Blood Sword

By Eddie Glover

Published on Jun 24, 2001



Blood Sword

Brenlan felt the familiar twinge in his body. He reached for the sword he'd brought back from the east, the sword to which he was cursed.

"That's a hell of a sword!", the bartender whistled in admiration.

Brenalan turned with a frown, "You have no idea of it's strangeness or powers my friend.".

He could now feel the sword's pull and the beginnings of his own change.

"Help!", a woman screamed from outside.

"Damn! It's about time I was needed!", Brenalan snorted while racing outside.

A group of men were accosting a prostitute named Maleena.

"Leave her alone and face someone prepared to deal with scum like yourselves!", he growled.

The sword seemed to be vibrating in his hands and he knew from experience what it desired.

The men didn't even speak as they attacked all at once. Brenlan realized that these four were not gutter-trash but professionals. They were astonished when he blocked all four of their sword thrusts at once. He disarmed one easily and flattened the rest with punches and kicks until they were quite at his mercy. He had to satisfy the sword's needs in order to remain himself and he had no desire to feel that transformation again.

"No!", the woman screamed at him. She seemed horrified that he intended to slay these men.

"There is no need to kill them!", she urged, "We were just negotiating and it got out of control.".

Brenlan snorted and turned back to the men.....only to find them gone.

"God damn!", he cursed while tossing the sword down, "Do you have any idea what your weakness will cost me!?", he howled in rage.

"It is money you desire I assume?", she said with a frown.

"No you idiot!", he snapped.

Maleena frowned at his outburst, mainly because his voice had sounded strange...and much higher pitched.

Brenlan scooped up the sword and looked about frantically for someone to kill.

" are changing!", Maleena gasped.

Brenlan looked down to see breasts beginning to swell atop his chest even as his body slimmed in muscle and fat. His hair was now atop his suddenly smaller shoulders and he could feel the strange changes occuring in his groin. He roared in anger but by now his voice had softened and it was a woman's wail of anguish.

"Now do you see what you have caused!?", he snarled at her.

She was horrified and amazed all at once as an amply-breasted woman of whorish looks stood before her in the man's clothing.

"What did I do!?", Maleena asked in shock.

"You cost me the blood I needed!", Brenlan growled in a honey-like voice.

"Are you a vampire of a sort?", she said in confusion.

Brenlan cupped her heavy breasts and sighed, "No. I am cursed. You see the blade I carry?", he indicated the blade in one dainty hand.

"Yes.", Maleena said in wonder.

"It needs the blood of a man every so often or it makes the wielder into a it just did to me.", he sighed in explanation.

"Why would you ever wield such a weapon in the first place!?", she asked in confusion.

"My troop was attacked a few months ago by amazons. They butchered my friends and disarmed me. In fear I grabbed the first weapon I saw...their holy blade. They screamed in rage and attacked...but the blade had changed me already...not in sex...but in skill. I easily defeated the women and made my way to civilization...then felt a strange twinge. Something made me realize that the sword was wanting me to use it to kill men! Then I changed for the first time, and only time before now. This was long ago when I was in a town far away. I turned into...this....before a bar of men. One got a little fresh and before I realized what I'd done the blade was sticking through his chest. The moment his blood touched the sword I was changing back into my male form. So I learned that if I wanted to remain myself I had to kill...and I have.", he said to finish.

"So there is hope for you to be restored then?", she asked.

"I'll have to kill a man, that will be difficult but I've done it before.", he explained.

"You can stay with me while you plan, otherwise men will mistake you for a prostitute like myself!", she said in appreciation of his new female form.

Brenlan saw his large breasts nearly bursting from the male tunic he'd worn as a man and laughed, "I hope your clothes will fit!".

Maleena frowned, "I doubt it, you're a great deal.....larger in the chest...than me.".

The prostitute led her sex-changed savior back to the small apartment she owned, wondering if she could be a party to the murder Brenlan would need to return to male form.

"This is a nice apartment.", Brenlan observed as he undressed.

"You're taking this change better than you originally seemed to!", Maleena observed.

"It's happened'll happen again.", Brenlan sighed.

He stepped out from behind the changing screen naked and so sexual that Maleena doubted any man could resist her....him.

"The bath is in the next room, I'll go get some water from the well.", she said.

Brenlan lowered his naked female body into the bath and was quite asleep by the time that Maleena returned with the water.

She playfully threw the entire full bucket of ice cold water onto the gorgeous woman below her.

"Yeaaaa!", the woman shrieked in shock. Brenlan leaped out of the tub dripping wet and glared at Maleena.

"What the hell did you do that for!?", he snapped.

She grinned impishly, "You wanted a bath, I decided to surprise you!".

Brenlan pushed her into the cold waters to her shock as he laughed.

Maleena pulled off her wet clothes and was nude before she remembered that the buxom woman before her had a man's soul.

"You are...beautiful!", Brenlan gasped in wonder.

She grabbed a towel and covered herself blushing noticeably.

"I forgot for a moment who you were, I'm sorry to make this even more confusing for you!", she said quickly.

Brenlan kissed the stunned Maleena and forgot himself until she pushed him away.

"I'm sorry Brenlan but I really don't want to sleep with a woman, especially one who makes me look like a flat-chested child next to her!", she groaned.

"I....understand.", Brenlan said, "But when I regain male form?", he asked hopefully.

"You would have to kill someone for that!", Maleena yelled, "I would see blood on your hands...and I cannot love a murderer!", she growled in rage.

"I cannot stay a woman forever.", Brenlan said firmly.

"Why not!?", she yelled, "You are sexy, smart, and very skilled! You could live as a female for your life....but you would have to change.".

"So either way I have no chance with you then?", he asked.

"I would rather learn to love you as a woman than sleep with a killer.", she said defiantly.

"I have never killed an innocent, I only slay those deserving of it!", he spat in anger.

"Exactly what did those men earlier do to deserve death?", she asked pointedly.

"They were going to hurt you, I've seen their kind before!", he replied.

"As have I! But you have a sink to their level or remain above it!", she snapped.

Brenlan pulled on his old clothes, now fitting very differently over widened hips and large breasts. He stormed out to wander the town until he could find a way to normality by slaying an evil man.

"Who was she?", a burly man growled while entering Malenna's small apartment.

"My cousin....she just came to visit.", she lied.

"Lying bitch! I recognize a whore when I see one, now who is she!", he growled while grabbing her arm.

"She's not important Trex!", Maleena urged.

Trex slapped her and threw her onto the bed, "She's the sexiest woman I've ever seen slut, now you tell me who she is or I'll take YOU for myself again!", he howled in threat.

Maleena fought wildly, the memory of her earlier rape at Trex's hands very clear in her mind. But Trex held her easily and began opening his pants.

"Leave her alone!", Brenlan snarled in his female voice from the door, sword in hand.

"After I disarm you slut you'll join Maleena as one of my whores!", he howled.

They leaped into a swordfight, the whoremaster Trex amazed at the skill of this woman despite her sexual body. But eventually Brenlan's weaker body betrayed her and her defense began to fail.

"You fight well woman, how is it one with your looks wields a sword so well?", he snarled.

Brenlan backed away suddenly shaking her head, "Something's happening to me! I'm actually feeling like a whore...oh master!", she cooed while plastering her luscious body against Trex while kissing him firmly.

Trex dropped his sword and ripped open her tunic so that her full breasts were exposed.

"Thank you!", Brenlan cooed seductively, "You've been soooo easy to fool!", she laughed the last.

Before Trex could move he felt the woman's blade slide into his chest. He staggered backwards wounded badly as the volumptous beauty began to change.

"The sword is appeased it appears....but I am not!", Brenlan howled.

"So kill me then freak!", Trex gurgled as blood spurted from his chest.

"No....this sword was crafted by a tribe of Amazons and it has magic I have yet to learn, but I suspect that once it tastes the blood of a man it has power over him!", he grinned while speaking.

Trex's wound suddenly was healed and he laughed, "You fool! Now I am healed and it is your turn to die!". He began to laugh again but suddenly that laugh became a girlish giggle.

"Now you will be the property instead of the owner!", Brenlan spat at the altered Trex.

A gorgeous woman now stood where the whore-monger had. She examined her frail. muscleless arms and then the enormous breasts she now had.

"How does womanhood feel whore-master!?", Brenlan howled in laughter.

"Change me back!", the woman bawled in fear of what would happen to her as this sex.

"No, I don't think so. You make a fine whore since you've had so much experience in that field!", Brenlan baited.

"Now YOU can taste what I've gone through Trex!", Maleena snarled.

Trex fell to her knees sobbing at the loss of her male life even as Brenlan turned to leave.

"You don't need to go Brenlan!", Maleena yelled, "You regained yourself without death, there is nothing to keep us apart!".

Brenlan sighed, "I wish that were so Maleena but this would only be temporary. The sword demands blood constantly and I kill when it is needed. You could not live with that. There is much good both of us can do and perhaps someday....someday we might get together as lovers, but that time it not now.", he said quietly.

Maleena cried out in pain as the man who'd captured her heart while he'd been a woman left.

"I hope you die freak!", the female Trex hissed.

"Shut up....bitch!", Maleena yelled while punching her former master into submission.

She looked down at the buxom woman and laughed, "Not only will you fetch enough for me to retire but I'm sure that with breasts like that you'll be the best whore in the entire town!", she howled in laughter.

Brenlan listened to her laugh for some time before setting out. He would return to her someday, but for now adventure waited. He checked to see that the sword was safely in it's scabbard and sated before fetching his horse. The blade lay dormant for now but very soon it would cry for male blood and he would have to deliver death as he so often had. He smiled at the thought of the whore-master Trex now forced to be the whore herself! Justice worked in strange ways, sometimes with death and other times in more magical ways.

"That is what I will call you sword. From now on it shall be Justice I draw from this scabbard...not a Blood Sword as you have been!", he laughed.

The hero-to-be rode off to adventures even stranger and deadlier but those are tales for another day.

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