Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 23, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 6 - Coach Party

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 6 - Coach Party

Coach says I'm doing well, I'm not improving my times but he's concentrating on my technique. He says that whatever I'm doing is helping and to keep on with the running and swimming the mile a day.

Dixie and I (that's Masons nickname) are doing the best we can for coach, we're both horny as hell and giving the bed a workout most nights. We take each other after wrassling and strength games, then fall asleep wet with cum, waking up early for a piss and doing it all over again before dawn, my crawling out of bed and doing the run, my cock still pumped up in the breeze around my onion skin runners, wind on my nipples teasing me. I get some looks, but you know, I don't give a damn, I'm in the zone.

At Y practice tonight, we're all lined up and coach walks the line, prodding boys, expertly handling shoulders, looking at posture, advising boys. Coach says

`I need two boys to put away floats at the end of practice , his stick landed on my shoulder and moved to Trent stood next to me. We looked at each other and grinned, it's a great feeling to get selected by coach.

He walked the line giving boys a number then split us into teams, and we were off. At the end of practice we cleared away the floats snd paraphernalia of practice into the store. By the time we got to lockers the guys had thinned out and Trent and I had a long shower, he'd an aching shoulder and I massaged it for him as we showered, easing the troublesome muscle with shower gel as I washed his back, his ebony black skin shiny then matt as the water pulled away and trickled down his cute butt. He turns and without a word his hands are on my shoulders and he washes my hair for me and my back as I'd done his. We rinse off and swing back to lockers, I'd chubbed up and Trent laughed

`I knows you, keep that snake away from my ass'.

I blushed a little and Trent dressed as I dried my hair on the wall drier, towel over my shoulders feeling the jet on my hair and down to my butt and dick as I twirled underneath the jet. Trent packed up and as he was leaving Coach came out of his dressing room,

`thanks boys'

he says and Trent beams and nods, glad of the appreciation.

Coach sits at side of me as I'm putting on my pants, he turns his gaze away from my dick and says

`I wonder if you and that pal of yours Brandon',

`er Mason', I say,

`oh yes Mason, well I'm having a little pool party at the weekend and I could do with some help serving drinks and snacks then helping clear up. I've got some other coaches and College high ups coming and I'd pay you both handsomely of course, would you do that for me as a favour?',

Yes Coach' I say, but we haven't got any smart clothes'.

Coach says, `it's going to be hot by the pool and I've just the thing for two fine boys, you'll be quite the attraction'.

I liked the sound of that, getting paid and showing off. Dixie says we could do with the money, if we're going to share a house in town next year.

Weekend comes and Coach says we've to meet at 3. I get my run and swimming in the morning and do some gym work with Dixie, we walk to Coaches place, it's up the hill from campus and in an enclave of century style houses with big gardens right on edge of campus. We enter through the gate and spy the pool in the back garden, it's not a kidney shaped leisure pool but a rectangular 75 msybe 100 footer reaching to the back of the garden and surrounded by tall trees.

Coach sees us and greets us warmly, he's dressed in a flowing light robe, patting our backs as he ushers us in.

`You guys are good n early'

he talked as he showed us around taking us into the garden,

`this is the drinks cabin, here you'll serve drinks to guests and refill your trays, here's the bbq, I've a guy coming to do that, and he'll do canapés first for you to take around. That's it really.'

`When do we start',

`oh the guys will start coming around 4:00, it's about 1:30 now so why don't you top up your tans by the pool, get some rays?'.

We nod,

`oh, it's Y rules here boys'.

I looked at Dixie, he shrugged,

look at that pool I say `come on Dixie, it's only Coach, he's seen us nekkid for weeks now',

I dropped my worn out shorts and pulled off my oversize vest that drops beneath my nips and I was naked. I saw Coach move at a window in the house and I put my hand up to acknowledge him. Dixie was a bit shier than me and took his time.

I picked up a towel from the stack by the loungers and lay it out, I moved the lounger to face the sun and laid out. My dick to one side nestling above my blond pubes and reaching over to top of my thigh, my foreskin closed like a snout. I looked down at my body, crunched my abs, flexed my sculpted swimmers thighs and clenched my butt. I relaxed and seeing Dixie lie next to me, his slim but muscular divers body, his dark red pubes, fire red hairy pits and treasure trail in complete contrast to my sun tinged mousy blonde. I looked across and smiled at my love and watched as he got up and dived into the pool with a little splash, he surfaced

come on mutthead, I'll race ya.

I dived in and we swam towards the shallow end to wrassle, it's about 2 foot deep so we were on full show as we writhed and hugged and gripped trying to dunk the other. We tried several times, but we are evenly matched.

Coach was at side of the pool, now we reckon he must be about Uncles age something like 38. He's got a swimmers body, broad shoulders, long arms, big hands, heavy up top but not bodybuilding heavy, strong as an ox, built to plough his long thick cock into any furrow.

`Who am I wrassling with?'

Coach says and dives in, staying under until he's between my legs and he lifts out of the water with me on his shoulders, my dick and balls pressed against the nape of his neck, I'm rocking about as he grabs my thighs to steady me. I look down and he's smiling up at me, balancing me, his thick cock out in front of him, floating up in the water. I make to get free and he tightens his grip.

`Help me Dixie' I shout

Dixie lunges across to topple him but he's too broadly stood and just repelled him with a push of his belly out. Dixie falls back in water and thinks for a moment then he walks up to coach. and I put my arms down and Dixie grabs my arms and starts to walk up coaches thighs past his dick and onto to his abs, laying back. Coaches centre of gravity is changing and he starts to rock. Dixies cock is almost level with coaches face. Dixie climbs and sits opposite to me, his legs over coaches shoulders and his cock on his throat. Now, it's not very stable and the pile collapses and we fall into the water.

Coach growls like `The Hulk', flexing, fuck I think he's so athletic, I think of Uncle Rick but I am put off by Coach chasing us around the garden like The Hulk, Dixie trips and coach picks him up and swings him around over his head and throws him into the deep end. Now he's after me, he's pretty fast running like a gorilla with long strides, his balls dangling. He lunges for me and I'm under his legs and outta the ass side, I sniff his musk as my nose glides under his low hangers, and I leap onto his broad back, my arms around his shoulders and my thighs squeezing at his waist. He wriggles but can't throw me.

Dixie hauls himself out of the pool and runs, throwing himself on my back, climbing up me, his cock scraping up my ass as he clambers higher and higher his cock half way up my back as he's pushing Coaches head down and rocking. Coach growls like hulk and beats his hands on his chest and swings around as we tumble into the pool. We surface and get our breath back.

Drying off lying on the towels we are silent. Coach looks at his watch and says

I'll get you boys your outfits'. He comes out with two white collarless crisp cotton shirts, white pressed shorts and two new white jocks with wide waistbands and a sort of see through mesh aertex pouch. In his pocket he has two elastic bow ties. Aw Coach' we say `we'll be too hot in these'.

Coach explains that when guests arrive we'll serve the sparkling Californian Chardonnay and canapés fully dressed and then on his signal that we will take our shirts off first and then our shorts, wearing just the jocks and bow ties to keep our modesty and signal that the pool is open.

Sounds like a plan' I say as who would wanna be in a stuffy shirt at a pool party!'

We dress, the shirts are so thin I can see Dixies tanned skin and nips pointing through and the shape of his abs sometimes when he turns. The white shorts are tight, showing the jock supports. I could watch his cute ass in those all day.

We hear the doorbell chime and Coach now back in his shorts and shirt asks us to open the door, hang any coats and take contributions through to kitchen. First up is Boss.

Hey Boss' I say come on through' would you like a Chardonnay?

Has the Pope got a balcony?, he says say ain't you too overdressed?', he smirks

`well it is a little hot for these', I say.

It's a constant stream of people and gifts. I refill the trays with more drinks and pass a tray to Dixie who teeters around with it, it's quite heavy for his skinny divers frame. I start on the canapés and everyone's so polite looking me up and down, it's hot and my shirt is wet with sweat, my nips protruding and the fabric is sticking to my abs. I can't wait to take these off.

All the canapés are eaten, the sparkling wine is finished and Coach says

`Now the boys will open the pool party'

and he beckons us to stand on the countertop.

`OK boys'

he says and Coach starts the music, the guys start to clap. I look at Dixie and he grins, We grin at each other and remember this one from the school disco and we bump asses and writhe in time to the beat. Bumping, fist pumping and high fives, improvising as the guys clap. One guy (who's had a bit too much Chardonnay) shouts `

`off, off, off'

and the rest join in. We tease the buttons down the shirt and twirl, holding the shirt sides out like wings and twirl then take the shirt off slowly arm by arm still trying to keep in time with Dixie, like synchro divers.

We throw the shirts into the crowd and hands fly up to catch them. The tune is reaching the end and I signal to Dixie by putting both thumbs inside my waistband and gyrating around pushing my crotch forward. Oh man you should've heard the guys, whistling. It's the final verse now and I'm timing it for the last beat, as I pull the shorts down, bending over in the jock as I kick the shorts off. We stand upright with our hands in the air and turn around so everyone can see us. We get a great clap and guys are getting bills out and pushing them down the jock waistband, some guys push their hands in to cop a feel as they leave the bills behind.

The guys retreat to the pool and start to strip off and lie on loungers and dive in the pool. Coach says

`well done guys, that was brilliant'

and he puts a $100 bill down each of our crotches.

We go to take out the money. Coach says it's beers from the cooler only now. We pull the money from each other, even the notes tucked into our ass cracks, who minds though, it's just a Y party after all. It's so good to be outta the stuffy shirts and I'm loving the breeze on my ass and the way curve of the low slung jock hides my increasingly chubbed up cock and shows my blondish pubes.

Dixie is doing the beers, busy bending down to get bottles as most guys want the ones on the bottom shelf as they're cooler, that makes sense. Aaron who looks after weights at the gym is on bbq. He's a brawny redneck muscle guy. I didn't know he has so many tattoos, but he obviously loves showing them off and flexes all the time, even his butt has tattoos. He knows how to wear a posing pouch and is filling it amply. We're getting through beers and it nice watching the guys having fun, arms over shoulders, diving in, no one bothered at all about being naked.

Aarons busy cooking meat and as Dixie serves the beers, coach asks me to get the salads and bring them down. I'm pulling the straps on my Jock,

`that chafing ya?'

Coach asked considerately

`why yes' I say,

`you can change when you and Dixie announce that the meat is ready.',

`Oh OK'

I say and take down the salad bowls. The bbq smells great and Aaron is working a sweat up, running down his body, he's so built, his face and chest are red in the heat. His pouch looks pretty full I think and my cock twitches in my jock,

`oh please not now'

I say to myself and think about biomech calculations.

The salads are out, the meat smells cooked, and Coach claps his hands and says

`now the boys will show you the meat course'.

Aaron took a hand each and we climbed up onto the bar counter. Aaron whispers `copy me boys' and he puts his thumbs in his pouch and starts to gyrate. The guys start to clap as we gyrate around. Aaron is such a tease he's pulling his pouch forward then back and then down a little, showing his pubes. We turn around and bend over showing our asses then turn back. The sexy music is getting me going and Dixies growing jock shows he's well into it as well.

As the music stops Aaron turns around, our asses are facing the crowd and he drops his pouch, we drop our jocks, step out of them and pick them up, we're naked, we bend right over then standing back up Aaron sniffs his pouch and turns his head, we copy. Then he holds his pouch over his junk, we copy and jump turn on the beat to face the guys. They go wild, wolf whistling and one guys shouts `off off off' again, we dance around always keeping a hand and the jock hiding our junk. The crowd go wild as we turn backs to audience and we throw the jocks over our heads into the crowd.

Aaron looks at our junk, and he grimaced and pumps his cock up, so we're all big and says `right boys, when I say 1,2,3 on 3 turn with hands in the air', we hear 1, 2 and 3, we turn and show fully as the crowd go wild. Aaron bends picks me and Dixie up under our crotches pushing our cocks up and lifts us with ease. Dixie holds out his arm wide and I copy. The guys clap and whistle as Aaron lowers us and we three stand, I'm all excited and firm and so is Dixie, Aaron looks to be getting close as well. The guys clap and we bow as coach says

`I hope you guys enjoy your meat'.

Aaron put on his apron to serve, his cock tenting the front, we see our aprons hanging up and copy, serving food to the guys as Coach refills the cooler with beer from the basement. He comes up behind me and says

`fantastic Bud, thanks'.

He pats my ass with his hand pausing to lightly squeeze a cheek. He's such a nice guy.

The food has soon gone and we're now serving beer. Coach says for us to clear away the disposable plates and we go around with the bag on wheels and a crate for bottles. It's soon cleared up and Coach says to us,

`it's self service now so you can just enjoy the day'.

Some guys are getting a bit carried away and get pushed in the water to cool off. Guys are showering together in the open pool shower and me and Dixie lie down and catch some rays. A guy leans right over blocking the sun and asks if we'd like a beer. We nod and he swings off, he's tall and I turn to Dixie and say

`Tennis I bet ya!',

Dixie nods. Slender guy comes back and puts the cold bottle on my abs and he watches as they flex `nice rack'

he says as I react and sit up,

sorry' he says I'm Lawrence, friends call me Loz',

`hi Loz' I say.

`What tennis club are you in?' I say, he looks quizzical

`well I'm in Claremont Heights club',

`nice I say',

I chink bottles with Dixie and as I'm staring at Loz's dick way too much I rise up from lounger and dive in the pool. Aaron is wowing the crowd with a pecs display in the shallow end and now I see that his cock has a cobra tattooed on it, the head on his bell end and it's tail disappearing into his bush. He's getting lots of attention, he's so popular, I never knew. I swim around a bit and eyes are on me.

Aaron dives in and swims under me lifting me on his shoulders and he walks to the shallows, I swing my arms in the air, my balls pushed into his neck and my cock tousled in his hair, he bends forward and I somersault over his head into the water and haul myself out. I dive in and do the same to Aaron, under and lift him up on my shoulders, fck he's heavier than I thought but I lifted all the same and gripped his thighs for balance with as he danced about above me, I could feel his low hangers pressing into my nape and his dick banging the back of my head as he hugged around, flexing and showing off. Dixie dived in and swam through my legs, his shoulders catching me and toppling us all.

The sun was getting lower and guys were paring off and going into the house, Coach took Aaron inside for a chat. Dixie and I were debating about having another beer. I needed a leak and ran the patio shower and pissed as I showered off the grass and grit. Dixie stood close and pissed all over my junk as he rinsed making me chub up considerably.

Loz was walking towards us with 3 cool ones, we turned off the shower, grabs a towel and rubbed down to dry and followed him to the summerhouse at the end of the garden. It was cool in the shade of the tall trees and the air blew through the open doors. We sat and chatted on the rug, drinking the beers.

Loz is a real estate developer, he knows Coach and Boss from his time at college, he was in diving squad and told us he was once one of Coaches favourites.

`It looks as if you two beauties have taken my crown'.

He motioned us to stand up and to turn slowly. As he stood to join us he had a massive boner, he didn't hide it or make a joke, we locked arms over shoulders, foreheads touching, looking down at his dick and as we did so we too became aroused, our three shafts touching at the heads, three veined, tanned cocks, my foreskin peeled back slowly as my blood pumped in more, my cock rose higher to my abs as Dixies followed and Loz's started to rise a little as he pulsed it.

He turned and kissed Dixie deep on the lips, tonguing him, this got me harder still and I caressed their balls with my hands, squeezing their fruits hard. Kneeling down I took one cock in each hand and played with the shafts, feeling their racing heartbeats pulsing through their veins.

I took Loz first, deep in my mouth and got him wet, almost choking on his thick meat, then Dixies turn, spitting so as to lube him as I retook Loz deep in my mouth and still pumping Dixie. I felt their eyes on me and I looked up at them both, looking down at me with smiling eyes. They kissed again and played with each other's nipples, squeezing and kissing them, circling with their tongue, their heads clashing as they sucked at the nipple.

Loz was bucking into my mouth slowly, I stopped beating Dixie as I could feel his nuts rise and as Loz was breathing shallow I left their dicks and stood, Dixie and Loz both fell to their knees, Loz prised down my hard dick off my abs and took me in his mouth whilst Dixie went around to my back and kneeling pushed his mouth into my ass crack, licking and spitting over my pucker. I pushed out my ass by lowering down with my hands on my knees, legs spread, pushing Loz down who was kneeling, my cock down his throat, fuck he's a good blower I think.

Dixie stops now I'm wet and I can feel Dixie at my gate, he pushes in. Loz reaches right under and grabs Dixie balls as he's sucking my cock and Dixie is slamming into my ass. Loz grabs my nuts and tugs down sharply as I'm bucking his face. Loz stops sucking me and is sitting up close now, letting my cock bash onto his face as Dixie fucks me hard, Dixie is moaning and Loz grabs his balls tight in one hand and mine tight in his other. Dixie shoots up my ass and I release a load over Loz's face, my balls aching as he squeezed them tighter and tighter as I spurted over his face.

Loz stood up, Dixie pulled out of my ass and took Loz in his mouth as I kissed Loz's face, cleaning up with cummy kisses. I knelt alongside Dixie facing him and with Loz's thick shaft in between us, we kissed his shaft and each other and moved slowly up and down Loz's ample pole, his hands gripping our scalps. He bucked and shot a plume onto the dusty floor and we wasted not another drop, drinking down his fresh cum and squeezing out the last drop onto Dixies spread tongue.

We all stood up, our arms interlocked over shoulders, our cocks thick and glistening with saliva and cum, and my ass stinging with Dixies pounding. We started to laugh. We cleaned up on the damp towels.

`Another beer?' I said They nodded. I ran the length of the garden, the sun dipping behind the trees, garden lights lit up slowly as I swung back, with 3 beers, my dick slapping my thighs. We left the dusty summerhouse and sat poolside dangling feet in the water chatting. We told Loz about us working the pool and lockers, how we hated biomech and he laughed.

`You two have taken me back 10 years'

he says. We shower and in the blue lights of the pool we swim, 3 musketeers, a band of brothers. I still gotta get my lengths in. As I haul myself out after 60 Loz and Dixie are sat legs in water kissing, both hard as iron. I walk behind them and push them in then bomb jump on them. We lark about wrassling but are too tired to dunk.

`We'd better get going'

I say and we find Coach, he's in the lounge, guys relaxing, wearing toga towels. We see our clothes neatly folded in two piles with new jocks and a bowl on each full of notes.

`I hope you two don't mind but we had a retiring collection for you?'.

The guys start clapping and we take a bow.

`Gee thanks guys',

we say together like twins and Coach asks us to get dressed in the middle of the room. He puts music on and Dixie and I bump and grind to the cheesy beat soon sporting wood, this time putting our clothes on, rubbing jock against jock, mock fucking each other's asses in the jock to whistles and applause as we slip into shorts and finally the white shirt. Coach says, you never did wear these and gave us the elastic dickie bows which he clipped on us and we grabbed the bowls and paraded around like bunny boys and as the music stopped we bowed one last time and left the room. Coach came out to the hallway,

Thanks boys' says Coach. Now this remains with us, right, no idle gossiping, you gotta me?',

`Yes coach' we said in unison.

We took the notes in a pile and added them to the earlier stash. Coach got out his wallet and peeled off 2 $50s and added them to the pile. I squared up the notes and stuffed them money in my pocket, we picked up our old clothes pulled the bow ties off and high tailed it down through campus running. We changed into our scruffs behind some trees and sauntered into halls,

ain't seen you twos all day' Glossy says, where you two fags been anyways?',

`oh you know, just out and about, cruising', we joked in reply.

We went into my room leaving him laughing.

We counted the money into two piles of over $500 each, `not bad' I say and we high five. I look at Dixie and think of him kissing Loz, my cock is aching with love for him trying to escape the tight jock.

Dixie sees and kneels and pulls my scruffy shorts over the white jock and starts to rub my shaft with his nose, sniffing at my crotch. I jump up and turn off the light, the hutch is lit by the city outside and as I lay on the bed Dixie deals with my aching cock, sucking through the jock material, getting me wet.

I double tap and he knows what that means, we swap places, he takes off his shorts and jock, he lays on his nack, swinging up his tanned slender, strong legs and I see the pale inner crack of his ass and spit `bulls eye' onto his pucker, lining up I leans forward pushing his legs out with my thighs as my shiny precum sticky cock pumps out iridescent love juice and I plunge deep into him, into his velvet lined tunnel, tight around my cock rim, sending shivers as I slowly invade, rocking my hips in and out, widening his legs, me pushing down harder to get low enough to kiss him as he stretches his face up, crunching his abs and his arms tight around my neck as I fuck him tenderly.

Speeding up now I'm close to shooting. I pull back out and as we both sit facing, our legs entwined. Dixie marries our two hard cocks together in his palm, my cock pulsing strongly as I groan at being so close. In a few pumps he gets us both off, we kiss, our cum spurting over our chests and up under our chins, feeling like hot larva. Laying back we play with the cum in our fingers, making swirly patterns on our abs, tracing the cum from our sweaty matted pubes up our still hard cocks that slowly deflate. We doze off in the afterglow.

It's early Sunday morning. I wake and Dixie is sleeping on his front, I say `morning' no response. I shake him, no response, I slide my hand slowly under and grab his thick, erect shaft, no response. I part his cheeks and nuzzle into his ass crack, breathing his musk, spitting into his stinking beautiful hole. I straddle him like press ups, coat my cock with warm spit and lower myself, my wet dick is in between his cheeks, right on his button pucker, involuntarily he raises his knees up the bed and his ass lifts, I push down and glide in, to the limit, my pubes tickling on his ass, he wakes up

`mmm morning lover boy'

he says into the pillow and I gently fuck his willing, gaping ass hole. I pull out when close, he knows why and he flips over and I support myself, laying back on my arms as he gently licks my frenulum with his tongue tip, feeling my cock twitch and pulse like a live creature teasing out my cum that starts squirting recklessly over his face, tongue and his fat plump rosebud lips, he's cupped my balls and is feeling every contraction as my cock spurts and spurts over him. I lick the cum off his face cleaning him up, we cummy kiss tenderly.

He's horny, slapping his dick on his palm, wanting his turn, his time to release. I squat like a doggy, he puts his hand roughly over my mouth, I suck and chew his fingers as he takes me dry, just his precum to ease my pain as he's pushing into me, I yelp, as it's getting a little easier and deeper, lubed by his pre and my musky, pasty ass hole lined with sweat and residue. He's in at last, up to his hilt, my musky, shitty ass smell invades the room, we snort the pheromones up deeply. He grabs my hair and pulls my head back roughly slapping my ass cheek hard.

He rises up from his knees and leans forward over my back, his hard body pressed against mine as his hips rock fast and rhythmically, fucking me hard like we are two rabid dogs. I pant and moan and groan, his weight forcing his cock in me, it's finally too much and we collapse on the bed, still connected as he exudes an animalistic growl as he releases deep in me, his legs juddering uncontrollably and his dick bucking and squirting powerful jets of cum into my ass as he sobs, real tears of relief that I feel running down my back as he shoots time and time again into me for what seems eternity.

We wait, still connected, we are as one, he strokes my body, my hair, I make nice soothing noises, praise him for his cock, his beautiful thick cock and as I describe it in detail, the veins, the smell, the colour, the thickness, he's such a horny fucker, he's still hard in me now, going again, pumping in and out now easily, lubed by his own cum, he thrashes back and forward, when he pushes harder into me, grabbing me close with his arm around my neck, half choking me, his hips are bucking up into me, as he chokes me, he grunts and grunts as he shoots and shoots and shoots, juddering legs and tight abs bucking, his grip loosening as he blacks out.

He falls over on his back. I straddle him and beat myself off spraying into his open mouth. Wow! we lie in our reverie of pleasure and pain then turn and grin at each other and spring up. We tiptoe through the comms and exude the cum from our asses giggling at each others wet farting explosions like tubas playing off notes.

We dress quickly and run together in the dawn up to the campus limits and around the perimeter and turning repeat the run ending at the pool.

It's about time for morning swim practice, Boss opens up the pool giving us a wink and touching his finger against his nose.

`you're a bit ripe today boys' he says and rolls his eyes and stares at our packages as he leads us to the locker-room turning the lights on and getting the water hot.

We laugh and strip clutching our packages for him we have a shower to clean up cracks and rid the smell of sweat and sex and as a few other guys arrive chatting, we dive into the pool. 60 lengths later we haul ourselves out and take a long hot luxurious shower, we wash each other clean, everywhere.

On the way back we get breakfast rolls from the bakery and jog back to the hutch to eat and then sleep and sleep and sleep. Cuddled up, naked, spooning, wriggling over the crumpled cummy sheets and breadcrumbs in the bed.

At swim practice the lockerroom is buzzing, naked guys huddle around a smartphone, I recognise the tinny music from Coaches pool party, as Me and Dix approach the gaggle, we catch a flash of the screen and we blush, it's me and Dix dancing on the countertop in the jocks, loaded with greenbacks. Dix grins at me and bumps my ass with his in time to the music and I grind back, we're doing it all again! The guys join in and the clip is on repeat and we dance bump and grind with the guys. We keep on dancing to the cheesy beat as we line up.

Coach must've heard and seen the racket from his room off. Nothing more is said. The guys knew, the whole halls knew, but nobody said anything for respect of Coach and for risk of being thrown off the team. Our standing amongst the guys was elevated somewhat and we got invited to tables in refectory, seats in the library and space in the comm's showers.

I'm on locker-room duty, early shift. Its the time when all the loud mouthed suits pull up in expensive autos, wear $200 sneakers and hi tech sports gear, grunt and boast for 40 mins in the gym, shower then roar off to sit behind a desk all day eating subways and chocolate brownies.

I might as well be invisible to them as I sweep up, sluice the showers and tidy up their litter. I see Loz amongst them, I recognised his butt and his slender long tennis bronzed legs. He turns to strip off his pants and sees me, he's in turmoil of what to do? I raise my thumb in quiet acknowledgment and carry on, he looks at me and winks as he and his coterie invade the gym with their loudmouth banter.

I make sure everything is spick and span for their return, the smell of pine pervading the sweaty air as they trundle back in, dark sweat patches on shirts. I lean on my broom out of the way as they strip and jape in the shower. I can see Loz is a god amongst these guys, taller, slimmer, fully tanned, no awkward farmers tan lines. He cooly dries and dresses taking his time as the guys leave. Finally we are alone

Hey Bud' he says we had quite a blast the other day?',

yeah' I say good times',

`well I'm hosting a similar event at my place, do you and er.. your friend want to do similar for my friends, I'll pay the same as Coach and you might even do better on the greenbacks?'

I say I'll think about it and he gave me his card. We shook, a long lingering shake and he pulled me close and kissed my neck, smiled and left. I didn't tell Dix for a few days, he saw the card on the desk and I explained, he was well up for it.

I says I'm not sure as Coach wouldn't be there or probably Aaron, just us and a different crowd. Dix called Loz and said we'd do it. We trained hard all week, and this would be a fun way to relax and earn some dough.

Coach says to stop eating shit and just meat and vegetables, no chips, fries, pizza or junk food except for one night a week. I'm getting leaner and more defined. Dixie is bulking out, his lithe divers frame putting on weight where it counts. I increase my 60 to 90 lengths, my times are getting better, especially the chase figures, that's the rate of change of acceleration in water.

Today I have to wear an itchy monitor strap bra across my pecs so the pool guys can tell everything about me on the tablets that they grip like gold, they can even tell if I'm chubbing up should my pulse rate increase without forward motion! Coach does the body fat measurements on me, the cold callipers make me flinch.

`You're doing well Bud, real good, I'm minded to put you in team for next comp, see if you can haul that cute ass through the water against another college?'

I'm thrilled, coach continued `and before you ask Dixie is in diving squad, but I want to tell him'.

I clap Coaches hand and float out of the room and get showered. Dixie gets called in and he comes out beaming. We float back to the hutch and we strip and sink into bed, exhausted and elated.

Loz's party day comes around and he's sent a car for us. The merc drives us silently to Claremont Heights, past Uncles street and farther away high on the hill overlooking Claremont. The gates of his house open and we swish up a long drive to a grand house. Loz comes out and says

`ok guys, it's a toga party, you two will be sexy Roman Centurions at the door taking coats, then serving drinks and canapés, then just before we eat you'll dance and take off your costumes like you did at Coaches. Then you can serve drinks outside.'

We nodded and he showed us a crummy room with these fancy dress costumes and two cheap posing pouches. We stripped and pulled on the cheap nylon thongs. I put on the Roman centurion gear, it was all tear and release parts, presumably so you could spin out a strip. I felt a a bit stupid in the costume but heck when I looked at Dix in his outfit he looked hot, I saw his pouch expand when he looked at me. We practiced pulling the straps and realised you start at the top and work down. Loz bustled in the room to get tablecloths and stopped dead `wow' he said. We hung about then stood by the door taking coats and gifts from people as Loz kissed or shook with them.

We were lead by Loz to a small circular podium in the marquee with lots of people milling around in bathing suits. The lights fell onto the stage and the music started and the guys huddled around the stage clapping. We climbed up and soon got in rhythm and bumped and grinded through the track, the audience were getting restless and soon the shouts of `off, off, off' were heard. I whispered to Dix to tease them more, so we did more bends in the stupid costumes and lunged our crotches into the men. Dix pulls at one of my tabs and my armour falls to reveal a pec. The guys roar, I pull on Dixies and they cheer again, my other piece falls away and I start to ripple my pecs in time of beat and releasing Dix pecs, we do this in rhythm, we twirl and I pull another tab and Dixies abs are revealed, we crunch abs and continue making best of it when finally the skirts fall away and we are in our thongs, we recall what Aaron did and we tease them mercilessly until the music is about to end when we do the reveal. Once we are naked I pass the skirt around for money but the guys are not so forthcoming. Four big guys get up on stage and two start on me and two on Dixie, trying to kiss and pulling at our cocks, saying you're gonna get to feel a real guy, we struggle but they are strong, one of them has his dick out and is going for Dixie who's shouting at me to help, they are holding my arms back and I'm powerless as the guy starts to rape Dixie. I summon my wrassling strength and use the guys holding me to support me and I'd do a flying leg kick right into the guys thighs, he's mad, so I do it again, the force pushing the guys holding my arms towards the stage edge. I kick again just catching the guys hip, but force is enough to topple us off the stage into the crowd. With my arms now free I punch the two guys hard, real hard, and leap onto the stage, Dixie is being held down and fucked by the brute who's making a joke of it as if it's part of the act.

I punch him in the back, then in his abs, winding him and then strike with my other arm into his cheeks. He pulls out of Dixie and roars like hulk at me, his thick dick swinging in front of him, he lunges forwards towards me almost grabbing me. I jump kick him in the nuts and he falls to floor clutching his balls, the other guy is holding Dixie and I Thai box him in the guts to wind him and as I retain balance punch him like a punch bag. One two, one two.

Dixie gets up and we run off the stage toward the marquee sides and squeeze out through a gap. The guys in the crowd are chasing us hungry for sex. We run across the lawn and out onto the bluff, after running for a while, in the fading light I recognise the A frame picnic tables down here' I say and we run along the bluff and down the street, clearing uncles side gate. We see cars driving by looking for us and we lay low. Uncle comes outside shouting who's there, I'm armed and police are on the way', I shout Uncle it's Bud and a friend' and he shouts you scared me' I run to him and hug, my heart is beating fast, feeling uncles warm body again is the best. Uncle says `come inside, I'll get you two robes, tell me all about it.'

We tell Uncle about the horrid situation. He makes us hot chocolate with a glug of coffee liqueur and Dixie and I cuddle up on his sofa and feel safe and warm. We say g'night and I revel in the comfort of my old room, the pool lights twinkling and Dixie snuggled in my bed. Dixie wakes me up at dawn, slides open the door and dives into the pool barely breaking the surface, he wipes his face and grins at me. I run out like a charging monster all arms and legs, my dick slapping all about and stumble on purpose into the pool falling on my front in a mock bellyflop, splashing water on the patio and grass.

Uncle slides his bedroom door open and he goofily runs into the pool as if the floor has vanished from under him, his cock as beautiful as ever after his morning hard-on. Uncle chases us to the shallows and we wrassle and try to dunk each other. Fuck it feels great to be back naked with my two favourite people. Uncle showers on the patio, Dixie watches Uncle wash himself, his fine manly physique and grace mesmerising Dixie. I look and he's got a stiffie, he blushes and I dunk him easily, he comes up like a rocket spluttering.

We settle down to do our lengths then we lay on the loungers as the sun comes up over the bushes and dries us off. Uncle shouts `breakfast boys' and we eat. We dress in my clothes and make to leave,

Uncle says `don't worry about last night, I'll have a discreet word with a few people'.

We wave good bye and leap over the fence and run down the hill to the stop for the bus into the city and back to College life.

We never saw Loz again, there was a scandal about him bribing city officials and architects and after a mysterious fire at his mansion he is reported to have gone East to start up again.

Coaches only reference was `I wish I hadn't introduced you guys to him, he's dead to me' and a ruffle of hair and an affectionate squeeze of an ass cheek.


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

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Next: Chapter 7

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