Bloomin Marvellous

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Feb 13, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.




BLOOM-IN MARVELLOUS part 2 - Room 440


AJ burst in through the door of the house, his heart still beating like a base drum and his head all over the place. It's still early really, only being just about 4 o'clock. What should he wear? he flew up the stairs ripping his clothes off as he ran and jumped into the shower. And he got quite a shock. In his excitement he'd hardly turned the heat dial as the water burst out freezing cold.

"Shit, Shit"

AJ quickly stepped back and reached in with an arm to turn the heat up. He slipped back under the flow of water and immediately started to relax. Having showered he stepped out and toweled himself dry, now came the big decision what to wear. He was worse than a woman. all his clothes were laid out all across the bed. in the end he decided to go ultra smart after all he didn't want to turn on in saggy jeans an ripped t-shirt. Although it did cross his mind that orlando prpobably wouldn't be suited and booted. 'Orlando'it was really weired to be thinking in a few hours he'd be meeting Orlnado Bloom face to face, properly. What was going to happen? Was it just to hang out as mates? Was it woman advice he wanted? Hardly he could have any woman he wanted. Was it him he wanted? AJ convinced himself it was probably just a mate thing.

"Half past five. Time for some food. Calm down, for god sake don't start talking to yourself. Oh my god i am" AJ took a deep breath.

He opened the fridge, saw mountains of fresh organic food he could work wonders with, but ultimately his eyes settled on a Sainsbury's Ready Meal Lasagne. It would be totally not healthy for him but what the hell. He woofed down his food with a glass of red wine. And at 6 o'clcok he was out the door heading for the bus stop. Almost walking on air as he moved down the road, he crossed over the main road at teh end and stood by them lamp post waiting for the W6 bus. As AJ stood there daydreaming visions of Orlando's face came to him. He smiled to himself and then cursed as the bus sailed by.

"Ah shit"

AJ's brain went into oh fuck what am i going to do now mode? As looked up the road he could see the back of the bus disappearing around the corner, then he saw the front of the W6 heading in the opposite direction. He darted across the road avoiding the early evening traffic, he stuck his hand out so the bus stopped and he got on. Now he could relax slightly and work out which route he was going to take. He got off of the bus at Edmonton green railway Station, where he transfered to an overland train which he took to Seven Sisters station, at seven sisters he transfered to the Victoria Line underground line, which took him one stop to Finsbury Park, where he walked through to the Picadilly Line southbound platform. AJ had never figured out the layout of Finsbury park tube station, even after all his visits to London. He thought it was odd, anyway he stood waiting for a southbound Picadilly Line train. The LED platform display infromed passengers that the train in 1 minute would be a Rayners Lane service. the trains destination didn't matter to AJ as he would be getting off before the lines splits.

"Come on AJ, you're going to meet Orlando"

After he's said it out loud, he suddenly looked around, noboyd was taking any notice, if they were, they probably thought he had a screw loose. The platform display changed to STAND BACK - TRAIN APPROACHING - Tha haunting noise of air being pushed through the tunnel by the train became apparent to the passengers waiting on the platform. And then the wind caused by the air, peoples hair blew around and their papers flapped slightly in the breeze. Aj turned to look at the tunnel entrance, he could see the reflection from the train headlights on the rails. Then the train appeared as it thundered into the station; the doors stopping right in front off AJ. he got on and sat at the very back of the train, as it is usually less busy.

"Ah 7 o'clock" He looked at his watch.

Then he suddenly looked up again, realising for a 2nd time in quick sucession that he'd talked out loud to himself. The doors slid shut and the train pulled away. One of the busiest station on the entire tube network is Kings Cross St Pancras, although tonight it was unusually quiet, well quiet for Kings Cross anyway. The tube pulled away, and as if some force had overtaken the passengers on the train, all their conversations stopped.

"The Next Station is Russell Square" announced the on train automated voice.

The Tunnel between Kings Cross and Russell Square being where one of the 7/7 bombings occured. The train pulled into Russell Square, passengers got off and some got on, the doors closed and the train was on the move again. And the atmosphere inside the train returned to normal; the gesture of silence and thought was one reminiscent of the days immediately after the July attacks.

After a little whiel longer the train had passed through central London and arrived at Hyde Park Corner. This is the nearest tube station to the 'Hilton Park Lane.' AJ stepped off of the train and followed the 'way out' out signs, he came up the escalator and then stood in the station entrance, he looked at his watch, it was 7.30, still slightly early. AJ decided to go and sit in the park for twenty minutes or so to try and compose himself. At 19:50 he stood up from the bench and made his way across to the hotel. As he was walking towards the entrance he saw a doorman; should he say anything to him? What should he say? should he says he's got an appointment, meeting, an audience with Mr Bloom? Before he knew he was there and opening his mouth.

"Can i help you sir?" the doorman was really polite.

"I hope so, i've got a meeting at 8pm with Mr Bloom"

"Ah rite"

The doorman reached into his brest pocket, pulled what looked like a photograph out, he glanced at it, then looked up at AJ, he glanced at the photograph again, and then handed it to AJ.

"Well that sure looks like you to me"

AJ glanced at the photograph.

"Yeah thats me, from earlier today in Greenwich."

"Carry on mate."


AJ nodded at the doorman, who held open the door for him. He made his way across the hotel lobby to the lifts, he pressed the up button and immediately the doors opened, inside he pressed for level 4.

"Deep breath, deep breath"

The lift arrived at the fourth floor and AJ stepped out. He walked forward a few paces and stood almost rooted to the spot, he looked ahead down the long corridor. He walked forward to the first door he could see, it said 430, and was on his left, he looked to his right and saw 431, so he managed to gather that even numbers were on the left and odd numbers on the right. With his head turned to the left he carried on walking, 432, 434, 436, 438, and eventually 440. He got there and stopped, all of a sudden his stomach felt as though it were in his mouth.

"Calm yourself boy"

He raised his right hand and knocked, he was gazing at the floor. The door opened and he saw naked feet. As he brought his gaze higher he saw bare legs which disappeared into white silky football shorts. Higher up a navy blue sleeveless Abercrombie & Fitch top, and from the top of that the hottest and most gorgeous head and face in the movie business, Orlando's hair was loose and sexy. AJ's mouth was on the floor. Orlando smiled.

"Planning on catching flies with that are ya?"

"oh sorry i uh... sorry"

"Don't apologise, come in."

"Thank you very much sir."

"Sir? What are you on? most people call me OB."

"Sorry. Shit, um, oh fuck! Sorry"

Orlando smiled at AJ's obvious nervousness.

"Relax my friend, just be yourself"


AJ's gaze moved around the room, Orlando refrained from talking for a bit to let him take in eveyrthing that was going on.

"I'm AJ by the way"

"Nice to meet you AJ." Orlando extended a hand which AJ shook.

The look in AJ's eyes said it all.

"Because of the look earlier, when we were filming at the ticket kiosk, we said so much to each other then i had to meet you properly, and then i took that picture of you which i gave to the doorman so he'd recognise you."

"I'm conused."

"You're confused, i'm confused mate, confused about what i'm feeling."

"Then i'll do whatever i can to help you."


"Yeah. I promise"

"Thank you. You want a drink? i have a mini-bar"

"A beer would be good thanks."

AJ watched as Orlando moved across to the mini-bar he opened the door and bent down. The fabric of his silky white shorts pulling across his ass. AJ's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Uh OB?"


"Forget your underwear when you chancged did you?"

Orlando stood, closed the mini-bar door and turned to face AJ, he held up the bottle beer for AJ to come and get. AJ walked over to Orlando and took the beer. AJ smiled.

"You're not that confused really are ya"

"No, i just really fancy the pants off ya!"

Once again AJ's mouth hit the floor, he couldn't quite believe that Orlando Bloom, movie hunk was telling him that he fancied the pants off of him.


coming soon - Bloom-in Marvellous part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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