Bloomin Marvellous

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Jan 30, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.


Remember my name's Alex not Luke.

BLOOM-IN MARVELLOUS part 1 - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face


It was going to be the hottest day of the year. Well that's what the weatherman on BBC News 24 said when Orlando got up at three o'clock this morning, ready for his day's filming on the river thames. It was still dark obviously as it was so early in the morning. The perfectly clear sky made the moon seem all the more bright, the icy blue light cut through the gap in the curtains in Orlando's hotel room, he sat up in bed his beautiful smooth chest glistening. He stretched, yawned and then pushed back the duvet cover. He wasn't wearing anything, his cock, impressive even though flacid, rested on his thigh, he got up from the bed, and grabbed a pair of silk boxers to put on, and he moved around the room.

The TV which he had turned on to see the weather, was now off and there was peace once again. he went into the bathroom, relieved himself, washed and cleaned himself up ready for the day.

An hour later, a call on the phone in his room, the car was here to drive him down to the river. They were going to be filming in Greenwich near the famous Tea Clipper "The Cutty Sark" and near "The Royal Greenwich Observatory" which is high on a hill through Greenwich park.


The time is now 08:00. Somewhere in North London a 24 year old is stirring. AJ has been house sitting for his auntie who is away on holiday in South Africa. It's only his second day on his own in the big city, normally he'd hail from the South West. But for three weeks in the long hot summer he's a london lad.

AJ pushes back the covers exposing his impressive physique, not skinny but nicely toned with nice hard six-pack abs. His prized posession however was coverd up with a pair of M&S boxers. He got out of bed, and made his way downstairs. He flciked the tv on, BBC Breakfast was on, and they just happened to move on to any item about Orlando Bloom filimng in Greenwich. Orlando is AJ's favourite actor, and the subject of many a wank fantasy.

"OOh yes, looks like i'm off to Greenwich today then."

AJ jumped up and went into the kitchen to grab some cereal. He was buzzing with thoughts of getting even a tiny glimpse of Orlando Bloom. Almost bouncing around the house, he ate his breakfast, made some tea, and all the while images of Orlando kept whizzing through his head. He finished Breakfast and went up to get ready.

The water in the shower was beautifully hot as it cascaded down over AJ's body, the stimulation immediately caused his monster cock to stand to attention. But he had to get going. He thought some ugly thoughts, and his excitement subsided. jumping out of the shower his cock swinging freely now, he grabbed a towel and dried himself. Going through to the bedroom his short-sleeved shirt clung to his fit body really well. His low rise jeans hang wonderfully low so as to display the red waistband of his Calvin Klein hipsters.


It's now 11:00. In Greenwich the cameras are rolling, Orladno walks arm in arm with a female actress as they shoot the scene which involves them walking off of the Cutty Sark, and around to Greenwich pier where the pleasure boats back to Westminster depart from.

"Camera's rolling"

"and Action!"

The first take goes quite well but the director is unhappy with it. So they reset the camera's and go for it again. This time is goes really well and they can set up for the next scene. Orlando and his female co-star take a seat with some of the crew.

AJ appears from Cutty Sark DLR station. He has convinced himself that he wont see anything of Orlando himself, probably just some camera's and some crew. He walks out of the station and heads towards the Cutty Sark. As he suspected he sees, some cameras and a few people with clipboards but no Orlando. Aj has decided to take a pleasure boat back down the Thames to Westminster. It should be a beautiful cruise in the blazing heat, thinking about the midday sun he decides to book his ticket for an afternoon cruise. He walks towards the booking office. When he gets a tap[ on the shoudler.

"Excuse me young man."

"Yes" AJ replies a bit startled, but still curious.

"Young probably don't know me, but where here shooting a movie today, I wonder if i might ask you a favour."

"Ask me a favour? Uh yeah i guess. What can i do for you" AJ is a bit shell-shocked by all this."

"Well, i'm the director of the picture and some of our extras have failed to show, and we need a young good looking lad to be in the queue at the ticket kiosk for the cruise."

"Right but why does it have to be a young lad in the queue?"

"He needs to catch the eye of our female star. She and her other half will then start arguing about here eyeing up this guy, you if you'll do it."

"Uh yeah i guess, sorry i'm just a bit shocked that's all."

"No worries. You'll get a bit of cash for doing it"

"Excellent, what do i have to do?"

"You'll just go to the kiosk and book a ticket. I won't introduce you to our stars as i want yours and their reactions to be the real thing ok?"

"Excellent, i can't believe it"

Alex stands by the Cutty Sark as the director disappears around the other side for a moment. His head is no full of thoughts of Orlando and his heart is beating fast. He tries to calm himself by taking deep breaths, it works and the director returns and they walk to the ticket kiosk.

"Ok, when i shout action, you just go ahead and book the ticket as you would ok.?"


"I don't need you to look around until you hear 'you wanna shag that lad in front do ya?' got that"

"Yes sir."

"No need to call me sir. When you turn around, look at them both with a disgusted look on your face. Then Orlando will grab you by the shoulder and push you against the kiosk. and get you by the throat. I don't want you to say anything, just spluttering and strangling ok? Then they'll both leave and continue arguing out of shot, you just slump to the floor coughing and trying to get your breath ok?"

"Sure. What if i do it wrong?"

"Obviously try to get it right first time but, the amount of times we have to start over because of Bloopers, i wouldn't worry."

Alex is stood at the kisok ready.




The couple walk up to the booth, and stand waiting as there is a young guy stood buying a ticket in front of them. Sam is stood looking at the lad thinking to herslef 'yum yum'. Her boyfriend Neil turns to look at her.

"At it again are you?"


"Eyeying up the talent whilst i'm here?"

"No just shut it Neil, i aint!"

"Oh really! you wanna shag that lad in front do you"

The lad turns a great disgusted look on his face, his and Orlando's eyes connect. They briefly forget their filming. But they snoa out of it almost instantly.

"You got a problem have ya"

The lad is grabbed by the shoulder and shoved against the kiosk.

"Neil please leave him!"

"Shut it you!"

Neil (Orlando) grabs the lad by the throat and he makes suitably grisly sounding spluttering and stangling sounds. The girls pulls Neil away form the lad who slumps to the floor, still coughing and spluttering, as the couple move out of shot still arguing.



AJ was still slumped against the kiosk coughing a bit, but he didn't really care having Orlando Bloom touching him anywahere was good enough for him. The director came over to him.

"Nice work my friend" Thought you were really going be starngled to death then. Loved both your reactions too."

AJ heard another voice.

"You ok mate?"

Turning his head upwards to the left, AJ saw Orlando Blooms gorgeous face.

"I'm ok. bit sore around the neck, nothing major."

"Sorry about that, bit harder than i intended"

"No worries."

Orlanod extended a hand, Alex took it as Orlando pulled him up on to hie feet.


"So then my friend, your cash." The director handed AJ an envelope with some moeny in.

"Thank you" AJ turned to thank Orlando again but he'd disappeared.

"Thanks again young man."

"No worries, goodbye."


AJ slightly disappointed that Orlando and bolted so quickly turned and head towards the town, totally forgetting about the boat ticket he was going to buy to get back down the river. As he got to the Cutty Sark, he heard a shout.

"Hey wait a second!" It was Orlando jogging across to him, he had what looked like a baseball cap in his hand.

"Here you go, to say sorry for almost strangling you."

"It's fine honestly, don't worry about it"

"Please have it. I'm afraid its an old one of mine. But it's a favourite so."

"Keep it then if it's a favourite."

"I'd like you to have it"

Orlando put the cap on Alex's head.

"Ok thank you. See ya."

"Yeah, cheers."

Orlando extended a hand for AJ to shake. As their hands touched it wa electric. Only the briefest of handshakes but it was more than AJ could ever imagine. As AJ walked off towards the town, Orlando felt a stirring that brought a smile to his face.

Up in Greenwich Park AJ is sat on the grass eating some sandwhiches and fresh fruit, the sun blazing down. Aj felt his head was itching so he took the cap off to scratch it and as he sat the cap down on the grass he noticed something written inside it.

'8pm The Hilton Hotel, room 440' AJ's mouth dropped open in astonishment. He jumped up and ran towards the DLR station to get home and get ready.


Apologies for the lack of sex this time round, but it will come eventually, be patient.

Next: Chapter 2

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