Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Dec 5, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 13 - Finals

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 13 - Finals

The swim team were doing well, and after exams we have the last state meet at Claremont. We were top of the leaderboard but San Jose were not far behind. Rumour had it that Tommy Lee who stood down had revenge in mind to represent the state in 200m freestyle relays at Nationals.

At Y practice we stood in a long line as the sports techs and Coach took our measurements like a good sports scientists does. Everything. Coach grinnned as he measured my dick with calipers, `mmm 7.5" length, maybe more! 5.5 girth, your growing kid!' He compared me to the start of semester and how I'd changed. He split us into groups and disciplines abd we were off. It was tough, the techs drove us hard, monitoring every length we swam.

Coach came into the lockers, we were all quiet, worn out 'listen up guys, a great practice tonight, The data is coming in and its looking impressive, I'll analyse it and get back to you in groups and individually. My message tonight is train, train, train in the pool not up pussy and butts.'

Coach asked a group of us to stay back after.

He said Toms times have improved and impressed him, he's still not an accelerator but fast and solid, from start to finish, no fade. Reliable and is improving his PB's almost weekly.

My times have plateaued, Coach says I've too many distractions and I need to really focus.

He arranged for me to be Toms roomie again, he says I'm better when I'm with Tom, he showed me the graph and the raw data, you could see my graph rise with Toms then plateau as Toms continued, when I moved back to my hutch. It seems that as our sex got better so did our PB's. Coach wanted a repeat performance and frankly so did I!

Coaches intervention did the trick. Aiden and Ed were back together and so were Tom and I.

Ronnie understood and anyways he had a shared house of guys to get through and Terry calling around for `favours'.

Tom and I were joined together for 6 glorious weeks of swimming, sex, swimming and more sex. Toms body was just beautiful, how he'd developed in the 8 months, he's stronger, got more stamina, more sculpted. His manner, his internal beauty, just shines through. Every day I spend with Tom I feel I am a better person in some way.

I cuddled Tom all that night, it was strange to be back in his room and his bed. Watching him undress and giving me that goofy shy grin as he dropped his pants, doing his corny flex routine, Junior pushing up tight against his abs, before spooning with me, Junior hot and pulsing nestled in my crack as Tom kisses my neck and my ears, sucking on my nape, holding me close with his hands on my pecs squeezing me closer, teasing my nips as Junior slides down my crack and bingo, up my ass.

Tom lasts for a long time, throbbing, micro fucking me, moving out an inch or less and then plunging back in. We were both so close, on the edge, he'd take himself to the brink and I'd feel him pulse fast, spurting dust, holding still, as he cooled down, then he'd start again and repeat it differently, over and over until I was so hot, the release was always so tender, he's such a giving lover.

In the morning we got up, jogged around campus, Ronnie would join us, then we'd get to the pool real early. Coach had us swim naked, to compete, I was finding it difficult to pitch my acceleration against Toms faster and faster times. Ronnie helped create turbulence in the adjacent lane, to replicate a competition. Tom, me and Ronnie. My two great loves. After the swim, Coach looked at Ronnie, impressed.

`So you're the guy Boss was on about?' he says to Ronnie poolside.

Coach took him by the shoulders and looked him over, he said seriously

`you're a fine athlete, more a runner than a swimmer though I'd say, leg height just a tad too long, arms just a tad too short and that long undercarriage, well that would slow you down' then he broke into a laugh and clapped his ass.

He'd recorded a new PB for Tom and hugging him he says and you've learned to accelerate. I was gutted. Coach says

`have a day off tomorrow Tom but I want Bud and Ronnie in here a 6 sharp, no jogging, no shagging, got it?',

`yes Coach' we say and swing to the showers.

Tom says `sorry Bud, I was just doing what I always do', I put my arms over his shoulder,

`that's fine, you gotta just keep on doing what you're doing, Coach will sort it'.

Tom gave me a long massage that night whilst Ronnie slept in a bag on the rug so as to be up early. Tom waved to us from his bed as Ron and I left for the pool at 5.45am.

Coach was waiting at the door, he unlocked and told us to go right to poolside and strip off. He'd lock the door until Boss came at 6:30. We stripped and went poolside, Coach says

`here's the deal, I'm gonna get Ronnie to swim steadily at different rates for different lengths, to mix it up, then I'm gonna shout when you need to go to beat your PB'.

I try and try but can't decide when to go faster. Coach comes over Fuck this is hard', I say to Coach, your leaving it too late to call and I just can't catch up can I',

Coach says he'll show me the timings at the end. I see him signal 3 fingers to Ronnie who's tearing down the pool, I'm keeping up but don't hear coaches signal when to go, I think fuck it I wanna win and I go, Ronnie is still ahead and I'm gaining, gaining more and I win.

Coach says `you didn't see me signal did ya. So what was the trigger?',

`I wanna win',

keep that' says Coach, use it'.

Next day Toms tearing down the pool, ahead of me and each time I pip him, Toms getting mad and he's speeding up, I seem to have found the sweet spot of when to break to win. We shower and Coach says

`I think you can congratulate each other however you like tonight, but please make sure you actually get some sleep though'.

Coach had honed us to perfection.

We all walked on to Ronnies, stripped and fell onto his big bed, we took each other however we wanted as three randy lads do, no sensitivity just a fuck fest. Toms and my new PB's was worth celebrating.

Ronnie docked our uncut dicks for first time, pulling his foreskin over mine, stuck together. Ron no longer the skinny runt but in the few months he had developed into a sexy guy, this time next year he's gonna be a blond God.

Tom ran his lips over our docked dicks like he was playing a mouth organ as I deep throated Ron with my tongue. Tom looked surprised as Ronnie came and our foreskins expanded like a balloon and eventually burst spraying his load over Toms face.

Tom stood and kissed Ronnie, spitting and sharing Ron's load. Tom pushed Ron back on the bed, Tom was raging, his dick bright red. He yanked Ronnies long legs high and parted his pucker and slammed in, lubed from my load earlier. Tom was like an animal, he pushed Ronnie legs wide and his ass up from the bed and with his weight on his strong arms he moved forwards like in a press up with Ron almost bent double, his knees by his ears. Tom kissed Ron hard as he grunted into Rons tight ass. I knelt on the bed watching Toms beautiful ass rise and fall, his cheeks clenching as he thrust Junior.

I nuzzled into Toms crack, tasting his musk, his sweat. Arrowing my tongue and pulling his cheeks wide I delved into his pucker as his ass rocked. I put my hand under and cupped his balls and with his hole now slippy wet I pressed my fingers in. Tom groaned loudly as I slipped two then three fingers up Toms gaping hole. I stood and with my arms on Toms shoulders I pushed my raging dick into Toms willing hole, as Tom rocked faster up and down my shaft as he fucked Ronnie.

We dozed off, Waking and looking out it was getting light, we slipped on our shorts, T's, sneakers and left. We ran back to halls. The refectory roller shutter opened up just as we arrived. Soon our steak and eggs was in front of us, we ate ravenously and with arms over shoulders, T shirts pushed into shorts we walked to Toms room.

The commons was quiet as we shat our loads through our sore asses, then we showered and washed each other carefully, preening and cleaning out rims and skins, under the hot blasting water.

We got another hour cuddling, laying on Toms bed and then our routine kicked in and it was off to the pool. Boss was in a foul mood and told us to put our backs into it and give the floors an extra scrub and get the scum off the tiles and to sweep out the lockers again. He'd had complaints. We grumbled but did as we were told.

Life rumbled on, Aiden and Ed as close as ever, Ron got left behind a little as Tom and I put our backs into swimming and studying.

Before we knew it the finals at SF High were upon us. The teams were starting to assemble. So much new meat around the place, I got chubbed up, Tom squeezed my package and laughed, `after, not before' he whispered.

Coach gave the pep talk in the locker room, all the team sat on benches, swim suits in their hands and arms over shoulders, thighs touching warm in the harsh locker room lights. We were second overall against SJH, but a win today and we could do it. Tom pressed hard against my thigh and me his, I saw him chub up and I did too, soon our row was all grins and rising cocks, hands free.

The guys opposite saw and reacted the same as a ripple of boners went around the room. We stood on coaches orders and boners aloft sang the college song jumping up and down slapping dick on abs. We donned our skimpy speedos, grabbed a towel and went out to sit in the bleachers, bulging.

We got announced and stood to some cheers and booing from SJH. We were neck and neck on points as we crawled up the leader board and we continued to swap leads throughout the afternoon. We wiped them in the heats. Tommy Lee is saving his best for the end I thought as I looked up and down at his perfect physique. He's 4 years older than me. My cock twitched and as he turned he caught me staring and walking over he tweaked my shaft and patting my cheeks he says

`I'm quite something ain't I?'

I grinned

`not'ing special'

I says and grab his dick and pump it through the fabric of his suit, I feel it pulse, as his eyes drill into mine.

We each go back to our teams sat on the bleachers. I'm arms over Toms shoulders and he mine, we're chatting shit and laughing when I see Tommy Lee get up and go to the changing area, he thumbed for me to go.

`I'm nervous' I say to Tom

`I'm gonna see if I can squeeze one out',

`don't be long, we are in the finals in 15 minutes'

I run off and see a door closing but not locked. I push it open and Tommy Lee is stood proud, erect, his thick dick red and pulsing, throbbing tight against his abs. I push in and close the door behind me and drop my suit. Our cocks sword fight as Tommy takes the back of my head in his hand and slams his tongue down my throat, his afternoon shadow prickly on my soft skin.

I take his dick in my hand and pump him as he kisses me. He breaks off and pushes my head down to his cock. I take him with difficulty, he's so fat but with slaver and experience I get him past and into my throat. He's moaning and suddenly he shoots his load, unexpected, pulse after fucking pulse he shoots, I count 12 jets as his balls almost disappear into his shaft! He's shaking and pulls me up to face him. He kisses the dripping cum off my chin as I swallow his last, he takes my cock and starts to dip.

I wipe my hand over my mouth I put my hand back and open the latch, I pull up my suit and jam it over my hard dick and opening the door I run out back to the bleachers. Tom looks at the clock `come on we better go poolside'. I grab my towel to hide my boner and retie my suit laces. I see Tommy Lee come out of the toilets and look around for me.

We line up and Tommy Lee passes behind and he's whispers in my ear

`fag likes to drink cum, queers can't swim'.

I'm red with anger and go for him, my team mates pull me off him and he saunters away grinning to his pals and takes his position.

We huddle and we say we're ready for this. Larry does really well, coach indicates they got PB's, we are still just behind SJH though. Toms up next and he does really well closing the gap by a quarter length, next up it's me. I can see Tommy Lee hit the water ahead of me.

I keep up with him, we turn and it is neck and neck, Tommy Lee accelerates away, shit he's gone really early, whats his game? I ramp up to match him, scared to wait in case he gets too far ahead. I catch up with him, I hear the team shouting at me `go Bud', I summon up my last strength as we pass the midway steps, and I start to pull away from Tommy.

My whole body, brain and breath is focussed, I feel myself accelerating again, floating, in the zone, hearing the muffled cries, my breathing and the pumping of my heart, like a mechanical rhythm box.

My lungs are burning but I'm content, i'm flying, flying, flying and as I touch I break out of my trance, as Lonnie flies over my head. I look across and see Tommy Lee touch, I mustve been a yard or more ahead. Tommy Lee bashes the water in anger. I'm pulled out, heaving air into my lungs, my face and body red with exertion and I almost fall to the deck. Tom supports my lifeless frame, his arms under my shoulders as we watch and cheer as Lonnie powers ahead increasing our lead.

We take the finals. The leaderboard ratchets up the points and our team goes wild. We're dancing in a circle with coach, running on neat adrenaline. We get to the showers and change into college whites for the presentation. Tommy Lee comes over and congratulates us and gives me his card, to look him up if we're out this way over summer.

`I might jus do that' I say,

`make sure you do' he says and we line up for the cups. We sob as the College anthem is played, so proud. The whole pool rises for the Stars and Stripes and at the end we all burst into rapturous applause and cheering.

On the bus back it's all quiet, Toms resting his head on my pecs, dozing as I play with his blonde hair, twirling it in ringlets, looking at the soft down on his ears and feeling my dick push into his soft ass cheeks as he lay with his back half on me.

Tom, my pal, my lover, my life.

Next: Chapter 14

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