Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Dec 7, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 14 - Summer

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

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Part 14 - Summer

Summer vac is fast approaching. We can do no more now but to wait for the professors to grade us and hopefully come back in October, as Sophomores and ogle at all the fresh meat.

Ronnies kinda sad, he's a working guy, but we say we'll go camping in the summer with him on his two weeks off. Toms really pleased with me about Ronnie, he says

'Bud, you did the right thing for Ronnie',

'Thats what spending so much time with Saint Tom does to a guy', he chases me and gooses my ass, we hug.

We get our results and coach is relieved that his team will be coming back and he's excited about some new guys he's accepted for September.

Ricks pleased to see me as he loads my boxes into the car. Toms parents are doing the same for him. The rents chat and shake hands. Ricks invited Tom over during the summer, Toms Pa says I'm welcome anytime, Chris wants to hike a trail, takes about a week, backpacking, in a tent, skinny dipping.

`So it looks like were ready to go Tom', said his Pa.

We hug each other, Tom whispers

`I'm gonna miss you'

in my ear and grinds stiff Junior into my groin and in a squeaky `junior' voice

`so am I'.

'Call me',

I say and we separate. Toms Dad and Uncle Rick shake hands, car doors slam and we are on the road.

A couple of weeks passes with me at home with Rick, doing the usual, topping up my tan, getting the lengths in, running up to the bluff. Ron comes over quite a lot, he and Rick seem to have clicked. Ron stays over a few nights a week, we all snuggle up in Ricks big bed.

Ron tells me it looks as if Pa has cleaned himself up. Ahmed has given his Pa hours out at the shop, packing and delivering grocery orders for their website, and he's got a few hours delivering pizzas for the pizza place. Ron says so far so good. Ahmed puts his wages direct into Pa's bank.

Ron feels able to be more independent now and is talking about a summer vacation. Rick says he could do with a break between projects and says why dont we drive to Montana, see Tom then camp in Yellowstone, make our way back to Lewis Falls, drop into the farm to see Wayne and Ray, then back here. 14 days (and nights) camping. Tom and I can then go south to Bahia for some surfing swimming and tanning working as lifeguards at a camping ground.

We pack our kit over the next week, Ron comes over to help and sort out his pile. Uncle's got tons of gear so we lay out 4 kits and chat so we dont duplicate.

Rick offers Rons cousin Ned a job as pool boy whilst we are away. Neds 15 going on 22 with a different build to Ron, more athletic, note boy next door, his job is to clean the leaves out of the pool, wash the filters, dose the chlorine and such like. Rick says the he can swim as much as he wants, house rules apply.

Ned blushes and says `I thought they might, but I've seen Rons tan and I want one the same,'

I set off to Montana a week earlier getting the Greyhound bus to Billings MT. Rick drops me off at Montclair transit and I get the one way ticket, a 21 hour overnighter to Denver, then an 8 hours to Buffalo and a couple of hours to Billings.

Boy am I tired when I see Tom parking his dads car and running over.

'Fuck its fucking freezing up here',

'This is summer warm, wait till you come again in winter'

Tom hugs me, a tight close hug, skin on skin, his breath on my ear, his wet tears on my cheeks.

'oh fuck, I think Juniors gone and cum' says Tom. He grabs my bag and we jump into his ute. He sets off, grinning at me, barely keeping his eyes on the road.

'Red light' I shout as he says

'oh fuck, missed that one'

'keep your eyes on the fucking road not by boner'

Tom grins and nods, then speeds off, we get into the country, its getting dark, he pulls off into a side road, a tin can is nailed to a tree.

'Here we are' Tom says.

We drive up the track to a shack. We clamber out, and Tom holds my hand and we pull back the screen door and Tom pulls me in. A juke box is playing, two guys are dancing in the centre of the room, surrounded by booths, guys chat, laugh, make out.

Tom asks what i'll have and I look at two guys locked in a deep embrace in a booth opposite,

'i'll have what he's having' I say.

Tom grips my hand harder and laughs, The bar man raises an eyebrow at the cornball joke and Tom says

'Can I get two Mountain Man please?'

'sure thing'

I find a booth, take the drinks and sit down. Toms chatting to the bartender and then joins me, we sit next to each other, real close. Tom turns and we make out for the rest of the evening. Chit chatting, laughing and relaxing into who we are. No pretending, no barriers, just two guys who are into each other.

We finish the beer and Tom stands and beckons me, holding my hand we go to the bar, the bartender gets two more Mountain Men and puts glasses over the cans. Tom gets a key out of his pocket and says 'G'night' to the bartender who smiles and says 'have fun' and Tom pulls me to a dimly lit corridor and into room 103. Toms holdall is on the bed.

'you hungry?' he says

'yeah, for you'

Tom pulls up my T and strips it off, I undo my jeans buttons and kick off my shoes as Tom yanks my jeans down, I sit on the bed and Tom pushes me back, I lift my ass and the jeans are whipped off, pants and all. My cock slaps on my abs. Tom clambers on me and we kiss and grapple. I'm pulling at his shirt, wanting him naked, to feel his skin on mine, warm, to see his prize, erect and proud. We stop, Tom laughs,

'fuck you're beautiful'

he says as I attack his shirt, his jeans his pants, stripping him.

We stand naked, his shy grin across his face as he cups his balls, his shaft hiding behid his wrists, knock knees, trying to cover up.

'why so shy' I say

'its been a while, you still want some northern cock, now you got Ron and Rick on their knees?'

'Buddy sex is all it is, relief. Who needs that when I got you, come here stud, let me show you how much I love you, how much i've missed you before my balls freeze off'

I push my turgid shaft down and let it thwack against my abs, my ball skin rippled and thick, balls contracted, a bead of precum breaks and runs down, getting caught in the foreskin huddled sticky rim.

'This thing aint gonna suck itself' I say.

Tom grins his knockout smile, takes his hands away, revealing his cock, hard, turgid, bobbing. He looks down

'Juniors pleased to see ya'

'are you?'

'Fuck, hell yeah, let me show ya how much'

Tom comes at me, pushes me down on the bed, he kisses me deeply, were both moaning, his hands over my back, my ass, my hair as we make out, it turns into a wrassle for who fucks first. 'no ya dont' he says, him on top, I roll him over, the bed creaking as two hunks of teenage meat wrestle for supremacy.

I've pinned him, got his hands above his head, I'm layed across his body, I start to move lower, kissing his shoulder, his nips, suckling like I know he likes, I look up at his eyes, watery, dancing, his beautiful smile cracks over his face, he nods at me, I start to kiss the valley between his pecs, towards his wonky abs, he scrunches for me, I release my grip on his arms and quick as a flash, he's turned me over, laughing, now he's on top, kissing me, I raise my knees and part my legs

'fuck me junior, how I've missed you'

is all I need to say. I lift up higher, Tom slides down and buries his face in my ass, attacking my hole with his tongue, sucking my balls, spit lubing me up, he prises my cock up in his hand at the base and presses it warm to his face, at his nose, up over one eye.

Tom reaches for the hotel lube off the nightstand, tears the sachet in his teeth, I swing up high and feel the cold gel on my pucker as it twitches, nearly sucking his finger in, he smears junior, bobbing, winking at me and he shuffles on his knees toward me like a cossak dancer, his dick swaying to some primeval beat. He falls forward on his arms, looking into my eyes, I feel him at my detent, hot, he pushes in, my arms stretched out on his ass cheeks, he clenches and sinks in

'welcome home Junior' I say as Tom bottoms out, his pubes prickly, tickling as he starts to rock and pound my willing body.

'oh man, how I've missed this, missed you'

he says, pausing, cooling down

'I haven't shot in a week' he says

'cum over me, I wanna see you spurt your juices'

my hands caress my body, rubbing from my balls up to my nips abd down, I wriggle my chest, Toms groaning,

'I'm getting close' I say. Tom pushes in, moans deeply, his face crinkles like paper, the start of his ecstacy as he pulls out and a forceful jet of spunk hits my face, I cum, we're both spurting hands free. Tom moves higher, his balls hang heavy on my shaft as we both spurt out our jello, covering me, Tom lowers, his weight on me, I moan,

'oh yeah Tom, my stud'

as he burrows into my neck, I can feel his hot breath on my nape, he kisses my shoulder, as his ass rises and lowers rubbing his dick in the cum between us, getting the very last sensations. He's still hard. I'm hard. He rises up and looks at me, we flip, my cummy body now above him, his legs rising, my cock coated in white frosting, his pucker facing me, I spit, bulls eye, and push on in, I'm horny, ramming him forcefully, the bed creaking on every push, my balls slapping noisily on his cheeks, Tom moaning, I'm riding him now, fast and furious, Toms yells are now becoming a constant moan, as I plug him, hitting his spot on each journey deep into him. I exhale loudly and pump him full of my second load. He's shot up his body, wet with our first loads, dripping, cooling now to a watery mess. We start to giggle and writhe and kiss.

'I need a piss' says Tom getting up,

'me too'

We stand at the pan, arms over shoulders, close, bodies hot where thighs and pecs touch, we press our shafts down, and piss out the Mountain Man beer into the bowl.

I turn on the shower and run in, Tom follows, we wash up.

Tom gets out and dumps his cum in the pan, naked, wet. We swap and finish cleaning up. We dry off.

'Fancy another beer and a dance, pardner?'

'sure do'

We dress quickly and walk back into the bar, much busier now, a sea of blokes chatting, holding hands, kissing in booths, dancing. The bar tender nods and gets two cans for us, Tom motions and we get two shots, we down them and kiss, the alcohol searing through the cum. We chug the beers chatting, close, Tom holding me tight, his hands warm on my ass, we started swaying to the music. I put my arms around his neck, pull him close and we kiss. Tom leads me onto the crowded dance floor and we snuck in between the couples and dance, close, kissing. Warm, safe, together.

The DJ plays corny country music and gets the guys singing and we end up having more shots and more beers joining in, the words come from somewhere, probably listening to Ma singing them, sat on her knee. We all link up, arms over shoulders and in the close comfort of a 100 or so gay men, we sing our hearts out, as one.

The harsh houselights lights flicker on, Tom gets a 1/2 flask bourbon and 2 shot glasses as the bar empties and walks me to room 103 and to heaven.

In the morning Tom gets up, his morning wood prominent as he opens the curtains, we are in a log cabin type building overlooking a lake, with the green forest canopy all around.

He puts the empty flask in the bin and clambers back into bed, we snuggle warm.

'How the heck did you find this place?' I say

'Dwayne told me about it. It's one of those open secrets guys like us have to find out about, it don't advertise, it's just known as the Tin Can',

'Its heavenly' I sigh.

'we can swim in the lake if your up to it, looks like you are'

We give it to each other, shower and breakfast, there is about 20 couples in the dining room, talking, eating, checking out each other, we look the youngest here, we're getting lots of attention. Tom has his usual feast; eggs, bacon, sausages, a real plate full, then pancakes and maple syrup and more coffee to finish.

'A treat' he says. 'Heck, make sure you get your moneys worth' he says tucking in. 'I booked us in all week, till Rick and Ron get here'

'Fuck how can you afford that?'

'By working my ass off in the lumber yard is how, I told 'em I aint doing a mans work for kids pay. I told 'em I want mans wages for a mans day and jus stood my ground, and got down to it. Fuck its hard though, but I got the muscle'.

He flexed and eyes around the room darted to him, Tom blushed as I felt the girth of his arm.

'We doing this hike or are you gonna be doe eyed at me all day?

'We can do both' I say.

We get back to our room and take a last piss and a dump, brush our teeth and Tom says,

'don't take too much today, just a daybag and water and I got a microfleece towel, that breakfast will see us through.

We start off, Toms got his trail map and is leading the way, time for me to look at the scenery, his ass cheeks rising and falling as he walks, his shoulder blades on his shirt, his tanned nape downy with blond hair. His stout thighs and thick ankles.

'Your burning into my ass' Tom says. 'look at the nature around not my butt.'

'It is beautiful' I say and Tom turns, blushes and walking to me, envelopes my face bewtween his palms and leans in and we kiss.

'Come on honey, we got a long walk to the waterfall'.

We try to walk side by side, hand in hand but the trail is narrow so I'm stuck staring at his ass, my boner bobbing in my shorts and jock.

We climb high to a bluff and look at the view, the Montana landscape, huge sandstone red coloured monolithic blocks, rising up from the river delta, looking over at the Yellowstone River meandering across the landscape. We've not passed anyone for an hour, Tom pulled his shorts down and over his boots, wearing just his jock.

'Come on Bud, get em off man'

I pull down my short and carefully pull them over my boots. Tom licks his lips at my naked ass in the old jock.

'Mmm nice, my stud' he says as he patts my cheek.

We walk along the bluff and down a steep trail, a series of steps cut in the stone, we hear the waterfall and stepping down we see a clearing of trees and a stone escarpment, a wide ledge in the centre, a water channel carved out and the drop of water 60 feet into a pool, still but churning where the water cascades.

We zip up our packs tight and survey the pool, Tom looks and confirms the trail leading from the pool. Tom kisses me and says 'see you on the other side' and dives headfirst then does a flip and lands feet first, I'm panicking as he is under for a while, he surfaces close to the edge, flicks the water from his eyes and clambers out.

'fucking great' he shouts up whooping.

I dive off, bunching up my legs and do a triple spin and end up entering the water feet first like an arrow, my feet pointed, a trick I earned years ago at swim practice.

I clamber out and we hug and kiss, adrenaline pumping through our bloodstream, my cock rigid in the wet jock, Toms similar.

'fuck, that water sure hammers your nuts, you OK?

I nod and step out of the damp jock and tie it to my back pack and lean them to the sun to dry. Tom copies and dives in the pool, the sun beating down on us, the water crisp and refreshing, we splash and frolic, the pool is very deep. Tom lays out the towel and we lay out naked in the sun to dry and relax.

We are awoken by splashing in the pool and as we stir, two guys are swimming to the edge, clambering up the stones they are wiping the water from their faces, we stir, our hands over our eyes to focus on the bodies, and what bodies. We stand up as the guys say 'hi'.

'You guys jumped it?'

'Yeah, it's quite a leap'

'you gotta protect your assets'

'yeah, we wore Jocks, we're jus drying off'

'we've left our packs up top, so we are gonna climb back up and get them'

'well we'll probably still be here sunning'

'I think we'll join ya, get that all over tan, looks good on you two!'

'thanks, see ya soon'

The guys walked up in their speedo's, they were both taller than us, narrower shoulders, not as much muscle bulk. Their long hair tied up into a ponytail, they're either twins of close brothers. Their ass muscles flexing as they climb the stones, looking for the meagre path to the top.

Tom says 'these two are cute, they certainly weren't phased by our nakedness'

'They were so cute I thought I might bone up!'

'lets see what happens'.

The guys waved from the top and we saw one guy guy walk down with two bags whilst the other dived in and somersalted into the water. He clambered out

'mind if we join you?'

'Not at all, I'm Bud and this is my partner Tom'

'I'm Harvey and my partner climbing down is Rufus.

'looks like I'm over dressed' Harv said as he took off his speedos, revealing perfect tan lines, his cock soft and long, I'd estimate say 5" soft, nice nuts and mousy blond pubes. hairless chest but a real nice treasure trail and thick matted pits'

'you twins?'

'Lots of folks think that but Rufus was born 13 months before me'

'Bros then!'

'yeah we are very close' emphasising 'very'.

'Bud and I are as close as you can get' says' Tom

'Where you headed?'

'just a day hike and then back to the Tin Can motel'

'oh, ok' then he grinned,'we are staying in a crummy motel nearer the town'.

Rufus came into view 'Hey bro, thats some climb' he says, grinning at our nakedness 'looks like I'm kinda overdressed' shucking off his speedos. waiting for the reaction'

'fuck me' Tom says looking at the snake hanging between Rufus legs 'you got a permit for that weapon?'

Rufus holds his soft cock at the base and twirls it around, 'well it aint gonna shoot ya'

and with that he does a perfect dive into the pool, we all follow, doing our best dives.

'swimmers huh?'

We nod 'College team down in LA, 200 relay' we proffer.

'how about you two'

'we are syncro divers' but not in the team this year, we jus' grew too tall, I guess, the shrimps get the better scores, but we love it,' says Rufus.

'What are the guys like?' says Harv

'a real bunch of pranksters' Tom said, relating a tale about some after shower shenanigans ending with them all horned up and coach joining in.

I silently ducked under and swam behind Rufus and got my head between his legs, arse side and lifted him up, he fell backwards and dunked. This started a wrassle, difficult when theres no pool floor for support. The sound of laughing echoed around and we soon clambered out and layed on towels, our chests heaving, taking in more air, we'd all stiffened up somewhat.

'gotta get me an all over tan' says Rufus 'so neat' he says looking at me, I roll onto my front, my ass globes shuffling as my dick got comfy.

Rufus leans over and parts my cheeks, revealing a white patch over my pucker.

'Its true, here's where the sun don't shine'

He releases, my cheeks touch back together, then slaps my arse hard and I see him run, Harv follows and they dive into the pool together, surfacing and kissing each other, making out as they tread water.

We get up, with a chubby semi swinging and dive in and join them, making out with Tom, then swapping and groping Harv, Tom gets Rufus. we swim over to a submerged rock and sit on the ledge, all hard now and kiss and feel up our new friends.

Harvey is about my size, blond, lovely slim uncut cock, Rufus also blond, looks to be a grower he must be 8", his uncut cock is bobbing, the head out of the water like a gaping fish. Toms hand grips it, stopping it swimming away.

Their tall, narrow bodies are a real turn on, thick hairy pits, nice pencil thin golden treasure trails leading your eye to their very bushy mocha pubes, lovely blond hairy ball sack, downy hair covers their their arses and blond hairy tanned legs,

'how come you don't shave?' I say

'only if you're on the team, we got dropped joining sophomore and missed that escapade' says Harv as he played with his cock.

'Wanna have some fun?' says Rufus

'yeah', we say together

'is here safe?' says Tom,

'theres some shade over there by those flat slabs'

says Harv pointing to a scruffy set of trees shading rocks by the sheer cliff. Rufus holds out his hand to Tom, I get a pang of jealousy as Tom gives him his $1m grin and is pulled up and Rufus kisses him.

Harv sees my reaction 'come on, lets have some fun too' he says, pushing down his shaft as I watch it hit his six pack, as he flexes for me.

We grab the towels and lay them out

'fuck this stones hard'

'Thats why arses are so soft' Harv says and we make out, his smooth hands exploring my body, squeezing every muscle, his hands squeezing my butt cheeks as we press together.

'fuck you're so built, beautiful, compact, not lanky like us two, look at your broad shoulders, what a hunk,

'I love your pert little arse, and your narrow shoulders, your long neck and nape'. I said rubbing the back of his head, brushing his soft downy hairs, caressing the three little protruding bones.

We got down to it, no more need for conversation as we explored and kissed. His cheeks warm on my thighs as he swallowed me whole. He spat me out and turned me over, ass pointing skyward

'this is what Rufus likes'

he said as he burrowed his tongue in my ass, spitting, blowing, licking around my hole opening my ass cheeks with his hands, burrowing deeper, breathing in my musk, then arrowing his tongue and pressing in on his bed of spit.

I heard him growl up more lube and he coated his cock

'this is what Rufus likes more' he said

He plunged in, just to the head and waited, moaning as my ring pressed on his glans, then not waiting for a signal he barrelled in, changing the position, lifting my ass to different angles, I was on all fours, ass akimbo.

'oh yes, this is it' he said.

He gently fucked me, long and slow, each stroke over my prostate, exciting me, my moaning on every push now a constant growl.

Rufus and Tom got up and knelt on their haunches, staring at me, watching my face as Harvey fucked the daylights out of me. Rufus raised and aimed his 8" at my mouth, I opened and took him, eventually sucking 2/3rds of his long, slim shaft. Rufus rose over me and I'm in his shadow as he face fucked me and kissed Harv, spit roasted.

Tom pushed Rufus to one side and lubed up his cock at my mouth as I spat Rufus out and took Tom in deep, up to his pubes as he moaned. Rufus banging his cock on his palm, then impatient, prodding my nose, trying to push his thinner shaft into my mouth alongside Toms, I opened as wide as I could as Tom retracted and working as a team together they pushed their heads into my mouth, pressed hard againt each other. What a feeling, full of cock from Harv and from Tom and Rufus. I lapped the underside of both dicks tasting their precum, delving into both slits. I looked up Rufus and Tom were making out, hands clutching each others ass cheeks.

Harv was grunting now, pushing me forcefully as I walked toward the water, nudging Tom and Rufus who were locked in a deep embrace, Harv continued his onslaught, so deep in me as I was pushed crab like further. Harve grunted a final release and beat his chest like Tarzan in release as I fell forward, releasing Harvs cock to shoot onto the stone as I toppled Rufus, Tom and myself into the water.

`We hooted and hollered, heads bobbing under to cool down. We laid on our backs like starfish, relaxing in the baking sun, water cool on our backs, the sun hot on our fronts, balls cooling with the slight splashes.

I reckon it's about three?' Said Rufus, we'd better be heading out'

Harv said what's the name of that place, the tin man?'

Tin Can' Tom said why not come over tonight, I can vouch for ya'

`Cool' they nodded as Tom described how to find it from where they are staying. The guys put on their now dye shorts and left.

`Till 7 then' Tom said and we watched their long lean golden haired frames go out of view.

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