Bloomin Marvellous

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Feb 21, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.


BLOOM-IN MARVELLOUS part 3 - "What a Lot to Drink"

AJ stood a few inches from Orlando. Both guys stood holding a beer. It was an intense romantic moment, both staring deep into each other's eyes, so trust AJ to inappropriately burst out laughing. "What is it?" "What's up?" Orlando was a bit hurt by AJ's outburst, whilst at the same time his heart melted even more seeing this hot young guy he just met today laughing. "I'm sorry, i just can't quite believe that i'm here in this situation. It's so much for me to take in, i have expected tonight to be a wind-up" "Why would you think that?" "Think of it from my perspective, gorgeous hollywood hunk, asks to meet a 20 something lad from the Westcountry in his hotel room for a drink. Doesn't really sound believable does it." "I get your point." "Who'd have thought it? me holding off the subject of my desires." "Now then AJ, i can tell their's something on you mind, apart from the obvious." "This is where i go serious now. What about Kate? You're still dating her I take it. I can't help but feel like i could be ruining a great showbiz couple." For a brief moment Orlando's thoughts seemed to be with Kate, if he was truthful he didn't really know if they were still dating. And she knew he'd been attracted to boys for a long while now. Although nothing had ever come of it, he'd never met a guy he truly liked. "You sure know how to put a dampner on things." Orlando set his beer down on the side and sat in the armchair next to his minibar. AJ sensed the deflation in his personality. So he immediately went over to him and knelt down, to bring him to Orlando's eye level. AJ reached out and put his hands on OB's shoulders. "I just don't want to make things harder for myself, or for yourself." AJ had to admit that even just touching Orlando he was realising a million fantasies. He also noted how strong and muscly these hunky shoulders were. "AJ this is going to be possibly the most big headed thing i've ever said to anybody, but, Are you really going to turn down the opportunity that you've got to be with me?" Orlando's eyes were searching AJ's face for an answer, he need not have worried though, as AJ leant forward and pressed his lips against OB's. It was a light kiss to which OB responded with the same. AJ's hands slid off of OB's shoulders and down his arms to his hands, which he took in his own. AJ stepped back forcing OB to stand from the chair. These two dark haired hunks stood holding both hands, and just drowning in each others eyes. OB could see the passion intensifying in AJ's eyes, and almost without warning, AJ releaseed OB's hands and grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him close for a deep passionate kiss. To AJ's pleasure OB parted his lips so that his tongue could slip inside. Orlando drew his arms around AJ in a steamy clinch, AJ also embraced Orlando, who by now was be just as forceful with returning the kiss. Parting briefly AJ managed a few words. "God why'd i ever try and turn this down!" Returning to this kiss with vigour, AJ slipped his hands inside Orlando's sleeveless top and caressed his back. The effect that AJ's hands had on Orlando was astounding. HIs knees almost gave way beneath him. "Sorry! The was electric!" he said breathlessly. Still passionately kissing, AJ decided to bring his hands around to Orlando's front. And this had an even stronger effect on OB. AJ caressed and massaged Orlando's pecs and tweaked at his nipples; this time Orlando's legs big buckle and he fell backwards onto the armchair. AJ was still attached to him via lip service. "Now i've got you right where i want you." the wild passion now pouring from AJ like never before. Orlando's eyes widened and an enormous grin swept across his face. AJ leant over for a quick and teasing kiss, then he moved back slightly, and in a move that frankly shocked and slightly scared OB, AJ tore Orlando's shirt right off, from the neck he grabbed both sides and just ripped it right down. Thoughts of having to buy another shirt quickly disappeared and thoughts of 'Oh yeah that's so hot' quickly repalced them. "AJ you're so strong." "Surprised myself a bit there" AJ's hands went roaming all over Orlando's exposed chest, a what a chest. Smooth and beautifully defined. Aj then reached for a bottle of beer that had been left from before. Ob thought that he was going to take swig from the bottle, but instead AJ lightly poured the small amount of beer over OB's chest. He then discarded the empty bottle on the floor. OB was a bit unsure what to make of this but was only just about coherent when Aj started licking the beer from his chest, starting from just about the waistband of his short, he took one long sweeping movement over OB's Abs and Pecs, right up to his shoulders. AJ did this roughly ten times. After the second or third time OB had lost any sense of anything. "Does that feel good?" AJ knew the answer. "That was fucking amazing man!" "Oh that's just for starters my friend, you aint felt nothin' yet!" With that AJ's expert hands finally began massaging the bulge in OB's short, i say bulge, more like the pole from a circus marquee. And the precum now leaking from his pole was phenomenal. Eager to get to his primary target, AJ, expertly rid Orlando of his shorts. Now exposed and stood bolt upright, was Orlando Bloom's 10 inch pleasure pole! "OH MY GOD!" AJ was stunned. "You like what you see?!" "It's beautiful, just like it's owner" AJ blushed at having just said something quite so soppy, and OB blushed as being the subject of something quite so soppy. "Firstly AJ, before we go any further, you've gotta remove your clothes." "You do it for me" Orlando stood thinking that AJ would stand as well so he could remove his clothes. But no, as OB stood AJ clamped his lips around the 10incher. And as much as OB wanted AJ to receive rather than give, AJ giving felt damn good to him at the moment, and he was is no position to get him to stop. Orlando's heart, brain and insides were doing backflips whilst AJ was working his magic over his cock. "AH YEAH! GIVE IT TO ME!" This vote of confidence made AJ go at it even faster, if that were possible. And they could both tell that Orlando's excitement couldn't be contained for much longer. Whilst sucking feverishly on OB's pole, AJ was kneeding his pert ass cheeks. He gently brushed a finger against OB's tempting hole. This caused a sharp intake of breath from Orlando. "OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!" "What i'm doing is not missing the opportunity i've got to be with you." AJ resumed swallowing OB's enormous pole. And suddenly he could tell OB was on the edge, his breathing changed, so AJ released all the energy he could find into his assault on this beautiful pole of pleasure. "OH FUCKING HELL I'M GOING TO CUM! OH FUCK!" This made AJ clamp tighter around OB's cock, and with the added pleasure of AJ's lips, OB just couldn't hold back any longer. "AGHHHH!" Everything seemed to stop and then the first enormous wave of cum splattered across the back of AJ's throat, and then the following torrent coated AJ's mouth and tonsils, he was having to gulp down really fast to avoid spilling any, and it tasted good so he didn't want to spill it. As OB was spent and trying to regain some of his regular breathing patterns, AJ milked his cock dry and let slipout of his mouth, OB staggered back a couple of steps and sat on the armchair, naked and sweating. his glanced down over his body, and then up to AJ who was stood, still clothed. "You know, i only came here expecting to meet a movie hunk and maybe have a drink." "You've certainly had a drink, and you didn't spill a drop." "You wanna taste?" OB nodded, and AJ walked towards him, he leant over, placed a hand in the centre of the heaving sweaty chest and locked lips with OB, their tongues danced, as they exchanged samples of Orlando's cum. Their lips parted. "So, can i get you a drink AJ?" "Oh i'm fine thanks. How about i fill you up?" THE END

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