Bloody Tears

Published on Mar 12, 2022


Bloody Tears: Chapter 2

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The following story is fictional and depicts sexual acts between males that are underage and males that appear to be underage. It is intended for audiences over the age of 18. If you would like to provide feedback or constructive criticism of this story, please contact me at

My mind was assaulted with images, sound, smells, and feelings. The sensation was unbearably overwhelming. I could not focus on any individual feeling or sense. I was only left with an impression of confusion. That was good I supposed. It meant that somehow, I was still alive. I was sure that I would have died form the wounds I had suffered. Suddenly, it all stopped and all I could feel was pain. Hot, white flashes streaked across the darkness that was my vision. My limbs felt like they were on fire, and I inhaled what felt like shards of glass. A scream tore itself from my lips and I bolted upright with a start. My vision was blurred but a shape was sitting next to me, and I felt a hand on my chest.

"I knew you were special" it said with satisfaction.

It took me a moment to realize that Shawn was still with me. As my vision cleared his smirking face came into focus. That cute, horrible, kissable, depraved, sick face. I wanted to hit him. Wipe that smirk right off his face. Hurt him like he hurt me. But my brain would not cooperate as I tried to raise my hand to him.

"Ah" he said, realization dawning upon him. His smirk abated and instead he wore a contemplative expression. "You are angry at me. I suppose you have a right to be. I did take something precious from you, but I have given you so much more, child."

"You almost killed me" I bit out, my voice a rattle as I felt my vocal cords shutter with effort.

I looked over the walls of the pedestrian tunnel and realized how bright it was. It must be daylight. The thought of Shawn sitting there with me all night while I was unconscious was disturbing. Like a bolt of lightning, I surged away from him remembering how exactly he had actually hurt me. He hadn't beat the shit out of me or stabbed me or something normal. He had bitten me, actually bitten me. Who the fuck does that? As I scrambled backwards, his expression soured and he looked like he wanted to move back in close to me but thought better of it.

"What the fuck are you" I said more forcefully, my voice appearing to return to a modicum of normalcy.

"Come on Jason, your smart enough to figure that out on your own" he said simply.

I searched him to see if he was being serious. I could find no hidden meaning or deception in his voice or eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. They were still eerily glowing, and I hated that I liked the look so much. As I looked him over, I realized that he looked different. I couldn't quite place what that difference was. He looked older somehow, not in any physical way that I could discern. But maybe it was just that I knew he wasn't the nice sexy boy that I thought him to be. He was a monster. Fuck, right I'm sitting here having a casual conversation with a fucking thing that only belongs in stories. I suddenly jumped to my feet. I expected a wave of dizziness or nausea to follow but it never came. I reached my hand instinctively to my neck but to my utter shock I didn't find the gaping wound that I knew should be there. My skin felt fine, more than fine actually. I had a small zit there earlier, but I couldn't even find that.

"Are you going to say anything Jason" he spoke patiently as he too stood and leaned casually against the wall. His cocky attitude from last night now in full force.

"Its...its....not possible" I stuttered out, an involuntary gulp appearing without my permission.

I was now feeling a lot of fear. It was like one minute I was just calmly examining the situation and now I was fucking terrified. What would he do to me now. I mean I guess I wasn't going to be murdered. If he had wanted that, well I would be a corpse instead of somehow alive. How he managed to fix my neck wound I didn't know but who knows what freaky powers or whatever he might have. My momentary thoughts were interrupted by him.

"What a Vampire?" he deadpanned. As if the conversation was not utterly ridiculous to him. "Let me tell you kid, it is possible because I'm standing right in front of you, and you are standing in front of me...."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean" I shouted, my voice echoing down the tunnel.

The earlier fear was suddenly replaced with white hot anger. It consumed my entire mode of thought and wasn't that just weird.

"Calm Down!" he commanded, his voice sounding more authoritative and if I heard it right it almost sounded like it was coming in from all around me. The previous anger that I felt was replaced with a feeling of utter calm. I shook my head trying to focus but I found that I couldn't.

"Look Jason" he began in a tone much more normal and locked eyes with me as he spoke. "You need to understand that I didn't want you to die. The moment I saw you, I knew I had found the one. So I...."

"You what? Changed me into a vampire like you" I said in a completely even voice, letting a deranged derisive chuckle rip out of me. I for some reason couldn't summon the anger that I wanted to, like I had been robbed of the ability to direct that particular emotion in his direction. "I mean, this is fucking ridiculous. Vampires don't exist and I don't know what I saw or felt last night but I should just go. I don't want to be around you and your weird shit."

Before I could even think of carrying through on my statement, my entire being froze as he pinned me down with that commanding voice.

"Shut up and stay put!" he commanded, that strange reverb lacing his words.

Like a puppet dancing on its strings, my body refused my commands and instead listened to Shawn's. Shawn removed himself from the wall and inserted himself directly in front of me, right inside my personal space.

"I need you to listen to me. You are new to all of this and will need my guidance" he started.

I wanted to cut him off but found that my mouth would not cooperate. I was starting to realize just how fucked I was. He could force me to do whatever he wanted somehow.

"Now first of all, what do you mean by last night?" he cocked his head, looking at me contemplatively. "Oh right, the lights" he said, coming to a realization. His questions were clearly rhetorical considering I had no ability to answer, and he must know that. "You should take a second look Jason. You will understand if you do" he said cryptically.

I did as he requested because what else could I do. It wasn't like I could get away from this strange conversation anymore. As my eyes raked over the tunnel a few things were now clear to me. The first was that everything was off. It was too crisp, to vibrant, too perfect. There really wasn't a better way to describe it. The concreate wasn't as flat as it should be. I could see every small imperfection as if I were looking at it though a magnifying glass. The colors of everything were so detailed that I could pick out every little change as my eyes scanned over the flat walls. Finally, I understand what Shawn was trying to get me to see. What I had at first taken as daylight was anything but. The dim lighting of the tunnel had somehow been replaced with what I could only think were floodlights. But as I looked to where the shadows should be I realized that they were still there somehow. I could tell the difference. For one thing, the darker areas had no color to them. Only the areas illuminated by the light. But those "darkened" areas still appeared just as bright to my eyes. Fuck this was not normal. A horrible pit had formed in my stomach as the implications were clear.

"Good" Shawn said in a pleased voice, giving me the first genuine smile that I had seen on him.

I would say if I didn't know better, but clearly, I didn't know better because what was the ability to read minds on top of everything else this boy could do.

"You catch on quick don't you Jason" he said, continuing to sound pleased. "I was worried about turning someone so young, but I can now see that such worries were unfounded."

The look he gave me was no longer a mystery to me. I guess I was definitely not a virgin anymore so I could recognize lust when I saw it. I should have been disgusted with the idea at this point. He had essentially raped and killed me. The fact that I was down for the sex was irrelevant because I could now recognize that while I would have probably been all for making out, I don't think I would have been ok with him shoving his hand in my shorts and can definitely tell you that I had no secret desire to have my neck ripped open and my blood sucked. The only way that I acted the way I did was that strange ability he had to force me to feel things and do things that he wanted. But even as the rational part of my mind put all this together the traitorous part decided that instead of thinking about all those complications, I should instead get ready for round two. Because I now felt a stirring downstairs and it came fast. I was rock hard in seconds and all I wanted to do was close the remaining distance between us, slam my lips on his, tear his shirt open, and...

"Oh, my poor little Jason" he chuckled. "You are newblood and were in the middle of puberty to add to that. Your hormones must be raging right about now" he continued with clear amusement at my new situation. "If I let you speak, will you not interrupt me when I am talking?" he asked sincerely.

I nodded my head and at once I realized that I could suddenly speak again. I took a moment to collect myself and try to not think about the fact that I really wanted to pin him to the floor and ravish him.

"What is going on with me?" I asked. "I know you can read my mind so you must know I'm gay then." It was surprising how easily I could just say that. I hadn't told anyone that I was gay. Not my friends, not my little bro, not my dad, no one. And yet here I am causally just saying it aloud. "But no matter how much I find you sexy, I guess. I really shouldn't want to...ummm"

"What have sex again? Especially considering the current circumstances" he said simply.

I just nodded not trusting my voice. I was still barely holding it together. I could feel my toes curling in my skate shoes and my breathing was coming in rapid bursts. The fact that Shawn was still unbearably close to me was not helping matters, the bastard.

"How to put this?" Shawn mused. "We vampires are very emotionally charged creatures. We don't feel emotions like humans do. When we feel something, it is magnified probably 1000 times" he said, choosing his words carefully. "Add to that the empathic abilities we have, and it makes mood swings rather common for us. But as I said earlier, you were in the middle of puberty before the change and your biochemistry is maintained after the change. So, for you it will be even more difficult. But you are my progeny and therefore you will learn how to deal with such things" he finished, clearly waiting for me to respond.

I looked at his beautiful face, his perfect hair, his wonderful eyes and his athletic physique and my lust only increased, if such a thing were possible. Thankfully, the command to stay put was till in place and therefore I could somewhat ignore that fact. I took a moment to process what he had said to me and opened my mouth, closed it, opened it again, closed it again and finally found what I wanted to say.

"I guess I will just accept that you are a vampire and...I guess I am one too now" I said carefully. "What does empathic, and progeny mean?" I asked him curious now.

"Empathic means able to feel the emotions of others. It is a useful if somewhat tricky ability. It helps us read the intent of others very clearly. The mind reading ability that you were able to determine that I was doing to you requires much more concentration to use and also requires us to look the target in the eyes. The empathic ability requires no concentration at all. In fact, it is just always on. Blocking it out is what requires effort on our part" he explained. "Progeny is just an older way to refer to a child. In the context of vampires, we use it to refer to those that we have created and passed the gift to" he finished.

I took a moment to take in what he told me. It was ridiculous and yet it made sense based on what I had seen so far. The explanation was a good one and it did sate my curiosity but fuck if I really would rather just get down to business. "No, no just focus Jason" I screamed at myself in my head.

"It's alright Jason, why don't we take care of this so you can focus" he said, his eyes alight with mirth.

He moved closer to me and pushed my zip up hoodie off my shoulders. It fell into a heap at my feet and suddenly I realized I could move again. I would like to say that I resisted these really messed up feelings. I would like to say that my resolve didn't crumple like a paper bag, but that would be a lie. The moment I could move I surged forward and grabbed Shawn by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall. The amount of strength I was able to impart was a shock to me as I saw a small crack appear on the wall behind him. It gave me a momentary pause as I studied what I had just done. He looked at me in pure adulation. The damage I did to the wall clearly didn't bother him in the same way, even though his body was the tool I had used to do it. In fact, my aggressiveness seemed to turn him on. I heard his voice whisper in my head.

"Come on Jason, show me what you can do" he taunted me.

I looked over him and just now realized that his shirt was covered in blood. My blood I suppose. The once pristine dark grey silk was soiled with dark red. Now that I was thinking about it, I realized that I was soaked. My blue sleeveless shirt was darkened black by wet sticky blood. It must not have actually been that long since we had sex the first time. But really none of that mattered at all. Because right now all I cared about was dispelling my overwhelming need to get off. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and ripped it off my torso, letting it sail out of sight. I then proceeded to let my previous thoughts come to fruition and tore his button up shirt at the middle, the buttons doing little to impede my progress. I pressed myself against him and our lips came crashing together. The kiss was animalistic. There was no romance to this. That was stupid crap that girls at my school cared about. No, this was two teenaged boys with one goal in mind. As the kiss continued, I felt Shawn's hands move down my bare torso to cup my ass. I broke the kiss with frustration.

"No!!!" I snarled, grabbing his hands, and slamming them above his head.

He looked at me with confusion for a moment but then seemed to understand what I wanted, even if I had no idea what I wanted or why I just did that. He smirked at me and ran his tongue across his lips.

"Well then, big boy" he said mockingly. "What do you want?" he asked coking his head to the side.

I growled at him in complete exasperation. I let his hands go and instead grabbed him by the throat with my left hand. I yanked him to the side and actually tossed him like a ragdoll down the tunnel. He flew at least 5 feet, slammed into the ground hard and then rolled several times until he was lying on his back. At the back of my mind, I knew that he wasn't resisting me in anyway but the fact that I apparently now had the strength to even move his body weight like that was astounding. The sheer power that I seemed to have is intoxicating and that feeling did nothing to help the lust that I already had. I looked down and saw my 4-inch hard cock was jutting out my basketball shorts obscenely. In a flash I was straddling his upper chest, my legs pinning his arms down at his side. It was a trippy experience. I just had to will myself to be there, and I was. I barely felt the few strides that I made and the shock of slamming my knees onto his arms didn't even hurt. Add to that the lack of whiplash that I should have felt and it only served to show that I was definitely different than what I had been a few hours ago.

He looked up at me from his position and our eyes locked. We were both breathing hard from the exertion so far and I got the distinct impression that this experience was a novel one for him and he liked it. I felt a flash of something in his mind. A taste on my tongue of a sticky salty fluid. That thought was odd and the fact that it had not come from me but from him was a whole can of worms that I didn't really want to open right now.

"Suck my dick" I spit out through clenched teeth.

My sudden outburst surprised even me. I had heard all the playground jokes and had seen some porn on the internet, so I knew what I was asking for in principle. But the idea of actually having him do it to me was one that I didn't even consciously consider until I just blurted it out. His cute face split into a maniacal grin and he waved his hands which were still trapped by my knees in a challenging gesture. I wouldn't take the bait.

"You don't need them" I told him with certainty.

I grabbed the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down. I had to slightly reposition myself to pull the front of them under my balls. They were rather small compared to some of the 8th graders on my basketball team. But I figured that they were about on track for my age. I had a few sparse hairs on my mound and my dick was only staring to get any color to it other than pale white. Shawn seemed to expect what I was going to do next as he opened his mouth ready to receive. I plunged myself right inside him, not caring about any discomfort that I caused him. It was the least he deserved for what he put me through earlier. As his lips wrapped around my rigid shaft and I felt the warmth of his mouth, I shuddered in pure bliss. It seemed that he wasn't completely as cold as a corpse, which I had initially thought based on feeling him earlier. Or maybe it was because I was colder now. Fuck not something to think about right now.

I grabbed the back of his head, my fingers digging into his hair, and forced him to take me all the way into his mouth. I don't think I was long enough to reach his throat but the noises he was making around my cock told me that he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to relish the feeling of me doing my best to face fuck him. I let my head drop back and moaned deeply as his tongue went to work on the underside of my cock. It then wrapped around the shaft and squeezed it. I was hyperventilating as this point, and it wasn't long before I was very close. Just before I was ready to fall over the edge, I felt two small pinches in my dick and was dismayed to realize that the fucker had bitten my dick and was now sucking more than my meat. I should have been furious with him, but I still could not bring up any anger towards him. Even as I was thinking about this whole fucked up situation, his manipulations had done the trick and I exploded into his mouth. My toes curled and I shook as the sensations washed over me.

It was the greatest cum I had ever had. I had been masturbating properly for about three months now. Previous to that, I had simply humped my pillow. None of it compared to this. I stopped thrusting as soon as my climax had started and just sat there, my hands gripping his head tightly as waves of pleasure crashed against me. After what felt like no time at all, the orgasm had subsided, but the pleasure continued to thrum from my dick up into the rest of my body. He was still slurping away as I could feel my dick pumping blood directly into his mouth. His feeding was slow, and it caused me to not go soft like was usual once I had finished. I let go off his head and started running my hands over his naked torso, the open shirt being lost when I tossed him to the ground. I could feel the hard muscle that covered much of his abs and biceps. I leaned back slightly and felt the hard lump in his jeans and squeezed it, eliciting a guttural moan from him. The sucking on my dick got more insistent and I realized that I had begun thrusting slowly again. The fangs were still embedded in the shaft but there was no pain, only pleasure.

After a few minutes of this, I stopped my explorations as another blistering orgasm overcame me, rewarding Shawn with more of my cum. Though I am sure it wasn't much. I was very lightheaded when he finally removed my dick from his mouth and reversed our positions. I didn't protest. I was out of it from blood loss and post orgasm bliss. He was now on top of me and began rutting against me rapidly. He was like a jack rabbit and his face was like I had never seen it before. His eyes were pinched shut and his face was scrunched up in a frown of intense concentration. He stopped thrusting and became as rigid as a board. After a few short moments he deflated clearly having reached his climax as well. "Man, his underwear must be a mess" I thought, and burst out laughing. He locked eyes with me and grinned, showing blood-stained teeth.

"I actually enjoy making a mess" he said by way of explanation.

That set me off again and as if to silence my incessant chuckling he captured me in a rough kiss. His hand came up to the back of my head and deepened it. After a few minutes of lip locking, I pulled away. I was able to think much clearly now that I wasn't a complete mess over him. This had been fun, I had to admit and utterly terrifying and so many other things that I couldn't really process right now. But I needed to leave. I could move again but I knew he could stop me if I just tried to take off. So I looked at him and voiced my thoughts.

"Look. I am not really sure where we stand at the moment. This night has been....strange". This was probably the greatest understatement that was ever uttered but what can you do? "I need to get home and maybe we can talk about this later? I just need time to process all of this..."

I was cut off by the genuinely sorrowful look he gave me. It didn't look right on his face. That cocky attitude I found so alluring about him was replaced by something completely alien. He looked older somehow with that expression.

"Jason, you can't..." he began.

"Can't what? Go Home, fuck you!" I screamed, suddenly seething.

Fuck he was right about the emotional control thing. I needed to calm down, or he might force me to stop talking again and I didn't like that at all. It seemed that my thoughts were exactly in line with what he was going to do but he came up short upon likely reading me.

"Look Jason, you are not human anymore. You are different now. Your family is not where you belong" he began. I wanted to cut him off again, but I held my tongue, fury building with every word he spoke. "Humans are just food to us; they can be kept as pets I suppose but that is..."

I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Pets! What the fuck is wrong with you" I snarled.

It was at this point that I processed that I could be angry again. It appeared that his previous command had worn off or something. I was hyperventilating and shaking with rage. I punched him square in the jaw and it felt good, really good. His head reeled back slightly but he corrected himself quickly and it was clear that my forceful strike had done nothing to hurt him. This just infuriated me all the more. My vision blurred slightly. Fuck the blood loss was getting to me.

"Look Jason, you are not safe to be around them. They are food to you now and you are newblood" he tried to explain but I cut him off.

"Go fuck yourself! Unlike you, I don't think of people as food, and I would never hurt my family. Look I get you seem to care about their safety for my sake but really don't. You're the one who turned me into some kind of monster" I snapped.

He let me rant at him and just looked at me silently. The sorrowful look had been replaced with an unreadable expression and I had no idea what he was feeling. All the vibes that I had been previously able to gather stopped and he was as closed off as a fortress. He exhaled slowly through his nostrils as he watched me walk back over to my discarded clothing. I didn't both throwing on my ruined shirt and simply zipped up the hoodie over by bare chest. I moved quickly to where my skateboard had rolled a few hours ago and picked it up. I looked back at him and saw that he had been watching me stoically. He hadn't forced me to stop so it appeared that he knew that such an action would not lead to good results for our continued...whatever it was that we had. I moved over to him and ran my hand nervously through my hair.

"Look. Thanks for not killing me I guess or whatever" I said hesitantly. "Do you have a phone number or something? I mean you clearly want me to learn how this whole vampire thing works and I guess that will be necessary and stuff..."

He looked at me hard. Searching my face or my thoughts I suppose for something. Finally, his hard façade cracked just a bit and he relaxed ever so slightly.

"I will come find you when you are ready to talk" Shawn said stiffly.

Of course, he could just find me somehow. On top of everything else, that shouldn't have been surprising to me. I needed to get away from this place and soon.

"Ok. Well, I will see around then. Wait umm do I need to avoid sunlight or anything. I think that is probably important" I said awkwardly.

"No" he said, not offering any further explanation.

"Great!" I said suddenly not so worried about this whole thing. "This vampire thing can't be all bad then" I said with too much enthusiasm.

I hopped on my board and relished the feeling of the wind whipping in my hair. I barely had to even push myself and balancing was so much easier now. I had completely forgotten about my dizziness from blood loss. In fact, I completely forgot to ask about blood all together.

As Jason sailed away out of the tunnel. Shawn staired after the retreating boy. He knew this was a horrific thing to do to his new progeny. But the boy was impatient, arrogant, and above all else way too naïve. "So your average teenager" Shawn thought derisively. He was burdened with a small amount of nostalgia for the boy he had once been. For the closeted sophomore who was relentlessly bullied and had decided that life wasn't worth living. He was young then, naïve then. He supposed for all of the terrible things that being a human brought there was a small if insignificant part that he missed.

But just like him, Jason would need to learn the hard lessons of life the practical way. Was it right? Of course not. But Shawn had long since cared for right and wrong. Such trivial things as morality mattered little to a vampire. These were the bothersome weights that humans had to bear. A vampire had to leech of the lives of its victims. Morality was very simple for his kind. You were either hunter or you were prey.

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