Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 18, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 4 - Old Friends, New Start

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This is a fictional coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at


Thanks for the feedback. I've been asked when it's set, I guess sometime in my imagination. I also apologise for my oft incorrect use of US terminology and my occasional English (UK) spellings. It's a corny feel-good story after all, not historically accurate or highly researched fiction.

I hope these don't detract from your enjoyment of Buds tale.

Part 4 - Old Friends, New Start

`Cousin Ray is coming by to see you next week and then we're driving upstate to camp by a river at a place I know with the other cousins, just for a few nights, they can't leave the farm for too long.'

I shrieked and leapt out of the pool, hollering. Uncle put down the tongs and I hugged him right around his waist, lifting him off the floor as we staggered back and toppled into the pool, we pushed out of the water and hugged and kissed deeply, the water splashing at our engorged cocks, lapping at our heavy balls. The smell of meat overcame the lust and we ate at the patio then ran through to the bedroom.

`You gonna thank me now?' Uncle said.

`I sure am'.

I grabbed the lube off the nightstand, he lifted his legs automatically and I smeared us both quickly. I lined up at his winking pucker and ploughed his arse hard and fast, he shot his load up his chest, tipping the scales and sending me over. I pulled out just in time and came in buckets over his chest and face and onto his outstretched tongue. My cum mixing with Uncles load. I licked up the gluey mess and shared it in cummy kisses.

We dozed in the afterglow and, with a sharp tug at my balls, Uncle Rick says

`This, steel framework ain't gonna design itself' as he stood up, extracted the last drop of cum from his softening shaft and placing it on his finger he dabbed it on the end of my nose, smiling at me and swung his ass and left for his study.

I licked off the blob, had a cool shower on the patio and swam another 50 lengths until supper.

I slept in Uncles bed after that night, sometimes he'd say he was too hot and he'd push me out. I'd go back to my room for a couple of nights and then he'd crawl back in to my cot, all affectionate, hard, wanting relief.

I'd learned again to take him, all of him, all his 7 inches, he was very gentle and opened me up over the next few nights. Whilst I liked the feeling of being full I much preferred to be on top of him screwing his tight pucker, watching him flush deep red and him spray arcs of cum over his chest as I fucked it out of him, then feel the crescendo of my release as his ring pulses and takes me over the edge, my vision blackening with each pulse.

I was thrilled, I haven't seen Cuz Ray since moms funeral. Cuz and I did everything together, he was 15 and I was coming up 13. He was a horny li'l dude, he taught me most things and fucked me raw all that summer. It was Ray who got my first loads of boy cum, turning my dry humps into proper man spunk sex.

I was sad to leave for school after what seemed like years not weeks and wish I could've lived on the farm with Uncle Wayne but Pop phoned and said I had to get back home to school. We sorta never saw much of each other again.

I met Cuz Ray at the bottom of the hill, by the stop.

`Bud is that you? fuck me just look at you, your like a fucking gorilla, where has that slip of a boy I liked to fuck gone?'

I looked at him, raw, brawny, with deep brown farmers tan arms and huge hands, wide thighs and a thick neck, his veins pumping,

`you can talk, when did you get to be like Arnie!'

He grinned and flexed for me, his huge chest expanded and his v shaped back fell down to his tight skinny waist. I'd a raging hard on.

`Come on, race you to Uncles', I said picking up his bag.

Wait on a mo there Cuz' says Ray the boys at the farm says you fags walk round nekkid all day, is that so?',

Heck yeah' I said, it's a great feeling'',

I knew what was coming next,

`what happens if you get, you know, er aroused?',

`A boner you mean?'

He nodded,

`well we don't bother really, we all get em',

His eyes widened

`what even Uncle Rick?',

`yeah, he's got a beauty, thick n long',

Ray laughed `so you're a cock expert now is ya?', We both laughed loudly. A guy was walking past and looked at us, overhearing us. Rays shouts to the guy

`I taught him all he knows!'.

We stand grinning, both as hard as iron.

`Well it'll sure be diffren' than the farm' he says adjusting his dick in his fraying cutoffs.

I picked up his bag and started running. We got to Uncles and I opened the gate to show Cuz the garden and pool. I kicked off my sneakers and pulled off my T, I drop my shorts and kick them away. Ray is standing, his chest heaving, getting air back after the uphill run, looking at me as I expose my naked body to him. He whistles through his teeth

`jus look at you'

and pulls off his top, prises off his boots and socks and drops his shorts, he's commando. There he is, an absolute God among men, not too tall, but packed like a champion bull, his thick, cut cock hanging. My turn to stand motionless and take a sharp intake of breath.

I run to the pool and he follows me hooting and hollering jumping in with a dive bomb, the water almost splashing the patio windows. We swam and wrassled in the shallow end, Cuz's strength means he's able to duck me under anytime he wants.

Uncle came out to see what all the noise was about and we stopped and stood in the shallows, I stood up in the water up to my thighs, Cuz was too shy and ducked his dick under the water out of sight. Uncle, slipped away his towel and he dropped into the water and said

`welcome nephew',

rather formally and extended his arm and strode over to shake Rays hand. Ray outstretched his arm, and instead of shaking it Uncle grabbed the arm at the shoulder and wrassled him over to dunk him. Ray flew out of the water shaking his head as me an Uncle roared with laughter. Uncle climbed out of the pool and Cuz Ray chased him around the garden, doing a flying tackle around the waist to down him. I piled in on top and we wrassled and kicked and prodded each other with our boners then fell exhausted in a heap.

`Who's for a beer?'. Rick said. We both nodded,

`Getting hungry yet? We both nodded,

Uncle laughed `you two'll drink and eat me out of house and home'.

Me and Ray sat on the pool edge, arms across our shoulders, our legs playing in the water and caught up with news. I told him about Pops regularly beating me up, his drinking and my grim life after moms funeral.

`Rick has sure come out tops' Ray said,

an you bout to be a college boy, I'm kinda jealous if I had to say, life's good don't get me wrong, Wayne's a good boss and the farm keeps me fit but it's hard work. Still, I'd like my own place someday, whether it's farming or livestock. That's all I know see. Not like you smarty pants Mister Bio fucking something or other'.

He grabbed me and pinned me to ground, tickling me as if I was that 13 year old kid, the years peeled away as we glugged our beers and chatted our shit the rest of the day and most of the night, sharing each other again, it was just as if we had never stopped fucking each other.

We hugged in the afterglow and I whispered

`g'night' Cuz'

and listened for his reply, a deep snore, contented.

I woke up with Rays arm across my chest, watching it rise and fall in the dim light, as this bull hunk slept next to me in my bed. I thought back to last night, the beers, the big meal and my sore ass reminding me of getting fucked with Rays 9 incher and then falling asleep close and warm.

I slipped out of bed for a piss and I stood drilling into the pan when in staggers Ray, sleepy eyed, he put his arm across my shoulders and pressed his hard dick down towards the pan, grinning up at me. His cock softening enough to start pissing through his morning wood.

I shook my cock and started the shower on cool and we hugged close under the spray, kissing lightly. I took a dollop of shampoo and washed Rays hair, the suds so white against his brawny tanned back running down the crack of his ass. I turned to face Ray and he was soaping up his chest, then he soaped up my hair, his calloused farmers hands so gentle on me, as if I were a new born steer. Ray soaped my chest, and well, all over as we grappled, slippy with the soap, I grabbed hold of Rays big tool, all 9" of it, "steady boy" he said as I pumped him till he came, mixing his jello with the suds. He did me, kneeling down sucking me off as the rain shower tumbled over us, washing away the soap and cum.

Ray was hard. I knelt down and opened my mouth wider to take his girth. I managed to get him half way in, my lips feeling the prickly hairs on his shaft.

I slowly took in more and more until I was breathing through my nose, his coarse manly untrimmed bush at my lips. He groaned, gripping my head and pulsing his cum into my wet pussyboy mouth. We had one final quick wash and gave each other a mutual cum check, squeezed the last drops down our shafts and licked them off, dried ourselves and wandered through for breakfast, our soft, thick cocks slapping our thighs. Uncle was already up.

`There's porridge in the pan and eggs keeping warm on the stove, toast in the toaster, juice and coffee laid out. I'm going to the garage to fettle the camping gear. Do your run together why don't you?'

And he was off, not sharing breakfast with uncle was strange. I looked at Cuz,

maybe he feels pushed out?' I say. Let's eat this quickly and help him lay the tent and gear out. We can run after.'.

Uncle was glad of the help and it made it more like old times on holiday. I didn't stick like glue to Ray, nor him to me, but when alone we were for each other, solely for each other's pleasure, patient, gentle but forceful when required.

Uncle busied himself with preparing, spreading out canvas and cleaning down air beds.

Next day we packed up the jeep, pulled the pool cover over, stored the BBQ, locked the house and headed up country. The gas stations got farther apart and the traffic lighter as we headed up toward Mt Baldy and highway 39 past the San Gabrielle reservoir and Burrow Canyon to Lewis Falls. The road got narrower and almost a track when Uncle spotted a small orange square painted on a tree.

`Here we are boys' he said and he pulled up in a fern covered bay,

`here's where we park, see that trail, we're about a mile down towards the river, listen?'

We listened, looking puzzled

`jus the sound of nothing' Rick said.

We carried a heavy pack each and found our spot. A clearing with flat cleared ground for tents and forest around. We left Uncle pitching the tents and we explored the area, the river was beautiful with deep water and a sandy beach, a small waterfall by the deepest part and a rope swing. We walked back up a path and found a log across a shallow crevasse, I looked in,

`the latrine' I says,

Ray looked puzzled,

`for shitting in',

`oh' he said and I demonstrated, the wood was smooth and my ass hung over the side, see? Ray laughed

`we can even shit together'

he almost pushed me in and ran off with me chasing him.

We get to the camp and Uncles pitched two tents and got a fire pit going.

`We found the latrine' I say and Ray giggles.

The river looks good' Ray says need a hand Uncle?',

`All done for now, you can get some water and we'll make a coffee after we've done a couple more trips to the van.

All unloaded we each picked up a jerry can and walked to the river and filled them, the water tasted sweet.

I unpacked the camping chairs and we sat with a cup, waiting for the boys. They'll have to find our jeep and the path. The sun sank over the hill and the light faded a little when we heard

`hey boys, I can see three fags'.

We stood and laughed, the boys were here. We hollered and hugged and Jed says

`We're overdressed guys'

And they stripped, hands cupping cocks self consciously for about 10 awkward seconds when Jed shouts

`Fuck it, it's jus' like the old times'

He lets his cock fly as he jiggled his waist, the boys all did the same whooping and we all stood and wiggled and slapped our dicks around.

The boys were bickering as they were pitching their tents and setting up camp. I filled the kettle again and made more coffee, Uncle got the grid iron out and a pack of steaks he'd layered with wood sorrel and wild mint and broiled them over the fire along with a fry pan of potatoes in the drippings from the steak, with chopped onions which caramelised, brown and sweet.

Uncle made two lots, one for the boys and a smaller batch for us. Ray and I got wood for the fire and the boys got a bottle of moonshine and a guitar going. Cousin Jed was playing and singing the verses and the rest of us the choruses. I soon picked up the words again lodged somewhere deep in my body, right next to my heart probably.

Drunk on the company, food and moonshine I went to the woods for a piss and Ray stood and followed me, doing the same. We pissed together, grinning and I started to go chubby, Ray yanked my dick down hard grinning into my eyes and we walked back to our tent.

We said our good nights, Wayne was arranging harmonies and suddenly had two less voices.

We clambered in the tent a little tipsy and giggled as our bums touched together as we took off our boots. Ray zipped the bags together to make a big sack and we sank naked together in the bag in the darkness listening to Jed singing and the older boys doing bass harmonies, I drifted off with Rays stout, firm dick nestled in the crack of my arse, one hand on my tits, the other snuck in under my balls, his breath hot on my nape.

I woke in the night, Cuz Ray was snoring, I unzipped the bag and went out for a piss, the sky was a myriad of stars, I started my stream and heard a crack of a twig,

`it's Bud isn't it?'

said a whispered voice followed by the noise of pissing,

`yeah, you startled me, im jus' taking a piss'

I said and peering in the dark I saw a tall lithe guy,

`it's Jed ain't it'. I said

Yep all me, you've darn and gone and grown up, you were a chubby li'l fella with a short spike, look at you know, I couldn't fit your cock n balls in my mouth now, you fancy a draught of shine, it'll help you sleep?',


I said and he held out his hand and we walked to his tent. He put on a small light pointing into his boot so as not to wake his snoring companion. He wiped the flask and took a gulp passing it to me

`make sure you don't cough' he said,

I took a draught and swallowed, the vapour filled my nose and made me choke, Jed knelt behind me ready to gag me but I didn't cough. My head felt dizzy immediately and I fell back into his arms, feeling his hot body and cock graze the top of my ass crack.

`heck that's powerful stuff' I said.

I thought quickly and if I have another swig Jed's gonna fuck me, I remembered Ray said he's got a `reputation'.

`I just want to go back to my tent'. I say a bit too loudly. Jed knocked over his boot and his pal woke up,

`I'm just taking Bud back to his tent', Jed said,


I recognised the voice, Big Wayne said `don't be long'.

We held hands again and Jed lead the way, I fell into the tent, zippered up quickly and into the safety of the bag and beautiful naked Ray laying on his back, snuffle snoring. I pulled him on his side and nestled my cock in his hairy moist ass crack and I fell asleep spooning.

Ray woke up unzipped the tent and let the light stream in, I was whacked after the moonshine and staggered out to see Rays golden arc of piss, his body back lit by the rising sun, `come on Bud', he grabbed my hand and we ran to the river, whooping and hollering, this got the boys up and it was a riot. The rope swing was most popular and the boys soon had added somersaults and twists to their repertoire, their white asses tumbling into the water, their nuts and dicks flailing around.

The smell of bacon and potatoes wafted down from the camp and we walked back in two's and threes, arms over shoulders. These farmer tanned guys turning me on, the air, the sights, I looked down at Ray, holding his hand over his package, one arm hot against my neck. I jiggled my dick, swinging from side to side, Ray chuckles and copied, whooping at the freedom, the boys turned and looked and the copied until we were all jiggling and hollering our way from the river to camp, dicks flying.

Uncle Rick and Wayne joined in and lead the way to the latrine, in single file now, like children playing Injuns and cowboys, hands over mouths. We sat on the latrine log, all bunched up together and quieted down, Ray let out a long squeaky fart and we laughed then Wayne started to piss, and Ray says `guys, I'm getting stomach cramps, oh no...' and he dropped out a log. It went quiet again as we were concentrating on dropping our loads, slowly one by one we let our loads out as the toilet roll was passed up and down the line. What a sight, I couldn't help but watch in awe as guys dropped and pissed. Thighs touching warm, arms around shoulders steadying each other as we unloaded after our morning swim.

The fried bacon smell slowly replaced the smell of sweat and defacation and we sanitised our hands (good ol' Uncle Rick, he thinks of everything) and made our way back. Wayne dished out the grub and we tucked in, coffee, juice, fried potatoes, eggs and bacon.

After we'd eaten and drank our fill we went to our tents and lay down replete as Uncle Wayne and Uncle Rick went to the river to wash up the dishes. I got a stiffie thinking about the asses on the log and Ray got a stiffie looking at my erect dick. We shuffled backwards and the tent canopy obscured us as we lay back holding our cocks and comparing like we used to. Ray looked across and grinned

`like old times ain't it Cuz?',

`sure is'

I said and we swapped cocks, me lightly pumping and squeezing Rays fat one, Ray beating me off faster, his muscles arm and pecs tensing and sending me hotter. I swung up my legs and Ray fumbled in his satchel and got out a tube of udder balm and smeared my ass, I went for a blob but Ray stuck his dick forward and I took it in my mouth, easily I might add, he's thick but short, not so long as Ricks. I got him close to cumming, feeling his bull balls rise and the sack tighten then I swung up my legs and Ray leaned on his arms and I felt him at my gate.

I drifted back to being 13 and letting Ray invade me, the pain and pleasure just the same as he opened me up and fucked me raw, his thick cock left me and I closed up as he shot his load up my chest and face, his hand pumping and directing the white plumes out over my body. Finishing, Ray left his twitching pulsing cock alone and leaning forwards licked the plumes of jiz off my belly and kissed me transferring his load to me. His belly rubbed some of the spunk into my abs,

`jus' look at you'

he said smiling down at me. Cleaning me up with his tongue, rough like a cats licking against the grain, he attended to my cock. He never used to do this without being asked or guilted into but now he was hot for my cock, slavering and gagging.

I pulled him off and fingered his ass, he looked shocked and shook his head, I nodded and took a blob of the balm and pressing with one hand on his chest to stop him bolting I fingered his hole with the other as he raised his knees to let me have easy access.

I swung his legs high, my cock bobbing to my pulse as I looked down at Ray, beautiful Ray, laid on his back, holding his legs akimbo. I kissed him lightly as I pushed on in, no barrier here, no grunting or pushing, just a glide in on a bed of Udderite. I was in, I stayed still to let him get used to me.

Rays hands on my cheeks pushing me in more, splaying his legs to take me lower and closer to him. Ray lifted his head, his abs tensing and he kissed me, his tongue probing my mouth, my hips started to rock and with his tight ass snapped around my shaft. I pulled out as far as I dare and ploughed back in, slowly then as I lost it, nature took over and I bucked that ass,

Ray slapping my cheeks as I exploded inside him. The tent got suddenly brighter as the canopy lifted and Ray shouts

`fuck off guys'

and I hear laughter as the tent went dark again

`fucking cousins, how does a guy get any fucking privacy around here?'

Then we looked at each other and giggled, my dick up his ass, spent, I pulled out and lay back, Rays playing with his dick looking for round two, I says 'come on let's swim'

and we run out of the tent, the guys clapped and wolf whistled as we swung on by, our shiny thick cocks telling their own story.

We lay back in the water and splashed and cleaned ourselves up and walked up stream in the sun, we walked past the rope swing and the shower waterfall and climbing higher we found a bend in the river with a little beach bright in the sun and we wallowed in the warm water sunning ourselves, grooming each other, squeezing spots and playing with our dicks just chatting shit.

I went a bit farther upstream for a pee and getting out of the water slipped on the soft almost liquid clay pool on the bank, it smelt of rotten eggs and dried white on the skin. It was warm and smooth.

I lay in the smelly clay, it felt great and made me bone up. I turned around rubbing it into my ass crack and balls and under my arms and stood up, coated, I daubed up my face and hair and walked back on the river bank finding a stick, and crept up on Ray who leapt in surprise at the Massi warrior with a huge erection facing him.

We both went upstream to wallow in the mud and wrassled with great throbbing hard ons in the clay. I fingered Rays ass as he bent over, massaging the clay into his pucker making him moan, he spent ages layering my shaft with clay, which dried almost like a clay pot.

We found darker mud at the edges and made patterns with our fingers. Ray painted the outline of my abs in black and I did sunrays from his dick shining out and circles on his ass cheeks and around his nipples. I daubed his hair with clay, it was cracking dry in the hot sun and when we were covered completely we found a staff each and walked slowly back to camp.

We saw Wayne taking a leak and he saw us, turned and ran back. When we got to camp we saw a line of fierce looking guys with sticks, we raised our sticks and Wayne says,

`it's Ray, I'd know that mangy ass anywhere'

and they all laughed and chased us to the river, we swam upstream over the fall and we all spent the afternoon wallowing in the mud getting horny and doing patterns on each other. We'd fun all afternoon painting dicks and arses, massaging and wrassling and piggy backing fighting in the river till we were done.

Wayne and Rick wandered off early hand in hand to get the chow ready and maybe more. We heard `em bang the pans and call us boys back. We swam off the mud and cleaned out cracks and our tanned cleaned skin fair glowed in the setting sun.

The fire was stoked, the moonshine was passed around as we sang acapella laying in each other's arms, caressing hair, playing with balls or tempting a stiffie and slowly couples rose and walked to the latrines.

Tents zippered up and the orchestra of giggles, snuffles, sighs, groans and grunts filled the night air.

Rays skin felt so smooth, he knelt like a dog and I licked out his musky ass, and fingered at his pucker as we 69'd, him slavering on my cock.

`I love your cock Bud'

Ray whispered as he looked at it in the moonlight, as he said this I slipped a finger up his ass and found his prostate easily and gently massaged in small circles, we moaned together as Rays tongue worked its magic on my cock, opening up my slit and lapping the clear salty pre cum leaking out.

Ray repositioned and I took his thick uncut cock in my mouth and enveloped it in spit and sucked away, copying my tongue with his on mine, feeling his cock slit with my tongue, burrowing in, tasting his juice, smelling his aroma, the feint musk from his groin.

He started bucking my mouth and I copied into his and got closer and closer, resting so as to draw it out, lengthen the pleasure as we took each other to the brink. We knew when it was time, our breathing shallowed to silence, Ray arched his back and shot in my mouth, my hand on his nuts feeling them tighten as he pulsed his cum into my mouth, filling and my swallowing his cum, not a drop wasted.

Ray then attended to me, getting me higher still, teasing me more until I was begging for him to trigger me over the edge, but no, he'd blow his hot breath onto my cock and watch it twitch and thrash about then burrow me deep in his throat, I was groaning and begging when he finally let me face fuck and finish off, him eagerly swallowing as I bucked my cock against his tight lips.

We fell into a doze. I woke at dawn only to feel Rays hair instead of my cock and looking down saw Rays eyes sparkling up at me, my cock hilt deep in Rays mouth. He pulled off and my shiny cock slapped against my abs.

`Morning Cuz'

Ray whispered and got back to it, getting me close. I saw the lube and took a blob as Ray lay back releasing my wet sticky pole and swung his legs high for me to fuck him.

`Morning Cuz'

I said as I pushed at his gate, sliding into his tight pucker and losing myself with Ray, beautiful Ray again. He's such an open lovely guy. I'm sure he loves taking as much as giving, complimenting me on my technique and how i'm gonna slay ass in that there college.

We went to the river for a piss and to clean up. Ray lit the fire arranging the kindling and sparking the firestick, concentrating as he cupped his hands and blew carefully getting the blaze going. His shaft soft, curving over his nuts, his abs creased as he crunches down low, his broad shoulders and thick sculpted arms delicately cupped to keep the tiny flame away from the breeze.

I started peeling spuds as we were joined by the others, all sharing the work. The pan boiled and coffee was made, the bacon sizzled and released it's fat, rendering, the potatoes were finished off in the pan sizzling with the bacon and spitting as we jumped back, cursing at the molten spits stinging our thighs. Eggs were cracked into the potato water and sort of poached and laid on top of crispy bacon and potatoes. We ate our fill and scraped and licked the bowls clean and those of us that had only eaten did the washing up.

We went to the river for a final rope swing contest and swam and layed in the sun, we knew it was the end and drifted back to pack up tents and tidy up where we'd been.

We hugged as we left the camp, Uncles last job was to cover the latrine over with soil and take down the log until next time. We carried the packed camp up the path to the RV's and loaded up.

Much deep man hugging now.

Rays says `enjoy college Cuz, it's back to the farm for me'

and nuzzles his head in my shoulder, his tears wetting me as I caress his hair, then he man thumps my back, releases from me and is all macho bravado and grins as he gets in the truck last and then boys speed off up the road in a cloud of dust whooping and hollering and Ray mooning me from the back window. His huge ass cheeks becoming a dot.

Uncle hugs me and lifts my face wiping away my tears with his thumbs,

`happy tears?'

I nod trying not to blubber like a kid. We silently load the RV and Rick drives us back to Claremont with it luxurious beds, running water and the pool. That pool. Did I mention the pool?

Next morning I awake to the sound of water tinkling, I go to the bathroom and drill my piss into the bowl. I catch sight of me in the mirror, `nice'

I thought, my semi erect dick became hard, bobbing for attention. I kept my hands off and pulled on shorts, snapping it back inside. I slipped into trainers and leaping the side gate I was free.

In a few weeks I'd be at College, away from Uncle Rick, far away from Pa, away from Ray, free to make my own way in life. Free to mess it all up or free to succeed. My stomach cramped, I pushed away thoughts of all the 'what ifs'

I made my way up the hill, much easier now. At the top, the bluff came into view and I slowed to look and I could make out College and the acre and then ran back down the hill to Uncles gate, flying over, then stripping off, no shorts, no trainers, and diving into the pool and doing 60 lengths times two, then rowing over to Hawaii in the garage, its just another day in paradise, another day spent counting down to college.

Uncles sad to see me go, he won't say it but he clearly is. He's been interviewing pool boys and gardeners, talking about getting help with the house as his workload is increasing. He says he might close the house up for a year and rent down town whilst I'm at college. I leave him to his mind games, secure that I'm outta here soon. We have some fun buying me a laptop and phone at the Apple Store downtown and me getting free wireless ear buds.

Everything arrives, a new phone as well as a leaving present and my airtime covered by Uncle.

`To keep in touch' he says, no excuses now'.

Since the trip we've spent fewer nights together, both anticipating the hurt my leaving will cause, cooling it. I don't mind, I just miss fucking his beautiful ass. But I've my fitness to consider and I do miss the protein shakes straight from the tap but I've substituted with my own handfulls of fresh cum from my frequent solo sessions.

The last night is upon us, Uncle works the morning then surprises me, not with gifts but with his company. We spend the afternoon chatting and lounging on the sun beds, pushed together so we can lay close, sunbathing, kissing, cuddling, rubbing lotion onto our bronzed bodies, laughing as we smooth the tanning oil over our cocks and balls. Watching the sweat pool on our abs and belly buttons. Cooling off with a swim or creating some mock contest for a wrassle, getting boned up, horny then cooling off in the shower, saving our spunk for our last night together.

Uncle orders Chinese, from Kwons, a banquet for two plus 1/2 a duck and pancakes. The oven is on, bowls warming and his fancy induction hot plates ready. The bell rings, Rick opens the door, his cotton yukata billowing in the cooler night air, pays and arranges the meal. We sit across from each other, I'm fully dressed in my Preppy gear, I've developed so much the white shorts are obscenely tight, my jock and cup giving a great outline worn over my old Georgia State speedos. I feed Rick forkfuls of the meal, he reciprocates with chopsticks laden with the beautiful meal. We finish up and Rick says to leave the clearing up. I'm horny as a rhino, looking at Rick in his see-through cotton robe, his bronzed muscular frame peeking out, his strong legs, broad swimmers shoulders and frankly big bubble butt.

I lift him off the floor and carry him to the bedroom, I'm easily strong enough now,

Rick says 'you've all grown up College boy'

I lay him on the bed. He kneels up, drops his robe and starts to undress me, item by item, kissing my body as my flesh is exposed. My neck, nibbling at my nips, kissing the happy trail, wetting my jock as he sucks my shaft through the layers, nuzzling into my balls.

Removing the jock he's nibbling at my pubes poking out above my Speedo, his nose pressing on my shaft. I feel his fingers probing under the speedo into my ass crack and watch as his hands spread away from my ass and to my hips where in a sharp jerk, my speedos are down and I'm completely naked.

The prelims are over with and we grind together on the bed, kissing and fondling each others dicks. I want him badly and taking the pump I'm quick to add lube to my gushing precum, Rick reaches and pumps a glob onto his fingers and smears his ass crack that is shimmying in my direction, him on all fours, I need no more instruction and line up and take Uncle in one swift movement, he gasps and moans.

I look down at his ass cheeks, separated by my shaft, bronzed now, and my pubes light against his flesh. I push in further and my abs are now tight against his ass, I pull back and find an easy rhythm, my balls slapping as I ride him hard. I want to see myself shoot, I'm not at al interested in getting Rick off, this is about me, my dominance, my very survival. I'm close, Rick shoots his ass spasms gripping my cock tight.

I pull out and pump my cock twice, my finger pushing my frenulum button and bang I shoot, the first volley lands on the back of Ricks head, they come fast and thick, my second is up his spine along with the next four then the last over his ass. I'm still hard and ram back in almost brutally. Rick moans in delight as I fuck him hard again, he's moaning like a dog with sore paw, I grip his hair, my spunk running off his slimy back.

I lurch forward and pull him up, I pull him close and grab his cock with one hand wrapped around his waist and I wrap my other arm around his neck in a choke hold, my bicep flexing as he moans and splutters as I tighten my grip, my hips are rocking into him and I build and build tightening my grip as I shout

`Fuck, I love you Uncle'

and cum again up him, tight up him, my leg twitching like a dog on heat, as I pump my load in him, his ass muscles contracting as I bring him off. I release my grip and we fall onto the bed, wet with sweat and cum. I fall asleep in an instant, exhausted and content.

The day comes, I wake up crispy with dried cum, hard as a rod, alone. I hear the shower running and walk in, Rick mock salutes me from the shower, I join him and as he kneels I hold my stiff shaft and force out a golden stream of piss over Ricks smiling face, over his gaping lips and exhale as I finish by shoving my dick into Ricks willing mouth. The water cleans Rick as he hungrily takes me deep into his warm pussy mouth, I don't last long, Rick knows my weaknesses and I lunge forward, my arms straight out against the tiles as I buck my load into Rick, him swallowing and sucking every last drop out of me. He pulls off and, no sharing this time, as he swallows it all,

`that's gotta me last till Thanksgiving'

he grins and we let go of each others now softening dicks and wash each other slowly, preening and grooming under the hot water. Rick gets the gel and shaves me diligently above my speedo line, he wants to do more, but I don't want him to. Instead he lets me shave him, tidying the garden a little and taking delight in shaving his beautiful ass globes and gently down his crack and a final flourish smoothing his prickly balls. We rinse and dry carefully then one last breakfast and I'm ready.

I've packed my hold-all and a separate bag. Uncle wants to drive me in the Tesla , I decline politely but firmly saying I'd rather be a `regular Joe' at college and see where that gets me. Uncle nods sagely, agreeing. I give Uncle a hug, a long deep hug, our palms gripping ass cheeks, faces buried in necks. I break, pick up my bag and I'm out of the door, down the hill to the stop and into Claremont. No looking back.


Read about Buds continuing journey in the next chapter. Thanks for getting this far!

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Next: Chapter 5

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