Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Jan 12, 2010


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

Eric had not been very generous with the amount of V, he had given to Jason last time they met. Jason realized this when he had already gone half way back home. He didn't know what to do about it then. He wanted to go back and demand a fair portion, after all he had just paid for it through his ass. But then he knew there isn't much chance to come out winning in an argument with a vampire. he quietly took what he had and made peace with it.

Jason managed to stretch the V for three days. On the fourth day he needed a fresh supply. He knew from where he could get a fresh load but could his ass stand another fierce pounding from the Vampire Sheriff. Not having anything to do or drink, Jason decided to go to bed early. But sleeping isn't easy on an empty stomach. Jason thought how funny it was that he, a human, was an addict for vampire's blood. Generally it's the other way round. With this thought spinning around in his head, Jason fell into a restless sleep.

Sleep came very hard to Jason, especially since every nerve in his body was screaming demands for V. The cold winds wasn't helping in any possible way either. It was biting his bare skin. Jason got up and started closing the windows. Just as he was about to collapse back into the bed, Jason felt somebody was in the room. His senses came to life and he looked around for anyone.

To his satisfaction, there was nobody in the room. Calming himself down, he crashed face first on to his bed and turned over to go back to sleep. "Holy fuck!", Jason shouted and got out of his bed. "What are you doing up there?"

"Wanted to scare you!", Eric responded. He descended from the ceiling and landed on his feet.

"Why?" Jason whined. "Why in the world you wanted to scare me? Go to all this foolish length when you could simply bear those fangs of yours and age me a couple of hundred years!"

"Shut up! Don't get your balls in a twist!" Eric replied walking around the room. He was trying his best not make faces at the surrounding. 'How can such an exquisite creature live in such a miserable habitat?!', he mumbled.

"What are you saying?", Jason asked breathing heavy.

"Jason, are you this cranky normally or is it because I disturbed your beauty sleep your so agitated?" Eric asked, finally laying his attention back on the naked blond beauty.

"I don't do no beauty sleeps! And anybody would be cranky finding a vampire lurking in his room!" Jason snapped.

"Awww c'mon!" Eric said sounding like a baby. "You should be happy on seeing me! One cold blooded vampire means a vial full of V", Eric said reminding Jason of his needs.

"Yeah! But that also means a pounding! A crazy, painful, wild pounding!", Jason complained. "And that's something I'm not too crazy about!"

"Really?" asked Eric.

"Stop playing with me, Eric!", Jason pined.

"I'm not playing, Jason! I play when there is a competition! You, Jason, are a conquest! I have already won!" Eric reasoned with pride. Stating what he wanted clearly, Eric unbuttoned his boat and let it fall to the floor. He was wearing a black silk shit and pin-striped trousers inside. Jason instantly felt his cock twitch. He wanted to push Eric on the bed and rip those clothes off instantly. But he knew better.

Eric stepped closer. He pushed Jason back into a wall and stared deep into his eyes. "So what do you plan to do about it?"

Jason considered the situation for a moment. And then his hands started to rise and he started unbuttoning Eric. One button. Two buttons. Three buttons. He couldn't look into Eric's eyes. He feared that the gaze would paralyze him. With all buttons undone, Jason took off Eric's shirt and felt him closely. He lowered himself and proceeded to lick the nipples. Eric sighed as he felt the warmness of Jason's tongue.

Jason licked the nipples lightly. As he felt Eric's breath getting deeper, he decided to take it another step further and nibbled on it. All the while feeling up to the extremely muscled structure of the vampire. While Jason may have had more tone in his body, Eric had tone along with bulk. He seemed to be XXL all over.

Jason bought his hands down to Eric's navel and started fidgeting with the belt. At that moment, Eric stopped Jason. "Let's go to Fangtasia!"

Jason who was completely turned on by now, was left speechless. "Why? Is there something bothering you here?", asked Jason.

Eric gazed out of the window. "I have a feeling we are being watched!", he whispered.

Jason stood up and proceeded to the window. Eric grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Don't go to the window! Whoever it is, may see you! And that won't do either of us any good!", Eric growled. In that brief moment, Jason felt that Eric genuinely cared or at least felt the need to protect him from whatever was out there.

"So how do we go to Fangtasia?" Jason asked.

"My guards are patrolling just outside. You go with them and they will make sure, you reach Fangtasia safely. I'll leave after you and take a different route. But I'll see you in Fangtasia.", Eric explained. Jason threw on some clothes and left with the guards a few moments later.

The journey was quick and swift. Before Jason could even realize, he was in Fangtasia. Pam told him proceed to Eric's room and not to leave it. Eric will join him there shortly. Jason did as he told. Surprisingly he didn't have to wait for long. As soon Eric end the room, he crept into the bed where Jason was lying and licked neck.

Jason, who's senses were slipping into a state of unconsciousness, jump-started again and a bizarre thought ran through his mind. What if all of this was a scheme to lure him and put an end to him?

Next: Chapter 7

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