Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 17, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 2 - Picture Perfect

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 18 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 2 - Picture Perfect

I spot the transit stop for Claremont Heights and text Uncle Rick as I walk over to the stop. Suddenly he rushes up to me, we hug, gripping tighter as we relish the feeling. I'm surprised that he's waiting for me as we walk to his car, He holds the passenger door open and says `jump in son' and drives out on the busy streets, the houses becoming sparser and bigger as we get higher and higher. The car turns and pulls up the hill that would become so familiar to me.

I'm beat and almost nodding off in the car, passing the pizza place he says

`you eaten?'

yeah I'm good thanks, I just need some proper sleep.

`Proper sleep it is then'

The car pulls in to his drive I clamber out and he takes me through the house and into a room with huge patio windows. I can see the pool lit up. I smile and relax, my shoulder blades almost sink into my back pockets, I tighten my core and exhale. Rick smiles and says

`you're safe now son'

and pulls the drapes closed and folds down the bed cover revealing bright white linen sheets and two cloud-soft pillows.

`your bathrooms through here and oh! I bought you some jim jams and clothes. I'll leave you now, but just let me dress that cheek for you'.

He gets a first aid kit from the bathroom and rubs ointment into the skin and gently kisses my forehead as I hug him. He pulls away,

See you in the morning' he says I won't wake you'.

I'm alone, in this room, a giant bed, a pile of new sports clothes. I strip and take a minute to look at my bruise in the mirror and my eyes flick up and down my torso. I flex, Ol' Hendy was right, I have filled out. My lithe body showing definition and a prominent six pack, my arms sinewy rather than bulky, my lats like piano keys.

My eyes focus on my cock, uncut, soft, hanging down about 6", curved over my nuts, swaying as I move and I get to thinking about the cowboys cock. I've only clocked my pals cocks whilst skinny dipping and in the locker-room at school, oh and of course Cuz Rays when we fool about on summers at the farm and accidentally Pops cock once or twice, and, well, I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. I harden up and flex again, turning to look at the darkening bruise on my back from that bastard. I deflate.

I slip into the cool PJ's and fall into the white linen bed, I'm gone in an instant.

I wake and hear water trickling in the pool and across the room stripes of sunlight invade the gloom. I get up and pull back the drapes, the dazzling sunlight attacks me and as I wince and my eyes adjust I take in the view, this oh so familiar view, the pool, the hot tub, the garden, even the potted palm. I grin, feeling strangely at home.

I slide the door open just in time to see Uncle Rick run from his room next door over the patio and swallow dive into the pool, his ass pointing to the sky, his junk underneath, making barely a ripple. He rises up, wipes his eyes clear and treading water shouts and waves for me to join him. I pull off my top and hesitate in dropping my PJ's, Uncle Rick laughs, staring at me grinning, treading water,

come on in' he shouts, don't worry about wearing a suit, we all got junk, no one cares if it's short, long, thick or fat!'

Uncle looks at my tenting PJ's and laughing, adds `Hard or soft'.

I think `what the heck' and pull off the pj's and I'm naked, my morning boner bobbing and slapping my abs as I run and dive deep into the water, down and down I swim, I see Uncle Ricks legs and his huge cock swaying in the water looking like a creature feeding off plankton, and I push through his legs surprising him and surface quickly behind him where I hug him from behind. He turns and we embrace, my cock, a little softer now pressing into him.

`glad to see ya' he beams at me, his cock brushing my thigh.

`thanks for the invite' I say. He kisses my forehead and says

`Let me look at that eye',

he peers at me, holding my face close, I feel his warm body pressing on me, his bronzed face, his thick lips close to mine, moving closer, he breaks the trance, then looking at me, his blue eyes reflecting the pool, he grins and says

`what a shiner!'

And swims off, splashing me as I see his strong back sink under and his ass mooning me and then submerging.

I'd not had time to look at the black bruise, I hauled myself out and stared at my panda eye in the reflection of the patio doors. Uncle Rick stood beside me, drying with a towel.

`It'll clear in a couple of days, just lay low, relax, recover from the journey and enjoy this Californian weather. Why don't you take a shower and I'll cook up some breakfast'.

He walked through to the kitchen and I watched his tanned, bronze ass cheeks rise and fall, he turns and shouts

`15 mins, tops'

as he disappeared inside, then he popped back out,

`wear just shorts'

then looking at me up and down

`or nothing perhaps?, we gotta try to get that white ass of yours tanned!',

I blush and nod.

I lay in the sun drying off, my cock roaming about getting semi hard then deflating, leaving a slug trail of shiny sticky precum on my thigh.

This could be embarrassing I thought, I got to be in the kitchen in 5, I don't have time to beat it off, so I shower on the patio and turn the jet to cold and stand shivering until nature and cold water did it's job. I dried quickly and heard Rick holler `come and get it', with no time to dress I shrugged to myself and walked across to the kitchen, my cock slapping at my thighs.

Uncle Rick turned from the stove and exhaled a long slow whistle as I walked and sat at stool at the counter. I felt my face burn for a moment as we shared a grin as our eyes locked.

I ate my fill, and some more. It has been over a day since a proper meal and I tucked it all away. Rick then showed me around the house, explaining its architectural motifs and how he'd designed it himself, it was way, I mean way, over my head but at least I now knew my way around.

`That's the tour done, now just kick back and relax',

Uncle said he'd some work to do in his study and would see me again at about 1:00 o'clock.

`Get some rays'

he said and tossed me the sun lotion.

`I'll do your back'

he offered and he kissed my shoulders lightly and I leant forward for him to gently massage the silky lotion into my back, I flinched as he rubbbed the bruise on my back and he stopped at my ass cheeks,

`er you can take it from there' he says.

We'd both boned up. He pulled his down and it snapped back up, I did the same and we grinned at each other, he walked the corridor to his study, his naked body disappearing down the hall, he and turned back to look at me

`see you at about 1:00, and that needs some attention young man'

he said his eyes pointing at my boner and grinned, giving me the green light.

I went through my room rubbing some sun lotion on my ass and junk, which responded with a clear bead of precum at the slit, I was getting pretty blue balled but was still nervous about shooting off and splattering his floor, or shower or even his bedsheets.

Instead I looked at the beautiful pool and walked proudly out to the patio, my 7.5 inches tight and upright, the shaft like alabaster, light blue veins popping, the one sticky eye peeping out of the long hood, I peeled back the skin, the head was the colour of carved, oiled redwood.

I draped my towel to dry on a lounger and I lay on my front, my pale ass cheeks dazzling white, my dick pressed hard against the lounger. I fell into a reverie with the birdsong, the breeze and the sound of the water tickling the pool.

After an hour or so I woke up turned over lying on my back and stared at the blue sky, feeling the sun on my junk and the breeze cooling my sweaty crotch, I spread my legs wide to get the benefit of the cooling wind. After another long doze I awoke, beads of sweat pooling in my abs and running from my pecs. I spotted the patio shower and cooled off under the jets. My ardour rose to the sensation and I walked back to the lounger to get the towel, my cock standing tall, erect, my balls lifted to the base, ready.

Uncle walked out of the kitchen with a pitcher of juice. I blushed and tried to cover up my embarrassment.

Just beautiful' he said, don't be ashamed, it's nature at its best, when I was 17 going on 18 i'd pop a boner every hour, I guess?

I nodded and grinned sheepishly.

`So let me pour you some juice and you just lie back and enjoy the sun and the feeling that being nekkid brings, I expect you'll get more used to it soon. Take another cold shower or exercise it off, he winked, or you could use my makeshift gym at the back of the garage, under the house, through there'

He pointed to the door and windows down steps under the back of the house.

Rick went back inside with his drink and I lay down on the lounger, I massaged more sun lotion into my cock, as much as I dared and, you know Uncle was right, it does feel fucking amazing. I lay and let the sun beat down on me and my junk and thought I'm a million miles away from Dad, from school and from the cold East Coast.

I'd dozed off again, the sun felt like a warm blanket over me, but so light that the wind blew through. I woke with a start, cold water on my nuts and Uncle laughing, him running to the lawn, I sprung up and soon caught him in a flying tackle around his waist bringing him down, he rolled onto his back laughing at me and I straddled him across his stomach to pin him down, his arms pinned above his head and my face inches from his, my balls laying on his stomach, his cock behind me. I looked into his eyes,

`Thanks Uncle, this is going to be the best summer ever'.

I smiled and momentarily let my pressure ease, he sensed this and rolled me over so he was above me laughing, our flesh pressed together, my raging boner and his pushing into my abs, like a hot rod. I was able to wriggle free, we wrassled on the lawn neither of us giving in, chasing each other around until finally I trapped him in a leg lock, and with Uncles face inches from my cock, he blew on my tight nuts and started to laugh, we both got the giggles at the situation as we relaxed and laid back, naked and hard in the softening afternoon sun. We calmed down and embraced, we lay there panting, getting our breath back, grinning at each other. He rose, stood up and extended his arm to me, I gripped it, staring into his beautful blue eyes, down his powerful body, to his golden balls hanging under his potent, erect shaft as he pulled me up. With arms over our shoulders we walked back to the patio.

`I'll order pizza, why don't you grab a couple of beers from the refrigerator, it's sundowner time'. Uncle picked up his phone.

I showered the grass and soil off me on the patio, cooling down, deflating, and as I stood dripping dry I gulped the beer down.

`Steady boy'

Uncle said as he came back and stood beside me in the shower and starting the water, we washed and massaged each other's backs and hair. I needed a leak badly, I started my flow in the shower pointing the yellow stream at the grate. Uncle frowned as my yellow trail circled and disappeared down the grate, he looked at me and smirked then holding his cock he rubbed a nut with a finger, exhaled lightly and started his own flow, his jet mingling with mine as we both sighed, holding our dicks, pissing and laughing, daring to direct the flow up each other's bodies and on each other's cocks. I don't know how I didn't bone up, but it seemed so innocent. We soaped up again, rinsed quickly and dried off in the sun.

The door bell rang and Uncle said,

`that'll be the pizzas, you go, I left the cash by the door'.

I walked through and opened the door. The kid got an eyeful and said


he grinned at me, I said

`keep the change'

and he handed me the boxes and I closed the door.

Uncle said

`shoot, I forgot to remind you to put shorts on!'

`I know, he got a big surprise'. I said.

We drank another couple of beers and in a pizza full and beery buzzy mood I said my good nights and went to my room.

`Up at 6:00' Uncle said

`for Park Run, try on those trainers and clothes I got you'.

I slipped into them quickly, Hendys jock came in useful, the cup forced out by my thickening cock and it made for a great outline as I looked in the mirror and paraded around for Uncle. He wolf whistled.

`mm that tops a bit tight', he commented.

I flexed and my chest expanded filling the T,

`nope it's just perfect'.

I loved the slight gap showing off a band of flesh, my upper v and the start of my goldening treasure trail.

I said goodnight and went to my room and paraded in front of my mirror, drapes shut, stripping down to the jock, my dick filling the cup admirably, pulsing and pressing to be released. I looked at the red skin where sun had caught me on my groin and ass cheeks, shoulders and neck. I lowered the cup under my nuts and released the beast. I lay on the bed and thought of the day; wrestling on the lawn, the strength tests, the closeness, how I'd noticed Uncles cock thicken and get aroused, how he controlled his hard on.

I hadn't beaten off since I left Atlanta and I daren't mess the linen by accident so I put on my pj shorts and folded my clothes neatly for the morning and slept easy.

I was naked by the pool one hand dipping in the cool water and my other hand slowly beating my cock, I was so close, edging and almost came but then I woke up out of my dream to a knock at the door. You decent' Uncle said and opened the door before I could summon a reply, morning Bud' he said walking over to the drapes, in the half light I don't think he noticed me naked, my shorts by my ankles and hand gripping my dick beating off in my sleep.

I quickly pulled up my PJ shorts and leapt up tenting, he laughed,


he chuckled as he left the room he shouted

`10 mins before our run'.


I shouted and I ran the shower on cool, I was getting desperate to shoot my load, but no time now and anyway I couldn't risk a wet patch of leaking dribble on my new white shorts. I dried quickly, put on my jock and eased myself into the cup, that's should stop any embarrassing leaks I thought, as my cock pressed against the cool plastic protector. I pulled up my shorts, pulled down my top, laced up my trainers and met Uncle by the front door.

The park was on the bluff, so we jogged lightly up the hill, I was tiring already, Uncle just kept on. Wow he's fit I thought as we neared the park. Uncle went to a registration table and the guy added my name to a list and Uncle turned and they both looked at me, in fact a few guys looked at me, were my flies undone, was it the cup enhancing my profile? I thought of math to lower my ardour and it worked for a while.

I met lots of Uncles pals and we lined up ready to run. These guys were fast and I had a hard time keeping up in more ways than one, each time I strode my dick rubbed up the cup, exciting me more, the faster I ran the harder I got. I was close to shooting and just had to stop, I fell back and let the runners pass me, I went behind a bush to rearrange myself and pulled down my shorts as the guy who signed me up ran up behind me,

`great place to take a leak' he said.

He dropped his shorts and flipped out his cock and started to piss. He sighed loudly and looked over to me, I had my jock under my nuts and my huge erection prominent, my skin pulled back revealing my red tip.

Oh boy' he said need any help with that?'

I shook `no' and blushed as red as my cock end.

He laughed and said

`guess I'd better leave you to it!' and he jogged on to rejoin the pack.

My cock deflated with the embarrassment. I pulled the plastic cup out of my jock and jammed it in my pocket, tucked everything away, more comfortable now and rejoined the race, I passed the guy again and he said `careful you don't trip and pole vault' and laughed, I went redder and carried on making up ground and finishing the course.

Later, Uncle said `you made quite an impression on Ted, he says to make sure I bring you every week!'

We walked back and stripped off, I sunbathed and swam all day. Uncles got a big design project on so I didn't see much of him, he came out and we had a wrassle and swim in the late afternoon sun. Uncle got a beautiful hard on and started me with one, we grinned and prised our hard cocks down watching them slap back up onto our abs. Uncles looks a lot thicker and longer than mine, I'm sorta jealous. I wanted to hold it, to grab it, to feel it, to well ya know.... but daren't.

We swam to take the heat off and Uncle got us a couple of sundowner beers.

I could get used to this life. My black eye has yellowed now, it's thankfully getting better. I slept naked tonight, it's cooler with the patio door open a little.

Uncle came in my room again this morning to open the drapes for me. I had my morning stiffie and no covers on, I'm not sure if he saw me or really how long he'd been there. I could've sworn he started moving to the drapes when he sensed me waking up, but I must be mistaken, why would he do that?

I was embarrassed by being outrun by the old guys so it's definitely time to get fitter. I slipped on my jock, shorts and sneakers and leapt over the side gate and ran down the hill.

The cooler early morning air blew across my chest, I could feel it on my nipples, my ass cheeks rubbed on my shorts. My jock was having a hard time keeping the beast in check. I waved hi to a guy I've seen a couple of times who lives on the corner and I ran past the little parade of shops, with the 7/11, dry cleaners, pizza parlour and hair salon and down to the transit stop. From here it's a loop back up the hill on a parallel street and up to the bluff.

I ran steadily up the hill and to the top, to the scrub land they call the bluff. Running further on to the escarpment edge you see Claremont laid out before you in the valley beyond, with its homes, factories, warehouses, offices, and the green patch of the Botanical Gardens and the college.

I sat on a rock to get my breath back. My cock was aching in the jock, it's been days now since I shot my load and my balls were blue. I slipped my hands down my shorts and felt my tight nuts and bone hard shaft.

I looked around me, it's still early and no one is around, I pulled my waistband down revealing my white jock nicely set against my pink sunburn reddened skin with my throbbing cocks outline and a wet patch where the tip had leaked a little.

What to do? The cool breeze ran across my chest and my nips sang, my cock pulsed in unison with my pounding heart. I checked around again, not a soul in sight, and lowered the jock under my nuts. My cock sprang up to my abs gasping for air as it bobbed with my heartbeat. My nuts tightened further, almost disappearing. I pulled the foreskin over the glans and watched it peel back on its own as I breathed out, I repeated this slowly.

I was so close, spitting on my finger I pushed under and massaged my hole, I was gone in an instant, a plume of pure white cum sprayed from my cock high into the air and landed in the dirt, then another as I grabbed my cock to direct the spurts into the dirt and excite the cock rim further. My ass ring tightened around my probing finger. Oh it felt glorious as I pumped my nuts dry over the scrubland.

I tucked my cock, barely softened into my jock. I took one last look at the view, kicked dirt over the pool of jizz in the dust and ran off, easy now down the hill and back to Uncles, clearing the side gate I went straight to the patio shower to clean off any cum and to rinse out the cummy jock.

Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 3

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