Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Sep 27, 2009


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighting to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at .

I got a comment from some people that they couldn't read Chapter 2, so I'm posting it again. Happy reading! :)

Jason didn't seem to understand if he had heard the man speak correctly. To him it sounded like he had mentioned the term 'fang banger'. The vampire kept on looking at Jason as if he had requested him something as normal as fetching a glass of water. "Do I need to run it by your thick head again or did you understand my demands?", he asked in a low growl.

"Oh, I heard them all right!" Jason responded putting on a touch act, "But I'm not sure if you meant what you said!" he added.

The vampire phased from where he was standing to right in front of Jason's face. This time bringing his face close to Jason's ear, he whispered, "Does I look to you as a person who likes to joke around?", then coming even closer he whispered "Be my fang banger!".

Jason doubled back, half from fear and half from disgust. "I am not going to anybody's fang banger! So you can take that back!" he responded.

"Fine! As you wish, I'm not going to stop you! And I'm also not going to give you any V!" he told Jason sternly, pocketing the vial.

"Ha! Keep your fucking V! I don't care! I'll bag it from someone else in the club!" Jason shot back a threat making way for the door.

"Good luck with that, Stackhouse! In fact I'd be delighted to watch your attempt at playing with death in it's own battlefield!", the vampire taunted. "A live death match, I can so live with that!" he said with a nasty smile.

Jason was scared, really scared! Seeing Jason scared made the sadistic vampire happy. He walked back a few paces and then spun around. With a small curved smile, he proceeded to explain to Jason, "You see the only thing that was protecting you from ending up blood dry in some desolate part of Shreveport was me! Without me protecting you, I'd doubt you'd last longer than five minutes out there!" he smiled looking at the table in front of him. "It's a vampire eat human world out there!" he added with a smirk.

Jason was terrified now. He felt helpless beyond belief. Never in his life had he felt so messed up in any situation. He had no choice but to give in to the vampire's demand. But a 'fang banger', the one thing which he was disgusted of most in his life, he had to be just that!

"You have sex with me, and I not only let you have V! But also guarantee you making out of here safely!" he told Jason. Clouded by the temptation of V, Jason quietly stepped up to the larger man in front of him. He looked at him right in the eyes, crossing his hands to the sides of his abdomen, he lifted his shirt. His well defined, young and tanned chest glistened with sweat that had appeared through the course of events. He tossed the shirt to one of the chairs in the room. Then he proceeded to take off his pants when the vampire stopped him in his tracks.

"Those are for me to get rid off!" he told Jason. Moving away from the table, he motioned to Jason with a hand to take position. "You are not allowed to speak! Is that clear?" he ordered. Jason nodded in approval and bent over the table. He heard the vampire unbutton his over coat. He heard the heavy coat hit the ground and crumple. Then what seemed to be the clinking of a belt being taken off was heard. Jason's eyes were now filled with tears. He was scared. But even more so ashamed of what he was about to do. How can he get addicted to something so severely that he was fine with giving up his masculinity for it. He closed his eyes for a second hoping to block it all out. But it was too hard and then heard the unzipping of a belt. Jason's heart was pounding like crazy now. His ears were pressed to the table; he could hear his heart beat getting louder and faster.

The vampire's hand reached around Jason's waist and undid his jeans in a swift coordinated motion. Then with his other hand, the vampire pulled the jeans down. Now Jason was just bent over the table in his white underwear. He heard the vampire laugh menacingly. With the underwear still on the vampire felt Jason's ass. The sensation got him highly impatient and not being able to resist himself any longer, the vampire took the last piece of garment off Jason's body. The cold air of the room stung Jason's ass crack like the burning tip of a cigarette.

"Nice piece of ass you got here, boy! This is definitely worth giving up some of my blood for!", he commented. He then pushed his thumb into the ass and just swirled it around for a moment. Though it wasn't much longer than a minute or two, to Jason the swirling motion seemed to last an hour. It was pain, mixed in a sweet bitter concoction and fed to him in a single sip.

Jason cursed the vampire under his breathe for torturing him like this. He wanted him to get done and get it over with, so that he could run as far away from this place as possible and never come here again. Then as if the vampire had read his thoughts, he had made a move. The vampire had now placed his big hands around Jason's thin waist and his cock head was now situated at the entrance of Jason's anus. Jason felt his heart stop and then the vampire pushed his cock in.

At the first poke, Jason felt his heart jump back to life and his mouth tear wide open as he screamed his lungs out. The vampire had a huge monster cock. Jason was regretting this judgment so badly now. No amount of V seemed to do justice to what torturing he was under going at the moment.

The vampire tightened his grip around Jason's waist and drove more of his cock inside. Jason was now weeping, but there was nothing that he could do. Slowly and gradually the vampire kept on pushing more of his cock inside. Finally he was into him all the way; the vampire could feel his balls striking against Jason's mildly hairy ass. He was enjoying this hot tight ass like a fresh virgin prey.

However the same could not be said for Jason. His eyes were screwed tightly, and he was breathing very rapidly. He was sweating even more so than he was sweating earlier. The vampire must have been blessed with a good whopping ten inches of meat at least. And he had buried it all inside Jason.

After resting it for a few moments, the vampire tightened his grip further and started humping Jason. He was now pushing and pulling Jason on his cock, not loosening his grip at all. After every few humps, the vampire would push it all inside and rest it there for a moment, before continuing on. The vampire was such a master at this art that Jason was no longer in pain. Instead he was enjoying the fucking from the vampire. The vampire's long dick kept touching his sensitive spot and was sending the 'feel-good' vibrations through out his body.

Seeing that Jason was no longer in pain, the vampire increased his speed and was phasing through the fuck. His dick was going in and out so rapidly off Jason that it seemed there was not a moment the dick had left his inside. To him it felt as if the vampire's dick just kept pushing in without pulling out.

By now the vampire had shifted completely to it's primal mode. He was fucking Jason with immense passion and strength, placing one hand on the waist to maintain a solid grip and the other on Jason's shoulder to push him to full length of his dick, the vampire was touching all spots. Jason couldn't hold it any longer and released a fresh torrent of his man juice all over the elegant furniture of the room.

As Jason cummed, the vampire felt Jason's ass tighten despite the vigorous fuck he was giving him. The vampire could hold it inside of him no longer and spilled his baby juice into Jason. If the fucking wasn't painful enough, it was nothing compared to the feeling of the vampire's cum hitting his inside. Jason was feeling as if someone was pouring white hot iron into him from a fire hose. He felt like his ass's inside had been set on fire. But there was nothing he could do about it. Under the sheer hotness of the cum, Jason fainted.

The vampire pulled his still hard dick out and smeared it all over Jason's cute ass. After he was done wiping his dick clean, he moved back and settled on to one of couches buck naked in the room, waiting for Jason to regain his senses. A few hours later Jason found himself coming to mind. As he regained composure, he realized he was naked. When he saw the vampire sitting on the couch, his fingers intertwined looking straight at Jason, he freaked out.

"What am I doing here? What happened?", he stammered.

"Wear your clothes, Stackhouse! It's time for you to go!", the vampire ordered. Jason opened his mouth to question again, but the vampire barked "Wear your clothes! Now!"

Feeling it as the right thing to do, Jason quickly scooped his clothes and proceeded to wear them right away. The vampire got up from his resting place and made his way to the french doors at the other side of the desk. Jason felt the rush of the cold air, as he opened them.

Jason was nearly dressed when the vampire reached him. He scooped Jason into his arms easily and took him outside. Once there, he looked around for company. Not seeing any, he jumped. Jason had looked down previously; they must've been a good four stories above the ground. But before he could even scream, he felt his feet touch the ground safely. The vampire let go of Jason. He inserted his hand into his pocket and took out the vial filled with his blood. He opened Jason's hand and placed it inside and closed it back. "Go! Now!", he ordered. And then as if he weighed nothing, Jason saw the vampire being lift himself into air and float to the place from where he jumped earlier.

Snapping back to his senses, Jason ran back to his car and jumped inside and locked himself in. As he recollected the happenings of the last few hour, he remembered that he had sex with the vampire. Quickly the first thought came to his mind was to check for fang marks. He checked himself out in his side view mirror and rear view mirrors. Finding no puncture marks and thanking his luck, Jason kicked the truck into life and reversed before heading back to the small town where he came from. Far far away from someone who's about to get involved with Jason in a very messy situation.

Next: Chapter 3

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