Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 18, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 3 - College Opening

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 3 - College Opening

Diving into the pool I surfaced and Uncle Rick came to patio doors

`good run?' He shouted,

I waved and nodded,

`I'll start breakfast' he said

`no rush'

and left me to my lengths. After my 40 lengths I clambered out of the pool, dried off and went indoors.

Over breakfast Rick says,

`I want you to go to an open day at Claremont College',

I was taken aback. I'd never considered it,

`Would I get in with my grades?, I said,

I think so, especially if you join the sports strands, say try for swim team, I've had a chat with Coach' at Claremont college who's followed it up with Hendy and they reckon you've a good chance. It's tomorrow'.

My stomach churned. I agreed reluctantly. I went out to the patio and sunbathed and swam all day. Thinking about my future.

That night Uncle came to my room,

`I can't sleep, can I join you?'


I said and I pulled the cover down and held out my arm welcoming him. I'd wondered how long it would take him. I'd decided he had to make the first move. We spooned together for comfort. His cock hard and warm on my back, his hand on my junk fondling my nuts. I don't mind, I like being close. I thought about college all night, I was nervous.

Tomorrow came sooner than my mind could cope with and I was like a robot. Uncle got me dressed in my clean clothes like I was a 12 year old. I wore the Georgia State swim team hoodie Hendy gave me. I looked kinda preppy smart. My tans come on a treat and my hair has lightened in the four weeks I've been here what with being always nekkid, swimming and sunbathing all day. I flexed and Uncle clapped.

I had printouts of my swim times that Uncle got from my old school web site and he gave me some money for the transit into town and to get some lunch. I took some of my own `safety money' as well.

I ran down the hill, the lad on the corner said `hi' as I passed and the guy at the Pizza place waved at me as I sped by. The transit was on time, of course, and soon I was on my way to the big city.

Claremont is beautiful, with wide piazzas and tree lined streets, bustling with people, lots of fit young guys doing their thing. I found the college and saw a student wearing an Open Day T who looked at my letter and pointed out the sports building to me.

I got to the reception donut and a guy, older than Uncle looked me up and down, and grinned.

`Your Ricks nephew ain't ya?

I nodded in surprise and we chatted about the journey, he called to a guy about my age,

`Hey Tony take this gentleman to see Coach'.

We climbed the stairs looking through the glass curtain wall at the pool and the diving pools, the bleacher seating and all. Tony saw me looking,

`it's pretty impressive isn't it'

he chatted shit, small talk and as we got to a door,

`here's you, I'll leave you now, oh and good luck'

Tony gave me a big smile, relaxing me a little.

I knocked and heard a faint voice say


I entered the room and it was empty, well not empty, it was packed with cabinets, a desk and piles of paper folders with students names and a stapled photo of them and a huge black, empty office chair. Coach came out of a back room, I caught a glimpse of a changing bench and open shower.

Hi I'm Mr Peterson, or Coach' to everyone, welcome to Claremont College'.

We shook, his grip firm and I matched it, as he looked me straight in the eye. He seems a nice easy going guy I thought, dressed in whites with the college logo on everything.

We chatted about my life at high school in Georgia State, my joining the swim team and my swim times.

`Your times are good, not brilliant but good, I have boys who can beat these times hands down, however',

he paused and continued,

`what I'm looking at is the rate of change, the meteoric improvement over your 4 semesters at Georgia, so today it's a meet and greet and a medical. Between you and me, I'm thinking of you for the 200m relay, looking at your stats I could use someone like you in the team, what I need is an accelerator'.

He stood up and says

`Well let's start by you stripping off'.

He stood from his desk as I undid my sneakers and dropped my shorts and pulled my polo shirt off.

'And the jock, don't go shy on me!'

I dropped them and could see my frame in a long mirror. Heck I look good, fully bronzed now, no tan lines or white patches. He smirked and did a twirly motion with his fingers, I rotated slowly, twice. He said to flex and he started measurements of my arm to elbow, elbow to shoulder, crotch to knee, knee to ankle, length of feet. He nuzzled his hand under my balls and I felt the cold tip of the measure on me and felt my cock twitch, `please not now' I pleaded with myself and thought of maths equations. He took my height, weight, and body fat percentage with cold callipers.

He joked `the only thing I ain't measured is your dick, and I don't need to do that, I can see, is that 5 or 6 soft?'

I didn't reply. He motioned for me to dress as he sat at his desk and made notes in a folder.

When dressed he said

`stand by the wall'

and he took a Polaroid snap of me and after blowing it and waving it about he stapled it to the front of a folder containing my swim times, his measurements and my school reports.

I could just see the letterheads from School, probably Ol' Hendy. He closed the folder and leaned back in the chair.

`So here's how I see it, son'

He smiled at me and I relaxed, his smile and familiarity putting me at ease,

`I'm going to recommend you for Swim Team',

My heart almost stopped and stood up and I punched the air,

`but... and it's a big but.... you've gotta be accepted academically, now your grades are not good, not bad but consistently just or below average, except for science, tell me about that'.

I explained about teachers who knew my home situation and who did their best for me, Hendy, sorry Mr Henderson and Cranny, sorry Mr Cranshaw who taught science.

He swing back in his chair

`That's all good Son, here's the plan. I'm gonna recommend you for Biomechanics and Sports Sciences. It's a fairly new course and I'm going to put you down for a summer English and Maths booster classes to get those grades higher ready for fall semester start, how's that sound?'

I nodded and thanked Coach and floated out of his office on a cloud, somehow I got to reception and the guy at the desk asks

`how did you get on?'

`I think you'll be seeing a lot more of me in September',

I sure hope so' he said, well done!'

I was leaving when I met Tony again, he can tell my news by the grin on my face and we high five,

come on', he says, I've got an hour for lunch, I'll give you the penny tour'.

We got a sub from the cafe and took it to the large grassed area packed with students sitting and eating. Tony explained `this is called The Acre, the library is on one side and student halls on the other sides',

`so you live here?,

`yeah, I got my own rabbit hutch, we all have, there's 24 of us and we each have a our own hutch and share a comm's area with a busted tv and chairs, there's communal showers and shit stalls, oh and a small kitchen for making hot drinks and toast, but we get a meal card so we eat at the refectory most of the time. Come on I'll show ya'.

Tony leapt up and we ran across the acre and up to his landing and through a door, into a long, wide corridor with lots of doors off, there were guys hanging around, doors open to rooms, guys half naked and nodding at Tony, The comms was a riot, `Hey Tone, who's this, your latest squeeze?' and guys wolf whistling at us. He walked me around the showers and the stalls, I was overcome with that unmistakable smell of sweat, shit, steamy showers and the sight of cock and ass as guys soaped up, rinsed off and dried, flicking towels at Tony and me watching their junk flap.

We got back outside into the bright sunshine and Tony says, `well that's the tour done, I've gotta get back to pushing a broom around the showers and tidying up the gym',

`is that part of the deal?' I ask puzzled,

`heck no, it's to earn some dough towards the room fees'.

He quickly pinches my nip through my shirt and my ass through my shorts, `we're not all fancy pants dudes from the Heights'

I pretend punch him in the abs, we laugh and depart, I turn and he calls

`see you in September, Fresher', and he runs back to the sports complex.

I drink in the people, the campus surroundings and i'm intoxicated. I dream of my own space in halls, independence and freedom, don't get me wrong, Uncles really kind, I'd sooner have Uncle Rick than my Pa anyday, he's just trapped in his own world of booze and guilt.

I get the transit back and soon I'm at the bottom of the hill, the now familiar, safe, comfy place and I jog up the hill. I acknowledge the postman, the paperboy and the fit guy on the corner, Trent at the Pizza place, Ahmed at the 7/11 and I leap over the side gate.

I'm stripped off before I reach the pool and dive in, staying under, looking at the blueness, the bubbles escaping and swirling around me and the dull sounds as the world is blocked out. I touch my hands on the tiled bottom and push like a rocket to surface in the shallow end, breathing in and wiping water from my eyes.

Uncle is just coming out, I thought I heard you' he said tell me all about it'.

I told him what Coach had said, then I rambled on about Tony and halls and the people, the facilities. I was bursting, we stood and hugged,

`thank you Uncle' I said. He looked kinda shy and said,

`that's what families are for, but remember we've gotta wait for the letter first, then plan'.

I was even more determined now to get fitter and knock `em dead at college, the swim team could be my ticket to freedom.

I went for a run every morning, quietly leaving Uncle sleeping and running through the cooler first light air. Ahmed getting ready to open up, sorting newspapers to be delivered, racking milk into the cooler,

`hey Bud' he shouts,

I raise my hand as I run down the hill to the transit stop and back up to the bluff. I stop at the picnic benches and do press-ups, star jumps and abs crunches then on to the peak for the view and back down to Uncles.

I leap over the side gate, kick off my trainers, drop my shorts and dive into the pool for my lengths, after an hours solid swimming I haul my tired body out of the pool onto flop onto a lounger and drip dry in the rising sun.

Uncle calls me and it is breakfast time. Then after loading up on eggs and fried potatoes I do an hours tanning in the sun before gym sessions in the garage. Uncles got a great setup of a resistance bike, a Nordic skier, a treadmill and my favourite, the rower. I put in my earbuds, set the playlist and I'm off rowing across the bay to Hawaii!

Chicken and avocado salad for lunch, then more snoozing in the sun and it's time for a bit of wrassling with Uncle, more swimming, maybe sundowner beers and a healthy supper with snuggles in Uncles bed before a deep sleep.

I'm pestering the postie most days, he's started to shout `nothing today Bud'.

One morning I've done my run and I'm doing my lengths in the pool when I hear the postie shout `Bud, I've got a letter for ya'.

I leapt out of the pool and ran without putting shorts on, clearing the gate and took the letter from the postie and shout


he says `good luck'

as I jumped back over the gate, my junk flapping and slapping my thighs as I run to find Uncle scrambling eggs for breakfast.

Uncle calmly takes the pan off the heat and hugs me, close and warm, soft dicks pushing into each other. My heart is pounding. I open the letter over his shoulder, I'm dripping water on the kitchen floor. I scan the letter quickly. My dick hardens instantly, it's trapped between our thighs, I break free and dance around the kitchen hollering

`I'm in, I'm in, I don't believe it! I'm fucking well going to college'.

Rick grabs my hands and the letter and scans it and yells with me as we dance and holler around the kitchen.

I'm a mess, crying and laughing feeling the release of all the pent up emotion and stress gushing out of me.

I calm down and we read the letter carefully; I'm accepted for Sports Science and Biomechanics. Starting 25th September. The pack has forms for accommodation and fees, I'm shocked at the costs, Uncle says his architects practice is doing really well and as he's no kids himself and thst he'd be honoured to pay for me. I tell him about Tony and say I can maybe work through and fund my expenses. We shake on the deal and hug.

I'm sobbing into Uncles shoulder, arms around him pulling him closer, I feel his dick tickle my thigh and mine reacts as well, he lifts my face up to his,

`I love you son' he says

We separate and look down at our engorged cocks, and we half grin nervously as our eyes meet, we hold our gaze. We move towards each other, I crane my neck and close my eyes as uncles face takes away the light as his lips softly touch mine, I push forward and our lips meet harder, I put my arms around his neck and thrust up, my legs wrapping around his taut back and he hugs me tight, our cocks hard against each other, my balls my cling into his soft abs. His tongue fills my mouth and I breathe through my nose snorting, we separate and I release and I'm standing.

Uncle Rick nods beckoning me, he holds my hand, our cocks pointing north, bobbing as he pulls me to his room and throws back the bed covers. We lay down and cuddle, he kisses me on the lips, I don't pull away but let his tongue explore my mouth, pushing deep in my mouth, we make out passionately our hands rubbing our backs and cracks.

He kisses my neck and shoulders down to my nipples, sucking and gently biting them, the tingling sensation is new, not like being tweaked by a guy in jest, but a far deeper feeling, connected to my dick, he makes me wriggle in ecstasy with his unshaven chin and tongue on my abs and I giggle, sending my abs muscles chiselling as his tongue traces the groove around my six pack.

He licks out my belly button and traces my V with his fingers and stares at my cock, fully erect, my foreskin has retracted itself, the shaft bobbing in a pool of precum, ready.

He touches the frenulum band with his tongue tip and I buck up, he opens his mouth and my cock settles on his broad tongue, he snaps his lips around and sucks, an electric tingling rushes through me as his arrowed tongue excites me further.

He grabs my balls and squeezes hard, pulling them down sharply like a rip cord as they rise up. He's pumping my shaft now, scraping my tip against the roof of his mouth and his soft, wet, jelly like throat. I'm harder than I've ever been, my rod like carved mahogany, veins hard, sculpted. I can't last, no chance, I breath in sharply and my eyes blacken for a moment as I shoot my load into his mouth, bucking at his face, his hands gripping my nuts, feeling me pulse and rise as I fill him up with blast after blast of cum, spraying his throat. I'm gripping his scalp with my hands as my ass rises and falls off the bed, my abs tightening. Uncle gulps down my cum, wipes his lips and grins at me, not a drop wasted.

`If you're going to college you'd better learn how to do this', he says. I nod, wide eyed.

We trade places. Now I've tried it on a guy at school hurriedly and of course messing with cousin Ray at sleepovers years ago but not like this, in a cool room, curtains billowing, soft lights, a tanned hunk of a man beneath me. I'm on top of him, my cock glistening with spit and oozing as it starts to soften, hardens again instantly and slaps on uncles abs, I put my weight on my elbows and softly kiss his lips, his eyes close, I point my tongue and try to trace his teeth but I'm a bit clumsy and shove my tongue down his throat, he grins and we laugh.

`Steady tiger' he whispers and I try again exploring his mouth and lowering to his broad chest and to his nipples, hard and erect at my touch, sucking one and squeezing the other and swapping. I move further down his golden hairy chest, broad from swimming and to his ever so soft abs, like a steel grid wrapped in a pillow.

I can't wait to get to his cock, the smell, the ever so soft feel of his skin and his balls heavy in their prickly haired sack. I put my arms under the slight bridge of his back, lifting his ass off the bed as I take him in my mouth, slavering over his cock and with my hands now on his downy ass I lift his cheeks to push him deeper into my mouth.

I'm really pleased that my practicing `deep throating' with a banana, you know seeing how far I could take it without gagging, has come in very useful today.

I'm sucking and bucking Uncle and I'm hard as iron again. Uncles balls rise up tight, the skin rippled and the trimmed hairs prickle in my hand as I bob up and down his shaft and squeeze his nuts. From his short breath and constant low moaning I know he is close to shooting, he pulls my head away,

`not yet' he whispers

Uncle swings his legs high and his bronzed legs rise, showing his tanned ass cheeks and as his ass cheeks part I see the thin white line where the sun don't ever get and his pink ass hole. His pucker is winking at me, twitching,

now' he says quietly, take the lube from my top nightstand drawer and pass me the bottle.'

I reached over and did as I was told, Uncle drizzled the lube on my piss slit and smeared it over my erect cock, pulling the skin down, it was cool and made me pulse, my cock swaying about. He got another dollop and smeared it over his ass hole. He swung his legs high and he grins and says

`come on in, the waters lovely today',

I laughed and put my weight on my arms softened my knees and pushed on in. Well, I tried to, he's so tight my cock started to fatten at the head and bend a little. I could see his face, bearing down and making a grunting noise, like he's dropping a log and eventually he opened up for me and with my pressure I was in, deeply in, I quickly slid right to my hilt, my pubes tickled on his ass cheeks. He let out a breath and winced as he tightened more as his ass tried to expel the invader. We waited a little, I was going nowhere. I lowered my arms and pushed on my knees and our faces were together, I kissed him tenderly and I started to slowly rock my hips in natures instinctive movement and Uncle started to moan as my cock slid in and out of his hole rhythmically.

`that feels good' I said looking into his glassy, watering eyes, now a deeper blue like moonlit pools.

I lifted up on my arms and continued with my strokes, concentrating on fucking him, getting faster and longer and deeper, my balls slapping his ass making such a noise and the squelching sound of lube up his ass hole, I kept on going, focussing on the feeling and the exquisite tightness around my shaft as I got closer and closer until I erupted inside him, one last deep push as I forced his legs wider apart then my release as I juddered and bucked in him.

I felt his ring tighten around my shaft, my leg twitching involuntarily like a dog scratching a flea, his hands on my ass cheeks pushing me inside him, forcing us closer, his breath hot on my shoulder as our heads clashed, I pulsed and pulsed some more until I was squirting dust. I released and realised Uncle had shot his load as well, up his chest between our bodies. I was as hard as a bar up uncles ass, I didn't want to move, just lay here for ever. Uncle tapped my ass lightly for me to move. My cock was so sensitive it hurt as I pulled out and as the tip ran across his body leaving a cummy wet snail trail.

I fell on the side of him and turned towards him, my nose in his armpit, his arm heavy on my shoulders, so close.

I dozed off and woke alone in Uncles bed, I could hear the shower running and I went in, I stood, had a piss and flushed and he beckoned me over and we shared his shower, a fancy multi jet shower that tickled my cock and washed out my ass. We dried on a large soft towel and went outside on a cloud and dozed on loungers holding hands, touching fingertips.

I got up feeling refreshed and slipped noiselessly into the pool, the cool water slicked over me, exciting my nipples, making me feel alive. I sucked in the summer air deep in my lungs and hammered out another hours swimming.

The smell of pool ozone was replaced by burning lighter blocks as Uncle fired up the BBQ for lunch.

I slowed for my last length gliding up to the pool edge, staring up at Uncles ass standing at the BBQ.

`I've got news' he said, turning away from casually broiling a steak, his eyes smiling at me, his cock its usual chubby self.

`Cousin Ray is coming by to see you next week and then we're driving upstate to camp by a river at a place I know with the other cousins, just for a few nights as they can't leave the farm for too long.'


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 4

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