, his smell fills the room and he's gonna drop another, he rises off the seat and I watch his log leave his ass and drop in the pan. I grin and as he wipes I feel a stomach cramp and sit on the warm seat. Ed stares down the gap left by my cock and me, waiting expectantly for the birth, I start to drop and I rise up as Ed watches my log drop. I wipe up, Ed is fascinated with my ass hole. Parting my cheeks to look, I pulse and make it wink at him, making him laugh, he bends and parts his cheeks to wink at me. The shower is now running hot and we get under the jet and with lots of soap clean to each other up.

Coach knocks at the door, `G'night boys, lights out in 5'. We dry each other on the scratchy towels and we're still hard, it won't go down. I switch the light out and get into bed with Ed. It feels weird. Ed wants to suck me off but I say no, I spoon into him as I do Dix, my arms wrapped around this huge hunk of a guy. My hands fall on his cock and I fall asleep. By morning I'm like a rock. Ed laughs and tweaks me whenever he can. Breakfast is a meagre affair, we pile on the coach chit chattering and I sit next to Dixie and hold his hand

we did a flex routine and just chatted' says Dixie, how about you?',

`Same, it must be what they do together, I couldn't, I mean we didn't do anything'

I say and we continued into Sacramento and to the college.

The bus parked up, a guy with a clipboard spoke to Coach. We huddled in the bright sun, the pool complex was huge with bleacher seating on all sides. We got a spot on the seating and all sat together and stripped to change into our costumes, as I looked around guys from other colleges were doing the same, a guy caught my eye and I raised my hand as I stepped into my swim gear. I made sure he got a real eyeful. I looked across and he did the same, nice long one, might be uncut?

My 200m relay heat was called, my stomach turned, as the four of us stepped down the bleachers to go poolside. We were checked, a guy pulled my suit out and looked in at my meat, checking for drugs I suppose? I looked up and saw Dixie and Coach clapping and cheering as our team was announced. 8 lanes, 16 colleges, 2 heats then the finals. We lined up. I'm going 3rd. I'm ready and Josh starts, he touches and Tom flies through air and we haul Josh out. As Tom touches, Lonnie says we're in 4th place go Bud' I dive and come up, I'm fast, I know, I concentrate, I must be gaining, I look across at the turn and I've made some ground, keep on Bud', I hear coach shout in my head and build up speed, turn, great I'm pulling back up, now it's all out, I push and accelerate, I touch and Lonnie dives over me. The team are clapping me and haul me out, we went from 4th to second place. Second will do, it's a heat. I look at the splits, I made the fastest 200 so far. Lonnie is busting, still second place and he touches a whisker off first. Coach runs down and claps us on the back,

`we got this one' he says.

We wrap in towels and watch the next heat from the bleachers. The guy I gave an eyeful to walked by with his team. I stood up and we high fives

`good luck' I said

luck don't come into it' he drawled jus' skill'.

I says `good luck anyways'.

Coach bustled over

`that's Tommy Lee from San José, best there is for last two years',

I grin `I got him' I say to Coach.

They come first in their heat by a country mile. We take a break until finals in the afternoon. Dixie is with his dive team, I see him laughing, watching his abs crunch and that big open faced grin of his, my heart almost skipped a beat when I'm clapped on the shoulder by Tommy Lee.

`Hey, it's Bud ain't it?',

`Yeah Tommy it is'

and we walk on chatting,

`you're not with your team then?', I say,

`I guess not, they're freshers, they drive me nuts, all that chit chattering', I laugh and says

`yeah us freshers can be a bit much',

he stops `fuck don't tell me your a first year?

I nod

`fuck me man, I'm in my 4th year, look at you, that physique, man you're just perfect, what the fuck you gonna be like in 3 years? Thank the Lord I'm gonna be outta college and working in a hospital by then',

I'm flattered and try not to chitter chat as we walk on. Guys clap him for high fives everywhere we go and he introduces me to his coach,

So you're Bills hot prospect' he says and grins, I see you met Tommy Lee, ain't he something, best recoverer you could wish for, he's got it all boy, pace, acceleration, stamina, good luck in the finals',

I'm piqued and say `no such thing as luck, just skill, pure skill'.

I shake with Tommy and head back to my team and my coach. I'm riled and up for it. Bring it on.

Coach calls us to get us ready,

`take a real hot shower now boys, gets you warmed up'.

I let the hot water invade my shoulders and back and see Tommy Lee strutting about. Lonnie says

`look at him, head as big as a bail'

I laugh, `listen Lonnie if I pull it back can you keep it?'

`Sure Bud, I might even do better n narrow the gap!

We shake and huddle as a four, Coach joins us and Lonnie says

`let's do this for ourselves, for coach, for college'.

The gun goes off, we stand by the board. After Josh we're a tight second place, as Tom touches, we're still second, he's maintained the gap. My mind goes blank as I'm in the air and surfacing and getting into my stride, I feel my strokes and start to pull away, I see Tommy Lee ahead of me and we have clear water in the lane between us. It's too early to go, be patient my head is telling me. On the turn at 50m I've narrowed the gap a little, a good second place, I keep on keeping on and at the second turn I'm getting closer, when is he a gonna burst, only 100 left to do it in, I'm keeping up, maybe gained a little, its coming up to 3rd turn, only 50 to go and think heck I got this.

It's now or never, I see the pool steps for 25m left. I start accelerating, I'm pulling up level with him, fuck when's he gonna go, I'm just in the lead I think but it's close, I put all my heart into it, he's fucking correct it ain't luck it's skill, I find my reserve tank and after the switch on, I'm powering ahead, the crowd are going nuts, I can sorta hear it but zone it out, where the fuck is he, I see him, he's a head behind, then he's advancing, head down boy now, get going Bud,

We look level as we touch. He gives me a grin as the clear water is filled by 4th place. Lonnie powers into the pool, he is doing well, we're shouting ourselves hoarse with the rest of the crowd, we call out the gap time as Lonnie turns, fuck he's pulling away, Lonnie is pulling away, we are dancing, arms in the air, 100m left, Lonnie is in and out of the lead, he turns for the final 50, he's losing it, we are quiet, then at 25 by the steps he goes for it, one last push and starts to make up ground, he touches.

Fuck it's close, we haul him out and wait for timekeepers. Coach says we got it, we wait nervously, San Jose look nervous. We explode as the board is updated and shows Claremont are top. San Jose's shoulders drop as we dance and cheer. Fucking Lonnie did it like he said he would! Amazing feeling, my cock is growing but I couldn't give a damn. We haul Lonnie high above our heads and then on Coaches orders we walk back to bleachers serenely, smiles telling it all.

Dixie saw it all and gives me a hug and puts his hand on my lap gripping my shaft and I lean back my hands behind my head elated. We get the printout and it shows Lonnie and Tom and I all have PB's. Dixie came 4th in diving, Coach is thrilled with the results, Coach said Dixie would have come 3rd if it were a Y, like it should be.

We pack our swim bags and head for the lockerroom. It's mayhem but my sorta mayhem, packed showers, lots of boys to look at and be appreciated by. I think it's the `all over California bronze tan' that does it, or could it be my thick uncut schlong or maybe my perfect physique? Anyways I've soaped up, chubbed up and I'm washing my hair before I rinse off. Tommy Lee strolls up and congratulates me on my fluke win, Dixie and Tom hold me back and Tommy Lee grins and looks me up and down, adjusts his package and strolls out.

We put on our best preppy College gear and walk out to applause for the presentation ceremony. Each squad are lined up in rows as the captain of each team goes up to receive the medals. Much applause and wolf whistles as we collect our silver-wear then it's on to the coach for the long drive back.

We stop off at a Chicken Shack joint as a special treat and Coach gives a rousing speech as we devour our buckets, we cheer and then it's on the bus for cuddles on the way back in the darkness. Dix has his hand down my pants gripping my shaft, keeping me hard and bringing me back if I soften in my sleep. Ed is close to Aidan, nuzzled into his pecs like a baby looking for milk. Aidans strong arm wrapped around his shoulders, legs splayed, thighs touching, Aidans hand across his shorts, pressing down on Eds dick.

We get to the hutch, strip out of our preppy gear and hang it away for next competition.

`Fuck you're gorgeous, cum to Daddy' I say

and as I turn out the light Dixie lies on his back, swings his legs high and lubes up,

`cum here champ' he says, his fingers parting his pucker for me. I'm so thick and hard my veins are like ripples on carved wood. Dixie exhales as he feels my thickness boring into him, he rises up like he does, his arms around my neck and kisses me deeply as I start to rock my hips gently building up speed and stroke length. I'm getting close,

`pull out, let me watch' he says.

I do as commanded and balancing on one arm I tickle my frenulum with my finger and pulse out a plume over Dixies chest. He joins me, spurting hands free as he kisses me deeply, our cum mixing, white streaks against his bronzed skin. I lie back as we feed each other cum off our fingers, falling asleep with the campus lights illuminating the hutch.

Across the halls, doors slam, shouts are heard, peels of laughter ring out and bottles clink as a Saturday Night in Halls eludes us yet again. Champs.


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 8

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