Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Oct 30, 2009


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertaiment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

Jason was really happy, he had scored a potential jackpot! This little bag he had stole from Lafayette is going to get him through a month at least. Which means that for a month's time at least, he won't have to worry about anything else. No worries about getting V! No worries about Lafayette! No worries about the vampire! And then suddenly his mood changed drastically. He wasn't exactly depressed about it. But he was sad, about not having a purpose to meet that vampire again. He couldn't believe he was sad about not having a reason to meet that vampire again. Speaking of that vampire, Jason had not even bothered asking him for his name. The only detail Jason knew about him was that he was the Sheriff.

Suddenly he heard some knocking on the door. Whoever it was, seemed mighty impatient. Not wanting anybody to come in knowledge about his recently acquired addiction to V, Jason quickly hid the bag under his couch. "Coming! Hold your horses!", Jason bellowed. The person seemed to be hard on hearing, he kept on knocking. Jason was now getting angry about it.

Getting up and making himself abit presentable Jason opened the door. It was Sam Merolette, the owner of Merolette's bar. Jason smiled. Sam smiled back. "Hello, Sam! Never seen you in these parts of the town.", greeted Jason warmly.

"Hey, Jason! Yeah, just here on some business!" explained Sam. "I won't be coming in so don't bother! I just needed to ask you a few questions!", added Sam.

"Shoot, buddy!", replied Jason standing at the door way.

"You happen to have any idea about Lafayette's where abouts? He didn't show up for work today and he never misses work!", Sam asked looking concerned.

Jason got worried. He should not let Sam have any idea about what happened between him and Lafayette this morning. "No, man! I have no idea what so ever!", he lied.

"You sure? I found fresh tire marks of your truck leading from his place to yours, that's why I'm asking you!" Sam said, he was scanning Jason with a weird look now as if trying to pick up on a particular detail that he might be missing. "I'm not suspecting you of anything! But you seem to be the last person who was in touch with him!"

"That's cause I visited him in the morning! That's all!" Jason reported to Sam, praying that he would fall for his excuse and not ask anymore questions.

"Oh, that's cool!", Sam replied. After a moment of silence, he continued "If you don't mind, may I know the reason for the visit?"

Jason grew red now. He was looking like he had gotten an awful tan. "Awww geez, buddy! It was a spot of guy trouble, you know!" he said with one hand behind his head scratching his hair.

Sam's phone started ringing. Still confused on Jason's response, Sam answered the call. "Hey!", his expression changed from worry some to happiness. "He's at work! Just punched in! Awesome! I'll be there! Where am I? I'm at Jason's place! Yeah, sure! No problem! See you then!" and cut the call.

"It was Sookie! Lafayette just punched in! I have to get going now! Take care!", Sam told Jason. He shaked hands with Jason and turned around. Jason smiled back, but he was abit dumbfounded and amazed at Sam's sleuth skills.

Sam thought in his head, he looks cute when he's looking dumb. "Well okay! I'll be seeing you around then! And Sookie said hey!" he said shaking Jason's hand and turning around. Jason watched as Sam walked to his truck. Or rather watched his ass move from side to side as he walked to his truck. Sam gave Jason another smile, once he was safe inside. Taking one final look to last him the night, Sam drove away.

Jason quickly shut the door and rushed back into the room. He bent down to pull out the bag of V he had just hidden. Jason felt around but he felt nothing except for a warm wetness. Pulling his hand out, it was covered in blood. Jason freaked out! But then he remembered that he had hidden the bag of V in there so it must've burst. This is vampire's blood all over his hand. And then, he freaked out even more.

Jason got up on his feet and turned the couch over. Sure enough, the bag had gotten a small tear in it as Jason was trying to hide it. His living room floor now had a big red blotch of vampire's blood on it. And what was even worse was the fact that he had no more V to drink, except for what was coating his hand.

Since he couldn't think straight at the moment, Jason decided to help himself to some of the V on his hand to calm him down a little. Bringing the hand to his mouth, Jason started licking it clean. But at the first lick, Jason felt nauseated. This V was bad! Jason took another lick and he felt it getting stuck in throat.

Jason rushed to the washroom and rinsed the V off his hand. Then he took a big mop and cleaned up the living room as best as he could. Giving it a final pass at judgement, Jason made his way back to his living room, Jason was on his wit's end!

Jason began pacing in circles around the room. He had to get some V soon, and from a very particular vampire! The sheriff! Jason gulped! But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

Jason checked the time, nearly 7 hours till sun set. The vampires only come out once the sun has gone down. He's got about 7 hours to come up with a rock solid, fool proof plan to fetch him some V. This wasn't going to be easy! Especially given the vampire's weird ways of dealing.

Jason decided to sleep for a while, maybe it will clear his head up abit and allow him to think more refined once he wakes up. Jason lay down in the bed.

Lying there innocently, there was just one thing on his mind and a tent in his jeans. Jason couldn't help but to remember the wonderful encounter with the vampire. Jason felt the vampire's grip on his waist, as if he was still holding him. He felt the vampire's stroking, as if he was still feeling him. He felt the vampire release his thick torrent of juice, as if he had just cummed inside Jason. Jason was helpless and the foremost indication of it was the very new wet spot in his jeans. Life was taking turns nobody saw coming!

Next: Chapter 5

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